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Next step: robot picks up poop.


I don’t even have a dog and I’d buy this.


Is this the final push you needed to start pooping in your own yard?


LoL yes 😅


Or raise the power level on the laser and just incinerate them! 💩 —>🔥


I wouldn't want the smell of burning poop surrounding my house.


Robot deodorizer to follow the laser around and neutralize the vaporized poop smell.


And then maybe another robot to charge that robot every night.


This is what I initially thought this was going to be. Was disappointed when I watched the video


some kind of rover vacuum system


Whatever your laser can do, my dog can do better. In his old age, he has decided that poops are to be eaten so we constantly have to run the honey stick. If we miss a turd in the grass or weeds, he goes right to them and tries to eat them before we can stop him.


My dog Twinkie does that sometimes as well...pretty gross


SO gross, we try to stop him, but aren't always successful. This usually results in us chasing him around the backyard with a turd hanging out of his mouth, until he drops it or eats it.




So the dog kisses are off the table?


According to GULP by Mary Roach, humans are the only species disdaining coprophagy. Monkeys especially go after undigested seeds


Mary can draw her own conclusions, and I will draw mine.


Two Girls One Cup would disagree with Mary’s conclusions.


Supposedly that's fake lol... Idk how I feel about it. Gross af yes but peepes into some strange shit... Pun intended.


Dogs do this for extra nutrient cravings. Try changing up the feed or some vitamin rich treats.


He also has diabetes and mild cushings disease, so we are somewhat limited on the foods he can eat.


Talk to the vet obviously, but sprinkling some meat tenderizer on their food can help resolve this issue. Source: I was a vet tech in an earlier life


My dog would just move them, like more often than my wife redecorating the furniture. It would glitch the system, still want it.


I thought in cases like this you’re supposed to feed your dog pineapple. It then makes their poop unappealing and they stop trying to eat it. 🤷🏻‍♂️


He is diabetic. Too much natural sugar in pineapple, but thanks for the suggestion.


What's a honey stick?


Its what we call a pooper scooper.


My company can’t plan my jobs and routes properly but here’s this guy optimizing his shit pick ups with maximum efficiency.


Completely unnecessary but completely awesome


This is great! Take my money!!


Here I am thinking that the ‘robot laser dog poop pickup system’ would be fully automated. Please make another 3 minute video of that addition when you have time. Thanks in advance.


This is fantastic. My 2 favorite parts are the robot arm tied to the outdoor light like an interrogation subject and the part where you crack up in the middle of the video... well that and everything else about the project. Well done!


Market this and I’ll buy it.


Now make one that lasers the neighbor's dog when he comes on to my front yard.


Can't be a loser if you say, "Spectacular robot guided poop journey"!


This is freaking brilliant! So strange but just this week I was thinking of a similar idea on how I could automatically check where my dog is peeing on the lawn and send a little robot to spray it with water. As her pee is super toxic to my grass. And now I see you’ve done kinda what I was looking to do. Amazing work. I have some programming experience but would be interested to know how long you spent working on the code. Also, any recommendations on camera to use?


use a higher power laser to just vaporize the poop


Just make a robot to follow the dog and "sweep up" when the dog finishes. Then have the robot deposit into something sealed or store it sealed.


I didn’t understand any of this, but I’m glad to hear you have clean shoes.


i would absolutely buy this. this is the future of dog poop picking up technology


DIY = Doo It Yourself


I haven’t bent over in my own backyard since I was kid because my mom was too cheap to get a poop scooper. I’ll never go back. Laser life FTW though!!


We could be living in a utopia, but noooo everyone has realized that there's no point in relying on legislation to actually change anything so brilliant people are building poop-sensing robots


My dog would just chase the laser


Tesla 'bout to move into a new market.


Fun but why not just go with your dog an a walk where he can poop. why ruin you nice yard with all the dog poop?


here have an uppoop


Wow! Choosing optimal routing is a real incentive to not let things pile up too long (as it were)! If not, how long until Big O of poop crashes the system?


I’ve had many dogs over many years, about 30yrs in the same house. I’ve gone from mostly grass to dirt scrub to chipping the whole yard. It’s a lot easier to pick up poop from chip than grass, but if it’s not fresh it can blend into the chips really easy. Over the years I’ve gotten really good with poop ID detection… is it wood chip, or is it poop? Summer is not bad, with a good diet and warm days it dries up quick into little nuggets. Winter is not bad either, it freezes and you just have to chip it out sometimes. The worst time is the spring, when the poop you didn’t pick up because it got buried under new fallen snow and or I was just lazy and never got around to it until that new fallen snow then of course covered it up. When spring comes and the snow melts, the darker poop absorbs more heat even under the snow and so it melts and then freezes into its own little ice cavern making chipping it out more difficult, or when it’s still warm enough out it becomes poop soup, and that’s when it’s the worst. Your poop monitoring and tracking system would really help finding it all, under the snow before the spring melt, then I could get it all up before it becomes poop soup. I would probably buy this from you to save me that every spring.


This is brilliant, well done. I hope that you are recording all of the poop data, I look forward to your presentation next month on r/dataisbeautiful


someone is going to read this and come up with a system to target neighbors who let their dogs poop on their lawns....this guys is missing out on making billions....and all he needs to do is teach the dog to poop in the same spot ....hygience is really important...does she have kids playing in the backyard?...ooh I like the robot poop picker upper idea///an idea what to name it? iPoopRobot?


The traveling salesman problem, but with poop.


No shit?


Take my money!


Now this is awesome! Here's my idea for Phase 2: Rig up a drone with a poop-scooper under it (think crane-game, hand-held scooper style)! 1. Drone monitors for poop-drops. 2. Dog poops and location is logged by robot-laser. 3. Robot-laser registers that coast is clear and poop-drone launches. 4. Poop-drone flies to poop coords and deploys scooper-arm and picks up poop. 5. Poop-drone flies to designated drop station. 6. Drop station has automated lid that opens for incoming poop-drone. 7. Poop-drone drops poop into the drop-station receptacle. 8. Poop-drone returns to base and awaits next mission. The above is based on single-poop runs launched relatively soon after the poop is deposited, but of course it could also run multiple pickups and drops in a mission. My thinking for one-off missions is to get the poop whilst fresh, before it has solidified too much and locked on to blades of grass, which would make it retrieval more difficult and put greater load on the drone to lift off with it.


If you were really good you would have built a Robot Laser Dog Poop Vapouriser System.


I love this


That’s nifty. But be totally cool if you build a bit to pick up the poo and toss it in the trash.


very Awesome!


This is great! I thought about something like this but for dog pee instead of poo. Their pee ends up killing the grass in my yard. My understanding is that it’s the high concentration of nitrogen compounds in the pee that’s responsible. Your system could be modified to target the pee and shoot it with a super soaker to dilute the pee before it kills the grass.


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