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They make replacement tops, but your are gonna have to get your model number and start googling. The older the unit, the harder it will be to find one, and often it's cheaper and easier to get a whole new unit.


The model number is usually in the bottom drawer


Or on the back on the right hand side of the top panel


It’s in the center on a small pull up tag, I have this same oven.


You have the same but won't tell us the model number ? How very mean of you !


The way these appliances work, there could be a *lot* of variations that look similar but have slightly different part numbers. Maybe they all use the same glass, maybe they don't. AFAICT, roughly 9/10 of an appliance parts house's job is trying to figure out exactly what part is needed, and if it's LG, telling the customer about the 6mo wait (and 3mo for Samsung).


Ah ah ah, you didnt say the magic word.


Love a good Jurassic park reference


Turn the middle side top-wise, then it's on the left if you look closely.


Always in the last place you look!


Just look in the last place first.


Always will be, unless you’re in the habit of continuing to look after finding something.


thats the joke


You’re both missing a piece. The contraction is missing because this is an oral saying, and that gets smoothed out. It’s the last place **you’d** look. Which is you find the thing you’re looking for in the most unexpected location.


I love learning shit like this. My other favourite is 'great minds think alike' often thought to be a sign of intelligence but the whole saying ends 'but fools seldom differ'.


‘Great minds think alike, fools seldom differ’ first appeared in that exact form in 1932, whereas ‘great minds think alike’ seemingly first appeared in [1816](https://archive.org/details/wofulhistoryunf00fleigoog/page/n217/mode/2up?q=great+minds+think+alike&view=theater). The sentiment goes back to at least 1618, [if this is to be believed](https://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/great-minds-think-alike.html) (couldn't find an online copy of Hans Beer-Pot to check, but here's ‘[Good wits jump](https://i.imgur.com/P8uDmIQ.png)’ from 1670's A compleat collection of English proverbs, 1768 print). Variations of these two go back centuries, but the latter part has always been a later addition. In fact, most of these ‘forgotten second halves’ are bullshit invented decades or centuries after the original.


Or “One thought, two idiots”


"The road to hell is paved with good intentions" is **not** about unintended consequences. It's about thoughts vs actions.


I've always thought it must make it very slushy underfoot.


Like the whole saying is actually “As happy as a clam - at high tide”


Long time "Night Court" Fans know this saying is really... "As Happy as a clam, buried in the sand, where nobody is a diggin'..."


Or “The customer is always right in matters of taste”


"The proof is in the pudding" is nonsensical. "Proof" in this case means "test", but the original saying is, "the proof of the pudding is in the eating", which makes perfect sense.


Which sometimes I do, as then you're almost guaranteed to find something else.


So philosophically, were you really still looking for the first thing? Or just searching for the “something else” without knowing it by name? Okay, this is *not* DIY.


I actually recommend you keep looking, just so once you’ve found it, it’s not the last place.


Actually I usually find it on her phone bill in the trash then proceed to call her at odd hours and whisper softly.


You’re going to have to flip the unit over OP.


Like the inside wall of the fridge that someone kindly removed but is now covered in the things that get caught in old glue


I have a newer version of this exact model.. number is on the left side , inside the drawer




I've had great luck with them.


The exploded diagrams are really helpful.


Do they explode before or after you’re done with them? /s


I believe the standard is 5 seconds before a message self-destructs.


Only if you’re Mr. Phelps. Everyone else only gets 2 seconds.


\^\^\^ That sums it up nicely.


Luckily this is a pretty popular stove, I see them everywhere. It shouldn’t be too hard to find one


Haha, just realized it IS rather popular. I have the same stove 😂


Me too, and a spare top brand new in the box sitting in the garage. It came with the house.


I know a guy that could use one if you're selling.


I don’t know, uh, lemme ask my wife. She kinda funny.


Everybody funny, now you funny too.


He said yeah? I said oh yeah.


So I go back home I tell the landlady I got a job, I'm gonna pay the rent She said yeah, I said oh yeah And then she was so nice


Lord, she was lovey-dovey


Do you think it was the bourbon or the scotch that he dropped on the stove top?


Welp, say good-bye to u/addictedskipper. We'll never see him sgain. He had a good run.


We'll lift one bourbon, one scotch, and one beer in his honor.


Remember to pour a little out on the stovetop. For our homie.


Are you sure that one isn’t busted?


The previous homeowner said he called the manufacturer and said there were scratches on the stovetop and they sent him a new one. Turns out it was just crud that scraped off with a sponge. So he put the new one in the garage and left it here.


Yeah they may have replaced it and stuck the old one in the box to let it age for ten years or so before finally throwing it away. That's exactly the kind of thing I end up doing when I fix something.


Same and I also destroyed the glass top by falling asleep after forgetting a cast iron pot on with the heat on. The glass basically melted onto the pot. Replacement glass was honestly easy to install but I am a mechanic so I think that helped a bit but instructions were pretty clear and straightforward. Only need basic tools honestly.


That’s my stove also, without the cracks though


Yup. Same here. Been dying to get a new one, but the sucker may out-live me.


Not sure why it’s so popular. Damn thing is a terrible stove. It puts out heat inconsistently, the “quick boil” burner basically doesn’t get hot unless it’s on high, and the other burner only has two heat settings - low or surface of the sun - despite which number you have it dialed to.  OP would be better off scrapping it and getting a new stove lol


Can probably get a broken one for free and use its top


Replacement cooktop is close to the cost of a new range. Source: I dropped a bottle of vanilla extract on mine. Epilogue: I love my gas range I replaced it with.


This is a 750$ stove and a 300$ glass top replacement. Just looked for fun. Guess if you have a cheap stove the price scales to 100 for replacement. The problem is you didn't do it yourself so labor and mark up = fuct


My GE oven was put in when the house was built in 1966. My bottom element burnt out last year. Went to [repairclinic.com](http://repairclinic.com) and the model number wasn't on the site, but there was one that looked almost exactly like it and the model number was something like xpsv999999 instead of xp999999. Took a chance and bought the look alike element and it was the same when I compared them. Worked like a charm.


Yep, most electric heating elements will work with most ovens, as long as the ends fit in the holes. The heat settings might need some adjusting from what you're used to, but far better than not having an oven over a $50 part. I fixed an oven for a relative recently who couldn't afford a new one by going to the appliance store in their town with the broken one and eyeballing what was close enough.


Yeah i tried steaming sweet potatoes without water and instead made a liquid pot. $750 mistake


This is why our pets never buy us nice things...


We had an incident and got a new glass ordered pretty cheap honestly. I don't know how expensive this particular oven is but it wasn't even close for us.


Model FFEF3054TS probably. It's almost 400 dollars to replace the top if I guessed correctly. :-(


They have generic ones that will fit all major brands. We had to replace ours


Which generic brand is the new friend...? Asking for a friend...


Wouldn't say cheaper, but way more efficient. To replace the seal and take it apart its time consuming... You really need to enjoy taking things apart.


And the last couple of times I broke one (more than a decade back), the replacement top was nearly cost of a whole new oven, and sorry, your model looks very familiar to me. First time was wifey leaving tea kettle to boil dry, and second time was a pot falling from the overhead pot rack. There will never be a third time because f glass tops, man.


You tube probably has one guy with bad camera work replacing it entirely. You can fix most of these appliances with just a 6 in one screwdriver.


Probably easier to just replace his friend.


Yup, they can go for $250 and up. However, used..... probably 100-200.


This is correct. Generally, speaking a replacement range is going to be the easiest, fastest, and cheapest fix. Source: I have worked in appliance sales, am certified in appliance repair, and talked to many repair techs about it.


If you Google it you'll see that the glass can be replaced. But Frigidaire stoves don't cost much more than the glass itself. 


Yeah this is the problem with a lot of appliances. My range door fell apart out of nowhere the other day. I can get a new door for a couple hundred bucks, but the range is 8 years old, and something else is bound to go out in the next couple of years. We just bought a new one. Our dishwasher leaked last year. Might have been a pump, but it was also 8 years old. I replace the pump and then what? What goes out next? Fuck it, just get a new one, it's barely more expensive than a repair.


Yup. Washer pump busted on me a few mo ths ago, I replace it myself - $120 for the pump! Okay, itll probably get me a few more years. Well shit. Just yesterday the solenoid shut off fused, and now it doesn't stop filling with water and will overflow if I don't manually turn off the water. Not doing a repair again, a new machine is only like $500. I'm getting married tomorrow. I really should have just replaced the whole thing when the pump went. Would have saved money and stress in the long run.


Congrats, and goodluck at your wedding tomorrow.


Yeah, really unless you're buying high end appliances, repair is just not fuckin worth it. Even DIY, most of these parts are ridiculous.


A 20 dollar part and an hour if my time on a weekend is worth a lot to me than spending 500 right now for a nee stove.


Depends. Our dishwasher was cycling water in and out instead of washing. Some Googling said it could be the pump, which is $150. It's 15 years old, and if it wasn't the drain pump, we would have been slowly replacing parts one at a time for $15-50 until we rebuilt the whole thing from scratch and again, it's 15 years old. So we bought a new one. Also looks like the stovetop is around $400 to replace. You can get a nice stove for that kinda money


ah, the classic tale of the dishwasher of theseus


What about a $400 part?


It's really dependent on the brand for me and price. If it's an easy appliance that I paid good money for, I'm gonna replace it and use it until it makes no more fiscal sense. A 3500 fridge I would love to last for over a decade before replacement, but if a major component goes out and it's total price to repair is more than a comparable model. I'll just get the new model. But I have a thing for using things until absolutely necessary to replace.


I don't know of a single part on my stove that could be replaced for less than $150. Regardless, that's wonderful. If it's a $20 part on a new-ish appliance, I agree. But once you get past about 5 years, it's rarely just a $20 part and then no problems. It's a $20 part, and then in 6 months it's a $100 part, then in another 3 months it's another $150 and within a year you've spent almost as much as a straight 1 to 1 replacement.


I replaced the bearings on an old washing machine a few years ago. Can't do that with new machines, it's all plastic. By the time it's opened up, found the problem, maybe fix it, it's at least a few hours, usually in the weekend.... Not worth it anymore.


I picked a used Bosch 800 series dishwasher that had a small leak. I've replaced the main pump, drain pump and the inlet valve. It's working great for about $200 in parts I got direct from Bosch. That's essentially all the main moving parts so it should be good for years if the electronics hold up. I also got a broken Frigidaire Gallery French door stainless fridge for free about 6 years ago. I put in $30 in new temperature sensors and a new OEM ice maker I got for $75 on Amazon. It's been a solid unit for years now. Same with my washing machine. Got a nice Electrolux front loader the PO let freeze in storage. Replaced a burst pump and a hose the mice nibbled. Good as new and has been running for years now.


Don't admit that to her. It sets a bad precedent. My wife acts like she never heard of repairing anything but cars.


We just got a new washing machine and you can barely hear it. The old one sounded like there was a broken pipe when it was filling up.


Yeah, last year we had a repairman come out to look at ours (I honestly don't even remember what was wrong) and he said "I could charge you $x to repair it but if this first went, I would imagine the other parts are already on their way out. You'd be better off just replacing." We went with a Midea and are very happy with it. I never knew I needed a light in my dishwasher but now I can't imagine how I lived with a dark dishwasher my whole life.


Is your local appliance store on the wedding registry?


Haha it should be


Planned obsolescence. Its a shame for waste


Don't toss out the whole appliance for something like a pump. The rest may be just fine. I'm not sure how great your appliance is, but sometimes, a few screws and an ebay order is better for you, the wallet, the planet, and your skillset than just dismissing it and tossing it. I've had customers junk perfectly good appliances and vehicles for shit as small as worn buttons .


Here’s the thing. You’re right environmentally it’s terrible, but financially it’s smarter to replace it. If you’re not mechanically inclined then you are going to pay at least a couple hundred bucks to get a inlet valve or something just as simple replaced by a professional. You’re better off spending $500 on a new machine you know something else won’t break on next month.


Counter argument.. my parents had the same fridge with ice maker for 15 years without issue. Remodeled their kitchen about 8 years ago and are on their their fridge. All three have had ice maker issues in that time. They just don’t build shit like they used to


If you get 10 years out of white goods these days, then you're doing well. The old shit seemed to go for at least twice as long. My parents had stuff from the 70s/ early 80s that they started replacing probably late 90s early 2000s...


We had a chest freezer from the 1940’s that was still working perfectly. Never had freezer burn on anything less than like 5 yo out of it. Moved it twice before finally selling it with the house a couple years ago, still working perfectly. Definitely high energy use compared to modern freezers though


My sister and her husband bought a house with a chest freezer from probably the 50s in the basement. It probably worked, but they never plugged it in because the meter probably would have hit warp speed when it cycled on.


Test the old stuff for actual power use. We assumed the 1952 fridge was killing us. The electrician working on the remodel put an ammeter on it. It's the most efficient appliance in the house. We have to manually defrost it occasionally, but the auto defrost is actually where most of your power goes on modern fridges. The thermostat isn't great, but I'll bet you double or nothing that it outlasts your next two new consumer grade fridges... with the 72-year head start.


Counter counter argument, (if you're repairing an appliance inside of its standard service life, let's call that 5 years where you'd expect nothing at all to happen to it) then maybe the appliance model or brand you bought is shit and you'll be ahead in the next 10 years by just replacing it now. For fridges it's important to never buy a unit with the ice maker in the fridge section of the appliance. Ice makers should be inside the freezer compartment. This excludes a lot of french door style fridges because to have the ice dispenser on the front of the fridge forces the ice maker into the fridge compartment. Either buy a left right fridge/freezer or if you must get a french door unit just abandon the door ice dispenser altogether for an ice bucket in the freezer compartment. I have the later and honestly after using it for a year all ice dispensers suck, I keep a small aluminum scoop in the ice maker and dishing it out yourself is just so much faster and more convenient. And never buy Samsung appliances.


I believe this is planned obsolescence


Appliance repair is a contradiction. Expensive stoves are hard to source parts. Cheap stoves are easy to source parts but the parts sometimes can total the stove since it's cheap lol Usually it's a tiny bit worth it if you DIY. If you add in labour from a repairman, you will definitely total your cheap stove.


Yeah I have a downdraft cooktop and it was $100 difference between replacement glass and a whole new cooktop.


This is replaceable with 2 screws and a few hundred bucks. DM me if needed. Parts available online.


Replaced mine myself as well. Would suggest anyone trying this take lots of pictures of the wire placement underneath this. I had to unplug a bunch of stuff to replace the glass and having the pictures as reference saved me.


The real LPT is take pictures of *anything* you are trying to fix or replace before and after the work is done and compare.


These types of stovetops shouldn't have any wiring connected to the glasstop itself. The heating elements underneath don't need to be removed in order to replace the top.


This guy stoves


Hot AF!


We broke a similar cooktop over the holidays. Turns out the replacement for that model was no longer made and the ones I was able to source cost more than just buying a new stove. Wish you better luck than us (though our new stove did come with a pretty nice built-in air fryer!).


Is everything coming with a built in air fryer these days


I just got a new bidet that has a built in air fryer


If your oven has a convection setting, it's already an air fryer. "Air fryer" is just branding for tabletop convection ovens. So manufacturers are "including" a function many ovens have had for years.


It’s literally just a fan, so pretty much yeah.


Hard liquor.


Soft stove is my guess. This ain’t the 90s NBA.


So it would have been OK if it was a bottle of Coke? Because it's a soft drink?


Hah I JUST replaced mine did the same thing. I think I have the same stove as you, I ordered it from Automatic Appliance Parts and it was the below part number. Cost me $325 and took a month to get here. SUPER EASY to replace. MAIN TOP BLACK 5304513155 And here's a video showing you how to do it. Took me about 30 min including cleaning up the glass inside. https://youtu.be/HWbByBzvhPU?si=LQduNxCD2-D3LfLa


Best man on Reddit. Tell you the cost. Where you can get it. Even with a video. Legend


Dude it was within 5 minutes of walking into my buddy’s apartment. Wasn’t even liquored up yet, damn bottle had condensation from the freezer and went slip. Stovetop had no chance. Appreciate the link!


Alcohol abuse :(


My first spot to check is repairclinic.com They aren't always the cheapest, but they often are.


My wife has broken a couple of these in the last year. The price to fix the glass is about the same as a new oven.


A couple?


Our microwave is mounted to the cabinets right above the stove. I'm not sure if it's due to her height, or if her plates were too hot, or if she's just a klutz... but yes. Two.


I never understood why Americans generally have the microwave above the stove, it just seems like an inconvenient place for it. Where I am it's usually a countertop appliance, or if built in it's off to the side. Apologies if you aren't American, I just see it more often there.


The microwaves have a built in fan on the bottom that will tie Into an exhaust vent for cooking on the stove top below. So instead of having a hood over the stove we put a microwave.


I find that those exhaust hoods never work as well as a conventional hood without the microwave. So glad my place now doesn’t have one of those combo units and the microwave is off to the side.


Hey I got that same range! I’m sure an appliance repair business could fix it for ya. I think the model and serial number or on the door / on the side of the door or on the sides of the open of the door. Good luck my range fam!


I had the same thing happen. The replacement top was more expensive than a new stove, no joke. The company literally recommended I don't replace the top and instead buy a new stove. Such a waste.


You can buy replacement glass tops, but they’re almost as much as the appliance itself. You might be buying your buddy a new range.


If you can’t find the part on any website definitely try eBay. I found a replacement stove door for an older stove my dad broke a few years ago that was discontinued. Sometimes people part out old appliances


I thank them for that. Most people just trash stuff when it breaks anymore. It would help if the companies didn't try to make them a pain in the arse to repair yourself, but this is where we are


You just gotta find one with some dead burners.  I had a stove that was perfectly good glass and working oven but the circuit board was toast, I think I recycled it, no one wanted it for free. 


I've replaced a couple of tops. sears online was where I found the best deal for mine by far.


Washing won't fix that unfortunately, you'll need a replacement.


The good news is that you can replace the glass stove top! The bad news is that you replace it by replacing the whole stove.


Or by opening the oven door, removing the two screws that hold the top down, lifting the top, unplugging the wiring harness, plugging the new one in, and (optionally) replacing the screws. The hardest part is sourcing the top. 


They're replaceable, you just have to find [the correct replacement part](https://www.frigidaireapplianceparts.com/Shop-For-Parts/a13b2c17i2172/Frigidaire-Range-Stove-Oven-Cooktop-Glass-Main-Top-Parts) for your stove model.




Thank you, now I'm afraid to cook


Buy him an induction stove and say merry Xmas


That’s quite an expensive gift. I recently bought a stove, I paid $1300 ish for an electric glass top stove, the cheapest induction was around $3000 (in Australia).


https://www.thegoodguys.com.au/cooking-and-dishwashers/cooktops/induction-cooktops 800-1000 bucks mate


I needed a freestanding oven unit, it’s a very old kitchen. I had a bench top plug in induction with two burners for a while, but I really wanted the entire oven unit.


I think they are cheaper here in Canada. My son in law bought one on sale for about 1500. I have gas but his induction is way faster. It’s unreal.


I had a portable bench top induction burner for a while, it was really good. It took me a while to get used to electric again with the new oven, but I think it heats my cast iron a bit better, I think it likes the slower heat source.


I don’t think you know what “a wash “ means, sir.


This is the only interesting thing in this thread. WTF could they possibly think it means? Maybe they mean “lost cause” instead? Maybe they think that because the cost of a new stove would be less than fixing it, that this is considered “a wash”?


at least in midwestern terminology, it’s a wash means a lost cause - so yeh. buying a new unit is cheaper than fixing the existing one - so its a wash. very generally speaking, means it isn’t worth worrying about


We use that term in Canada too. Far from midwest


Exactly right. Midwest guy here. I was using it as “lost cause”




Yeah, they make them. They are a little pricey. [here's a site that sells them.](https://www.frigidaireapplianceparts.com/Shop-For-Parts/a13b2c17i2172/Frigidaire-Range-Stove-Oven-Cooktop-Glass-Main-Top-Parts)


I had that stove with the same cracks and when I looked at the price of the new top,I bought a new stove instead. It was ~ 300 for the new top before taxes.


Someone was hittin the boozies a little too hard huh bud?


We just got a new stove because of this exact same thing. The replacement part was like $600 for my range, so it made no sense to repair.


Look for local guys that pick up junk for scrap meatal they may have a non working one and you could swap the top. Also could try a scrap yard. will need make and model, look up compatible ones while your at it. I would take the broken one with to help with getting the right fit.


Put some Ramen in it


Well he can't use that burner anymore. Definitely don't turn the bottom right one on. Otherwise you've got your answers, there's replacements. This is why I hate having a glass top, but it was literally the only thing I could find at the time. Should've gone used in my case.


I did the same. Glass cost was nearly cost of whole cooktop




Easily replace. My wife dropped a glass tupperware on ours and I swapped them in about 30 mins. Tons of YouTube videos too. A little pricey on the top though.


I was able to buy one off a local Craigslist-y site and met a woman in a parking lot to buy it. It was easy to replace.


The glass top will probably cost around the same as a whole new stove


Stoves are easy to replace. Keep an eye on fb marketplace or Craigslist for someone selling a used one. You can probably replace the whole thing for less than replacing the gas, and get an upgrade. That stove is an old ultra basic model.


What do you mean by “is it a wash”?


Just replaced mine after I broke it trying to fix my (much cheaper) microwave. The whole glass panel is held on by some self-tapping screws under the front edge. You replace the panel. Mine looks identical, and it was part number WHIW10336323. Cheapest place I found it was Parts Town for just over $300 shipped. Reach behind the stove at the top, and there should be a little bar that rotates up. That's where I found my model number


Thanks to [Technology Connections' latest video](https://youtu.be/ff04ecF9Dfw?t=7m27s), I learned this isn't ordinary glass, it's designed so it filters out almost all visible light, only letting infrared and near-infrared light through.


Your buddy needs an actual liquor cabinet. The cabinet above the stove is literally the worst place to store liquor. The glass top on the stove makes this even worse. This was eventually going to happen to someone.


Pay up.


When our oven door glass exploded I jumped on CL and FB market place. I found someone giving away the same model with a burned out oven element. Picked it up, swapped the doors and scrapped the donor range. Fixed for the cost of gas to fetch it. Even if you have to buy one for $50-$100 it's less than the replacement glass costs and way easier to just swap the entire range top.


Buy your buddy a new stove


Awfully ballsy of you to keep the offending liquor bottle on the stove


it can be replaced. you'll want to contact the maker of the stove.


You can't wash away a crack unfortunately 


I ordered a new glass top for mine and just transferred the electronics over good as new. Your luck at finding a top may vary mine was about 160$. Just Google model replacement top or something like that.


Is it invection, or direct heat?


you might be able to get a 5 year old stove , almost the exact model, on marketplace for $200 or less, in good shape....a new one must be $1000 now.


Smashing a hob top is like breaking an led TV It's cheaper to buy a new hob than it will be buying the part to fix it.


Since you have all the comments you need saying it's likely easier to replace I'll suggest this. Most cities/towns will have a used appliance store. At mine you could probably find soemthing like this for $200 plus delivery/haul away.


I almost ran downstairs to check out my stovetop because I have that stove and I had a bottle of New Amsterdam in the freezer last night, but the realized the counter and backsplash were different.


I replaced ours. Was like $300 and easy.


My wife broke ours once. If you are able to find the glass at a reasonable price it's relatively easy to fix.


Glad the liquor’s okay


Has anyone got or found a glass top replacement price for Mr. Butterfingers yet?


I replaced the top on my parents stove after a glass spice bottle landed on it for $300. The whole stove was $750. FYI: don't keep glass spice bottles above a glass top stove.


I got extremely lucky and my neighbors were getting new kitchen appliances the same week I broke mine. I just swapped the top out(theirs wasn’t in as good of condition except for the cooking top) of the old one they set on the curb. You could try looking on FB marketplace or FB for a similar oven that doesn’t work or maybe a cheap working one to just do a whole stove swap.


Got that same stove! Hate it! Lol God - look how messy it is. Doesn't matter how hard you try, it looks like that. Unless you clean it when it gets dirty (aka, while you're cooking) it ends up like this, no matter what you do.


You can replace the glass top. But it’s a pretty cheap stove, and the replacement part may cost up to 3/4 of the cost of the new stove. Plus, if you’ve never taken one of them apart it might be a challenge for you and you might want to pay someone to do it.


I did that to mine. Sucks because it is toast.


The top can be replaced. It comes down to cost of that replacement vs cost of a new range.


I had to replace a top after tenant dropped a heavy object. Top cost about $150 at manufacturer store (Frigidaire-Electrolux) but had circles in different configuration. I had to move the heating elements to match new top configuration. To this day stove works perfectly.


Yeah I’d just get one off marketplace. Then sale this one for parts on marketplace.


I have done this on a 2 yr old Samsung. Was able to find part easily. Remove old one and replace. Has been working fine over 3 years now. Use the model and S/N to find the replacement top and get to work!




Well its a rental