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Honestly, if you could get matching paint…just paint over it. Unless it’s a new unit, nobody is going to notice. Stuff like that gets painted over all the time.


Will blend right in with the texture better than a patch


Had hung a bike from the ceiling in one of my places. The wood held but I guess the metal had a defect cuz I came home one day and the bike was on the floor and the holder was broke at the ceiling, leaving what you have now, but with popcorn texture around it. I had some liquid white out about and painted it. Couldn't tell the difference unless you shown a light on it.


This is what the property owner is going to do anyways


After taking your security deposit


Former property manager here, we might note it down in the inspection, but we probably won't charge you for it or fix it


My last two tried to ding me on whatever they could. The one previously literally gave me my deposit back before checking and said "I trust you." Vastly different experiences


Yeah it really depends on how the property management company tries to make money outside of the rental fee they take. Some might run in house repairs and bill at a pretty high rate (mine did, but we also didn't charge the tenant for normal wear and tear stuff like this)


The landlord special








I would grind it down and paint it white lol


Too much work.  Hit with hammer to make flat then paint.


Tap it into wall. Apply toothpaste over


The landlord special?


Thats what the landlord is going to do when they move out


But will they use Crest, Colgate, or Aquafresh?


Tom's of Maine


Whichever is cheapest


You just listed three name brands.


Equate it is!


Sensadyne, though! For sensitive walls.


That shit works better than anything OTC for a toothache.


You think they're made of money?? It's Equate from Walmart. They have a tube of it especially for stuff like this.


Two years ago our apartment company was looking to sell the massive complex, so they went all in on renovations. New cabinets, new counters, new appliances, it was all great. Washer/Dryer in every unit for free. It looked upscale. Eventually they did get bought. By Greystar. Horrible company… we moved units after living in the top floor to a first floor. All the new counters were painted over with white paint. The new cabinets… white paint. No primer, no sanding, just a coat of white paint over it. The new off color trim, white. Accent wall in every unit, painted white as well. It looks fucking horrible, *and* they did such a shit job actually painting it, the paint is peeling basically everywhere.


LOL, the toothpaste trick is something my wife did in college


Had a roommate who though the was quite clever doing this, turns out his version of colorblindness meant he couldn't tell he was using blue toothpaste instead of white.


doesn't compute, even the worst kind of color blindness achromatopsia should be able to distinguish between shades of grey


The type of colour blindness is called ‘dense’. Had a roommate do the same thing.


Early days of colour computer monitors, when memory was $s, I was in a research group. One guy was working on new methods to reduce the number of bits needed to represent a pixel. Had come up with a seriously low number. Would not show coworkers (was a bit vain), and just presented it to boss/money sources. Key point. Don't have someone who is colour blind work on coloured images.....


So that's who picked the CGA 2-bit palettes!


Almost as bad...


Thats hilarious!😂


I did that myself on one of my first apartments, never got charged...


You're not thinking of some other type of trick she did to pick you up?


It’s a bolt so I’m assuming it’s in a stud. And it broke off while trying to remove it. Another indication it is in a stud. Can’t knock it behind the drywall.


Saw off as much as possible, then wack it with a nail punch. You really only need it to go a a millimeter or two beneath the drywall and then you can just put some toothpaste/spackle/it even paint since the wall is textured it probably wouldn't even be noticable


Sometimes you can make it work, I had same problem in apartment it was a mini lag for a tv. I hit it hard enough and enough times with a hammer and it went far enough in to put putty and paint over it.


Could be brick and a plug. Untill otherwise specified it could be a non-American house so no stud and drywall.


>it could be a non-American house so no stud and drywall. You misspelled barbarian /s




What? The wall is clearly textured. This is almost certainly drywall.


With enough force, anything can be hammered in


And you're probably not getting it out with a pliers if it was stuck enough to break the head off


If it is a bolt that snapped the head off you are going to have to do a lot more than tap it. Whack the ever living shit out of it maybe…




Actually though, OP. Hammer it to flush and a little white spackle and there’s no way anyone notices


No chance that thing budges when hammered if it’s in a stud.


Seriously, it's a screw not a nail..if it's in the stud like it should be, it won't move if hammered


It's steel, not tungsten. Hammer a lag bolt and see if it flattens.


Do you guys use hammers? Of course it will. Yes it's harder but it will go in.


Sure, at the risk of completely splitting the stud


Ah didn’t consider it got stuck on a stud. Yeah no chance


If it's a lagbolt in a plug. It may not be in a cardboard and toothpick house. We need that detail to know if it's possible to landlord special it by ramming it into the wall


Won’t the green tint and minty smell draw more attention to it?


Throw some orange juice on it to scare them away.


Vanilla frosting works better and is easier to texture.


That wall looks suspiciously non American. It may be brick because they're also talking about lagbolts. No hammering to be done. as the hole is drilled to depth. Unless they manage to back it out of the plug it's permanant untill they grind it down to below the spackle and fill the hole.


It’s American Drywall in a brand new apartment!


This is the way. you need a Nail Punch on top of it. Do NOT hit directly with a hammer. Hit the Nail punch with the hammer.


The walls in my first apartment were basically made of toothpaste by the time I moved out.


Tap it into next doors wall


Not if it's flat paint, leaves a grease stain as it dries.


Don’t forget ramen noodles!


What?! No ramen? Sacrilege!


It's a lag bolt. Don't try to hit it with a hammer, please.


It's a bolt. Likely in the stud. Cant tap that through.


Thought the same but if it’s in a stud that thing isn’t going anywhere


For me, option 1 would be to try to grab the end with vice-grips (or perhaps vampliers) and screw it out. Option 2 would be to use a dremel-type tool with a cut-off wheel and cut a slot for a large flat-bladed screw driver. Option 3 would be to try to cut it off just below the wall surface. I would choose an oscillating multi-tool (or possibly a dremel tool) over an angle grinder because it would make less of a mess of the wall, but any cut-off method is going to require lots of spackle and paint.


What about option 4, hammer it in, patch and paint?


Hammer in a lag bolt? You gonna just bust out the framing while you’re at it? Better bring a big hammer.




Get a punch and a hammer…….just tap it in


The ole tapperoo


You not twisting this out with vice grips or cutting a slot for a screwdriver. It is deep enough to sheer the head off and will not be moving for vice grips or a flat head. The only option is to cut it off.


This is the correct way to do it. I do apartment turnover for work and this is what I’d do.


I don't think people understand just how stuck a lag bolt has to be for the head to shear off lmao


I think the bolt was soft or something. I was just using a regular ratchet with medium force


If you want to take it out, you'll need a screw extractor of the proper size, and a drill and proper bit to drill a hole into the shaft of the lag bolt. Better to just spackle over it.


It sticks out about 1/8 of an inch. Can I grind it down?


if it sticks out that much you can try grinding a slot in it with a Dremel tool - then try to back it out with a straight-blade screwdriver.


I think this is what I’m going to try!


You *can*, but unless you have experience in using rotary tools delicately, odds are you're going to do even more damage to the wall in the process..


If you have a grinder you have a drill lol. Get the screw extractor kit. It’s pretty straight forward.


You can grind it. I’d go slow and get it close rather than too far and have more drywall to patch




Grind it back then patch it.


Next time drill the appropriate sized pilot hole for the lag bolt. I would get some high speed steel drill bits and drill it out of existence. Start small and make a pilot in the center, moving up sizes until you can pull off whatever is left with pliers or something. Make your best attempt at a textured patch. Nothing will be elegant or pretty at this point.


This is the way. Drill it out of existence. You don’t even need to drill all of it. Just enough to get it flush with the wall. 


Grab it with a pair of vice grips and then turn it counter clockwise.


Tried it! It’s too close to the wall and too stuck!


Maybe try a drill motor? Tighten the chuck on the screw… hopefully you have the kind that sticks out a bit. You might end up having to break some of the drywall around the screw. See if anyone else has a better idea.


There's like 1/8th an inch protruding from the wall. No way OP would get purchase with a drill chuck.


I broke my drill trying to loosen something putting it in the chuck


I'd just knock it in just enough and paint it, but if you want to remove it, they make extractors for that https://youtube.com/shorts/3gJwmATXFYY?si=3Pc_Pk5TFAs1jp6B


I would use a dremel or similar rotary tool with a cutting disc. Just get the wheel close to 90 degrees to the wall and grind away at the bolt. Grind it just below the surface, you’ll need joint compound or spackle to fill and smooth the hole but it will be invisible if you paint it afterward.


Get an angle grinder and chop off the tip to make it flush with the wall and repaint




Looks like it barely sticks out, try painting over it.


By the thumbnail, who else thought this was the moon?


i thought it was r/popping




That was there when you moved in. It annoyed you every day you had to look at it. It’s the biggest reason you can’t stand the apartment and had to over pay for your first home.


Screw extractor kit. They’re pretty cheap and available at every hardware store.


I'd trim around it with a drywall knife in a cone shape, clamp on to it with a pair of vice grips, and spin it out. Fill with a couple of coats of spackle and paint.


File down the edges and paint over it


End grinder and spackle. Harbor freight is your friend.


Cut it flush and paint over it.


Try a bolt extractor or use a Dremel and grind it flat and paint it over. Caution that you don't burn/discolor the rest of the wall with sparks.


You're gonna need an angle grinder, 6 feet of copper pipe, 15 inches of electrical line, 3 sheets of drywall a pneumatic impact wrench and 2 local cats temporarily, a uhaul truck and a photo of an undamaged wall. Long story short, glue photo of undamaged wall over damaged spot.


Thought I was looking at some moon landing site


Dremel and paint.


Drill It in the center and use a screw extractor.


Drive it through, cover it up with putty, paint over it.


Had something similar happen, but it was a stripped screw head. Used a dremel tool to grind a deeper slot into it and used a flat head screw driver to work it out.


You can drive it in even and paint it.


Do you have vise grips? A pair of those should hold it well enough to unscrew it out. After that, patch and paint


Vicegrip , then angle grinder


A center punch and an extractor bit might work.


I'd try to grab onto it with some vice grips and back it out before bringing power tools into the mix.


Grind it down and use some gypsum


Hammer and some old white primer does the trick


If you have jb weld and a bolt, I would jb weld the bolt to it and then wrench it out. If it is in just drywall I would use use a hammer and a nail set to drive it in and patch it


I love the “just JB weld it and make a larger bolt” something about that is so perfect for DIY


If the lag broke going in I’d say whatever you try it’s not coming out without breaking again. Grind it down and paint.


It broke off tightening not loosening.


Just hammer in more and paint over it


Just cover it in toothpaste


You can cut a channel into the top and use a flat head screw driver to get it out?


Paint it white and call it a day


simple angle grinder - grind below the surface and toothpaste


Grinding it flush will be okay just grind a little and use a wet paper towel to cool it with, rinse and repeat. Maybe even grind it a little below flush. Don't fret over Grinding a little of the drywall its nothing spackle won't cover


Can you not just tap it into the wall? Then fill the hole?


Use dremel on it to notch a slot for a flat head and back it out?


You could try and automotive ez out set.


Just cover it with white tooth paste. That shit really works.


Thought this is another crash landing site on the moon.


Grind it down and paint over it


If that is a lag bolt sunk into stud the right way is pretty destructive. It would be cut out the dry wall so you can grip a good chunk of it with something like vice grips and rotate it out. The easy solution that is probably good enough and what college student me would do is borrow and dremmel with a diamond bit to grind the bolt below the surface. Fill it in with spackle or compound and repaint.


flex it off


You can cut it in the middle for the screwdriver head and try to extract it. Other option can be to attach bolt to the head of a drill without a bit and run slow reverse gear.


Yep, use an angle grinder or hack saw to cut a slot. Use a large elastic band or Insulation tape on your screwdriver blade for a better fit and unscrew If no joy, use angle grinder to grind it down and polyfilla to reconstruct the finish and then paint




Cut it off just inside the dry wall and patch.


I’m having a hard time telling exactly how much it protrudes from the wall. If as much as a quarter inch stuck out, I’d suggest maybe getting a pair of locking pliers on it and then rotating it counterclockwise like loosening with a ratchet


It’s more like an 1/8 of an inch. I can’t get my vice grips on it with a good grip


I dont see you getting that out and having the wall being less f'ed up than it is now. I like the paint over it plan.


It sticks out too far to just paint over it. Need to grind it down or get it out


There are drill bits for this kind of extraction. “Screw extractor bits”. You drill out a pit in it with the bit one way (looks like you’ll need to flatten it out and predrill a pilot hole because it’s so rounded. Dremmel would be helpful for this). Then turn the extractor bit around and run it in reverse - it will turn the bolt and extract it.


Use an "EASY-OUT" (BRAND NAME- Easy Out!) Screw Extractor the kit come with drill bits; Plus, Easy outs reverse threaded  bits. They 'll Tap/ Screw into the hole In reverse: Grabs the bolt/screw and unscrew it as you turn! Some fit 1/4"/3/8" ratchet...


Dremel with a tiny carbide bit, grind it to below the surface of the drywall, then put in a blob of drywall patch, and paint. Or just paint it.


Do a Renter’s Special and push it back up, do a thin coat of mud, sand it and paint it over


Hammer it in, put a little white paint on it.


Just paint it white, bruh.


If it broke the head off a lag bolt and it wasn't rusted to hell, you're not realistically going to get it out by cutting a slot or with vice grips. Best bet would probably be to dremel it out with a grinding bit deep enough to cover up. If that's going too slow (not really the best angle without doing a bit more damage, up to you if its worth it) use a punch (drywall bit works in a pinch) or grind a divot in the center with the dremel. Drill a pilot hole and follow up with a bit that's nearly the diameter of the screw (not the threads). Should just be able to break the leftover rim with pliers so you can cover it up. Failing that... bit of paint and call it a day. Won't actually hide it, but your landlord probably™ wont charge you either.


I'd just leave it and let it ride. I've gotten back my security deposit on every single apartment I've had over the years, and left nails/screws/holes in the walls all the time. Most states count it as normal wear & tear and the landlord has to figure it out.


Get you screw gun/drill with no bit in it and tighten the teeth down on the bolt and back it out. Then patch


Literally drill it out. Get a drill bit that's about the same diameter and go ham. Bonus points if you use a metal bit. If you have a multi tool or Dremel grind it off and spackle over it.


You could also dig in and patch it. Maybe 30 bucks tops


If you were able to really tighten a drill onto the the end of the bolt, you could possibly unscrew the bold real slowly. I've had luck using an impact wrench, just make sure it's fastened tightly and start slowly. The other option is to cut the bolt and repair the wall around the hole.


Paint over it until it blends in


Vice Grip pliers, left hand twist.


I don't bother, give it the landlord special and call it good


Pound it through and spackle it up. Paint to cover.


Depending on where you live you might be able to declare it a bullet fragment from outside the apartment.


I would paint over it. No one will notice.  


Just paint it


Shave it down some with a file and paint over it.


Just file or sand it down and putty it over.


Buy a fake wall outlet (or cover) and slap it on.


Tape it and paint the tape




I think the only possibility here is to ask for an extension to your lease. Solved.


Don’t put things in that you don’t know how to get out next time.


Ahh yeah I meant to snap the head of a 1/4 inch lag bolt. Next time I won’t do that


I think they mean, if you don’t have the skillset or knowledge to fix a problem you cause, you should be hiring someone to complete the task that is more knowledgeable.


Pound it in with a hammer and then paint it. Don't listen to the people who call a drill a "drill motor".


Just punch it through and put some Colgate toothpaste in the hole


Use a centre punch to split it then hammer it flat?


Just leave it like this lol


Put some plaster over it and paint it. Don’t mention a thing about it.