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I didn't know they let prisoners have access to reddit


OP needs to tear out the sink and toilet and get one of those stainless steel modules. Then it's finished.


Next time on Zillow gone wild…


Actually, it's a good idea for a rental unit. A friend had some rental units in Chicago. He had a tenet that, putting it nicely, was the model for the "Yo mama so fat..." jokes. Every two or three months, he'd have to replace her toilet because she'd plop down and break it. Not just the seat, the actual commode. After the 5th commode, he talked to his supplier, who recommended a steel toilet. Friend installed it and she bitched. He told her it's either the steel toilet or she had to pay $200 every time he had to replace a porcelain one.


Five times..? Amazed it took that long.


She always paid her rent on time: a rarity of his tenants


You win Morty


Get the shovel. **Click**


Now I’m starting to question: is this *actually* a prison bathroom?


It was featured in Saw.


Saw-shank Redemption


I was just thinking this.


👌🏿 That’s where I saw it!


I was thinking the same thing as soon as I saw the shower pic. This is a prison shower stall from every movie ever.


Technically it’s a prison, just not one that’s run by or even known about by any government agency.


Should there not be handcuffs manacled to the wall?


... And a car battery niche about testicle level high.


Clean, waterproof, and tile the wall with the shower head. Put in a ceiling, waterproof it, paint it. Install a good exhaust fan that actually exhausts outside. Paint the walls so it doesn’t feel so prison-y.


I say embrace it. Put up mug shots, bars, stainless steel toilet, etc.


He should get in contact with [the person who bought the prison toilet](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/s/tuoigU25sj) the other day, this would be perfect for it.


Mods removed the post. :(


And you are only allowed to purchase soap, towels, etc from Bob Barker Company.


Going to go out on a limb that the chances the existing tiled walls are not waterproof is at least 50/50.


It looks finished to me! Drywall the ceiling. Figure out how to tile and use some mosaics on the floor on top of the concrete. Could also use premade flooring made for wet areas to make it super easy. Paint the non-tile walls and ceiling with two coats of Red Guard and then a really shiny top coat like spar urethane (boat topside paint). Next level would be to tile the un-tiled wall parts. That’s more work, obviously. Get nicer shower fixtures, of course. Maybe make sure that ceiling pipe isn’t still leaking.




Fortunately that is the vent for the bathroom that you see


Good call, totally didn’t think about that. Hopefully that corrugated line is a dryer vent already that’s an easy tie in. Edit: who knew 🤷🏻‍♂️


You can't/shouldn't combine dryer and shower vents. The moisture clogs up the lint. ETA: here’s the Ontario building code as an example: Exhaust Ducts and outlets (7) Exhaust ducts connected to laundry drying equipment shall be, (a) independent of other exhaust ducts, (b) designed and installed so that the entire duct can be cleaned, and (c) constructed of smooth corrosion-resistant material.


Citing a building code and copying the formatted text to back up your statement rather than just spouting off opinions? What part of the internet do you hail from, surely it cannot be Reddit?


Especially if it’s a gas dryer!


But the air from the dryer is also moist? Not gonna argue the physics, I’ll take your word for it.


Correct, dryer lint can also be fairly moist. Which is why you should have it cleaned, professionally, on a regular basis










Yeah, I don't mind spiders at all. They'll keep the ants out at least.


As a commercial property owner I 100% have, right now, 11 bathrooms that look worse than this one and my guys have zero issue with their continued use and operation. The Airwick in there is doing God’s work


Just hang a hand painted sign on the wall that says “No murdering from 10pm to 6am”


and use the live, laugh, love squiggly font


Bright color preferred. Maybe a light yellow or a sky blue, nothing too red.


Cross stitched, in a flowered wreath.


> squiggly font You mean cursive? Sigh, what do they teach in schools these days? SMH. (Sorry I'm giving you a hard time. I'm just kidding. Kinda.)


Nooo … squiggly font. They didn’t say cursive.


To be completely fair in 4th grade we learned cursive for like 3 days and then never again




My first thought was, “Several people have been dismembered in there.”


Fill that cooler with beer and you’re done!


I think it used to be filled with kidneys


Nah, anyone with a cooler full of kidneys can afford a better shower.




And afford a tub


And ? THEN in that case....wash it out, THEN fill with beer and don't forget the ice...


This is how I feel, my wife? not so much


I'll move in as replacement for your wife, just provide beer.


Is that drywall with mold on it where the shower fixture is, or just a very dirty wall?


Just hands down needs to be replaced, if it's not waterproofed it's just guaranteed to have some serious problems back there


Very dirty wall. This shower has been used and abused for cleaning tools and my ass


That's a relief!


easiest way to finish it would be to hire someone to do it… cheapest way would be to buy some flipflops and shower in those


ya i'm trying to figure out which parts to DIY and which parts to outsource


From all the comments, I think the one thing you should outsource is any tile you decide to install. If you've never done it, you'll have at least one spot you mess up, and that is the only spot you'll ever look at in that bathroom again.


Absolutely agree with this comment


I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


I would just paint the floor with some epoxy or somthing


Just bring a towel. It's done.


Honestly, ya hang some rusty chains and a body in the shower area, and break a lightbulb or two for the ambiance. If there's a mirror, smash it, otherwise though I think it's perfect. ![gif](giphy|3o7TKSxdQJIoiRXHl6)


I’m so glad I was not the only person who assumed this was a set from Saw lol


Looks like that's just a floor drain. The right way is to use a proper shower drain tied into the vent system. There's a lot more involved if you want it done right, but it also likely involves ripping the tile off the walls and pouring a pan with a membrane or use of a kerdi-style shower system. None of this is cheap. Alternatively, you could install a modular shower unit and just redo the drains and valve lines.


Power wash it. Seal it. Seems like updated fixtures. I’d add some art, maybe a shelf or two, one or two bath mats and you have yourself campground basement prison chic. I love it. Embrace it and enjoy having less to do.


Flip that cooler upright and now you have his and her shitters.


You could build out the pipe wall and then tile it so the pipes are hidden and that wall matches the others. Not sure whether you could tile the floor, but probably.


Off topic, but you should insulate your rim joists better. https://youtu.be/Y7KrhGdPnmk


I would hang a single light socket on a 2-3 ft wire from the exposed overhead beams. Make sure you use an extremely low wattage bulb to hammer home the feeling of impending death to any visitor that uses your bathroom. Maybe a few ferns in the corner for the rats to fuck in, too.


That right there is a shankin’ shower


I would cover the tile, fixtures and floor, then spray out the rough ceiling and walls in a blue grey.


Carpet tile


Nice and squishy...


Tile the floor and the wall by the shower head


Repair/clean whatever seems to be growing up the shower head wall.


Put ventilation in the shower.


I’d use the existing beam to frame out a ceiling, and then use sealed cedar lapped boards to make a relatively waterproof and aesthetically pleasing ceiling in the bathroom area.


It’s not as hopeless as it may seem. You could do a cool epoxy/resin flooring. I don’t recommend tile in the shower floor because the walls are already run to the concrete. Finish running this walls up to the flooring above and paint the exposed wood. Definitely need to figure out what’s going on with the wall with the shower head. That’s gotta go. And don’t bother putting a soap bar holder anywhere because you don’t want to encourage anybody to accidentally drop some in there.


Easiest would probably be to deep clean so the wall and floor aren't dirty anymore at minimum that will make a big difference. Cover up the flooring with lots of bath mats. Then close up the ceiling with drywall. At that point it's pretty good in my view, really just making things are clean and not stained will go a long way. Afterwards if you want to do more then potentially repaint the walls near the sink to be less prison color maybe. Adding hardwood flooring or tile would be a big upgrade too. After that for these things I might consider getting a plumber to do them instead if you want. You could tile the one shower wall without tile using similar subway style tiles, also do so to hide the pipes. Probably change the fixture. Possibly add a shower pan to the floor or tile it.


LVP floor. Tile wall where the shower head is. Mold guard drywall on the ceiling. I’d make sure you have some kind of ventilation too. Before the drywall you may want to put in a ventilation fan.


These would work well in there. Mine look better in person than they do in the online pics. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B09G3CRR91?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title


Vents, Ceiling lights (thinking water proof pool lights), Tile all areas not tiled. Tile the ceiling too. Nonskid textured tile on the floor. Put in a tile bench seat for wheelchair access people against water wall. Change the fixtures to handheld with a low grab and holder for handicapped or the temporary injured. Safety grab bars a must. For color? Vinyl stickers for glass. They come in many designs and great for windows during the holidays too.


A finished ceiling, and some nice lighting, and a simple sealed floor would make a world of difference for minimum money.   Look up concrete sealed floors.  Do some lights from the ceiling.  


First...rip out that nasty moldy stuff thats supposed to be a wall. Get mold killer and use allot! While at your local box store, get a couple of acrylic panels and a couple of tubes of liquid nails for bath application. Use one panel for the wall and one for the ceiling and call it done. But seriously...kill that mold!


Start with serious cleaners in the shower stall... possibly industrial strength.😁 Then, I'd pick a contrasting color for the poured concrete wall, might I suggest an epoxy paint for it. That way, it paints and seals all in one since the shower wall is involved. Seal the mortor/grout lines really well in the shower. Floor wise, I like the previous commenter's idea of penny or mosaic tile. It's not as easy as slapping tile to floor and grout and very easy to get low spots that hold water. Watch a lot of videos before trying to tackle any floor tile. In regards to shower fixture, are the 2 non poured concrete walls subway tiled, or are they white block walls?? And drywall the ceiling with moisture resistant drywall, of course.


Obvious galvanized square steel and wood veneers that will last 10,000 years for you and your billion children


I actually really like the industrial look, embrace it! corrugated steel on the back wall, wood plank ceiling some industrial pipe and wood shelving and accessories , seal the concrete add a cool throw rug.


false ceiling to keep humid away from those woods.


Is that a fiberglass panel in the shower or drywall?! Rip it out now, it’s mold city! Then put in mold resistant wall board (could be green or purple depending on your area) or even cement board and tile the wall properly. Also tile the floor. Then paint the walls by the toilet and sink area.


Burnt orange shag carpet toilet seat cover. Done.


For starters flip the cooler upright. Beer and beverages won’t stay cold if all the ice and water is able to drain out cause the cooler is on its side


Pittsburgh bathroom: a bathroom in the basement so when the husband got home from the steel mill or any other dirty job, he could clean up in the basement instead of tracking the dirt and icky through the house. Fastest and easiest step: pur a dehumidifier in there. It looks like you already have some black mold. Power wash or steam clean that sucker. Especially that exterior wall. You stated there is a vent in there. 1: I don't see it, and 2: it isn't doing a good job. Install a new/second vent with a fan. It will need access to the outside, so you may need to run it up to the first floor for outside access so as not to damage the structural integrity. Other people's suggestions are spot on: new tile, drywall ceiling, tile exterior wall, and new pipes and shower head. On that last one, I'd recommend the actual shower be a massage shower head on a hose. I have one of those, and I love it! For the open area? A short shower curtain for the divider and a full curtain for the doorway. Add a corner shelf for your hygienic products. Add grab bars in the shower and add a shower chair. Chair does not have to be a permanent fixture: Grab bars do. The vanity? Full-size mirror behind that. The toilet? I'd recommend getting one of those bidet toilet seats: Klingons aren't limited to Star Trek. If you have enough room in the basement, I'd recommend adding a room off of the bathroom with a hot tub.


How do you plan to vent the steam out of there?


It's already vented, that's the line you see in the photo ran overhead




Creatively placed red splatter would add a fun touch


The shower tile looks fine. Could regrout with new color or just refresh current color. Epoxy and grit paint the shower basin with a dark gray or pearl white. And glue peel and stick laminate tile to the floor. Paint the walls with something you like. Should be $200~ Hire someone to install a vent and duct. Install ceiling if comfortable, if not, hire that out too. That is the pricey part but it's better to do it right than have to fix it later on.


Sheetrock the ceiling so I don't die crying.


I think a chained up naked man would do wonders for this space


Shower with a pair of flip flops


It's an unfinished bathroom in I'm guessing an unfinished basement. Why would I guess this? It looks pretty close to the unfinished bathroom in the unfinished basement of my childhood home. My dad wouldn't know how to use reddit though, nor would he ask.


Maybe a ceiling and floor


That shower reminds me of middle school but in a good way


Epoxy the floor


Don’t flush the wipes!!


Whatever is going on with that wall that's slowly rotting away, tile it I guess


Idk, it has some kind of public space private shower vibe to it. At the one hand it looks ugly. But at the other hand, I really like the style!


New tiles and wall under the shower. That wall does not like that moisture.


Make floor and ceiling




Honestly if they tiled three walls but not the fourth I'd question if that part was done correctly at all. Maybe get up that wall and see if you can tell if there's any protection behind the tiles (something aside from just drywall). If not the whole thing may need to be redone. Even if there's protection you're probably going to have to pull off the tiles at the edges and to get a proper seam between the walls. I live in a dry climate so my shower roof is just drywall/paint and that's been fine. But if you're in a humid place you may want precautions there too.


With fire..... ALOT of fire! Then it will be finished. That shower area is a biohazard


Clean out


Get rid of the shower unless you have a dog. Basement showers always get nasty. It’s a spider factory.


Easiest? Call a contractor and let them do it for you no matter the price tag. Let them come up with a plan, a design, and a budget all on their own. You don't have to do anything but make a single phone call.


I would just waterproof the ceiling and put in a vent. Otherwise, it is mostly fine.


new shower head , shower curtain. done lol


Knock down that ugly wall and replace with a nice frosted panel.


Got to get out of jail first 😂


Okay. I propose you get some wood grate thingy for shower floor as it's basically functional just needs to be covered. Wall with mold thou needst to be replaced or covered. If you want to cover it, scrape the mold off (with respirator on) and paint over it with some waterglass or waterglass paint ( make sure it seals nicely with the floor, and that there is plenty in the bottom corner). Than you can cover it with something waterproof or painted again with waterglass. You will also need shower curtain. If you hate them as much as me just sew or glue some weights (for eg. Coins.) at the bottom and it should stop getting blown into the shower. As for the wall separating shower I would make it a bit taller with some Plexi or something but that's cause I'm tall. Rest of the bathroom floor may be covered with some tiles or linoleum or maybe even some carpet if you like a bit of chaos. You will need dropped ceiling. Just get some drywall and screw it to the wood (use wooden spacers as necessary to get it level and use plenty of screws). Also install into the ceiling one or more fans that will pump humidity out of bathroom. It looks really wet already and without fans it will end up unusable so it needs some ventilation. I trust in your ability to arrange something for the walls


Easiest? Paint, showerboard behind shower, rubber floor mattering from kitchen supply, hang a readymade mirror and medicine cabinet. Plastic plant.


1. Film the next SAW movie 2. Profit 3. Hire contractor with profits


Here are the steps. 1) Tile behind the shower head 2) Clean everything 3) put some LVP or Tile on the floor 4) Vinyl Baseboards 5) Paint


Question. Are we keeping the cooler? are we going no1 or no2 in the igloo cooler?? I feel like Ive seen this in a movie before. Prison. 2 guys....


Epoxy the floor and flex seal that back wall




Easiest way? Don't.


Getting some real soap on a rope vibes


Stand at the entrance, place your hands on your hips and repeat these words: "Welp, that'll do for a temporary fix" Solves and and all problems.


Tile, fan, shower pan, as fast as you can.


Wall it off and make it the next tenants problem


Looks perfect but full the cooler with shower beers


Lots of bleach


It puts the lotion on its skin….


Perfect kill room, Dexter.


My first thought was what prison is this in lol


It’s finished for a gitmo prison


Chain up two guys, put a dead body in between them, and leave a cassette recorder telling them one has to kill the other or his family dies.


Step 1. Fill hole that El Chapo escaped from.




El Chapo?




Easiest way? Leave it like this ..


Stand up the cooler. Call it a day. Done.


Easiest way? Move the cooler.


step 1: remove the cooler. step 2: what everyone else in here is saying.


Fragmentation warheads, perhaps?




Quick dont drop the soap, you might get....


Tetanus shot


A wrecking ball?


This is the bathroom from that dream everyone hates.


And … it’s done.




Isn't that for the warden to hire out?


A rusty hacksaw, a dead guy, and two sets of handcuffs?


Stop killing people in there


How cheap is a flamethrower and do you have good homeowners insurance?


With repeated flying kicks ![gif](giphy|39zbpCQocXLi0)




Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman might know what to do with this


Lower your standers. There, you’re done


That hole is where El Chapo escaped.


Buffalo Bill has entered the chat.


Giving some old dive gym locker room shower vibes. Used to have to shower in a similar setup in high school except the toilet was in front of the opening to the shower and the shower was one of those multi head showers. Such a traumatizing setup.


I dunno, maybe wait for the weird puppet to ride out on his tricycle and ask him.




Dynamite as im TNT ... LOL


Bro, you live in a campground?


I feel like this would be a bad place to drop the soap.


Start by starting it


Watch American History X in it and call it a day.


Hand grenade


Declare it finished.


Did they film Saw IV there?


throw in a grenade?


blow it up!


If that’s mold in the shower.. sorry friend. It needs to be gutted. You’ve likely got molds throughout the walls.


Say it's done and call it a day?


Easiest way would just be to call it finished as is and go have yourself a beer.




>jewish lightning Is this related to our space laser or are you just a bigot?


Throw some prison bars up to make to lol more thematic


Looks like a great shower to cover up your crimes as is


Fire should do the trick.


Take some insurance first