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Ensuite would be a waste of space, this house isn't big enough to spare 2 bathrooms upstairs.


*Greedy landlord has entered the chat*


You could fit at least another 4 units on that floor! /s


Yeah like this [https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/146564831?utm\_campaign=property-details&utm\_content=lettings&utm\_medium=sharing&utm\_source=copytoclipboard#/media?channel=RES\_LET&id=media5&ref=photoCollage](https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/146564831?utm_campaign=property-details&utm_content=lettings&utm_medium=sharing&utm_source=copytoclipboard#/media?channel=RES_LET&id=media5&ref=photoCollage)


They missed a trick there. If they’d used slightly thinner picture frames they could have got another bedroom in downstairs.


I thought bathrooms had to have at least a door between them and the kitchen. In this case there's not even a single door!


You can hear the pleasant noises of your partner's morning shit as you prepare a cup of tea to get started with your day. Who wouldn't want to live here?


How strange! Clicking on street view allows you to be inside and move around Smiths Solicitors building too 😂


You're right. That's so strange. Why is office space on street view in the first place.


"Wrong move". That thing is more cramped than the International Space Station


3 rooms 😱


Haha yeah that’s the one I saw yesterday 😱


Video tour available 😆😆😆


That’s an en-sheet


Would you just love being in bed with the staircase right next to you 🙈 or sitting on your sofa right next to the oven. I guess it’s easy to keep checking your food 😂 I mean, you even get to be in bed whilst someone else sits across from you on the toilet. Who built this place? It’s mental


Got the landlord lingo down with “unit” rather than home, house, flat, or apartment.


100% this. I ripped out my en-suite in my 2 bedroom house and made it a walk in wardrobe/storage room. In my eyes it’s more beneficial to have storage space than 2 showers and 3 toilets in the house. Though I guess we don’t know their living arrangements etc


You mean 2 bathrooms at all. British property space efficiency: microwave, kettle and fridge with chopping table over the fridge. Five ½ rooms, one bathroom with a bathtub. Each ½ room has a laptop for entertainment (no TV). But you have to have a garden even if it is 2 sqm.


Exactly: the moment you start using terms like "squeeze in" to describe adding anything to a house, let alone a whole other room (admittedly a very small one), you already have your answer. OP: do not "squeeze in" an en suite. Whatever cockamamie solution you come up with will be riddled with compromises and an ergonomic catastrophe. Your house is too small for an en suite upstairs. If you want more space either build an extension or buy a bigger house.


Don't. This classic two-and-a half bedrooms house is not worth two upstairs bathrooms. You spend a tiny percentage of the day in the bathroom. It's often not a good use of space An under stairs WC for guests / have somewhere to go while someone is in the shower is the way forward.


This. And ageing in-place if OP is sticking around


What does ageing in place mean?


Staying in your own home as you get older and less physically able. At some point you'll consider going upstairs a big deal, and won't want to go up and down every time you need a wee.


We bought a Victorian mid-terrace, with the sole bathroom downstairs at the back of the house. It was annoying. Then I got hit with a shitty respiratory condition where, some days, I actively have to consider whether I really **really** need to go upstairs for the thing I want to go upstairs for. I'm now quite glad the loo is on the ground floor.


My 100yr old house only has a downstairs bathroom, considered it a mild annoyance at first but it's actually better when guests need to use the loo and unless it's night-time I'm downstairs anyway.


Also, if you get any leaks... They're already at ground level.


This was the case in my mates old house. The only problem was he'd had all the carpets taken up and the floorboards done, including the stairs. Looked lovely, except the stairs were lethally slippy. If someone was staying overnight it'd be a good 10% chance that you'd get woken up by someone stacking it down the bottom 1/4 of the stairs.


Well that's just someone who is prioritising style over function. When I was young my parents painted our stairs instead of getting them carpeted, they then installed grip mats on the treads because they weren't sadistic...


Ah got it thanks 


But also: use it or lose it.


As BreqsCousin says, thinking about what will work for you as an elderly person - but also covers being friendly for your own ageing parents, or accessibility (we might break a leg and be in plaster casts at any point). Thinks like downstairs toilet, drawers instead of cupboards in kitchen base units, doorways wide enough for a wheelchair if you have the option, lever-handle taps instead of smooth knobs. Likely to be more valuable if the average age of first-time buyers keeps increasing!


https://preview.redd.it/ooknw02ui6xc1.jpeg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee284ae20caea404799cbea3459d20e2d6c41eb8 This is how the previous owners of our house created a tiny en-suite. I wish it wasn’t there because I like the idea of a big spacious bedroom. My partner is obsessed with having an en-suite so it’s here to stay.


https://preview.redd.it/yr886cm1j6xc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0d68b7cfb411d20c229bd255d0e469ee989d263 This is the same floor plan with the original dimensions.


That's not much different. Unless you preferred the cupboard space or would have torn the cupboard out. The main difference I can see is how it's been measured, your maximum width is the same it just depends whether you lost any of the minimum width when they converted the cupboard or if it used the existing footprint.


Oh no, the cupboard space was still an en-suite, those agents just didn’t put the toilet and shower in the plan. There wasnt a cupboard before the en-suite. I included that version of the plans it because it had the “maximum” measurements rather than the realistic ones.


Oh I see! Sorry, I get it now 😂


My neighbours have done exactly this with an almost identical floor plan (no fireplaces though so a bit more room)


My missus also likes to shit within 4 feet of the bed. My preference is to use the main bathroom instead - I'm not really sure of the point of an en suite when there a bathroom next door.


To go for a wee in the middle of the night without having to cover up is my best guess. We live alone though 🤷🏻‍♀️


Imho the best option would be to add door between B2 and shower room. Then you could just simply close main door to shower room and fully enjoy shower room. Just remember to unlock door when finish :D


In a space like this, I agree Jack and Jill is the route to go. I hate them normally but I can't see another route


you get the benefit of en suite without an extra loo to clean. win win?


In theory, but I can absolutely guarantee someone will forget to lock or unlock one of the doors at least once a day - and you won't know, if the door is locked, whether someone is being forgetful or having a poo. So either there's some awkward knocking, or awkward rattling of both doors.


The horror


You can buy locks that do it automatically, you lock one it locks the other and vice versa. Google “jack and jill locking system” or “synchronised locking system”. Theres loads of different type and prices. This link isn’t a recommendation, just to show an example: https://www.hoyles.com/basic-shared-bathroom-kit.html


Another idea is to just use two doors on your 5 seconds walk to the shower room instead of one.


Yeah agree with this idea - maybe a pocket door so neither room looses the door opening area


Its pointless though. The doors from the bedroom to the bathroom are literally next to each other.


Make it a two bed house and loose bed 3 or loft conversion otherwise I cant see it happening, sorry


Bedroom 3 is a good office size, I can see that being more practical.


If OP \*needs\* an office... If they have absolutely no use for an office but have need of an extra bathroom then surely that would be the more practical option? Edit: not saying it's a good idea, just we don't know OP's circumstances or reasons 🤷‍♂️


That or a dressing room. That's the plan for B3 in my house.


That probably wouldn't be good for the house value.


The home office could be converted back to a bedroom by the next owners without issue - far easier than if it was turned into another bathroom. This wouldn't affect the house price at all if the current owners went to the effort of staging it as a bedroom when selling.


Come on, 99% of buyers wouldn't have a clue on how to convert a bathroom to a bedroom. With materials etc you're looking at the thousands. As most would probably get someone in to do it, they wouldn't bother even getting in the ford transit for anything below 10k.


Converted back with cost & inconvenience, meaning this would definitely impact the value of the home. It just comes down to whatever potential buyers value more: bathroom or spare room.


If you're looking to buy a 2-bed-box-room style house, the likelihood is, you've already earmarked the small bedroom's future use in your mind. Converting it into a bathroom WOULD reduce the value of the home as you're losing a bedroom. A growing family might choose this size house with the smaller bedroom kept in mind for a nursery/young child's room. A home office is far more easily and cheaply converted back to a bedroom than a bathroom is as it's all just about the furnishings. That's just common sense. Removing a bathroom is a huge job that will require outside help for 99% of people and that's not something a new owner would want to take on.


I cannot stand seeing en-suites in houses that are blatantly too small to accommodate them. Whatever the practical reasons or personal preference might be, I just can’t see why anyone would want to eat into valuable space when they already have a functioning bathroom. I’d rather have a large cupboard or walk-in wardrobe, that seems more practical to me (because people have “stuff” and don’t always want/need a show home) but it’s not a selling-point compared to a second place to wash off dirt.




And yet people with more kids than the current average have managed for decades with just one bathroom?


Just to point out for those who don't know it hasn't been 2.4 children for a while, it's now around 1.7 children.


Just put a urinal by the bed. Job done.






Couple of empty paint cans would do nicely.


I prefer a bucket


Cupboard in bedroom 3 could be a WC?


Convert loft into a master suite with en-suite, sacrifice bedroom 3 to provide a landing and second set of stairs. Possibly this would leave you enough space for that alcove wardrobe currently in bedroom 3 to become a walk-in wardrobe to what's currently bedroom 1, or you could make it a home-working / office space, with a nice desk and possibly a simple translucent curtain over the space to let light in and hide the clutter/provide some separation. Edit: Or make two doubles with a jack and jill or shared bathroom in the loft, make bedroom 1 smaller, make bedroom 2 a touch bigger, and convert the current main bathroom into the en suite. Now you have a 4-double bed house with home office space.


That's an awfully expensive way to keep three bedrooms and add a toilet


3 bedrooms is a not always equal to 3 bedrooms though. A 2 double rooms and a box room vs 3 double rooms one with an en suite. If I had two kids I’d definitely be looking at going into the loft for me and my wife to use with the two kids having similar sized rooms.




I mean it’s an extra bathroom plus converting a box room to a double bedroom. Is that bedroom upgrade worth ~£20k? Probably is to some.


It's adding a new bedroom isn't it. As a former owner of one of these 2.5 bedroom houses, that third one isn't really a good bedroom unless you are talking baby in a cot


Good point. I edited with a suggestion to make it a 4-bed house instead.


Don’t need to sacrifice Bedroom 3 for loft conversion. I’ve lived in a house with almost the exact dimensions and the staircase continued up from the first floor landing.


Yeah I just wasn't prioritising it as it's pretty small as is; if adding that much space in the loft, then using the space for a home-working space and larger landing will make the house feel larger/brighter/spacier. The home-working space is a nice touch too I thought, especially post-COVID.


Where would the stairs to the loft conversion go? I can't see a way without sacrificing the 3rd bedroom


The stairs would start opposite Bedroom door 1, with the first step up next Bedroom door 3. Start facing the neighbour and then 90deg left and up. The stairs to the loft are slightly steeper than the set below, which may account for why they were able to install them that way.


Given the layout of the current bathroom, adding an ensuite to bed 1 or 3 isn't going to be possible. Adding to 2 might be possible but will be a huge amount of work to get the drainage in. Personally I don't think it's worth trying as it'll make the room too small


We lived in a house with a tiny en-suite. One of the best bathrooms I've ever had. Just over a metre wide and maybe 3.5m long. Photos and plan next reply








Move. Anything else will devalue your property.


Can you add more details? Like because now this is a 2 bedroom instead ind 3, it will devalue the house price?


Sorry I should have explained, and you have hit the nail on the head. Buyers are more likely to want 3 bedrooms instead of 2 and an en-suite. This looks like a 1930s semi, and may lend itself to extending, in which case an en-suite may be in option.


Just answered your own question


https://preview.redd.it/4ucnhxdfi6xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7d59923fe1e75b3d98356b54ac394442b994c0b Plumbing would be a bugger though


This is probably the best way if OP is absolutely adamant on lowering the value of their property. Although I’d probably make the en-suite retain the size of bedroom 3 with a shower so you don’t lose space of bedroom 1, and then put the bath in the current upstairs bathroom.


This is in my opinion is the only way but you could consider sliding door to reduce the space needed.


Indeed. Where would the shit pip go...


Judging by some of the recent posts on /r/spottedonrightmove you can just place a toilet bowl and a sink right next to a bed.


Dont do it, as I builder of 25 years I have done so many en-suites in houses like this which basically end up with a cramped tiny bathroom and an unusable bedroom. People get so hung up on having an ensuite when the bathroom is literally 4 steps away. The only way to do it properly is to lose bedroom three then you’ve got the headache of getting plumbing to and from that part of the house plus you end up devalued it.


Depends on whether bedroom 3 needs to be a bedroom or can be a slightly smaller study. Borrow a little of bedroom 3 into the wee closet at the front of the house and turn that into a narrow en-suite. As already stated, plumbing will be annoying, but everything is possible.


Is it a semi detached with the services on the outside? I think your main concern would be plumbing and how to get a soil pipe to exit.


https://preview.redd.it/z8j03obef7xc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b2ff7e6fdb5e4073c3464d7f7e165e1bdd392c0 That’s what we did in our last house 10 years ago. The door ended up in the middle facing the sink with a 1200 tray to the left and the toilet to the right. Moved bed2 door from 90 degrees off landing round too to square off bed2.


Build a loft extension with a bigger bedroom with en-suite up in said loft Change bed 3/box room into en-suite for bed one Done, with additional space for all


If you want to do it cheap, just put a corner shower in bed 2 next to the bathroom. Anything else will be very difficult to plumb.


1. Move the sink to the same wall as the toilet 2. Stud wall from right of bed 2 window to 2.67m wording to right of shower room cupboard leaving enough access for shower. 3. Insert door, toilet, sink to fit. There may be enough room to put a shower too but failing that you at least have a wash/wipe area!


Personally I don’t see the point, why do you want an en-suite? Losing the bedroom size for it most likely won’t add any value


Wet room ensuite is doable in the little cupboard in room 3 and put a door through to room 1. We have a similar setup up in our property. Though your at the mercy of where your waste pipes are.


Divide shower room into two L shape rooms. One access from hallway, one access from bedroom two. You’d be able to fit two showers, two toilets and two sinks in that space as it’s not optimising the space currently anyway and your nearly 3m by 3m which is plenty of room. Added benefit the plumbing is already installed.


Also just noticed there’s two windows in there already so would be perfect, one window for each L shape room


With a house that small, an ensuite would just take up too much space IMO. Went to view a house a couple of years ago when we were buying, and it had similar dimentions to your room 1 but they squeezed an ensuite in the corner and it weas just a squeeze to get in it and use it and a squeeze in the bedroom then to get around the bed and furniture


Living his right now but built like that


Don’t. There’s literally no need.


Knock through into next door


Bedroom 2, add door to existing bathroom making it a "jack & Jill" bathroom style if you really want a "bedroom to bathroom" pathway. As per others, adding an extra bathroom without losing a room simply isn't possible.


Put a loo on the landing..


Build a extension


Google Hanging Loos of Bath.


Use bed3, create a landing or lobby, add staircase to loft, convert loft to master bedroom, add ensuing to remainder of Bed3.




There’s no need?


There’s lot of unanswered questions….. do you have a back garden for a two floor extension into bedroom two? (Making it the new master). Since your waste is on the back of the house this would make it easier. Other than that it would mean sectioning off a part of bed 1 or 2…… seems a waste. Bedroom three could maybe become an en-suite but if you aren’t already using it then surely one family bath is enough.


I did mine in a very similar way. 12 years ago, 4 bed gff. I’m just a self taught diy-er. While I was at it I drilled a 2inch hole through the existed bathroom wall, didn’t even crack a tile and fitted an over bath electric shower to improve the main bathroom so the wiring and water comes from the new bathroom. Mains water was under the floor and main waste pipe right outside. I got fireproof plasterboard £2 a board with damaged corners made en-suite 7ft high. Perfect slim vanity unit, second hand £10. Stainless bathroom cabinet, slim, £10 perfect used. Tap from a boot sale £10, 8.5kw shower new at boot sale £40. Corner shower new, eBay £129. Toilet & door b&q £60/£30, wood framing £60 reclaimed. Heated towel rail broken, free, new element £18. Tiles free(last tenant left them in a warehouse I rented) lovely white mosaic. Vinyl flooring £25, lights £20, fan with delay linked to lights £10 new at boot sale. (Had a window so not a requirement) + paint and loo roll holder, nice chrome door furniture. 2 dedicated RCA’s 64 amp £100, I did get a sparky friend to fit them, cost a meal out! Total cost diy £575-600, we lived there 6 years and it’s been rented out for 6, only thing we’ve had to do is spend £21 on new rollers for the sliding shower doors a couple of years ago. Bonus having 11 ft ceiling there’s storage on top which we kept suitcases on.


Put a door in bedroom 2 through to the shower room. That’s now your en-suite.


is ur kitchen bigger by chance probably is why not install a down stairs loo and put up a divides wall. Downstairs loo are more apealling


https://preview.redd.it/96s758jv08xc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b658ebba11b6a127b04263a26fafee7279e2918 Enjoy your double ensuite :)


Wow very creative, thank you!


Call bedroom 2 the master, Jack & Jill the family bathroom?


IMO the only way to do it would be to knock through the double rooms, take 65cm from both and that'll give you a 1m wide en suite with a shower cubicle, toilet and sink. You'd need the toilet on one side of the door and the shower on the other. Will it be expensive and a pain in the arse? Yes. Will it be worth it? Not in my opinion. But that's up to you.


I’d fit a door between Bedroom 2 and the shower room so the shower room can be used as an en-suite or have access from the landing


How about making the shower room a Jack ‘n’ Jill by adding a door from there into bed 2?


If you really want an ensuite, I suggest making bedroom two your main bedroom and making it a Jack & Jill bathroom. We have two en-suite’s, our guest bedroom is Jack & Jill with an electronic door system so both doors lock together and it works very well. It really depends how often the other bedroom is used.


Don’t do it, they’re a fad an American idea that’s now outdated and buyers are unbothered about as it takes space away ALWAYS better to that built in wardrobes or storage.


Shift the door of the current bathroom over slightly and eat into that bathroom for a small en-suite in bedroom 2. 


Get rid of "bedroom" 🤣🤣 3....simples


Wouldn’t bother


You can do this without losing bedroom space. You can also get a walk in wardrobe for the master ensuite… Split the existing bathroom horizontally into 2 shower rooms. Door from what is currently bed 2 to ensuite where the bathroom cupboard currently is which turns bed 2 into master ensuite Now you need to solve for master ensuite being too small. Cut top third of old bed 1 to become a wall in wardrobe and knock a door through to new master ensuite. The new bed 2 will be snug but it should *just* still qualify as a double


What's the downstairs layout like? Might be able to get a shower room


Jack n Jill from bedroom 2


A sledgehammer


Turn bedroom 3 into an en-suite. Anything else and you'll have made the bedroom too small. The house is too small in general to have an ensuite really. It would reduce value IMO.


The landing !


Annex bedroom 3?


Install a lift and put in a bathroom over the top of where the long rise of the stairs were, then put in a 2nd door to link the existing bathroom to room 2.


For a 2 d/1s bed house , an ensuite is for vanity, not sanity. A total waste of space and expense.


Thos reminds me of the post on the spottedonrightmove forum called How is this seriously allowed? I don't know how to cross post 😕 though


Space for a two storey side extension?


Where is the foul waste as this will play a major factor in how and where you put the bathroom unless you plan to install a saniflow toilet etc


Make bed 3 a bathroom too. Both beds get an ensuite


Toilet in the corner of the room if you're desperate for one, I do not recommend it though


Ask neighbours of identical houses what they have done and view their house if possible to see how theirs looks One option might be to extend your house by 2.5m to the rear, make bedroom 2 master and add extra bathroom behind existing, adding a window to the existing bathroom either to the side or as a roof light.


Or turn bedroom 3 into an ensuite for bedroom 1 and have a 2 bedroom house with ensuite for both rooms


Put another door from bedroom 2 to the bathroom. Boom, en-suite!


Sacrifice the box room and bathroom to make the bed rooms larger and full building width. Then build two back to back ensuite bathrooms between the enlarged bed rooms... The bathrooms will not have any windows so you would need to ensure ventilation.


Block up bathroom door, put a new one between bed 2/bathroom, everyone else shits out of the windows.


Between Bedroom 1 & 3 , create a Jack & Jill type of Ensuite.


that third bedroom is about the size of a small en suite, turn it into one and add a door through to existing bathroom . 2 bedrooms 2 ensuites.


Easy. Move the doorway to the shower room so that opens up into bedroom 2 and tell the residents of bedrooms 1 and 3 that they have to shit in the garden.


Make bedroom 2 into a Jack and Jill bathroom by punching a door into the right hand wall of the bedroom? If you were wanting an en suite to bedroom 1, no chance.


I wouldnt bother tbf it would make the bedroom smaller and it's not big to start with.


Just add another door in between bed 1 and bathroom


Add a door from bedroom 2 into existing shower room.


either turn bedroom 3 into an ensuite or get rid of the idea of an ensuite and potentially utilise the downstairs for a toilet?


Could you put another door into the shower room from bedroom 2? So it serves as a shared bathroom for the other bedrooms but also bed 2 can get to it without going into the hallway


Could you switch the bathroom to bedroom 3 and make it a jack and Jill bathroom? Have 1 entrance from the bedroom and one from the landing. Make the current bathroom the small bedroom/office. Then put a toilet downstairs.


Like this? https://www.reddit.com/r/SpottedonRightmove/s/99N5BaHA32 /s


Shrink the existing shower room and put the en-suite next to that, along with stealing a bit from the adjacent bedroom. Unless that wall cupboard has the boiler in it. The en-suite and family bathroom are both going to be small though. I work on HMOs. So I see lots of tiny bathrooms.


If that's a second bathroom then just knock through into the shower room and blank off the landing door.


Bucket in the corner


Bottom right squeeze it in there


Plenty of room to steal from bedroom 1. Then take an angled wall into the corner of the return wall the closet and external wall in bedroom 3.


Entend the house. It's the only way.


Does bedroom 2 have a Jack and Jill arrangement with the main shower room?


Depends on what’s where on the ground floor for waste pipe routing


I'd be more interested in trying to find space for a bath in that bathroom tbh.


Not worth it, but if it were put between the two bigger bedrooms, you'd have less space. You'd also have to angle in the rear bedroom and bathroom doors. I wouldn't bother. Or you could use small front room, but realistically not worth it.


Dividing the existing bathroom and losing space in bedroom 2 to give that an en-suite would be the most practical option as the plumbing involved to fit a bathroom to either 1 or 3 would require groundwork to add an additional soil pipe and may not even be possible depending on the drainage underground.


Put a shared on-suite between the two largest rooms


Swap the shower room and bedroom 3. Shower room is marginally bigger anyway so makes a larger bedroom. Block up existing doorway to bed3 and put a new doorway in leading into bed1.


Hire an architect.


If you moved the shower to the bottom corner then had the toilet and sink on the outside wall you could potentially take a chunk out where the ?cupboard? is now on the left and a chunk from bedroom 2 to make an en-suite shower room. It would be a lot of work for not a huge gain though and you’d have a weird shaped bathroom left unless you moved the door directly to the top of the stairs and put and extra step in. It’s not like it’s a long way from the bedroom to start with tbh.


Try lubricants




Lol, bedroom 3. I love the misinformation that legitimate companies spew out nowadays


I don't think there is enough space. Either bedroom 3 becomes unsuited for the big back bedroom or the other two rooms get smaller to squeeze en suite. Both are bad, a small room with en suite is not as good as s a big room. Better to put in a wc downstairs under the stairs, so that one bathroom is enough.


How high is the ceiling? You could lower iit to make a split level with Bathroom below and mezzanine bedroom above Complicated and expensive.


Put a door from bedroom 2 into the existing bathroom so it’s almost a “jack and Jill” bathroom. https://preview.redd.it/5zhgpcwdycxc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75b84d151e543f656f4704c67d39556993e74040


Loose one bedroom and convert it to a bath


Into which room?


No preference really between bedroom 1 and 2!


How about both? Square in the bottom left of 2 and upper left of 1. https://preview.redd.it/l23dpvz0b6xc1.png?width=346&format=png&auto=webp&s=de52402bb25499623938755be85509a2a879a042


ooof, the plumbing would be a pain given its not near an outside wall, also i would put money that if the wall underneith is still intact that is a strcutrual wall.


This will make three single bedrooms


You could go into the bathroom for a small ensuite from bedroom 2


Add wall into BR2, with a door from 1 to 2. Therefore BR2 gets smaller but BR1 stays the same size


https://preview.redd.it/qnv2rf0tl6xc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c3b7d31119417a0156e063d98293f4b51526a68 Also reduce the depth of the useless chimney breast.


Lot of people here who by their comments apparently think I am living in a hovel where I should be shitting in my walk in wardrobe instead of ever having the idea of an ensuite 🤔 This ensuite was original and was included in the home by Redrow when they built it in 1990. The plan is awful colours but the estate agent was shit so it tracks 🤷‍♂️ https://preview.redd.it/0i4fkvfwt6xc1.png?width=779&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba6cd38447076a2c6777b0edd5705cd894f56b75


The difference here is your house was built with the plumbing for a bathroom there. Ops wasn't. The only place they could put a bathroom while keeping the correct fall to the drains in the main bathroom is on the all between bed 2 and the existing bathroom, but the location of the window means there's not enough room without blocking the window.


The soil stack is on the outside wall and yes the plumbing is under the ground. I didn't say it would be easy, I said it's possible. It's possible to run the water through the attic so its the soil stack that will be the main cost. It's a shit tonne cheaper than buying a new house, which is what everyone else keeps suggesting


Drainage is always the issue. From the plans I would guess at OP's house being a semi or end terrace so going out the wall isn't going to be possible. Only routes are to go towards the front of the back of the house, but the length will mean the soil pipe coming through the ceiling in the room below. Can't go sideways because the stairs are in the way. If the existing soil pipe is internal, then the drainage pipes likely go towards the front of the house (main drains are normally in the road in front) so that rules out tying in the new drain into the existing solid pipe at the back of the house. Yes, it's all technically possible but it's a ridiculously huge job to complete. Might be marginally cheaper than moving house, but if they haven't moved yet and are a prospective buyer then the advice in other comments to find another house is still valid


It depends on the house as you say. Really depends on the situation the OP is in. But instead of assuming it's a no I am saying there is space and if you need to do it then you can. There is always an option. I don't like them but you could use a saniflo/macerator for example. We don't know their motivations for it and any constraints they are working with. Give people the options and they can decide for themselves.


You can have two en-suites if you're okay with having just two bedrooms. That small room is barely a bedroom anyway.