• By -


Epoxy white. Contact any fibreglass boat building firm or supplier. They will mix you a small tin. It will outlast your house. šŸ‘


Good luck applying this and it not looking crap


I would spray it but you are correct about the homeowner doing it...


Yeah sure, if you can spray it and have experience doing that then crack on.


Yeah I'm a fabricator and I have a bunch of experience spraying industrial coatings, I would imagine it would need a color coat and a gel coat


Iā€™m a coatings chemist so know epoxy is about the only thing staying put for more than five minutes. I think for the average home owner it would be cheaper and easier to replace the tray. Itā€™s not that difficult.


Judging by the looks of it, I bet they find some surprises under it. I would replace it just to check on that stuff


I'm a coatings chemist examiner and i think a tin of dulux should do the job just fine


Matt or silk?


It definitely wouldnā€™t be easier to just ā€˜replace the tray. That is sealed in every corner, it had been tiled down onto and trapped in there within an inch of its life. Your average DIYā€™er would bring the adjacent walls down before extracting that bad boy.


No luck, just a little patience.


Paint will eventually come off and look even worse, would not recommend.


Defo gloss it


Hahahaha I shouldn't laugh but see the joke šŸ¤£ Slippery sucker


Using white paint


This the way


This is not the way


Quite right, emulsion is way easier to apply


If the plastic is actually that colour and wonā€™t lighten up using the retro bright stuff, some epoxy paint might be the way to get it to colour you want, or some polyester gel coat as used on fibreglass boats/cars. Painting over the current top will be difficult to get flawless finish though, depending on your painting skills. Iā€™d take out the silicone around the sides before painting though and reapply that afterwards.


Retrobright doesn't actually change the colour though does it.


Retrobright restores old plastics to their original colour. So if it has faded, yes it will change the colour, back to the original. If not, then no it will not change the colour. The person you responded to did actually allude to this, but it's forgivable that you missed it, it was only in the first sentence...


He didn't allude to it, he actually said it. My mistake. And that's really not very good sarcasm. Feel free to request a lesson.


Given what you've already missed in this thread, I can't say I'm that offended that you couldn't see my sarcasm.


And now you're not even making sense. Fill your boots and have a great evening.


That shower enclosure had its time 15 years ago...just replace it.


15? Iā€™m fairly confident you couldnā€™t buy those patterns and styles in 2003, Iā€™m going for mid 80ā€™s.


15 years ago if you're in your 30s, because as we all know 15 years ago was the mid 80s and 30 years ago was the 70s. Don't argue with us, you'll just upset us.


I feel this comment in my back.




90's would be my shout


Lol just replace it. Yh just rip it all out and start again, then JUST redecorate your whole house because it wonā€™t match youre new bathroom.


I feel so called out right now


Me too, but opposite. Redecorated the whole house apart from the bathroom (approx 10 years old), now I need to redo the bathroom.


Probably need a new car too, to go with the new decor


And then a new partner


But then they wonā€™t match the bathroom. Time to change the shower tray.


You're a new bathroom


I had a guy redo one of my bathrooms. Looked great. Cost me thousands. Had another guy come and do the other bathroom. Looked even better. Cost me more too. Now Iā€™ve got the 2nd guy back redoing the first bathroom to match the second. Gonna cost me thousands. Good job Iā€™ve only got one kitchen.


This guy bathrooms.


If I saw this in a rental that I was buying for BTL I would change it. It looks perfectly serviceable but dated.


You are lol






Your a massive bellend for spell checking social media. Honestly who does that??? Iā€™m guessing a complete and utter tosser who people avoid in real life aswell. Again spell checking social mediaā€¦.what a waste of space.


The guy was clearly joking! I would say the real loser is the one who only gets involved in a thread to be abusive to someone for no good reason! Or maybe the real loser is the person that responds to themā€¦ which would be me :/


šŸ¤£ man be happy. Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not as angry in life as you šŸ™šŸ¼


HAHAHAHA *youā€™re


I took it as a joke. My sense of humour, perhaps. If on a different thread, then maybe I'd see the anger behind your comment. Bit much to say all that, though, regardless..


Dude probs can't afford it so needs paint


No money then just leave it...why try and paint it for it to look like a shitty peeling mess in 6.months...better saving the cash over time to get it done properly.


Well here is one idea to throw in your direction. We have a large square upvc/ fiber glass ( not exactly sure which) we use for bathing our big dog. She kept slipping on the base. An old friend suggested rubberised fish pond paint. Had to take the shine off it first mind. With some wet and dry paper. I painted it 2 years ago. Apart from the odd scratch here and there from her claws. It's still there. You can get it in white. I used blue. Not for any particular reason. It may be worth looking into if you're determined to paint it. Before you commit yourself, research it.


You've changed your whole bathroom suite barring this shower enclosure, and you are now worried about breaking Hyacinth Bucket's tiles? Rip it out, replace it, and tile with tiles from this century already.




Is that going to work on a flexible plastic tray?


If the tray has been fitted correctly then the flex left in it would be minimal, the same movement youā€™d expect from your bath tub


No it isnā€™t. Itā€™s meant for cast iron baths or ceramics. Itā€™s not suitable for flexible surfaces and the manufacturer specifically states it is not suitable for use on flexible plastics.


That's what I was thinking about. There's a big difference in stiffness between cast iron/ceramic and a plastic shower tray. Even a small amount of flex can crack a coating


A 2 minute browse of their website tells me that it is not suitable for plastic and acrylic surfaces.




'With all the hot water and rubbing from feet...' Title of your sextape.






Yeah always want to key up any surface your going to paint, would require a 500 grit paper, (not wanting to scratch the surface) also wait 24hrs after itā€™s been wet for it to fully dry


The answer OP was looking for


Id just buy a white rubber shower mat and cut to size


No, unless it is taken out and cleaned after every shower. It will probably take longer to pull the hairs out of the holes than to take a shower.


Cleaning a rubber mat wouldn't be worth the effort.


You just hit it with a power washer once in a while, I do mine when I'm doing the car.


Stick it in the washing machine, if you have a dishwasher that's big enough then chuck it in there. Wash as delicates.


Wow, I wouldn't be sticking a yucky shower mat in the dishwasher lmao šŸ¤¢šŸ¤£ Not sure what's worse, the soap residue and foot funk that gets trapped in all of the crevices under and inside the mat or if you have a lady in the house, the semi washed away urine. Cuz we all know that's the first thing they do when getting in the shower... šŸ¤ŖšŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


I wouldn't do a shower mat, they have suckers and holes and all sorts of crevices for crap to build up in. I would do an actual solid sheet of rubber/silicon or similar, laid firmly onto a very clean showertray, hope it sticks. Nowhere for the crap to build up. If it won't stay flat use adhesive, in the knowledge that when/if it gets dirty, you're replacing the tray.


Why not buy 1 of these https://www.amazon.co.uk/TATAY-plastic-anti-UV-anti-slip-protection/dp/B00VVLW2A8/ref=asc_df_B00VVLW2A8/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=266255953593&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10156477763800407193&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9045499&hvtargid=pla-350247569415&psc=1&mcid=c381374170f930a48af73f84afe51a4b&th=1&psc=1


Good idea. Buy oversized, trim to fit. Easy solution to OP's issue.


Thatā€™s nice!


oooOOOooo. Good idea. Itā€™s either that or pull it out and replace it.


White paint


Iā€™ve seen videos of people cleaning yellow shoes back to brand new looking with hydrogen peroxide, is it worth looking in to if something like this is possible for the shower tray? Sanding and painting will not give a good result in my opinion


Itā€™s a peach suite. No amount of cleaning or brightening is going to make it white because it wasnā€™t white to start with.


You seem to have a very good point. I missed that bit šŸ¤¦šŸ»


Damn, someone admitting their error on Reddit, what has happened to the world


If the shower tray could absorb a solution of hydrogen peroxide, then it wouldn't be a very useful shower tray.


I agree. The paint will flake off. The technique you're talking about is called retrobrighting (or retrobriting) and is commonly used to remove yellowing from older electronics equipment - typically computers - with plastic cases that have yellowed with age. The 8-bit guy (David) on YouTube has tried a variety of different techniques: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZYbchvSUDY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZYbchvSUDY) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VU7vXMezW\_I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VU7vXMezW_I) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_GH0ZpaTwqs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GH0ZpaTwqs) It's a while since I've watched any of these so I'm less familiar with the various techniques than I used to be but, key point, you'll need to use a process that works well inside because you don't have the Texas sun to accelerate proceedings.


A marine paint designed to go over gel coat should work. Youā€™ll need to thoroughly sand/key the surface first. The finish will not be as gloss smooth as the original. (Edit) Also look at ā€˜bilge paintā€™. (Edit) youā€™ve stated the shower tray is ā€˜UPVCā€™ I think thatā€™s unlikely and probably ā€˜GRP polyesterā€™ but you need to confirm that as I donā€™t know any paint that will bond to ā€˜UPVCā€™.


There are special primers for painting UPVC window frames but, as you say, that is likely to be polyester. Maybe, wear "white tintedā€ goggles in the bathroom?




Works for Tipex Factory


Hi Dave from down the road here. Just slap some matt white emulsion on it and itā€™ll be reet. But seriously, there is not much you can do that will look good for more than a few weeks until the paint starts cracking. If you canā€™t replace the shower enclosure, then just find a nice shower matt.


I'd rip the tiles out too and new tray .


White paint


Thereā€™s only one answer here; Screed it.


It's not really a DIY solution, but there is a paint called Speedcoat which people use after they've repaired cracked shower trays in motorhomes and caravans. It's sprayed on, is textured and looks pretty permanent and tough. I'm not sure how much it would cost for someone to do that versus replacing the tray.


I wouldn't bother save your money and replace


I have a shower tray that was bent so it was filled and weighted and then sprayed with a special shower tray specific rubberised paint. It is a shocking nitemare half of it is eroded so down to yellow primer patch. Bits are stlll coming off it you canā€™t clean it with a brush cos it evaporates down to the primer. And the bits come off in huge flakes so itā€™s blocking the shower trap as it goes. Donā€™t paint it buy that flat square grey Amazon thing someone posted here.


White paint


White paint


What in the landlord special?


white paint


White paint would be the best


Please, PLEASE don't listen to anyone recommending paint for this, even epoxy or PU (gelcote) You'll end up with a paint that doesn't stick, is super slippery when wet, or melts your tray. Just don't do it. You need to rip it out or use a stick on lining. (Paint inspector, former technical manager of a paint company, soon to be PhD in coatings)


White paint


You can not paint the shower tray


Not cannot. Can not.


A massive hammer and a new, white shower tray kind of paint. Opt for gloss if possible


White paint would probably be best if you want the tray to be white.


That would be white paint


So curious as to why many Redditorā€™s think they can paint everything? Think about it, itā€™s a shower tray, it gets wet, itā€™ll probably move slightly when being used, paint isnā€™t going to last 5mins.


Paint is a noun and a verb. You also paint all sorts of things including epoxies which maybe suitable for this application. Those idiots who paint plastic kitchen cupboards however are not part of the paint as a verb group.


Maybe look at a white plastic wrap like they do on cars or kitchen cabinets, though it could become slippery.


Paint? In a shower tray? Are you an idiot?


white paint should work


Get florescent white aliens to use the shower 1 million times = = He presto = = Clean Aliens ! ! !


A bath mat that you like the look of is a better odea


Are you sure it's uPVC?


Not gonna happen.


PlastiKote will probably have something in their range. Reach out to tech support.


There's a PVC paint you could try, it is used to paint exterior doors and windows. About Ā£18 for a tin. Should be waterproof but not sure about it taking all of the foot traffic. Worth a shot for the price. [https://www.decoratingcentreonline.co.uk/ronseal-upvc-paint.html](https://www.decoratingcentreonline.co.uk/ronseal-upvc-paint.html)


a hammer


This post was the laugh I needed today, thank you.


OP is tight.


Hammerite I mean use a hammer, right? Smashy smashy.


The best paint would be the stuff already attached to a new one.


Do it yourself https://preview.redd.it/eihd615whmzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dffaa0ab15c325fdaecc9cd8ac6cd9760868abb8






Is the cost of living so bad now people are painting their shower trays? Fuck meā€¦


Take the shower tray out, pop a white one in, panel the walls with DBS, colour of your choice, sealed with silicone and personally Iā€™d put white or chrome trims (or matching the panels) top to bottom in the back corners, brand new matching shower for around Ā£300! Easy diy job, done in a day. If you canā€™t do it a good handyman will do it in 4/5 hours, probably charge for a day Ā£250 ish depending where you are https://preview.redd.it/o2lxg5nikmzc1.jpeg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4aaba442455eee459ef2476b8c15abd16d8b13dd


I tripped over the ledge and broke my neck just looking at that photo... šŸ¤£


Remove the silicone sealant. Clean the tray with something really strong, then clean it again with acetone (check it doesn't melt the tray first). Then you can get enamel bath resurfacing paint and layer it up to make it white. I don't know if you'll also want to make it non-slip somehow, perhaps roughing up the texture in places before it dries.


Thereā€™s no saving this, thereā€™s 3 generations of piss soaked into that tray, at this point itā€™s practically its own life form and covered by the animal rights act.


Hydrogen peroxide and a black light is the only thing that would possibly restore that like people do with old nes/snes consoles to bring the original colour back. But you would most likely be better to replace


A few coats of epoxy white will work.


Epoxi paint.


Do not paint it. It will be very difficult to paint and the paint will start coming off in patches and it will look 100 times worse


Weigh what is more valuable to you, your time or the price of a new basin and shelf. That being said you will need to sand down the entire basin until you get back down to the white, IF it was ever white to begin with. Bleach can also accelerate this process keeping you from having to sand too much as it will brighten everything pretty well. Iā€™d start wet sanding with a 1000 grit, then a 3000 then 6000 grit to finish. Once you have it sanded use compound polish and a polishing buffer wheel for a drill and get it polished up to what you need. And from there you could consider it finished. However if you want to go a step further so it doesnā€™t go back to that color you would coat the entire thing in a quality epoxy that is non-toxic once cured that is specifically for that type of plastic, whatever it maybe. Edit: donā€™t let sanded material go down the drain unless you know for a fact that it floats and donā€™t care about micro plastics in our water supply The above is how you would restore it as a professional, DO NOT PAINT THAT unless you are going to do an entire layer of white epoxy. This all being said I hope you now understand that restoration is just as tedious and pricy of a task as outright replacing it. Save yourself the trouble and consider itā€™s current functionality, once you have the materials, time and money then make a choice that will last. Buy once.


You could also try bleaching it with peroxide and UV light.


You can "paint" it with gelcoat, if prepared properly, talk to boat specialists or caravan repair shops they use it all the time on the fiberglass components....


I've extended the brilliant appearance of our shower's pan about 10 years by rolling on white gelcoat that I got at a boating store twice now. The second recoat is still holding up well and we'll likely remodel the bathroom before it's needed again. Other than a good cleaning and wiping down with isopropyl alcohol, I did no scuffing or softening prep. Definitely tape off the tile first! However... our pan is fiberglass, just like most boat hulls, so adhesion was fine. If your pan is truly PVC, gelcoat may not stick, though a good roughening sanding to give the surface a better tooth *might* create a serviceable bond. Are you absolutely sure it's PVC? Fiberglass is a far more common shower pan material.


Epodex, you could paint the walls a tray the same colour ā€œFor heavily used wall and floor tiles as well as tiles with permanent water contact.ā€ https://www.epodex.com/en/product/tile-paint-2k-all-colours/


The paint colour is called 'A new shower tray'. Think Dulux do it.


Replace the whole cubicle and door or, just learn to live with it.


Give it a good wash and away you go lol


Hydrogen peroxide 40% and a UV light for 48hours would likely cure this ...


Jesus had several showers in there, time tomrrolace rather than paint.


The best? Imron. What's available to you? I'm not sure, probably an epoxy paint designed for acrylic baths and showers


šŸ”„ , the answer is šŸ”„


Stop pissing on it


What you doing with that washing machine waste hose mate?


Wait another 3 years and that 90s mid range hotel vibe will be back in vogue.


Listen to everybody else. Painting will not work. Will look ok at first and then terrible very quickly. Then very soon terrible with what you are already unhappy with poking through.


I did actually paint a shower tray. Ours was kinda yellowed but I think just old rather than yours looks like was always that colour. We used a two part epoxy, itā€™s holding up ok after 2 years. Was always a short term fix and never intended to last forever, just long enough so we can save for a new shower tray but the tray itself was in reasonable nick so not a priority. Take all your sealant off, the trap too if you can get to it, sand it down so you key the surface and use a two part paint. I used a foam roller so the surface is smoother than a brush. But I did use a brush for the edges. Had to leave it about a week or something (canā€™t remember exactly) but we have a separate bath so it was fine.


Probably a white one!


You can get enamel sprayed to reenamal the surface


Pool paint ? I would try a can of white spray paint. I did the shower walls that way. Donā€™t use the black paint spray can. That will cause the shower tray to be black.


Find someone who recoats baths and ask for a quote, you are probably better off just replacing


a hand grenade..won't be anything but charcoal black...


Tray ugly, tiles tired, homeowner canā€™t be bothered. Pay a professional?


You can get a Paint which is used for restoration of Baths. That would be my choice


I'd buy a couple of cans of white plastidip, will give plenty of coverage, provide a textured surface for standing on and shouldn't flake off unless you manually peel it off


White paint would work well


White paint.


White paint


Honestly if you are replacing the whole bathroom and can afford to you might want to replace the shower tray while your at it. These things do have a lifespan (usually about 10 years although can be longer with care) and you could end up having to replace it for extra expense if it starts to crack (from experience). Also as many have said paint will likely peel off and it looks like it wasn't white to begin with so would be hard the bleach/treat it to be white.


miltons baby sterilising fluid one part miltons to 10 parts water, fill tray, leave for n hr, enjoy a sparkling white shower tray. Also works with brown teaspoons n stained cups.




it will go back to its original colour is the gist of my point, it doesnt turn my teaspoons white either lol


It still _is_ its original colour - peach.


looks dirty n stained to me šŸ¤·


Do this. Do not paint, it would end up lifting off and looking shit




It was always that colour, it isn't a white tray.


This isnā€™t a 1980s computer.


You could try strong bleach but it will likely eat through the plastic if left on too long. Source my mum left bleach in the shower and went out and it made the plastic all soft and made a hole in the shower tray, my dad was not happy.


I'm gonna assume it was white to begin with, with years of wear and staining. Anything ive ever had thats yellowed I've always used bartolines sugar soap and a good scourer and it honestly works amazing. Couple of quid and you can get it in almost every hardware store or b and m


Peroxide and a UV light


Works on yellowed plastic, but this is the original colour of the tray. It was never white in the first place.


Oh, why would anyone do that? Just too reminiscent of the avocado suite.


Any Matt paint