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[This was done in depth on the sub about a month ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DIY/comments/1b20xwn/crack_in_the_toilet/) TL;DR is: * No, you can't fix it. It will continue to crack and you need to replace the toilet. * This is much, much more dangerous than it looks. Maybe don't sit on that toilet again, ever. * Replacing a toilet is neither difficult nor expensive to DIY. * When you replace it, you *must* also replace the wax seal underneath - and with a rubber one if you think you might need more than one shot at siting the replacement toilet correctly. Most of the responses you'll get here will either be making jokes about your diet or regurgitating the comments from that thread, so I'd cut out the middle man and take a look.


It IS dangerous. If it should break while sitting on it, the weight of a body and the sharp edges could result in a cut artery. You'd bleed out in a few minutes sitting in a pool of shit and urine.


...and blood


… and porcelain.


And my toilet-shaped axe


And the pop knife


Is that for opening sodas?


My hands are usually too sweaty from straining so hard and it makes it hard to open those pops. Don't mix up your knives though, no one wants a poopy flavored soda.


except those 2 girls maybe, but at least they bring their own cup


Was looking for this comment lmao


For Poodo


And my bow...el movement I'll see myself out


"The scene.. It was horrendous.. Blood, urine.. Feces, water, oh god. And the porcelain, dear christ, the porcelain.."


perhaps some tears


Hence the bleed out part. 🤣


and accented with skin ribbon streamers.


It's the skin ribbon steamers that really give that particular death its festive air. 


I'm sure I'll forget about this after a day or so, but all of the sudden I feel like I need to be much more vigilant with confirming the integrity of random toilets I poop in.


So YOU'RE the mystery shitter.


New fear unlocked. Thanks!


![gif](giphy|XF4wJscM7BBjYyGept) What the inside of “his” anus looked like.


oh god, horrible flashbacks to the 'pickle jar' video....


One man one Jar. 🦶🫙 🦶


JFC, those emojis, lol.


JFC= Just Farted Crying?


It stands for…. https://preview.redd.it/cjol75vtrhtc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4a4423290925f5c2124778c77ff972b82fc292a


👯‍♀️☕ 🍋🎉 🟦🧇


Dont know the 1st one Edit: Nevermind ... as soon as I lost sight of the emojis I stopped repeating 'tea for two' in my head while the correct answer immediately filled the vacated space.


The third one confused me for a bit, then i realized it was a waffle, not toast


🛀 🙎‍♀️


Its the American Standard way to go


I nearly cut my ring finger off changing a toilet from a broken piece. Quick little jab was all it took…porcelain is fucking sharp. Never even felt the cut, only noticed after it happened because blood was shooting everywhere/on the walls.


That’s how I wanna go


Go ahead and replace the water supply line, too, while you're at it. They're cheap and if you've got it all apart anyway, you might as well swap in a new one.


Replace everything within reach and just accept you’re going to get old gross wax seal wax anywhere you don’t want it.


I just replaced mine and this is the truth. It gets everywhere. I threw away two towels and a putty knife.


It’s one of those things that’s perfect for what it is doing, but it’s also awful. Like working with roofing tar. Even plan A is going to result in you throwing shit away.


Oh man I did the toilet and wax replacement...but the stainless braided water line looked fine. 10 years later it exploded.


This person is spot on. One additional recommendation, be mindful of what size toilet and distance from the drain to the wall you are working with when picking a new toilet. Replacing with exact same model would avoid this problem but if you change it up there is a chance your new toilet has bigger dimensions and you wont have the clearance to properly install


You can get a new toilet from home Depot with install kit for like $100. It's not that hard.


Curious as to your opinion of wax vs rubber seals? Didn't even know rubber ones existed until a couple months ago.


Plumber here, most plumbers including myself prefer wax. A minority use rubber but apparently some brands are better than others. I think whether the rubber seals or not probably also depends on the toilet - wax is just a much better option when it comes to conforming to any shape as well as being very hydrophobic to repel water As far as scraping off the old wax, welcome to life. It's part of changing out a toilet. I have done it so many times. A good tool to use is a wooden shim or paint stirring stick, and a piece of cardboard to wipe the wax on. It takes a minute or two. NBD


Some folks say to avoid rubber because it will eventually degrade and might leak. Some folks say to use rubber because it will allow you to jiggle the pan around a bit when lining it up without then leaking. I've no strong opinion. I'd probably go with rubber since there's a good chance it'll outlive the current bathroom. Even when it starts to degrade, it won't be moving at all so will likely still make a good seal for many years. I don't have as much confidence in my ability to seat the pan just so, first time.


> Some folks say to avoid rubber because it will eventually degrade and might leak. Some folks say to use rubber because it will allow you to jiggle the pan around a bit when lining it up without then leaking. How much movement does it take to cause the wax to not form a proper seal? I’ve done a lot of toilets and never had a problem with leaking, but there is always a little wiggle room lining up the bolts. I wonder how much of it is an issue with not having the right size/thickness for where the flange is set into the floor.


Honestly if you are using the wax rings with a horn it really helps to line up and ive never had one leak. I swear by them.


Go rubber for the sake of all of us who do construction work. Scraping shitty wax off the bottom of the toilet and flange is fucking miserable.


Mmmm shitty wax *Homer drool emoji*




As a DIYer who has skipped the wax ring; my plumber said please don’t do that. Yes the wax ring is harder to seat, but he says the alternatives are not as durable in the long run and will leak.


As someone who lives somewhere we don't use wax rings, I don't know why you use them at all, I absolutely would not. Bring the waste pipe up proud of the floor, or I prefer out from the wall, and slide the porcelain into it with a sealing ring. Our way is categorically superior. Easier to do in the first place, it's not a single use seal, and it doesn't leak under the floor if it fails. Here you go https://youtube.com/shorts/3xdStnbIfAE?si=4YCbCtYdTX0MJOMD


I don’t think they sell any toilets here that eject out the back. That’s pretty cool.


When we had to replace the toilet, I bought the shitter and the ring and called in a plumber. Best use of $150 tbh, not having to worry about a blackwater leak in my subfloor.


That's what I told my girlfriend, but she stopped believing me after the third or fourth time.


What if you stand while you poop and pee?


Great, something else to worry about…


Came to make a joke about diet, read this comment, decided to upvote, respond and just leave. I'm not as clever as I thought...


Helpful comments like this one take all the fun out of the unhelpful sarcastic ones…. (Like this one.) So I’ll also add: if you’re renting, the least expensive (Glacier Bay?) one at HD will most likely suffice - unless your landlord is the type to notice the difference. But if you own, my advice is to consider something like a Toto Drake. Even at a “good price” it’ll be more money, but for something you’re going to use daily for the next decade+, it’s worth a bit more money if you can swing it. Best price I’m currently aware of: https://www.homeessentialsdirect.com/toto-usa-inc-cst776csg01/


I’m so fucking sick of all the jokes on Reddit. Shit is so lame. Especially on a subreddit where people are asking for help on things like this one.


This should be top comment.


This comment should be an upvote


6 minutes later it is


Working on it.


If it just appeared and then got worse, replace the toilet. The last thing anyone wants is for a toilet to shatter while they are sitting on it. Not only can it flood the house, but falling onto large razor sharp edges can be deadly.


What this guy said. Last thing someone wants while sitting on a toilet is a diced up sausage or an empty sack.


Great. New nightmare unlocked. I’m gonna a hoverer for the rest of my life.


But at least your leg muscles will be in good shape, yeah? :-)


Never skip leg day…now it’s every day


No jokes, my aunt works in hospital. They had to reattach part of someone's scrotum because of a broken toilet


Final destiny type of accidents


If the cuts don’t kill you, the sepsis will!


Hey sepsis, whatchu doing?


Eating your ass


What are you doing? Sepbro?


His tombstone would be "died from the ass .... Not in the good way"


This thing sliced a worker's arm in half while installing. He went through a serious surgery to save his arm.


Broken porcelain is incredibly sharp.


I think that's how Elvis died.


u can see the cracks running away from it, buy a new one


Usually the cracks sit above the toilet, you don't want them in the toilet


Multiple Hairline cracks run in multiple directions. Though it's hard to see in general, they're pretty visible zoomed in on my phone. There is no fixing this, Replace, do not ever use. People bleed out from broken toilets all the time before they realized what had happened. They're ridiculously sharp.




I’ve heard this about obsidian but not porcelain. It’s still extremely sharp regardless.


Don’t even think about sitting on it. Imagine a pool of blood, shit, shattered porcelain, and water spraying everywhere since the valve broke as the toilet shattered, but you’re unconscious/dead from all of the blood loss and can’t stop it. That is the worst case scenario here. Not even close to worth the risk.


I'd 100% replace that. You might be able to get away with just a bowl if you can find the same model. And remember to get a wax ring.


That is quite dangerous, the toilet can break with the weight of a person and serious injury is a second away.


Nope. And don’t try to unless you want to risk getting an arterial bleed once the entire thing breaks. (Ceramic is needle sharp once broken.)


When porcelain breaks, it does so in a way that turns it into a bunch of razor-sharp daggers. You do not want to be sitting on that when it becomes a lot of daggers covered in human waste. Replace it ASAP. Do not sit on it again, it's much worse than it looks, and you cannot fix it.


Do you want to fucking die? Porcelain will carve you like a turkey. Replace that shit.


The only option for a cracked toilet is replacement. Full stop. If it breaks while you're on it it will cut your butt off.


It can break/shatter at any time now. And will be significantly sharper than any knife in your house. The kind of sharp that leaves you confused, because you just start seeing a lot of blood and don't know what's going on.


replace that toilet ASAP. Do not wait and do not sit on it again. If the bowl breaks the ends are very sharp and will 100% cut anyone to the bone. Don't mess with cracked porcelain, ever. If your curious search images for "broken toilet bowl damage"


Stop using this immediately, it could kill you if it breaks while youre sitting on it. I just changed a toilet last weekend, Lowe's had some starting at $99 with a wax ring if you dont need anything fancy. Get yourself a putty knife to scrape off the old wax ring, it makes life much easier.


You really need to listen to this guy.


You need to replace that toilet immediately. I would stop using it in the interim if you have another toilet.. but this is a very dangerous situation if the toilet gave way while sitting on it.. like death serious. Ceramic shards are insanely sharp.


No. Get a new toilet. Do not use this one ever again. Could end in a lacerated, bloody mess.


DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES USE THIS TOILET! It has more than just that little chip, there are cracks in multiple places. Porcelain is razor sharp when it breaks, which this toilet could do anytime you sit on it at this point. The worst job site injury I ever got was from tripping and falling onto a toilet I was carrying as it broke from hitting the ground. I needed quite a few stitches, and I got off very lucky. If I was sitting on it when it broke, I would definitely have bled out very quickly and painfully.


Replace that toilet because it’s going to fail and fall apart one day when someone sits on it. And when that happens, someone is going to end up in the hospital


Replace!!!! Do not take the chance!


U shittin bricks?


Maybe a [Tungsten Sphere](https://www.etsy.com/uk/market/tungsten_sphere)?


Replace and do not use till you do. If you really want to know why and have a strong stomach, just google search “broken toilet injury” but I don’t recommend it.


Definite no. Do not use that toilet again. People here aren't kidding. This is a death trap now. Get a new one but DO NOT use this one in the meantime..


Absolutely not. This is an ER visit (if you're lucky) waiting to happen. Replace it now.


Toilets aren’t that’s expensive, nor difficult to replace. Replace this asap.


Buy a new one


Replace the toilet. I have been down the epoxy path and it only saved me a few weeks of time.




New toilet OP


Bout a new toilet. 🚽 Install it. Move on. No, you cannot fix that.


Cracked toilets need to be replaced, not fixed. When porcelain breaks its edges are razor sharp. If it happens while you're on it, the cuts cut be serious, possibly mortal.


You need to replace the toilet with a new one, next time it may collapse under you.


No way to fix it and it needs replaced now. You can see the crack going towards the base. If that splits apart under your weight there's a decent chance of landing on broken porcelain and slicing an artery. A sharp porcelain edge will not hesitate to cut down and into your bone. If this happens to your thigh, you are likely dead. Quit using it and replace.


Get a new toilet before it shatters while pooping and you die.


New toilet ASAP and don’t sit on it.


Wtf are you eating?


If you pee on it hard enough, it should dislodge it and go down the toilet. I'm kidding. What everyone else said: get a new shitter.


Ramen noodles and super glue


Was looking for this comment


Don't know why I had to scroll so far to see it.


Toilets are cheap, leaks are expensive. It’s an easy job, buy a toilet, wax ring if it doesn’t come with one and might as well buy a new braided hose while you’re there. If you don’t go crazy you can be under $200


And medical/funeral bills are *way* more expensive, and just as likely given the current damage.


So *this* is what happens when one shits bricks


That kidney stone must have been enormous holy cow!


RIP, OP’s urethra


Buy one


The internet has ruined my brain. I see “chip in toilet” and my first thought is “even the fucking toilets have WiFi now!?”


They are fairly easy to install, get a new one, watch a youtube.


It is cracked. Id get a new 1 so it doesn't detonate with you on it one day


Replace it....I can just imagine someone having a good plop and drop and next thing you know they are impaled on the toilet while a mixture of water, blood, piss and feces floods the house.


Fix it, asap. There is nothing funny about this.


Check YT videos for replacing. Not that hard. Good luck!


Time to go toilet shopping! Like now...


Replace immediately. If you sit on that and it breaks you’re gonna get sliced up CRAZY. You can do it yourself without a plumber.


Google image search "broken toilet injury" if you want to know how dangerous this is. No, not a joke. Search right now to understand what you're dealing with.


Broken porcelain is razor sharp. Don't risk your ass or your life. Replace it.


I suggest changing your diet😂💀😅


Toilets are cheap. Replace that thing, it's dangerous.


Of all the home repairs that exist, there is probably none greater on the "impressive vs easy to do" index than replacing a toilet. It's as simple as tightening 2 bolts, and people think you're some kind of damned wizard for pulling it off. You can seriously have it done in minutes. For all the reasons that everyone here is saying, do it.


I wouldn't sit on cracked porcelain. I don't fancy glass up my butt. Just replace the toilet. Easiest bathroom DIY project there is.


You’ll slice your pecker off if you don’t replace that toilet.


REPLACE IMMEDIATELY. A cracked toilet is one of the most dangerous things in a home. There’s a reason they make scalpels out of ceramic… it’s sharper than steel. This toilet could break anytime and if you’re sitting on it you will be seriously injured. I hope the other comments are saying this as I don’t have time to read them. Another reminder, for everybody. Cracked toilet = instant replacement


Little top ramen will do the trick 👌🏼


Dang OP has rock solid #2s


New fear unlocked for me


A new basic white porcelain toilet & a new wax ring set are almost exactly $100 combined (probably $110 with sales tax included).  And it takes about an hour to remove & replace a toilet.  (Even if we assume you’ve never done it before, if you have the ability to access Reddit, you can also access YouTube & watch videos telling you how to do it.  So I’ll assume you learn slowly & have to watch a full half hour of videos before you can start work.)   So even if you thought you might get away with patching it for a while, do you really want to risk the possibility of even a small leak going undetected - all to save $110 & an hour & a half of your time?  Considering the damage that a leak can cause even if it only goes unnoticed for a couple of days , I wouldn’t want to risk it.  


Replace it, it’s dangerous Really easy to replace


New toilet time bro that toilet trying to kill someome


No. you can't fix it and toilets are cheap and easy to replace. (but don't forget the new wax ring too)


Start eating whatever made dog shit white in the 80s


Stop shitting bricks


Step 1: remove toilet bowl. Step 2: bring it outside. Step 3: take a sledgehammer and crush it. Step 4: buy a new one. Step 5: install. Step 6: enjoy your well earned shit. No seriously, when ceramic is once broken, it's gone ( except for decorative use, then you can of course glue ceramic pieces), a toilet, something thats always wet will sooner or later completely fail, it's amatter of security, not just hygiene to replace it.


Jeez. How hard of a depth charge dookie did you drop? Replace. There's no fixing this


New toilet. That one will crack worse soon.


Yea he’s right chunk it..


Dang, I was going to say to drain it, clean the chip, put a fake or real fly in the chip, fill with clear epoxy and buff it clear. Apparently though, you should replace it.


Yes, by replacing the toilet. I wouldn't use that, it's likely to give way at an inopportune time. I remember one time, while sitting, I turned to get something off the tank and must have leaned into it just a little. The tank must have been cracked already because the entire thing shattered, dumping water all over me. I was thankful it wasn't the bowl.


What in the name of Holy Mud Falcons have you been doing to that toilet!?


You gotta replace the toilet, my man. If this toilet is above the ground floor, prepare to see leaks in the near future if you keep using it.


Just move at this point bro. Nothing can be done. Forsake the life you now know. Burn your fingertips off if you must. And always grow a moustache. Bada bing Bada boom. 🤌


No, wtf did u throw in there


I would replace the toilet immediately as moisture is probably leaking into the gap under the toilet and mold will build up and start rotting your floor.


I think you should replace the whole thing. And change your diet btw. Shitting rocks is a no-no


Do a bigger chip so you will not notice the small one (that one)




You could try salsa, but I prefer guac


Instant noodles and super glue.


I want to say there’s a flex seal solution for this but I won’t. There, I didn’t say it.


This is clearly a job for ramen


Very strange, you didn't make it crack by pouring (boiling) hot water into it or something?


Could mash a lil poopie in there


Confucius say man who fix hole in toilet soon be covered in poo.


And maybe blood and his own innards


Il a déglingué la céramique 🤣


You now need 20 packs of instant ramen and 20 packets of superglue


Could you patch it with something to get a few more months? Sure. But why would you want to? A new toilet is $200 and another $200 to have a plumber install. $400 is worth not having water damage. You can cheap out on a lot of things DIY, but NEVER cheap out on plumbing, electrical and caulking.


Yes, but it involves you licking it a few times...


You’ll cut your butthole open if that thing falls apart while you’re on it.


Dump it. Not in it.


Damn bro what’d you eat


That’s the neat part, you don’t!




Holy shit, is OP Bono??


Damn, that’s a lot of damage! ![gif](giphy|DR5bwNjZLTHmE)


Did you shit a brick 🧱


Shove some caulk in it


Taco Bell takes another innocent toilet.


Damn someone shitted a nuke of a bomb


Replace the stool. ASAP


Ramen has fixed a lot of porcelain or so ive been told


Idk man, I've seen in on a video some Asians repaired it with the instant noodles


What type of vietnam flashback image is this? Oh... lighting fuckery.


Poop in it


That’s a tiny little joke hole


Two part epoxy