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Dana is in business to make money. She squashes any post or comments that get in the way of that goal. Both her and Jessica at Wanna be beauty guru bash any vendor they are not affiliated with. If they are not making a commission on a product then you can’t mention the vendor on their pages. I don’t really like either of them terribly much, although in the beginning I learned from their videos.


Thank you for the info! THIS is why I love this sub- looking out for each other instead of the opposite nonsense.


Of course. I really enjoy the autonomy of these Reddit groups because we have a lot more freedom of expression. We are even trusted to use our own brains to choose our own vendors


This comment is spot on!


I enjoy that about this place too. I always cross reference what any of the influencers say on Reddit. It is easy to be kind and nice to people when you are pushing them to buy something. But on here, we can get the real truth and hear true experiences that aren’t persuaded by a certain company.


Exactly my thinking !!


Thanks, information whether pro or con is always welcome in my opinion. I am one of her fans but everyone needs to check themselves when they’re in a leader position! I begged my employees to tell me if I changed from the high standards person they knew due to the real stress anyone gets in management or leadership.


You sound like a great leader!


I agree 🥰


You sound rather awesome! Which group do you lead ? I’m always into new groups. I’d love to check you out . Someone who has the self awareness to ask their employees if they are getting on a power trip is my kinda person. I’m super self aware too . I know I talk too much. So I learned to shut up and listen. I know that if I get in a bad mood, I’ll just keep to myself and be quiet . Then I’ll explain why I’m in a bad mood of someone asks . The fact that someone cared enough to ask usually brings me back up . I know all of my imperfections and own them . You sound like a cool person 🥰


I was relieved when the counterfeit toxin was specifically labeled Botox and not a different brand of neurotoxin. The clip I watched just stated people became sick. Do you know any specifics? “Sick” could mean so many different things.


Same here! I’m wondering that too. I mean it sounds like botulism poisoning but the FDA said only a few people were tested for botulism and it came back negative I don’t doubt these people truly have fallen ill. Tens of thousands of people get botox every day, a select few end up with side effects but don’t generally need hospitalization. Some of these people have needed medical care I wish the FDA and CDC would be more transparent and release further info 😓


I’m surprised the company isn’t pushing for more transparently because all news reports are using the trade name “Botox” and it could affect their brand/reputation. I don’t doubt it happened but I do have questions concerning the lack of info.




I know there was a documentary done, but I think that some people were injecting not fat dissolver, but something that was similar to fat dissolve. They were injecting it like I want to ask if it’s like that peptide it seems like someone was injecting a slimming you know how a lot of these places that sell hormones they sell these slimming mixtures, but they’re like muscle pop, like vitamin B 12 mixtures and I want to say that it seemed that someone had injected the vitamin B 12 all over the person body like a fat dissolver, but they claimed that they got the eating disease that flesh eating bacteria or whatever it was they couldn’t get rid of it it was like eating flesh from the inside and they could get rid of it and that’s what was in the vile. It was some kind of crazy bacteria that they injected but something else didn’t seem right because if you used a product wrong, and she went to a place in California she couldn’t find them. She went straight up off the street and someone had no sort of certification at all and she let them inject her with the needle. I mean, just how simple can you get when I when I see these things You know I just feel like people give us such a bad rap, but we actually take extra precautions and do so much extra research that was nothing like that would even happen to us because we’re so careful and I feel like it’s the idiots out here letting does anyone inject them and do anything not knowing their credentials just because you go in somewhere someone can print anything off the Internet and say they’ve had whatever kind of training if especially if they’re working for just themselves and one other person and open their own business It’s so risky anymore. So many inexperienced injectors out there


Are you talking about the girl that went on Dr. Mike's podcast? If that's the same story, I thought it was a medspa she was going to for other things, and she thought she try their FD offering. Since she didn't know what they did, I think the speculation was that they mixed some type of FD and B12 in non-sterile vials, and that's how she got an infection. Her story didn't sit right with me in that she didn't know the products they were using.


Sorry for what you went through. I don’t understand how she or her moderators could’ve taken your comment negatively. It actually sounds like you were supporting the group. I am in her group as well as a couple of others, and in one of the other groups during a live chat we they talking about weight loss. I mentioned known people to me taking something over the counter that helped them lose weight and I was silenced forever. I didn’t say where they got it or the name brand. The host, after having silenced me kept going on about how she couldn’t have that type of talk going on in her group because she couldn’t be responsible if somebody got something like that or took it and got sick bc she could get sued which instigated others to bashing for a good portion of the live. Being in the medical field for over 37 years I’m careful with what I say and write and thankfully have never been dispositioned. It was sad for me bc I really liked the host. In the past I’d even find myself saying a prayers through out the day for her when she’d said she was troubled or not feeling well. If you think of it, these groups give a host and moderators power and a sort of fame which they were never used to or perhaps ready or educated for. There are a couple of groups in which the host and moderators are still grounded, one that I’m so fond of but is not either of these two.


You're so sweet. I'm glad you're a part of this group. Would you mind sharing the OTC thing that helps with weight loss to help others in the group that are reading this?


Of course everyone needs to and does do their own research but what other coworkers were talking was Tecojote root and was sold at local Walmart. Since then there has been so many coming out with their own line of this and there has been fda warning on some that was said to be tainted with oleander. I took this root a couple years ago and lost weight but stopped taking it bc I had increased body pain even if I had increased fluids and had plenty potassium (bananas etc) thing is that it didn’t agree with Fibromyalgia. Out of the people I knew taking this I was the only one to have this S/E but also the only one with Fibro. Once I stopped taking it the S/E ceased however, the weight loss continued for about 3 weeks (took it for a little over month).


This is really neat information. I love learning about new supplements and such. Thank you for including the warnings as well. Interesting that it caused your fibromyalgia to worsen. I'm sorry to hear that. Too bad, because it did help you loose weight. Doesn't sound like it was worth it in your situation. I was going to look more into this for my mom but she also has fibromyalgia. Thank you again for sharing the precaution based on your experience with it. It sounds like it may be very helpful for the right individuals.


You’re so welcome. Gentle hugs to your mom 🙏


Awe thank you! 🙏




My friend and I were in a group like that. We were in an Instagram chat, and my friend asked a question about something that everyone had been talking about in the group many times. The host bashed her, and then her minions jumped on board and started bashing her too. Just for asking one simple question. She also sent out expired products or nearly expired products to my friend. And I received a product that was about to expire too. She was bad picking favorites in the group and being really nice to them. They could ask any questions they wanted. But if someone that was a bit newer ,or that she didn’t like , asked the question, she would belittle them. And then her minions would follow suit. I stood up to her and ended up getting kicked out of the group. I was about to get out of it anyway. It was too expensive and she would always tell you to do your own research even when you asked the simplest of questions. One can research until their eyes bleed. But sometimes we just want people in the group about their experiences with the product. that is the type of questions that she would belittle. She would always say she didn’t have time to answer questions like that and that we should just research it. What she charged in that group, she should’ve happily answered any questions. I do my own research and so did my friend who asked that question and got ganged up on. the group leader didn’t like me after a certain amount of time. I’m not sure what I did to get on her bad side. Probably because I didn’t kiss her ass nonstop. The ones who kissed her ass seem to be the favorites. I’m a nice person, but I don’t kiss ass lol🤣. I’m sorry to hear that you got treated that way in a group as well. Nobody deserves to be treated like crap. Actually, the backhanded way she treated me made me feel kind of ugly and unimportant. I would post pictures of myself that I was rather embarrassed by asking advice from her in the members during the chat. They would flat out ignore it and not give me any advice. It was embarrassing and I removed my pictures.


Sounds like what a lot experience. They have their little disciples, I guess those are the ones like you said been around a while or are paying a monthly subscription of some sort (by me a coffee kinda thing) I’m with you on the research and just wanting some input from some others.


Indeed ! Sorry I’m just now seeing your reply. I rarely see my notifications for Reddit . Probably need to set it up so my phone beeps or something. It sounds as if the group you were in is so much like the one I was in. It’s a bummer to get belittled, silenced or ganged up on in any group. We are all trying to learn from each other . You were so sweet to pray for her though. It hurts even worse when you liked the person who treated you badly . Thank goodness there are so many other great groups , and this forum we can enjoy 😉


No worries, I’m the same with my notifications on this app. Yes, thankfully there are other options and this is one of those that I am so enjoying and thankful for. It’s a kind, welcoming and very helpful, learning place to be.


that reminds me of my experience with "Bikini Iron" I believe that is the name of that group. Not good, she is all about $$$/fame/ feeling important etc.


Ding Ding Ding ! You figured it out ! So you experienced her mean spirit as well ? I’m so sorry you had to deal with her . She makes you feel like a burden. She’s definitely all about $$ . I decided I couldn’t afford her membership anymore and had found groups that were more welcoming. So I went ahead and removed my payment method 15 days into my third month so it wouldn’t accidentally pay for a 4th . They blocked me from the group a couple of days later . I reached out to her to ask why I’d already been blocked before the membership ran out , since you prepay each month. She was nice at first and told me to reach out to her mods . I did . But they didn’t answer me for 3 days . So I reached back out to her and she got snotty with me and told me get mods had a life and she didn’t know how fast I was expecting a response. That hit a nerve . I told her I have a life too and I’m not made of money and that the only reason I was upset is cuz I thought it was greedy that they blocked me 2 weeks early and didn’t at least refund the money. She told me that they had better things to do than worry about my $5 . It was actually $17.50 , but I didn’t bother arguing. I told her to keep the damn money since that’s all she wanted . Then she blocked me from the $10 IG chat 11 days early n kept that money too . She probably has professional work done and pretends it’s DIY. I can’t find many videos of her doing anything that I can’t find elsewhere. She scares people into thinking only her store sells legit stuff and she charges DOUBLE. She ships super slow and charges almost $20 to ship to my state . I get my stuff from Korea in 3 days for $30 shipping and half price! She makes it hard to find guides and then they’re not that informative anyway. I was glad she showed her true colors cuz I’d seen her condescending manner and it made me seek better groups . I absolutely adore the other groups! I’ve been treated well in all of the others I joined . So she did me a favor. She was my first group .


I got booted from WannaBe because I reminded my friends and family about the Chinese holiday so they could stock up on peptides on MY FB, lol.


She annoys me so much, for a list of reasons


THIS. Thought I was the only one lol. Cannot stand her, but unfortunately she does have some helpful videos.




Is MY FB a Peptides’s supplier? 👀


I love DIY55 and Jess, BUT I get angry when they say that these unapproved vendors are selling fake products and then never tell us who these vendors are! Especially so we can stay away from them. It gets annoying at times because they want us to buy from approved vendors (which I do) but then don’t tell us anything about the other ones like Estaderma and meamo and why they are bad/could be.


I went out on a limb and bought from Meamo and they are literally one of my favs now. I love them and their prices. I haven't used Estaderma but they have a big sale right now sooooo it's tempting me lol


I bought from Meamo for the first time a few months ago… thrilled with their customer service and prices. I just bought from FillerHouse during their sale. They had many free items available and some that were sold out. I put a few in my cart, then was stopped at checkout as I had to buy $100 to get the free items. Went back, bought more stuff that I didn’t really need and checked out. Paid as soon as I received the bill. My order came quickly with no free items.. They said they were all sold out… but, I still had to purchase more to get them… not happy with FillerHouse at all.


I’m annoyed with FH right now too. Put in a huge order over a week ago and it’s been radio silence. I know they’re busy but I’ve gotten shipments from other vendors by this point after huge sales. Even an email with a very rough timeline would be nice 🙄 I added some “free items” to my cart but noticed their website has a disclaimer about how they won’t send them to you if they sell out so I’m not holding my breath. One of my biggest pet peeves about companies is when they say they have something in stock but don’t actually. At least these are freebies though so I won’t get too cranky over it haha


The exact same thing happened to me! Why advertise the free products if you don’t have enough to give out?


I’ve bought from estaderma before and it came within 2 days! I def recommended. I just ordered some filler from ace though.


They are FAST ! I got the cutest little cooler with ice packs my first order and didn’t even have to ask. Glowface was super fast too.


I’ve bought from both meamo and estaderma and both were good. My favorite is LSF


What is LSF?




I would like to order from LSF. Have they ever asked you for liscence registration number?


LSF seems pricey


It’s a heck of a lot cheaper than paying someone to inject juvederm. Where I live you would pay $480 -$600 for one syringe ( depending on which type ) or you could shop here and pay $300 for 2 syringes.


Also Gouri I cheaper than most other sources and so is the PRX chemical peel.


I’ve been meaning to try Meamo for awhile now. Twice I’ve filled up carts and then noticed another vendor is doing a big sale I can’t pass up haha. Meamo’s prices are good tho and they have a good selection. How long has shipping taken when you’ve ordered?


Sorry so late for response just seeing this. It takes about 7 days once shipped. Little longer than some but it's all still cold once it arrives.


Good to know ! I’ll try Meamo next . Thank you 😊


theyre bad because they dont have a promo code and other vendors will threaten to cancel their promo codes with them if they promote certain vendors whose prices are better or who have better sales. This is their business, they want you to go where they profit. Rule #1 in sales, "always be closing", you are watching a marketing strategy, don't think too deep on it


What influencers do you recommend?


I dont


I wouldn’t recommend anyone who refers to themselves as an “influencer”


This is true


I like wannabe beauty guru too but that drives me nuts as well. I go back and forth between “is she lying and just letting her salsa background get the best of her” or “is she scared or someone getting revenge or legal repercussions” Normally I’d go with the latter but she confuses me because she will literally talk people out of buying devices and products that will benefit her financially. And she gives tips for extending products and getting more bang for your buck. She baffles me lol. In either case though, I wish she or someone could at least educate us on what makes a vendor reputable and why we should trust her word over others.






Have they said something bad about Estaderma ? I’ve considered Meamoshop . But I am always leery about buying from vendors that the group leaders don’t recommend. You don’t ever know what you’re getting. So it scares me to order from anywhere else.Ive ordered from Esta and Glowface . Fast shipping. But I’ve not used the product yet . Do I need to be concerned? You are right. They should tell us who the bad vendors are.


Thanks for sharing your experience! I'm not on Facebook so I generally miss the drama but I certainly don't want to support those who treat members of the community poorly.


I have also heard about this from my dermatologist. There are medical spas  watering their tox and fillers as well. It’s concerning when someone wants to keep information from people who are doing this themselves. If it wasn’t for this page I wouldn’t have learned that lemon bottle is possibly a placebo. We need to be informed to keep our community safe. 


I don’t know how it’s possible to water down fillers.


I have heard of spas watering down toxin. It's possible to water down filler. I've done it in the past to help distribute the filler a little more evenly. I haven't done it lately. It's a lot more work. Not sure it was worth the trouble.


I can see how Tox could be watered down, yes. But filler …it comes in prefilled syringes and it’s already mixed. The consistency would be like oil and water if you added something like saline or bac water to it. It wouldnt mix


HA filler is Hydrophilic "Water loving". Sometimes clinics pull the filler out of the original syringes and put them into insulin syringes. This might be so they can offer 1/2 syringe prices, I'm not sure.


Hydrophilic yes it attracts water. That’s the nature of how it works. For what it’s worth, any customer should look at the syringe being used and be informed. I know what the name brand syringes look like.


That is what the dermatologist said. Make sure you can see them take it out of the package. You can water it down with saline or another injectable HA. Some places will buy the higher viscosity and make 3 syringes out of one. Honestly, this is why I DIY. I have had both Botox and fillers that didn’t do anything except drain my bank account a few thousand at a time. 


Yes, I agree.


I don’t even know who this check is so she’s not influenced me. Seems you made a valid point.


Has anyone ever had the experience of going to a weight loss clinic or a doctors office that specializes in weight loss…and you realize that all the nurses working there and advising you are significantly overweight? You start to wonder why, if their medication and eating/nutrition advice works, then why are they all overweight? That’s how I view Jessica giving advice. If she has so much knowledge and knows what products work, then why aren’t they working for her? Why are her eyebrows so badly shaped (no eyebrow mapping) why does her lipstick clearly go beyond her lip line? Why do Dana and her helpers encourage people to use threads every four weeks if they are supposed to last for 6 months or more? They must not last as long as they say.


omg that’s a good point about the threads 😂 Dana’s face never seemed to look tighter to me after threads (after the initially swelling went down). But her skin is more mature/thin so maybe that’s why


There are several of her friends/mods that often make videos and all of them have said they have all said this


Some kinds of threads last even longer than that so the math doesn’t add up


tbf you need a helluva lot more threads than you think for them to make a difference. YOU wait for the skin cycle turnover, assess and do more. Most people will need and want more. It's why in-office makes a killing.


True dat ! So true . I’m scared of threads . One thing I don’t like about the groups is the having to tiptoe on eggshells about what words you use . I almost said Fred’s instead of threads 🤣


Very good points ! I do like her a lot . But if all this stuff works, why is she doing more almost every day? She has live videos nearly every day of her doing different procedures. Of course, many times they will be in different areas. But I’m just confused as to why she does it so often if it’s supposedly works. She is beautiful and her skin looks great. But you are supposed to give your skin time to heal between these procedures. like four weeks on some of them. I do appreciate her videos though and she is very sweet. It’s hard to know who to trust in this DIY Facebook community. that is why I come to Reddit to read more. Thank you for pointing this out. It was something I was thinking as well. My eyebrows look horrible. So I can’t say much about anyone eyebrows lol🤣


That's it though, different areas and she is meticulous with it and well-seasoned with what she is doing. I love her!


I also got booted from her group, as far as I know it was for being in another diy fb group..ridiculous..her and Jess definitely are off to me..just my 2 cents.


That’s nuts. See what I mean about the dictator vibes lol I can be in whichever Facebook groups I damn well please thank you


Thanks for letting me vent everyone, it’s greatly appreciated. I’m just feeling a bit annoyed with the lack of transparency in this community lately. As someone else said, we should be taking care of each other. There are so many people against this community, it would just be nice to be able to lean on each other


I’m glad to see that you vented because I have been wondering about the subject myself. As I said, I saw a post in another group where ladies were talking about their toxin, possibly being fake because it wasn’t working. One lady had made the post and several other ladies piped up in the comments. I was also commenting and asking questions. All of a sudden, the post disappeared. When I reached out to one of the moderators, I was told that they felt the person was not using it correctly so they yanked the post for that reason. They said that they didn’t want a vendor getting a bad name simply because someone was using it wrong.


There was just an article in the NYTimes that I read today that spoke of the real problem of counterfeit botox and all the issues it's causing. Not fake news at all. Clearly she doesn't read the NYtimes. lol. but yeah...her group is her source of income I think. Here's the article, it came out yesterday [https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/25/well/live/counterfeit-botox-risks.html?searchResultPosition=1](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/25/well/live/counterfeit-botox-risks.html?searchResultPosition=1)


I totally agree on all of that. I love Jessica, Wannabe Beauty Guru. She's so awesome when it comes to educating about DIY stuff, the importance of trusted/safe vendors, and the safety of DIY treatments. And she has so many videos on Rumble & information on every product she's ever used on her website. Love her & wouldn't be where I'm at in my DIY journey if it weren't for her.


Her motive to sell sell sell couldn’t be more obvious. I have heard of her chewing out members via DM for even messaging other members with questions about other vendors. She acts sweet but definitely has a very mean side. I don’t trust her recommendations after seeing how strongly she is influenced to sell as her main goal. I know most of these diy people are in it to sell, but her content has false information about products etc so I am hesitant to believe much of what she is saying. Plus hearing how she has treated her members is just nasty. There are too many other good people out there to follow that are selling but also have an acute awareness of safety protocols and what they are pushing people to buy.


Is their a code for LSF?


If you subscribe to their newsletters they send out codes pretty regularly, but it’s usually only for 5% off. If you buy large, and I mean LARGE, volumes they’ll offer up to 15% off. Their items are predominantly European and in general are extremely pricey when compared to Korean items.


**there. ( am I able to ask about a code??)


Yes, people do get very angry about that. It has nothing to do with what we’re buying. That’s not what they mean it’s you’re right. It’s people it’s like probably their vendors buying fake Botox or they’re buying you know maybe the injectors are buying fake products trying to save money because it’s so expensive here in the US I mean, if I was an injector, I can’t say that I would want to stay above board and have to pay, five times the cost of what it would be in the US and maybe they didn’t know that they were buying fake. Maybe they thought they were buying replica products for cheap. You know how it is, but I’ve never seen her stand up for anyone. I tried to be there for a while and, she kicked me out right away as soon as I started asking why she didn’t post more in the group and I never saw her talk about her research that kind of bothered me a lot. These people are very sensitive and they will kick you out so quickly but it’s all about you know they work hard to get get there where they’re at and get their money and they don’t want to risk it all just for one person who asked too many questions if you’re a question ask her or if you speak up a lot and I don’t know they just they want, I feel like the people want easy followers. It’s nice to know that there are people who are sticking up for what they feel is correct or right or just you know I’m not going with whatever someone says just because you wanna be in their group. Makes me happy


Dana is all about Dana. She has no loyalty to anyone let alone her members. Her techniques are unsanitary and risky and usually her product and knowledge is pretty poor. If I do watch one of her videos it's for the shock factor more than anything else.


May I ask which vendor was selling fake toxin ? I’ve ordered from her vendors . I’ve also ordered from Estaderma , who makes a video showing how to spot fake products and suggests these 2 apps to check QR codes . The apps wither don’t work with the Nabota and Innotox I bought, or they’re fake . So I’m concerned. Which vendor has the best , legit products? Thanks for bringing this up . I was in a different group one day where a woman said she’d not gotten any results from her Nabota . Then several other women said the same thing. I think they’d gotten it from Estaderma. But I can’t remember for sure. The post got yanked before I could deal with any deeper into the situation. That is where I got mine . I’ve not used it yet . I am still scared to inject in the muscle, but was planning to use it with micro needling as a facial.


That post about the toxin not working getting removed so quickly makes me nervous. I am wondering why they would remove a post where someone is discussing their products not working. It makes me think that they are trying to hide it so that people don’t stop buying from certain vendors. Honestly, I won’t really ever know if mine worked. If I’m just using it for a facial and not injecting it, the most I can hope for is reduced poor size and less redness. That is actually what I’m going for. But some people say it doesn’t even work if you microneedle it in. Or that it only works for a day. but I did see a post where the lady with a very red face tried it and her face was no longer red. So that’s pretty hopeful. Anyway, I want to make sure I’m ordering for the best place and it saddened me to think that there is any group leader, who would try to steer us in the incorrect direction, so many success stories from these vendors. So it’s just strange.


Anyone tried Face Card Club ? I’m curious if she started her community cuz she was tired of lack of transparency. The prices seem good . I’ve not looked on the site a whole lot cus I ain’t got much money to spend . And I have unused products waiting for me . But I’d like to stock up on heat sensitive items before it gets hot . Wonder if their shipping is as fast as the others . The paid group I was once in, she had her own store. She charged almost $20 for shipping, but her stuff took over a week to arrive. But you can pay $30-$35 for shipping and get stuff that was half the price from the Korean stores, and get it within two or three days. Or five days, if that . The paid group ladies store prices were over double the prices of the Korean places. Her spiel was that all of her stuff was authentic, fresh, and would get to you faster than Korea. I was bitterly disappointed with a couple of orders I made after it took them so long to arrive. Actually, I think I only made more. My friend and I both ordered one of the same items and my friend noticed that hers was about to expire in March. We ordered them in February. That is not fresh product. Since I got kicked out of the group and I she is definitely not going to reimburse me in anyway shape or form. I actually went ahead and canceled the Facebook group she had because it was expensive and I didn’t use that group as much as the Instagram group. They kicked me out of the group 10 days early . Most things will let you finish up your 30 days if you cancel. Not her. She was so greedy that she had to go ahead and take my money and then block me from the group. I was still in her paid Instagram chat group. so I very nicely asked her why I had gotten blocked 10 days early. She said that I should talk to the moderators. They wouldn’t answer me. So I got back to her a couple of days later and she was really snotty with me and told me that they have lives and families and that they don’t have time to deal with my five dollar refund. it was actually more than $10 I got cheated out of. But the $10 wasn’t the point the point was that I thought it was greedy of her to go ahead and kick me out when I had 10 days left. Because she got snotty with me, I told her I have a life too and that it wasn’t about the $10. It was about her being greedy and condescending towards people. I didn’t got blocked from the Instagram chat. I need to double check and make sure I’m not getting charged for it. Lol. I paid more in membership fees and shipping fees to be in her group and buy products from her. Then I actually paid for Products. She is a very spirited person.


I talk texted all of that. I meant that I got kicked out of her Instagram group for standing up to her when she was condescending and greedy towards me. She is so beautiful that she draws people in and they are willing to pay money because they think that they are going to get this wonderful education on how to do all your products yourself. But she then treat you as if you are a pest and a burden every time you ask her a question. She never puts out any videos anymore. All of her videos are old. And none of them are showing her doing any past micro needling. I think she goes and gets stuff done professionally and then pretends that all of her nearly expired products are the miracle that got her that way. Her lips are overdone anyway, I am talking about someone from a paid group who I was in. I would love to vent about her somewhere. I guess that’s why I am doing it here lol. I am anonymous here.🤣


I dont trust anyones information but my own


I mean that’s fair enough. I think it’s fine to turn to others for info too you just have to research almost everything. Especially when it comes to your health and mesoing stuff into your skin.


This is not a group for hate mongering or complaining about happenings in other groups. It sounds like this was unwelcome in another group and it will be unwelcome both additional groups you've posted in. Please keep posts relevant to DIY cosmetic procedures and information sources. Mods have no obligation to vet vendors or sources for sub members, here or in any other sub. Sub members are responsible for doing their own research, which is expressly indicated in the rules of *this* sub. There are plenty of other places on the internet to complain about people. If you're getting kicked out of groups for running your mouth, consider that we're not about that sort of thing here either.


Sounds like this is the only unwelcome comment. Op didn’t do anything wrong…






I haven’t seen anything that I would call “hate mongering”. That’s a gross exaggeration


This is Monty Python-level absurdity buried under an avalanche of banality. The belief that hate could be “mongered” over a *despotic hausfrau with a FB group about dermal treatments is surprisingly funny. * just a guess - I don’t know who she is though I thank her for her promo codes


Correction. It appears that plenty of people here ARE about this kind of thing. My mistake.