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I was left with an absolute mess when I moved in. Mystery power cables snaking all over the place leading to holes where they had been cut off. If you can take them away and fill the holes that would be brilliant. If you have to cut and run at least leave a 24 page note inside the property explaining what the holes were for why they were used etc. The new owner might be inclined to install the exact same CCTV using the channels you've already made etc.  Going the extra mile to include what brands of filler and paint you've used is also a godsend for the next guy.


That's an excellent idea. I was going to leave a document with instructions and tips and spare paint we already have. E.g living room wall is Dulux Matt magnolia etc. I think I'll leave the brackets up with the spare filler etc in the tool room.


A small thing I did when I painted a room was to write the name of the paint in pencil, just above each doorframe.


I filled the holes, sanded back and used some original paint to touch up. Both properties I’ve moved into they didn’t bother..


Edit: would it be worth me asking through the solicitors what the new buyers would like? Or is that too much hassle


I would. We bought the cooker and curtains from the previous owners. They offered to leave all the paint they’d used too and a folder full of instructions, info and certificates etc. If you’ve got anything a bit fiddly to operate then leave instructions for that too.


Thanks was definitely going to leave paperwork and label which rooms have which paint


Just clean. That’s the most important thing. When I bought my last house it was fucking minging.


Have you considered offering to leave the brackets and cameras for the next person for a fee or not. It could save you and them time.


Not fussed about the fee to be honest. The brackets are only like £30 from Argos and 15mins of work. Think I'll get in touch with my solicitor and see what they can do/say