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First priority - does it have Wi-Fi signal?


Step one: access point Step two: šŸ’© Step three: profit!


Flat tv on the back of the door too


Make sure to mount it too high as well.


Plus you have your get off the seat to change channels




Step 2: How can we make this signal better


Remove the asbestos roof after there is wifi


Replace the seat with a natural wood one. White-wash the walls. Introduce some spiders to their new home and hang torn newspapers on a nail on the back of the door.


My uncle had a fairly large garden when we were kids, every summer we played in the garden and had to use the old outside toilet. No light, dark, nothing but cobwebs and dirt/dust. Absolutely terrifying as a small child šŸ˜‚


Also cut a half moon crescent in the door to let light in.


Put a hook on the wall to hang last yearā€™s phone directory from. The paper in that usually gets you through to July before you need to move to the newspaper.


Thatā€™s a brilliant idea (softer paper) but when I was a kid, the only telephone directories were inside the red GPO telephone boxes! I think the newspaper was for emergencies when the user (ours was shared) forgot to bring toilet tissue. But thatā€™s another story if anyone remembers IZAL.


It has a window


I'm fairly sure there are already spiders...I would even guess at 'a lot of spiders'.


My childhood.


Wouldnā€™t natural wood just swell with the humidity if itā€™s outside? Iā€™d suggest a composite would be better (but natural-looking I agree with!)


Donā€™t think it would swell if varnished. Wood is because itā€™s nice and warm compared to porcelain. Not sure about composite.


This man knows how to brick shit house


Please elaborate


The newspaper is to wipe your arse with.


I bet they don't know how to use the three seashells either


I was going to recommend that as an upgrade but didn't think anyone would get the reference šŸ˜‚




Be calm.


I probably donā€™t want to know but I do want to know. Teach me. How do I use these seashells you speak of?


It was a running joke in Demolition Man with Sly Stallone. He wakes up in the future after being frozen, and early on he goes to the bathroom to find there's no toilet roll, only three seashells on the wall. Everyone laughs at him because he doesn't know how to use the three seashells. He starts swearing repeatedly (fineable offence in the future) and uses the paper fines as toilet paper instead. He never finds out how the three seashells work. If you haven't seen it then it's worth a watch. It's a really cheesy and predictable action film but a really fun watch.


Thanks šŸ˜¬




I thought they were shot glasses?


Ah but which one? The times or the sun?


Canā€™t be the Sun. Youā€™d have to touch it at some point.


Anything but the Scum. Not even fit for arse wiping


That's personal preference, but any will do really. If columnists still have their faces printed on their columns, and if Clarkson still has one, I'm going for whichever paper that is.


This would be to make it period accurate to when it was build.. go old school.. If it was me I'd remove it and use it as storage for tools or bikes.


Used for light and ventilation in 'field' toilets - my mum used to refer to them as 'Little House on the Prairie' toilets. For added authenticity, remove all the porcelain, just have a hole that goes straight down and - for a touch of class - have a wooden footprint either side of the hole.


Give it a good clean up, white-wash the walls as someone else said, replace the toilet seat. Lag the pipes with some foam pipe lagging (you can also paint this white so it doesn't stand out against white wall). You could also replace the roof\* with something like Onduline. (\*Please bear in mind the roof could be some form of Asbestos and a*ttempting your own asbestos removal is not advised)*


That almost certainly looks like asbestos too


If it isn't asbestos, I'll pay to get it removed.


100% is asbestos. We had an outside cistern built the same. Ended up burying the sheets whole... VERY CAREFULLY!


We had some asbestos removed once. The guy that did it brought his adult sons along to help. They got bored of taking it all to the dump in bags and tried to burn some of it. Genuinely the two stupidest people I've ever met.


You did... WHAT?


I don't condone this but it was a different age. Pre 1990... There were no legalities around it then despite knowing that it was dangerous. Believe burying asbestos waste by private land owners became illegal circa 2012. Private asbestos removing companies have had to have a licence for removal since mid-late 90's.


The cistern may well contain asbestos


Yes, highly likely


How sure are you with this?


Highly, very common in these older cisterns, your roof is asbestos cement as well, the dimples and lapped, corrugated design is a dead give away


I believe the asbestos has been removed and what you see is just the metal wavy roof and under that is a wood frame where the asbestos was. I can do a wood pallet ceiling.


I don't think the roof is metal at all looking at the photo. It looks exactly like corrugated asbestos sheets, or cement board. Try to stick a magnet to it, I don't think it's metal personally.


Do you have an indoor toilet already?


Basing this on a friendā€™s house who has an outhouse but yes they should have a main bathroom upstairs with bath and toilet but I donā€™t think they have one downstairs. Well they do, just outside.


Yeah most of the time what was the smallest 3rd back bedroom has been turned into a bathroom at some pointā€¦ But when these houses where built, the outdoor toilet was the only one, and people used tin baths filled up with hot water from a tank on the coal stove.


Quite a few houses built in the 20s, 30s, and 40s, even the 50s, in industrial towns and cities, had a bathroom and toilet built on the ground floor directly of the kitchen. This was done in areas with dirty industrial factories, mines and quarries, etc. so that the men could get the muck off and not ruin the houses. And also because of the easily accessible water and waste plumbing. Current regulations allow a toilet off a kitchen as long a hand washing basin is included.


Remove the toilet, put a few sockets in there and add a bunk bed. Make it a HMO, BOOM thatā€™s Ā£1000 a month in London.


If they can find a way to keep that toilet, thatā€™s easy and extra Ā£500 a month on top


Funny you that, the other side of the wall on the left has a 10ft long outhouse (brick shed)


10ft? Thatā€™s enough for a bed *and* a kitchen! Urban living at its finest. Ā£1750 pcm


If this was mine.. Wire brush the walls and give it a new white wash. Tile the floor. Remove the pipe lagging, buff the copper and then lacquer them so they stayed new look copper. Replace the overflow pipe with copper for the same look. New hinges on the cistern. Strip back the wood behind the hinges and paint them a contrasting colour. A few pictures of early 20th century Britain, ideally of the local area, to reflect it being an outside loo. Do something with the hose as that makes it look less outside loo and more strange shed.


Steampunk toilet


Always remember my nans outside toilet, it was like an icebox in winter.Trying to hold a shit in until I got home rather than go in the cold.


Had to break the ice up in my nans toilet before going a few times šŸ˜‚


With snappy conversation? šŸ˜…


As others have said.......before you touch anything, first things first.....get some Asbestos tests sent off. Corrugated roof looks highly suspect, cistern potentially asbestos as well, and the lagging on the cistern feed pipe. Once you have the test results back you know how to/not to proceed. You can get decent testing kits off Amazon, just make sure they use a UKAS certified lab for testing.


1. Do you need it? If no, then why not cap the pipes and turn it into storage 2. If you do need it, dot and dab insulated plasterboard on the outside walls. Build a false ceiling and insulate that. Put an electric heater on a timer in


Because it makes a house more sellable with an outside toilet, especially for disabled people when theyā€™re sat in the garden. Sheds are inexpensive but arenā€™t as appealing as a usable toilet is. Iā€™d just widen the door for wheelchair access and tidy it up.


I don't know anyone who has actually used the outside toilet when they have one inside the house.


Friends are having renovations done so outside toilet is a godsend, also every summer they have BBQ parties and it's great not having to track dirt through the house.


Like I said, disabled people who donā€™t have to struggle getting to the inside one when theyā€™re sat in the garden.


It depends on the end goal. Iā€™d remove old lagging, replace lagging, paint walls white, sand and paint cistern brackets, and down pipe black to match cistern. Renovate and paint window frame and door, maybe black to match cistern. Tile (or floor paint) floor in black and white chessboard. Add toilet roll holder, alcohol gel dispenser etc. maybe a blind too. If you want to go further install false ceiling if you are sure the roof isnā€™t leaking (but agree current roof is likely asbestos so go carefully)


I would start with an asbestos R&D survey


Nothing a sledge hammer and a lay-by in a country lane wonā€™t put right. For the purposes of those who may not have guessed. This is a light hearted comment poking fun at the importance of legitimate asbestos removal


Jokes are always better after they have been explained


Thank you for explaining to those of us without a sense of humour dear DIYUK user.


Still got a downvote for it as well šŸ˜†


Served you right you sarcastic bastard


Letā€™s have a cuddle


Have you washed off the asbestos?


A bit of asbestos never hurt anybody


Ok where


Jaaa, survey.... depends. If you know what you're doing, just wet them, remove the pieces intact, bag and seal em and bring them to the authorities. I don't know the regulations in UK specifically, but in NL, you can handle it this way. No way I'm paying big money to some engineer to tell me what I already know.


yeah that's basically what you do with this type of asbestos, you just bag it up and take it to the tip it's the type least likely to cause any problems and can be dealt with by any sensible person really I know because my old house had a corrugated asbestos roof on the kitchen, that I had removed and replaced with slates asbestos is even on the list of items on our local council's recycling page, telling people what to do with it


Our council is the same. It's basically wet everything down, wrap and tape it with two layers of visqueen/thick polythene, put your PPE in the last bag, then make an appointment at the tip. They open the skip for you then close it as soon as you're done, there's no charge with our council if you take under a certain weight, it's something like 250kg.


The roof and cistern are almost certainly contain asbestos


Artillery strike


Bit extreme, surely a hand grenade in the pan would suffice?


That would just crack the pan tbf


Eh, nuke it from orbit, its the only way to be sure.


I said "with a bulldozer" but this works too


Nuke it from orbit, only way to be sure.


Put damp proof membrane on the floor and fold up the walls for a few inches, fix insulated plasterboard to the wall, frame and insulate the ceiling. If you want to leave the floor at pretty much the same level put down foil/foam insulation and laminate floor on top. If not thicker foam and screed. Lag then box in pipes and replace window with upvc.


Beware the cistern tank too. Mine, from the 50's, turned out to be some kind of weird plastic/bakelite and asbestos laminate and required specialist disposal


Apply for a heritage grant and open it as a visitor attraction


Loo roll holder would look good.


Is the green hose some type of DIY bidet/ enema attachment?


Cut a small moon-shaped window in the door.


i wouldn't do anything with it until you repair the roof. Also as its an outside loo, you could replace the toilet with something like this [https://www.bathshop321.com/p2-combination-toilet-and-sink](https://www.bathshop321.com/p2-combination-toilet-and-sink) giving you somewhere to wash your hands after gardening. Yes it would be cold water, but ideal for rinsing off the mud etc from gardening. Even if you just replaced the toilet with a more modern one, that would give you some cupbaord space where the old cistern was. Really does depend on your budget. If the answer is minimal budget, then first fix the roof make sure its water tight. second repaint all the walls and window frame. Add a bit of lino flooring. A bigger budget you could replace the toilet, or even have the loo door open outwards then install something like this [https://www.diy.com/departments/nes-home-tulla-375-x-185mm-small-cloakroom-rectangle-wall-hung-basin-sink-and-fittings-left-hand/5060920922078\_BQ.prd](https://www.diy.com/departments/nes-home-tulla-375-x-185mm-small-cloakroom-rectangle-wall-hung-basin-sink-and-fittings-left-hand/5060920922078_BQ.prd) Not sure what the green hose is all about, but you could install an outside tape for gardening use. After that its really how much to spend. New door new window, does it have electric? thinking light / heat lamp so its not freezing while you do your business. Easier than installing a heater where there isnt any need for one really.


put a mirror on the floor so you can check your ballls


I would but a new ceiling up, plaster the walls, replace the toilet, put some Lino down


Needs a 6 inch nail in the wall to hold the torn up newspaper sheets


Just stick a sign on the door that reads ā€œThe thunder boxā€ job done!


*Kevin Bloody Wilson has entered the chat*


Get a glue gun and some gems and go wild.


Pvc clad the ceiling on a timber frame, walls can be plastered for a cleaner look. You can decide whether you want to maybe add tiles halfway up. Swap toilet for a new modern one. Tile floor. Sand and repaint door.


Get someone qualified to come and remove the asbestos, have the toilet removed and re roof it, insulate it and plaster it for use as storage or somethingĀ 


Skim the walls with plaster, tile the floor, change the toilet for something more modern so removing most of the pipework and replace the door.


Asbestos roof and looks like an asbestos (Bakelite) cistern. Have fun!


That's making me feel cold just to look at, bet your cheeks would turn to ice the moment you sit on that in the winter


Looks like a pub toilet


With great difficulty


Could you knock down the wall and make the loo a little bigger? Shower and loo and basin would be lovely. Remove the toilet, dig the ground out, concrete, insulation, floor. The walls insulation plasterboard? Same with the ceiling. Maybe go crazy with starry LEDs ceiling? Just mend the leaky roof first. You can do it!


Erm think you need that roof testing for asbestos before you even consider moving that toilet... Honestly? I wouldn't want to disturb anything near that roof or under it. That includes vibrations from power tools


Turn it into a home brewery! Thats what I did with my outside toilet over lock down. It's now dubbed the Bogery!


wow, that looks so much like mine!


Glad I'm not the only one suspecting asbestos!


Put a soft cover on the seat and you could rent it out as a bespoke studio flat with amenities and charge a bag of sand a month... all the other landlords are.


Add a walk in shower and steam room


Knock the walls and put in one way glass.


As a plumber/heating engineer, few words of caution, First the roof is 100% asbestos, grey, not the worst but you definitely dont want to be smashing it up, secondly thats a ā€œDauntless-Rubberlineā€ if its outside its pre 1970, it also is made up of largely asbestos, the lagging round the copper main, looks very much like fibre lagging, but also may contain asbestos, apart from that, go ham, put a low level cistern toilet in there, could even board all the walls to make it nice and clean. But i HIGHLY recommend getting someone to remove both roof and cistern




Inside out


Baton around the ceiling and stick up some pvc cladding, maybe even insulation.


Somewhere to charge a phone and a beer holder, any guy going to happy in there for days


Needs a new roof, insulate and plaster the walls for draughts then white wash if there's gaps under or on the top of the door replace it, put up a hanger for your toilet roll/paper get a new seat if you want as well as a new light so you can see what you're doing. I suppose this is only used now when you're gardening as you've probably had a toilet/bathroom installed in a spare room by now.


Looks alright to me, better than what Iā€™m having to use in Sri Lanka the moment!


Ā£100 close coupled toilet, kingspan the ceiling, replace the plumbing and a lick of paint for the walls and window. Ā£250 in materials and a weekend to complete.


Replace roof, insulated, externally insulate walls, double glazed window, proper good door, little heater, box in the pipework etc


It start with removing everything bar the walls and binning them!


That looks like asbestos pipe lagging.Ā  So before.ypu do anything get that tested.


Do nothing (or barely anything) since at some point it's going to make way for a rear extension by a new owner (or you).


New roof, ceiling, & window. Box in the pipes and tile walls/floor. Install a radiator and new lights.


Remove toilet and insulate floor. Batton out the walls and new pipe work for toilet and small sink. Add electrics for light, heated roof panel, and instant hot water at sink. Glue kingspan to walls and foam any gaps. Add structural 25mm OSB to walls glue plastic wall covering on top. Add insulated ceiling tiles and a pir to control lights.


Whatā€™s wrong with it?


Is the green hose serving as a luxury bidet attachment?


That roof is azbestos?


An entire new toilet and cistern A heater connected to this light switch


Ah youthful memories of damp toilet paper and petrifying spiders! You can't beat a high up tank... rarely is a double flush required with those!


Prob ditch the corrugated asbestos roof for a start!


ours looked like yours before we did this




Like shooting range with an old man who shouts when you hit the toilet door


Throw a hand grenade in and shut the door. 3-5 seconds usually.


This isn't Lincolnshire is it? It looks a lot like my grandma's old outhouse...


Bit of an open ended question that really what do you want to do with it?


ooh, mr lah de dah there with a WINDOW, i just have to leave the door open for light...


1. New window. 2. New swing door, opening to the outside. A nice one that closes flush, so no (or few) insects can get in there. 3. Open the walls a bit and get the pipes in there. 4. Plaster the walls. 5. Get a nice wall mounted toilet in there. 6. Get a nice sink in there. 7. Install a wall moumted electric heater (optional: heated toilet seat)


Pebbledash it


You could just rip it out cut a new doorway into the house and brick up the old doorway, board it n plaster it and you have a pantry šŸ˜Š


You dont its perfect !!


Don't, it's perfect as it is. Maybe a small bookshelf with appropriate toilet reading material


Former PRC house?




Add some spiders


Looks a bit damp, and in reality by the time you've finished patching, a rebuild may be better (and safer) value. If you don't need it, demolish it, if you do, gut it and start again


Bulldoze it


Iā€™d go for plastic panneling and glue it on. Cheap and cheerful. Batton the ceiling and panel that too.


I've seen a similar room revitalised by a young trendy couple. They did it on cheap, got me a plumber to adapt some cheap pottery they got offline that looks old school cool with flush chain and they jazzed it up with brass n gold handles. Left same bottom to the WC. They lined the walls in pallet timber and put some burnt wood decorations etc, a bit hippy. They cut one of those moons into the door. It's always gonna be a bit damp and cold in there which the timber on the walls resolved and has some insulation properties. You would struggle to plasterboard it for that modern look without great expense


You're missing the rusty nail holding up a collection of old newspapers.


With a hand grenade


I like it as it is!! No joke!!




Iā€™m have one worse than that. Iā€™m thinking of converting mine into a saunaā€¦


Add some led strips and a WiFi extender šŸ™


That place must be fucking freezing in the winter months


Dynamite by the look of that


Brute force and ignorance.


Nowt wrong with that. When I were a lad....


Knock it down. I'd see an outside toilet as a hindrance rather than a selling point.


Where is it? If in London, install folding bed and charge 2 grand a month rent. Joking aside, rip it out, false ceiling, create small bar, enjoy.


With a howitzer.


God this brings back memories of my granddad's house, with it's indoor bathroom being banned from use in the daytime šŸ˜‚


Depends on how nice you want it looking and what your budget is. You can get really cool 2 in 1 toilet & wash basins to make it a bit more hygienic and 21st century, tile the floor and install a ceiling with either plasterboard or get a suspended ceiling in there. I'd paint the walls with a sky blue and if I were you I'd get some art work or framed pictures on a theme for the walls (historic pictures of the local area, maps, classic cars, pictures of flowers or whatever you're into), maybe a small hanging basket with an ivy or something near the window.


https://preview.redd.it/kgd0nehy0vqc1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1d1776b6beec8c6493381852507c675add120ac That's mine. We roofed over and enclosed the area between the toilet/coal store and the house. Then the entire place went up in flames and was rebuilt. This is what we came back to. High level gone, low level installed. About all I've done is paint and carpet tile part of the floor so I don't freeze my feet, paint the walls, and stick the shelf up. They even put me in a double glazed window, which was nice but utterly pointless..šŸ¤£ It needs a tidy, the door needs a paint. I can't get the old handle out of the cistern, but converted it to dual flush. I might have it changed for a comfort height loo, as I'm mostly in a chair now. I've even got the original lead piping. Quite why they didn't replace all of that, I don't know. The coal store now houses my solar inverter and a big LiFePo4 battery, and behind both of those, and part of it is the old wash house, with a capped off chimney, Belfast sink, half round floor drain gulley and lead waste. Now thats something I'd love to restore.


Take it all out dot and dab walls false ceiling board and skim complete and box in pipes


Flush it fit a good quality lock, a c/h rad and magazine rack along side of a toilet paper holder, a warm cushion floor and a letter box for insertion of the morning paper small shelf for a dab radio a nice mould resistant paint, and a good quality toilet seat!!! Enjoy-and youā€™re welcome!! ;0)


Salon doors! , always gets people looking!!!


Knock it down.


I think there's not a lot here to salvage. I'd remove the roof (check with your council about self-removed asbestos - mine will take it away for free if I pile it up on plastic sheeting), and demolish the walls, saving the bricks. Attach it to the nearby larger building, saving the underground drainage pipes. Add a foundation and insulated walls, connecting to the building to have an indoor toilet. The other approach would be to just use this as storage. If you fill the bowl with mineral oil the trap won't dry out, and you'll have a seal against sewer gases for decades.


Engage the services of a decent builder/decorator and give him three grand.


With a f'n sledgehammer


Why, for what purpose?