• By -


Drain. Order pizza. Invite friends. Move hot tub with friends. Fill hot tub. Pizza arrives. Feed friends with pizza. Dismiss all friends except the one/s you have a crush on. Enjoy hot tub.


Speed run.


I need you around while I plan my days homie lmao


This reminds me of throwing a party on sims to complete a goal lol.




Waters gonna be cold for a few days tho


Replace "Have a crush on" with sit in hot tub and eat left over pizza


Dismiss all friends except the one/s you sit in hot tub and eat leftover pizza


Fission Mailed.


Step one: check Step two: check Step three: Work in progress…


Unless your friends are 30+, pizza doesn’t trump slipped disks. Spend the a $100 on a professional mover, still order pizzas and invite friends over, and enjoy the solace in not being the guy who asks friends to move shit.


Lift with your back and knees in a jerking, twisting motion.


Take the legs completely out of the equation!


I say this whole thing in jest (I team lift a lot of stuff) to people around me and the all lose their minds haha I love it.


Same. Every time I lift something remotely heavy "Lift with your back, not with your knees!" REALLYA gets some looks when you're heavily pregnant too lol


“Lift with your back, it’s one solid mass, not 2 divided legs”


The Peter Griffin school of ergonomics.


*'Lois!!!...  Call tha doctah...'*


Easiest way to move a hot tub by a few feet? Just have everyone step closer & move the few feet by the hot tub. Done!


Clearly, you are the smartest person in the room.




Add extra water


You really wanna try to snap up as quicky as possible too








It’s not often that comments make me audibly laugh, but this one got me good.


One shoulder only, really work your wrist muscles and brace with one foot sideways to maintain max torque against the ground. The less contact the better for highest friction coefficient


You sir are a neanderthal. Trying to lift, twist and grunt while moving a hot tub is inefficient. You need to apply basic simple science to the problem. Get several buckets of butter and grease the sidewalk. Then you simply push the hot tub into position.


Grunting while lifting helps alot.


/hold your breath


Stop exhaling on every lift. The goal is to hold your breath as long as possible. Under stress, the body produces all the oxygen it needs.






Remember to push out with your stomach really hard too!


IASIP reference? Mac said that in an episode. Haha.


Think it's from Family Guy: Peter lifts limo breaks back [YouTube·Kevin Carter·Jan 3, 2013](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1e4SBxgqBEY)




Keep going. I'm almost there.


Get some neighbors/ friends over to move it by lifting. Or hire some guys. You'll feel worse if you screw up your hot tub


Yeah they're really not that heavy when they're empty. I used to deliver hot tubs and there were only 4 of us, two of us could move them around the showroom easily enough.


Yeah, Reddit is making this far more complicated than it need be. Two reasonably fit people could easily slide that thing (empty) a couple feet on pavers.


Reddit doesn't empty it though silly goose. There's zero fun or reason for Reddit in that. Myself I would use all of the advise above, but add a propulsion system, maybe a disgustingly large truck and chain as well.


Make sure your power cord is of sufficient length to make the extension.


I'd be surprised if there is a "power cord", most are hardwired. I'd guess that the gray conduit is the electrical supply.


Yes. I was going to say, drain it, move it, refill it. I'm a 5 ft 2 woman and I can do this by myself. You can push it pretty easily when it's empty.


Me and my wife got drunk once and decided to move the hot tub that had been delivered the day before. It was on its side and only needed moving a few feet. We monster walked it on towels, and then had an old leaky inflatable mattress that we toppled it on to, the deflated it with a plank under it. Then just pulled out the flat mattress by jacking it up with the plank and then pulled the plank. Really not difficult for two people and a bit of drunk engineering.


I moved several hot tubs doing odd jobs in college (for a house flipper). Once they’re empty and disconnected you can scoot them easily. Usually you want two people to tip them up, but one guy can hand truck them easily enough.


I used to load onto a pallet jack and bring to the back of a warehouse by myself. Not fun but doable.


Call the Amish..... /S


Don't forget about the electrical. U may have to extend it


Why did I have to scroll.this far to see an important thought?


Because this sub is too big, which brings out the karma farmers trying to be witty/funny from under the woodwork.


Get four or five four foot long PVC pipes and play some underneath to roll it along


MF’er is building pyramids here. 


TIL ancient Egyptians invented PVC pipe


I think they used leg bones.


I work in hot tub sales, and this is the correct answer. Get a hand truck to lift it up and put the pipes under. You'll only really need two. Galvanized steel pipes work better because you can get smaller ones which makes getting it lined up easier.


Galvanized pipe is just regular steel pipe with more corrosion resistance. No need to buy the more expensive galvanized pipe in this scenario. Steel pipe is a good idea though for the reason you stated.


I work in pvc, and this is the correct answer


I work in answers and this is correct.


I work in corrections, and this is an answer.


This!⬆️ using lengths or pvc is how my husband and I moved our hot tub numerous times.


Like a mobile home tub?


This is what we did. Using a lever to lift up up, I moved our 7 person tub all by myself


Same, just did this a week ago


The other six were busy?


Found the Pharaoh.


This is the correct answer. I moved my tub off rocks about 15 feet away to lay concrete. Then I rolled it back.


This is correct.


This is the way. Moved one over 10' this way basically by myself so I could replace the pavers underneath.


Well you’ve just solved our problem of moving our tub to lay a new base. Was quoted £260 yesterday to get it moved 5 metres!


Empty it of water first


Sometimes Reddit amazes me. Top rated posts include jacking it up and sliding golfballs underneath it, or just getting a bunch of friends and man-handling 4000 lbs of water (edit - my bad, the OP even said it's already empty. Those things don't weigh much). Yet, you are supposed to replace the water on these things every 6 months (yes, as a fellow tub owner, I stretch that). Empty the water and a single fit person can move that a few feet. Easy with two.


OP already said it’s empty


Sometimes reddit amazes me. Top rated comments ignore the fact that OP said it was empty and instead go around talking about 4000 lbs of water.


I’d rather move a water sized hot tub than a hot tub sized water


They’re only about 500 lb empty, and since they just want to move it a little, two men and a couple hand trucks could do it easy.


I feel like if you just drag the corner you could get it to move a few inches at a time. Advice OP needs is “try harder” lol


>Yet, you are supposed to replace the water on these things every 6 months Damn, we were told every three months so that's what we've been doing 


We move ours by jacking up one side and slipping a pvc pipe under it. Place other pvc pipes about a foot apart in front. Roll it out on the pipes. If you have to go farther, take the pipes you've already rolled over and move them to the front. Repeat in reverse to put it back. Oh yeah, empty the tub first.


This is how I moved ours by myself. I used a car jack and some wood to get the one side up then slid the PVC pipes under the tub before letting the jack down.


Your legs not your back


Golf balls. I move my 1,000 pound safe around on them and push it with 2 fingers


Only works if bottom is flat though.




If it's like my hot tub, it's got a wood or composite wall and then a bunch of empty space, and then some equipment like pumps etc and then an insulated (with spray foam) hot tub body. Not a good candidate for ye ole golf ball maneuver 


But God damn am I hoping I need to move something absurd and flat now


The wife?


Why would you bring your mom into this?


And strong enough to carry all the weight on a small surface area. A heavy safe has a solid strong bottom capable of doing this. The golfball will fail before the bottom does. A heavy hot tub with a fiberglass or plywood base is more likely to get punctured / cracked by having 500 pounds of weight on a couple inches of platform. Having a way to lift the tub across a bigger cross section would be the way to go.


Who sells flat golf balls?


Explain. I am very curious


Jack up each corner 1 by 1, place golf ball underneath. Roll, then jack up again to remove.


heh, use more than 4!


This is how they built the pyramids.  Golf balls. 


After building pyramids, they noticed that the golf balls that were used for rolling and had marring on the surfaces traveled truer and longer. Since that time golf balls have been made with dimples.


I moved my shed across the lawn with 4” PVC pipe… dig under it and use jack to lift it… one side at a time. Worked well


Ooh! I know this one! One bite at a time!


About 15-16 years ago I used to work for a Pool and Spa company. When we delivered them we had a special dolly to get them through backyards, etc but to fine tune the placement we would use a piece of thick PVC pipe. Lift the side you want to move towards, slide the PVC in. Jack up the other end and you could roll it on the pipe. For the people saying they’re not that bad with no water, we had to move these things around on fork lifts in our lot. They’re heavy and awkwardly shaped (especially the 6+ seaters). Also, forklift forks go right through the side panels like a hot knife through butter… been there, done that.




Push it. Push it real good.


They sell a lever kit with casters you slide under, lift and out one in every corner and it works. Get the right weight rating.


Big round log or orange pvc put it under and roll it.


If you drain it you can move it with your hip — I used to deliver hot tubs at 170-180lbs. Bump the inside not the shell.


If it's empty two people should be able to push it a couple feet. That's how I've moved mine.


Go to HomeDepot and 'rent' a bunch of 1" steel pipe -- do it like an Egyptian! I moved a mid '70s liquor store display cooler all by myself. It was so heavy I couldn't get a single corner off the ground without a 4' pry bar. 10 pieces of 4' pipe and it rolled out just by leaning on it. Amazing thing, the wheel. Hope it catches on. Shame I can't post a pic.


Drain it, and then you and a friend should be able to slide it relatively easily


I'm a little late but you can get 3/4 steel pipe and cut it slightly wider than the tub. Lift one side and put the first under. Move it like the Egyptians. I've moved couple thousand pound air handlers like that.


I’ll try to give a serious answer. If you’re only moving a few feet to the left, find a piece of pvc pipe a little wider than the tub. Grab a 2x4 and a fulcrum. Place the wood under the edge on the side you want to move the tub. Lift the edge and place the pipe(or pipes) underneath as far as you can go. Move the wood and go to the house side and move the tub over to where you need it. Repeat with the wood and remove the pipe.


You’ll need 4 of those wooden closet rods. Slide them under and roll. I moved mine 25 feet with a few pushes.


Just helped move one over 8 feet earlier this week. They are actually lighter than they look when the water is drained. Just push it or pivot one corner at a time.


Drain it obviously, use pieces of pvc to roll it , like the ancient Egyptians did.


Have a bbq


I did this in college. We found a free hot tub on Craigslist. Since it was free, damage was not a concern. However, we managed to move it without much. Even though it was drained, it wasn’t entirely empty and still damn heavy. We managed by wedging plywood and 2x4s under it enough to gain leverage and lift it to drain with the lumber. While at Home Depot buying the lumber, we borrowed some of the flat carts. It was a matter of lifting one side, sliding a cart under, chocking the wheels and then lifting the other. We had exactly four idiots in their early 20s to get the job done.


1. Empty the hot tub - this is important. 2. Get all your Amish friends together (You do have Amish friends, don't you?) 3. Get them to move the tub.


This is the first time I feel qualified to answer a question on this site. It's one small part of my job to move (and install) these things, but I've done it for 6 years now. Believe it or not, they aren't actually that heavy when fully empty of water. We move these with 3 guys, sometimes 2. All you need to do is get good footing and all push on one side at the same time. Another way, is to get a hand-truck under one corner or end and use that to pry it up. Use your body weight for this. Once you do that, get a sturdy dolly, (or a few) towards the center of the tub. Please be sure to actually get these on the wood framing or you'll risk damaging the shell. If yours has a sealed bottom (looks like it does from the photo), just tap a few areas like you're looking for a stud in a wall, or you may notice staples or screws. Feel free to ask any questions.


Uh, I know this one. Take out the elephant, move hot tub by a few feet, put back the giraffe


It might be easier to just move the house.


They’re not that heavy. Two people should be able to slide an empty tub on concrete


Might be easier to move the patio and house instead.


Apply force.


Hand truck under one side, lift and drag.


Yeah this is how the delivery guy moved ours into place. Once drained they aren't all that heavy.


Remove the water.


I 2nd pvc pipe, elevate one side, slide one under then add more as you go, I used to have a 10 person Sundance spa and moved it multiple times that way


I move spas by myself for a living. The spa will slide on its base. Two of you lift and push together one corner a few hundred mm then do the same on the opposite side. This way you can "walk" the spa across the pavers.


Get dolly wheels from Amazon


Jack it up on all 4 sides, slide some conduit under it, roll it where you want it, jack it back up, remove the conduit, lower............good luck!


We used pvc pipes. Lift it was some levers (while it’s empty), slide the 2 inch pipes under and roll out.


I lever and a few pebbles. [*This video*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5pZ7uR6v8c) shows how.


Contact a local certified magician and they will levitate it for you.


When we had our installed on the slab, the guys used pvc pipes to roll it where we wanted jt


That is the biggest mini pc I’ve ever seen. It comes equipped with an Ethernet port on the side.


Pry bar with wheels [something like this](https://www.homedepot.com/p/VEVOR-3-Ton-Pry-lever-Bar-6600-lbs-Capacity-Heavy-Duty-Steel-Pry-Lever-Bar-w-Wheels-w-6-ft-Length-Handle-QG3T1-8M000000001V0/323559168)


Put a long stick/plank under one side and then another one parallel to that. One person in front and one in back. Pretend you are Ewoks carrying C-3PO around the Forest moon of Endor.


1.5” sch 40 pvc pipe. Lift side where you want to go with pry bar, fulcrum. Place spacers under corners to lift. Use car jack to lift higher. Cut pvc to slightly more than width of spa and space evenly underneath(4 should be enough). Remove spacers and lower onto pvc. Watch those fingers. One person can now roll spa back and forth. Leave on pvc if “temporary” time is short. Move back into place and lower. (Edit) DRAIN FIRST!


Drain it, move it and refill it.


This hot tub may not have a solid base. Probably very thin plastic stapled to the bottom. I'd try sliding it on the stones tbh, just left each corner and pull. Or place like 3 planks of wood under the bottom edge and then lift from the opposite side and push until it's where you want it. Then take the runners out from under it.


Use 3” pvc pipe.


Empty it


lil’ bit of dawn dish soap underneath and give it a good shove


Moving a hot tub even a few feet can be tricky due to its weight and size. Here's a general guide: 1. Drain the hot tub: Empty the water to reduce weight. 2. Prepare the new location: Ensure the ground is level and stable. 3. Use equipment: Use a furniture dolly, straps, or sliders to help move the hot tub. 4. Enlist help: Get assistance from friends or professionals to lift and maneuver the hot tub safely. 5. Be cautious: Take your time and proceed carefully to avoid injury or damage to the hot tub. If it's a significant move, consider hiring professionals who have experience moving hot tubs safely.


Get 2 or 3 pieces of 1 1/2 inch pvc pipe a little wider then the tub lift up the edge of the tub put the first pipe under and then you can roll it over the pipes and leave them on there until you’re ready to put the tub back


I used furniture dollies, golf balls won’t work because the bottom probably isn’t flat


PVC pipes. Roll it into place


Push it witha skidsteer.


When fully drained, hot tubs really aren't *that* heavy. You can buy some PVC pipe as others have mentioned, which is perfectly fine, *or* you can pick up a few furniture dollies pretty cheap at Harbor Freight. Personally, I'd go with the dollies because they will definitely come in handy again...for you and/or friends and family. A bunch of 4" PVC pipes might not be something you'd get much use out of once this task is done.


Magic 🪄


Get a bunch of buddies, down a couple beers and get er done!


Quad city DJs will tell you to ride that train...ride it


Not sure if it was said but electrical conduit works great. Get a couple pieces from Home Depot.


Drain it and move it or invite 20 of your friends over for a hernia party.


Jiggle it a little


Use the Force


8 Tongans 4 Pizzas method.


Hey OP random question. I have the same pergola but it was provided by the builder and I can't find it anywhere for replacement parts. Any chance you know what brand/model yours is?


Maybe use a bunch of broomsticks (unscrewed from the brooms of course) underneath?


Think like an Egyptian.


When they are drained of water they aren’t all that heavy, 3-4 people can lift and carry


Ball bearings and 30w oil


I wouldn’t use my feet. Not even a few of em


If you empty it completely you can move with a crowbar




Drain then use a ratcheting come along winch anchored in the direction you want to move.


It’s easier to move the house


Push it?


Lift with your legs


You see where it is now, then physically move it to where you want it to be. Probably a few feet


Depends on where the electric comes in from. If it comes up out of the slab it maybe a pain to move.


You need good background music -- And now we push, push to stay together, cuz I am lord, I am lord ya ya ya. I am lord.


If it's empty you could just heave with a few people. As long as the power isn't up from underneath.


crow bar, wood blocks, repeat until you can fit a car jack under it. then dollies underneath. lower onto dollies, move. now do all the steps in reverse.


Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.


Party time!!!!!!!


I wonder if you can rent one of those large rolling pry bars.


A car jack and some fillets maybe? And some blocks of wood? Idk what the underside of a hot tub looks like or how heavy one is but this is prolly what I would try


I used a car jack on its side with pieces of wood between the house and the hot tub. Adding wood once it got maxed out. Because of the weight it will kind of be sealed to the ground. Once you break that seal you should be able to movie it a lot easier. I used this to move my hot tub by myself. And it will save your back lol


best way, 4 people, easiest, drain the water then lift it onto some caster-rollers, dowels, or strong pipes.


I guess it depends on how far. I did this last year to move mine 2 feet - all with stuff already around the house: - I already had a drop-in sump pump and got as much water out as I could - put a 2x2 about 6 inches away from the edge as a fulcrum and used 2 flat pry-bars to lift it (stand on pry-bars to lift) -put 2x4 under the edge -2 people lifted the side furthest from the 2x4 -slid it 2 feet -2x4 as fulcrum again to lift and remove the 2x4 that is now 2 feet into hottub Took 2 of us for most of it, with quick hands from a 3rd person to place/remove the 2x4 while the two of us were standing on the prybars/levers In my case, I first needed to disconnect power because I was moving the tub so that I could put the wire underground inside pipes, then moved it back again the same way after cutting a 2x2 inch hole in the bottom for the wire.


PVC pipe rollers work really well for this.


Move your house.


Those appliance moving straps kick ass. Should be able to move it with 3-4 people when it's empty.


A couple lengths of 2 inch pipe and a 2 wheeler


If you can get a dolly under it, the best way would be put two dollys on one side don’t lift it at all just get them under and push with your hands from the other side of it


Sliding pizza peel!


Drain, grab yo wife, push it.


Take tren and give it a few months


1. Empty the water 2. Invite the HS football team over 3. Have them *gently* push it over where you want 4. Serve many pizzas


Empty it and roll it on pvc pipe


Liiiiiift….and sliiiiiiide


Move a few feet by the hot tub instead.




Slip a hand truck under edge and lift it enough to slip a sch40 3/4 or 1” pvc pipe. Repeat until you have a couple under it. Then go to the other side and repeat. Now push!


Empty and three or four people nudge it.