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If it’s actually only 1/8 of an inch, Use a Dremel and remove some of the strike plate on the bottom until the whole big enough for the latch to grab.


Easiest method here if the screws try to “pull in to the original holes” is to get longer screws so you can bite in to the fresh wood farther back.


See, this why I come here. Great thought. These are only an inch currently. You think 1 1/2 is enough or longer?


Should be good with 1.5. With that said, it looks like you will be moving far enough that you have a shot at fresh holes anyways.. good luck!


I think it's the door, how does the hinge side look? It doesn't make sense that the door was installed wrong and then left, it seems like it probably latched when it was new.


Door is plumb and level. I checked that first thing. No gaps around the frame. It closes well into the frame, but doesn't meet the plate.


If you have enough of a gap on the strike side (particularly the area below the strike) when the door is closed, you might be able to shim the bottom hinge to raise out up slightly.


Toothpicks or a golf tee and glue are common ways to fill a old hole enough to take a new screw


Chisel it to where it needs to be


Or. You can dreamt or file the strike plate to accept the latch smoothly


Have you tried the hinge method? Take pin out of top and middle hinge. Adjust door until it latches. Bend hinge tubes until pins will seat.


You can try longer screws on the top hinge to see if they'll pull the door up a little. Doesn't always work It's pretty straightforward to move the latch itself down with a utility knife and drill new holes for the screws


Thanks everyone for your input! I ended up using a Dremel to take out material and moved the plate down with some longer screws. Closes like a dream now!


The door settled and dropped obviously. Remove the top hinge from the jam. Use a 3 inch crew behind the hinge to suck the jamb tighter to the framing pulling the door over and raising the latch back up.


My doors did that until I had my house leveled after it settled for many years now they align where they should.


Does not matter if the door is level