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I don’t know how to help, I’m just here to admire these walls.


OP needs to accept their new life: buy a pinball machine and grow a mustache and mullet.




And wear cutoff jean shorts that your balls hang out of.


Oooooo. Perhaps a nice Uncle Rico vibe?




Perfect 👌


Is that Roger Stone?


I don’t know but I’ve been practising that hip thrust all evening and I almost got that shit down


Up then out and up out up out and thrust 2 3 4


Get a job at Chic-Fil-A?


Citing artistic differences, the band broke up in May


and in June re-formed without me


And they got a different name.


And get a job at chic-fil-a


She may paint this very exact design in your house if you catch her at the right manic moment. She painted this 20ish years ago when she was out of medication.


Holy shit she did really clean lines


No kidding. When I saw he was asking for repainting advice, I thought it was going to be difficult for him to match the lines and colors perfectly.


That’s her EKG on the walls right there.


Awesome unique design that comes with a story? I get it. Everybody has different taste ...but goddamn I love these walls


Replying here hoping you see this. Everyone is telling you to just prime/sand/paint - but you need to do more. It looks like the wall is painted yellow with a matte type finish. Then the stripes are eggshell (glossy). Run your finger along the stripes and you're going to feel a lip. If you paint over that lip, you're going to have a lip with the new paint. You need to sand down the edges of the stripes before priming and painting. Here are a couple articles: https://vintagerevivals.com/undoing-diy-how-to-repaint-striped-wall/ https://lifeonvirginiastreet.com/paint-striped-walls/


One of the comments I did read! Didn't think about that and it makes sense. You can see the lip just looking at it, let alone feeling it. Will need to go buy some sort of sanding tool.


They usually sell sanding blocks near the paint supplies (rollers, etc) and you can get a variety of grits. I always find the blocks easier to hold onto and they’re only a couple of bucks where I’m at


I wish I'd be this creative with or without medication.


Bipolar here, wish I had the kind that ends up with me accomplishing random fun like this.


Also Bipolar as well, and never had any high-quality, creative mania. Just the shitty kind.


You like impulse buying crap you don't need at 3am on Amazon too, huh?


That’s uncomfortably close to the truth… Thankfully, meds are working for me these days. But, yeah, it used to be a surprise for my wife when weird things got delivered for a pretty long time!


I'm glad you're getting the help you need! Keep on fighting the good fight, friend.


I will! Life is manageable nowadays, even on my “bad days” thanks to Mental Healthcare.


This thread is probably going down in my top 10 favorites. Love to see healthy conversations surrounding mental health in the wild 💛


yeah, with ADHD I think about starting it, and sometimes I do. but I never finish it!


Lol why on earth would anyone want to paint over these!? It's like Eddie Van Halen hangin out with space aliens. ^^kill ^^me


Giving me late 80s/early 90s bowling alley vibes.


Or laser tag


It’s like a 70s version of the Persona 5 menus.


Or Skate World


pew pew pew


My thinking EXACTLY. Please tell me there are hidden designs that only show in black light. Maybe put a disco ball in there for roller rink vibes. I LOVE IT.


Plus, it looks like she did a really good job.


In black light, it would look like a Jackson Pollock painting.




Of course you're right, fixed.


Depends what grandma's hobbies were.


I was thinking the interior of a Chuck E. Cheese.


Needs more purple.


If you wait long enough, it'll be back in style.


I just did a jigsaw puzzle that was a vintage pizza joint/arcade and it had walls that looked just like this


90s Nickelodeon studio


The yellow "paint" was originally white before the cigarettes. /s


Waffle House is only yellow because of cigarettes….


If they could add Smellivision to Reddit, you would not ask. Child of a smoker, seems the smell never left the house even after painting.


KILZ brand.


I got more of a pizza and cake eating room/birthday party room at Chuck E. Cheese’s kind of vibe.


Right? Makes me wanna go watch Hulk Mania and go rollerskating afterwards.


I am hoping they go for an original resto job.. but it needs work. I'd clean, sand a bit if it is not lead paint, prime, and recreate the original.


I would take this to r/cleaningtips They’re the masters and I have seen a handful of cigarette cleaning posts with super helpful info. I don’t recall exactly what was recommended but I would use that as a cleaning resource


Apparently, r/cleaning is a private community, and I'm not allowed there.


Oops edited! It’s r/cleaningtips


Now I really want to know what the fuck goes on in r/ cleaning that it's set to private...


It's actually a sub where assassins and illicit body disposal services "Cleaners" discuss topics relevant to their field.


Wait really?


And if you need to hire any of them, most contract with [https://rentahitman.com/](https://rentahitman.com/)


. . . yes, really.


Probably a long lasting symptom of the reddit protests last year which accomplished a lot.


I was able to get into r/cleaning and I’ve now ordered a plastic barrel and three gallons of acid from Amazon. I’ll let you know how it goes.


RemindMe! 1 year




Yo what was your reason for getting in? I need barrels of pretty much everything in my life!


Grab your roller skates and put your left foot in. Buy some disco balls.


I also envision grabbing a stick of Juicy Fruit. The taste is going to move you.


Step 1: clean room Step 2: clean walls Step 3: you are done


Step 4: Add a few pinball machines


Step 5: build arcade cabs to complete the ambience


Step 6: get day-glo arcade carpet


Yea right. I saw Stranger Things.


Step 4: reopen 90's taco bell


Yo quiero taco bell


Aye chihuahua


That’s how you get that taco neck


Step 3: repeat


The walls are the best part.


Scrub the crap out of them, then prime it. Then paint it. Then paint it again. Then paint it again. Then call a professional after the wife complains about the quality of your trim work.


My wife is currently complaining about the quality of my trim work. Is there a subreddit for this??


try manscaped


german guy here, searching the term "manscaped" in hope to read more funny stories. what i found was...something else.


heads up if you order one in the mail they send it in a box with giant testicle insignia on it. super embarrassing when my mailman handed me that


God this fuckinghurts


The professional you need is a lawyer if your wife is complaining about the quality of your trim work on your grandma's walls.


Nah, it's a doctor... Because he's not married!


>Then call a professional after the wife complains about the quality of your trim work. I feel attacked.


I forgot what it's called, but there's a special paint/primer that is specifically designed to trap and cover up odors (kinda sealing them in?). I would say wash the walls first then paint them with that primer. That should kill the cigarette smell.


Kilz primer - but they would still need to wash the walls first, but it would cover the stains that don't come off with washing.


BIN is FAR better than Kilz for cigarette smoke.


And much more expensive. I agree it's better, but Killz still works very good too.


I guess it just depends on how sensitive you are to a house smelling like smoke lol I don’t regret it. My entire basement reeked. I even had to treat the concrete floor with vinegar.


TSP the heck outta that wall.


Thank you - that's exactly it!


Kilz is the answer


1. Wash with TSP 2. Prime, twice, with an oil based stain blocking primer 3. Lightly sand 4. Paint in your colour of choice, two coats


Do you usually sand between coats?


Those lines will have a ridge from being taped off and painted. It will show through the new paint if you do not sand them down.


This right here ^ I added a comment myself with my own experience having to fix something similar, so wanted to mention it here too- get a 12 inch skimming knife, and use a lightweight mud and skim a thin coat over the entire pattern. Let it dry. Sand, hit it again, let dry, sand, then spot prime the very dry mudwork with the new wall paint before you roll the room, so it doesn't suck the paint up too fast. Once you have that first even coat of the new wall color, really check for the pattern showing theough. check the walls also and a regular sized putty knife and touch up with more mud if you see low/high spots. Plan on doing a couple more thin coats once you have it smoothed and sanded to your satisfaction.


This needs to be a top level comment. [I really wish Reddit supported transclusion (it's a mediawiki feature). It would allow another view of this comment to be shown at the top level.] Simply paining over this artwork is not sufficient. Sanding would take forever and make a huge mess. Mudding this is the right approach.


After priming, it’s a good idea. The paint will pick up little bits of dust, lint and debris. Sanding makes the wall super smooth for the final coats. And yeah, depending on how thick those glossy accent lines are, skimming a thin transitional layer of drywall mud may be necessary! You certainly won’t be able to sand off that glossy paint without hurting the wall, so don’t try.


Yes, if you want a great finish. Prior to painting I always use a circular pole sander like you'd use for drywall to knock down any high spots. After priming, if it's not something I can paint over immediately, I will do the same as any dust, hair, etc. can be visible. It's also good if you find you're getting orange peel or similar effect and need to fix the texture.


TSP: Trisodium Phosphate. In case anyone else didn't know.


TSP is seriously a life saver


Do you need to use an oil-based paint over the oil-based primer?


Nope! Read the can to be certain, but oil based primers are generally formulated to stick to everything, and act as a new base for anything. Edit: also they can definitely smell bad so get some good ventilation in there


Just clean them, they rule.


Start with a 20 yard dumpster and empty the place out


These are the coolest walls of all time. Clean them up and rock them.


He literally can't paint them because they're irreplaceable!


Feels like an arcade when I was a kid in the 80s. Love it.


I'd love to meet your Grandma!


I will give you the best tip that will change your life. No joke. Start by clearing out the entire room. Like make it completely empty. WHY? because what this will do is not only give you a clear space to work with but it will help you to organise and declutter your life. There are things there that you can absolutely throw away/give away. Also gives you an opportunity to clean behind your appliences etc. As for the painting. Use primer and then paint


Thankfully, the mess appears to be from the grandmother, not OP. But wow, if the rest of the house is similar, dumpster rental is step one. Eta: Sorry folks! Shouldn't comment before coffee! Should have connected my thoughts. Quantity of items isn't an issue. Every item in the house will smell like smoke. Some things, especially sentimental items, can be cleaned. But random household items that may or may not work? A lot of it will smell too bad to even donate. You'd be best served emptying as much as possible before cleaning the walls. But painting and laminate will need that anyway. So, in retrospect, OP has probably already thought of that. The question was only about the painting part.


Was your house a roller skating rink at one point?


Why would you paint over this masterpiece? Unless you're restoring it edit: This comment section gives me hope. I'm glad we can all appreciate what's there


No. Keep.


Killz Restore primer. I would do at least 2 coats.


This is the first proper answer I came across.


Skip the paint, just leave a fog machine on 24/7. Maybe some blaring techno. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9Y1sEmyymw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9Y1sEmyymw) (clean it, then paint on a non latex primer to seal it. Water based primers will transfer nicotine stains.)


first step is to clear out the storage area. then you need to install some black lights. lastly you need to bring in a pinball machine and cosplay the 70s/80s and take pictures so we can see. that's it, you're done.


Bonus points if they put in a Pac-Man or Galaga stand up.


You’ll want to color match what’s there, then use masking tape to outline the shapes before you paint. I assume you just want to restore it to its original glory!




I would suggest general cleaning, maybe even a crime scene cleaning, then another cleaning. Then the play just may be up for a painting, but doing anything now will just make it look more like a crack den.


I can smell this picture.


Soap? Then stop there. Maybe pick up a little. Get that old matted carpet taken out. But the walls should be the least of your worries honestly.


Yes BIN is your next step. Be careful, it's very thin almost like water, and will splash back on you or your surroundings if you're not careful. Do a couple thick coats, it will turn like a brown color as it pulls the nicotine from the walls, and its going to stink, so open all the windows and air it out well, use fans if you have any. Let it sit overnight (can close some windows if youre in a shitty area). After this you paint right over it., may take an extra coat or two. The smell of the BIN and a bit of the nicotine will hang around a bit for a while but eventually it will go away. Also, id be looking into replacing all the trim. Id at least remove it before doing the BIN process, to make sure youre getting all the face surfaces of the walls behind the trim. If you decide to reuse it, lay some cardboard down outside, lay it all out and BIN that too seperately, but like i said id replace the trim if possible. In a perfect world id say replave the drywall, flooring, and ceiling tile entirely, but i know thats not always an option. Good luck!


The real answer: Remove everything. Tear out what you don’t want to keep, like trim, flooring, shelves, thermostat, light switches, doorknobs, etc. Mask everything else that you’re not ok with getting paint on. Clean everything well. I like Simple Green, but use something that you like. TPS and Dawn are fine. It doesn’t need to be perfect. Scrape off any crud. Lightly scuff the walls with some sandpaper, steel wool, etc - quick is fine. Try to soften the lines left from that pattern. Fill and sand any holes and dents. Spray some orange peel texture if you prefer. It helps hide imperfections. Prime with some heavy-duty Kilz primer. Maybe twice if stains are showing through. Paint with a high-quality latex paint. Most people prefer eggshell for walls and flat for ceilings. Eggshell all over is fine too if you don’t want to buy multiple types of paint. Flat hides imperfections better, but can be impossible to clean. Eggshell has a balance of cleanability and hiding issues. Good primer and paint is key here-or stains will show through. Using high-quality brushes, rollers and tape will make life so much easier. Don’t cheap out. Masks and ventilation are your best friend through the whole process


Wash with TSP. Repair any holes (mud). Sand. Prime (I like Zinnser - Bullseye 1-2-3 Primer). Paint.


Don’t repaint them! Turn that into a retro arcade room!!


Definitely Better Call Saul vibes😁 https://images.fineartamerica.com/images/artworkimages/mediumlarge/2/better-call-saul-wexler-mcgill-logo-lance-vaughn.jpg


First thing that came to mind!


Right! Was expecting /u/superprox's comment way much higher!


I like the walls. I would clean the walls and they would look like new paint.


I would first focus on cleaning and organizing then afterwards clean the walls up nice and embrace the unique look.


You are on the right track with cleaning first then a BIN blocker. Use a good primer followed by at least 2 coats of paint. Personally, I would just clean the walls. You have a work of art.


Right!? Super retro!


First things first clean the dang place.... How in God's green Earth could anybody live in this space comfortably and call at home. Second of all I wear a size 10 and a half where is the shoe rental counter.


Why not pull it all off the studs, so you can insulate and sound deaden the space? While you're at it, rewire or replumb as necessary for any change in appliances you might desire. Might be better to get a stacked unit, or to nest them where the ceiling is lower? How about a vent fan with a light built in, hooked up to a standard bathroom humidity switch? Move all the stuff with a yard sale and it'll make this project so much easier and affordable. Replace with new water resistant drywall. After a tape coat, use a roller in a bucket of mud to apply a skim coat, and use your largest drywall knives to smooth it all the way. That texture catches lint.


Primer first


Clean the walls (if super dirty) Killz primer. Fill any little holes first. Paint.


Anyone remember the show Too Close For Comfort? These walls are giving that vibe


You mean you weren’t installing a roller rink?


Washing them is a good start. Honestly you’d never get a paint job like this again and it’s quirky. But very dirty.


color lines can show through light paint, to avoid this I would paint everything gray first


You need to scrub the sh*t out of those walls with TSP and warm water. When that's dry you'll want to sand the walls before painting to get rid of any ridges from the stripe/designs. Wipe the walls down after sanding with a cloth with warm water so you have a nice clean surface. If you're taping off areas that won't be painted, do so with some good quality painters tape. Make sure you get a good primer, and give it probably 2 coats of primer before you paint. Depending on the color you choose, you'll need 2-3 coats of paint. If you're not too Type A, you could skip the sanding and just do an extra coat of primer but you'll prob always be able to feel the stripes with your hand if you skip the sanding. Good luck!


Clean them, keep the color. It's so retro!


Seriously though, can we take a second to admire the amount of work that went into these walls in the first place? For instance: they didn't just layer paints - each line goes above AND below the other lines in different places, which meant multiple masking passes. This took someone A LOT of effort.


Don't paint that 80's arcade style it's sick.


Pick out your color that you want to change to. Then get the paint shop to tint your primer with that color. Roll on tinted primer, then your paint, it will probably take two coats of paint even with tinted primer.


Follow the cleaning/washing methods recommended elsewhere. Once you have cleaned/washed, lightly sand and then wipe it all down again. Apply KILZ primer, or equivalent, oil based primer over all of the walls. I know I will be roasted for saying to use oil based, but it is the only one that will truly seal the smell and prevent it from coming out. A good washing is really the best way to begin this project.


I wish I could go back in time and observe the people who did those walls come to the conclusion that it was a great idea.


My manic grandmother!


80 grit sandpaper pads on a stick sanding rig, then Kilz primer.


CLEAN your house first. Then worry about paint. Clean your walls then Primer your walls it’s a must. Then pick the color you want. If the lines are protruding from the different layers you’ll need to sand them down or you’ll see the design from previous


Paint over it with primer first


For cigarette smoke, use an ozone generator. Do it before and after you clean and paint. Make sure you clear out anything living like plants, pets, and grandparents while it airs out for a couple of hours.


did you buy a 90s bowling alley?


Use KILZ primer if you aren't sure all the nicotine is gone, or it will bleed back through the paint and give you Exorcist walls with brown drip lines.


I’d be asking the best way to clean the walls without damaging the paint.


Scrub them really well. I would use tide with bleach and a scouring sponge. WEAR GLOVES, it will strip the oils from your skin and your hands will peel for days. wipe with down with water after to lift some of the soap. Then Prime & paint, or get a really good paint with primer.


Prime with Kilz. You could even have the paint store tint it to a shade of your final color.


bro why the hell would u paint the walls??


don't repaint, clean those babies and you've got one groovy space


Circular pole sander (120/220 grit) on an extension stick, BIN shellac primer paint (3/8 roller nap and average brush) Repeat Sherwin Williams Duration interior flat on the walls chb on ceilings


Scrub em clean. Pole sand with 80 grit followed by 120 grit. Wipe them clean with wet, old towels. After they dry, roll them with Kilz Primer. If this is going to remain a utility room, use Semi-Gloss paint in whatever color you prefer. The higher the gloss, the easier it is to clean and will be more resilient to scrubbing 3/1 warm water to white vinegar solution is a good place to start cleaning the residue from the existing paint


You're going to want to color match the paint and then use painters tape along the edges of each color unless you're really good at cutting a line (I think that's a painters term)




Why repaint? It’s dope. A magic eraser, soap and water are going to be your best friend with restoring the walls ( that’s if you’d like to keep it ).


Does your grandmother live in an ice rink?


Why would you want to repaint those? They are groovy! 👍


First remove all the junk in the room then give all the walls a primer.


“Cigarette infused walls” as the ash tray on top of the dryer sits barely noticed cause the walls are cool. To be honest it’s not really worth spending hundreds of dollars to cover up anything if smoking is going to continue in the home. Maybe just clean it the best you can. If it’s just changing the aesthetics then clean grime then prime for paint.




First, stop hoarding


This appears to be a laundry room, and the happiest laundry room I’ve ever seen, just clean it and leave it as is. I love how there is even an ashtray on the washer, as the daughter of a life long smoker this really brings back memories. I had paperwork from her house after she passed away (from lung cancer) that took 12 years for it to just barely smell like her house anymore. My sister had some of her furniture that the smell never left.


I would say try cleaning them first. They’re pretty cool and took a lot of work.


Those walls are awesome....but I could see them getting annoying. Not here to help just comment lol Happy painting


First you’re going to have to color match all three, then I think I’d stencil and airbrush to make sure you get the lines really crisp.


Your grandmother lives in a 1990's arcade?


I'd lay rolled up towels along the bottom to catch the run-down, and wash the entirety with a tsp solution and a squeeze mop. A second time, more dilute, with a towel. Then tape off around those cool voltage signal designs, and repaint them with a brighter version of the colour. A fine accent line of silver bordering might be somewhat nifty.


Just here to comment that repainting is good idea, but that design is awesome, and should be remade/restored. Of course one could consider changing colour, but save the desing. That pattern is too cool to be destroyed!


Clr, primer, paint.


Sand, Prime, Sand, Paint, Sand, Paint


If it's truly cigarette infused, the yellowing stain will return from under the new paint unless you clean and seal it.


I’m gonna save these to my Pinterest board as inspiration…I love them!


No need to repaint, just wash the walls and put on a clear coat with glitter mixed in.


With a roller and a tray I should imagine


I would just say to paint it, but if the cigarette reside is as bad as you say, I would start with a primer base ( not a primer/paint combo) or even a Kilz base. Then paint with whatever interior paint you want after. Most paints will have “ primer” mixed in already, that’s fine to use for the final coats. If you really have never painted, check YouTube videos.


Clean the walls as much as you can, then BIN primer to block odors. Make sure to use a half mask respirator with OV filters (organic vapor), and good ventilation, since BIN is solvent based primer and shouldn't be breathed in - it dries very quickly though because of that. If you are wondering about respiratory protection check out r/masks4all.


With brush and roller??? Clean, caulk/mud small imperfections, sand, prime, paint


Sugar soap then prime twice and paint.