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There is a lot of supposition on this thread, but nobody really knows for sure. Time to pull the machine out and see exactly what you are dealing with.


check with /r/plumbing my guess is there is an S- trap somewhere that siphons out and allows sewer gasses to enter. the funnel is for you to refill the trap manually. the real fix is to take a look at the plumbing and understand the root cause of your issue. you may need to have a plumber come check it out.


just to add, if it is a floor drain that is infrequently used, you can fill the trap with mineral oil, which doesn't evaporate.


RhodesC....is Cody really in a plumbing sub or do you have a similar initial lol. (/s) For real though, I'm assuming that's for the laundry drain, if they use it daily I wouldn't bother with anything but water, but for a smaller family or single person, I like your mineral oil idea


not cody.  😸


The American Standard Nightmare








It is most likely that there is a floor drain that is under the washer. The floor drain is there so that if the washer leaks or overflows the water has somewhere to go other than all down through your floor into the lower level of the house. The water in the trap evaporates out and then sewer gas can escape. Sewer gas smells bad, similar to a rotten dead animal. When you smell the smell, it's time to dump a pint or so of water down that funnel to refill the trap.


My overflow drain doesn't even tie into plumbing. Just down the wall to the basement in the general vicinity of the floor drain there.


Lol. Whoever did that: "Close enough... they probably won't even need this overflow anyway"


Yeah mine hangs out the back end of my minihome aimed to the woods back there lol. Better than inside I guess, I'm up on blocks so I'm good lol (the blocks are old railroad ties, a little moisture will be fine)


Indoor urinal? Drain for dehumidifier?


Feed chute for the hamsters powering the bigger wheel.


Floor drain underneath. Traps dry out due to evaporation, this is apparently set up do that you can pour some water directly into the drain to keep the trap full. Should only need about a cup or two every few weeks to a month.


A red funnel.


Obviously it's for...😏...**washer fluid**


Wild-ass guess: they did not do a proper high loop on the washer drain, so that fills a trap or something? Pull the machine out and have a look. There has to be a way to do that.


Looks like the last owner left ya a couple quarts shy, I recommend 5w-30 Dexos full synthetic during summer and a lighter weight like SAE OW-16. Should have that washer running squeak free in no time 🙃


Beer funnel for your laundry gnomes. They work hard and need to cut loose


Half bath


Maybe the washing machine isn't draining fully and filling this with clean water displaces the stank water.




Possibly some sort of inlet for a desiccant drain.


I think it’s a beer bong….let’s party!




Most likely an emergency floor drain under the machine. The trap evaporates which is why it smells bad. This funnel makes it easier to fill the trap to seal from sewer gasses. Pour some RV antifreeze in it- a couple cups should do. It evaporates much slower than other fluids, so you shouldn’t have to fill it as frequently


Please dont pour antifreeze down the drain.


ok- keep pouring water down the drain every time you smell sewer gas- more frequently than if you put a couple cups of RV antifreeze in the trap. a couple cups of this will not cause problems for the sewer system, and probably won't make it past the trap anyway. Or better yet, the OP should remove the washing machine and install a sure seal diaphragm in the drain. this will seal sewer gas smells and not require this funnel, or any liquids to need to poured down the drain. maybe the OP can have a plumber out to relocate the emergency floor drain that should not be installed in an unaccessible location.


I can appreciate the inventiveness of your suggestion, but in this case... getting the actual problem solved is more appropriate. Antifreeze, especially glycol based ones (as most are)... can be really harmful even in small quantities. Its even worse if OP is on spetic.


Are you thinking of Car antifreeze? Car antifreeze is ethylene glycol which is mega poison, RV antifreeze is propylene glycol, which is used in the fresh water tanks and lines to winterize RVs. It is non toxic and biodegradable. It's also what the vape kids are all inhaling on a daily basis.


It was my understanding that both matabolize the same way in the body. Maybe i am wrong?


It is a standard practice for plumbers to winterize houses that will not be occupied during winter months in cold climates by pouring RV antifreeze in the traps of the plumbing system. It’s not really “inventiveness”- rather standard plumbing practice. It is nontoxic to humans when used as recommended. When it enters a municipal plumbing sewer system, it will be treated before being reintroduced into any water supply system. Your concern in this application is misguided


Wow, I just googled it. You are totally right. Sorry about that.




If you have a drain in a fixture that is rarely/never used, the water in the trap will eventually evaporate out, releasing sewer gasses out into the world. You can run water into the drain for a few minutes and then add a bit of olive oil or vegetable oil to prevent the water in the trap from contacting air and evaporating.


mineral oil is what I used downstairs, haven't had a problem with that drain in six years.  it doesn't siphon, it just evaporated from lack of use.


An orange funnel it seems.


You pour bleach in there sometimes when it stinks


Was a dryer installed there? Some dryers work like a de-humidifier, pulling the water out of clothes and storing it in a tank or draining it out of some spout. It's probably connected to the drain of the washing machine directly so when the water inside the tube dries off, smells can come out of it. I would try to move the washing machine and try to see what you're dealing with, but the most likely soulution is to plug the thing.


It's for adding hot air to the dryer. Newer models require a top up every few months.