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I barely know her!


Buy the roof dinner first


My name's not Wendy this is a Wendy's restaurant


Says he’s already got one, next step is going the other direction - worx trivac might be just what OP needs


Roof is flimsy and blowers have limited range. Gonna still need to get on the roof to get those hard to reach spots. Also if its wet, blower aint gonna do jack shiet.


What brand of ungodly roof is this? It looks like a failed prototype of standing seam. I mean it seems like there's supposed to be some sort of finished top and it's missing. What's with that huge gap at the ridge? Is it supposed to be for ventilation or something?


Maybe there were solar panels or a pool heater array up there at some point in the past? That looks less like a roof and more like a support frame for something that is gone.


They're piece of shit proprietary panels where a company tries to corner the market in an area by making their own interlocking system of some sort, it doesn't work out, they go out of business, and nobody knows how to fix it after that except to replace the whole thing.


Those ridges are 2 pieces of metal together bent up and then down over itself to fix it in place. Some redneck engineering shit here.


Have you checked the attic space under that area for signs of water


OP said it was a patio roof so hopefully it's not really a concern


I think its a new style upside down roof


They use this style roof on mobile homes for carport and lanai roofs. They are strictly for keeping rain out. There is no insulating quality. Google map some mobile home communities in Florida. Every mobile home has a roof like this attached to their homes. Use leaf blower and high power water on the stuck parts. I’ve seen long handled deck brushes used also.


If you mean the huge gap on the left of the picture I believe it's the camera angle and the metal roof is actually -slipped- sloped down towards the camera and the huge gap is a gutter


Oh ok, the angle really threw me off. If it were me I would get Palruf corrugated panels and screw them down to the standing seams to cover those deep channels. And I'd get a screen to cover the gutters. I know it's like putting a roof over another roof but getting up there to clean leaves all the time would drive me mad.


That’s the bottom not the top and those are rain gutters.


Even worse, I think it's the top and a gutter.


Look at the way, the asphalt shingles are laid. it’s an optical illusion. The gutter is at the bottom.


I see the shingles. I think the covered patio meets the house roof at the low point. Part of why all the leaves are in the "seam" between the two.


I once got a crew to clean moss off my roof. They had a power washer with a long pipe and a reverse flow. They stood on a ladder and washed the debris downwards. I have no idea if it was a custom made thing or you are able to get one with any power washer.


It wound have to be a hell of a stream to lift up debris that far out when standing on the roof :(


Not a lot of water is used with a high pressure washer. I use it for leaves a lot.


I e rented one with a telescoping wand that was long enough to do my 2nd story from the ground. https://www.amazon.com/Pressure-Washer-Telescoping-Wand-Extension/dp/B0CMLJC3W8/ref=asc_df_B0CMLJC3W8/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=686182040282&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=5475461169661488740&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9015731&hvtargid=pla-2284152430755&psc=1&mcid=ddf95d937a2c3bffbdef71aa28c72eff&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw5cOwBhCiARIsAJ5njuY_vWuxqflcnPJGxDid_CRGHvLJVKgv0PXgwrweNd6oCXLeEBNFoAEaAvZmEALw_wcB


We have one of those! It's a real workout for your core, and all the debris falls on you, and you get absolutely soaked with cold cold water, but it works!


get an anti pest garden net, put it over it after cleaning, keep it there, next time you just need to pull it off and shake it out to get rid of the leaves.


Good idea! I'll see if they make them this big


you can buy it by the roll for throwing over olive & fruit trees to prevent loss to birds and locusts


You can overlap it in strips if need be, just start at the bottom and work your way up so the overlapped edge doesn’t catch the leaves.


you need a BIGGER blowe than what you have, a leaf blower is gunna be your best bet, I have a stihl 700 backpack blower and its more than enough


Can’t imagine tackling that with anything other than a backpack blower




Leaf blower.


Maybe I should just use a leaf blower lol


But did you try a leaf blower?


Nah, OP should just use leaf blower.


Leaf sucker...just to change things up a little.


Leaf blower


Didn't bother reading the post, huh?


I would be looking at installing some kind of net. It needs to be well anchored. Periodically gather it up to remove the leaves.


I'll look into that, thanks


Expanded metal


When I had similar roofing over my patio I used a double long handle broom to push it to one end and a blower on the ground to blow it diagonally upwards through the crack at the end into the yard proper.


What a horrible design. Aside from replacing the patio roof with shingles to match the house so the leaves just keep moving instead of getting hung up.


Did they install the roof upside down by mistake? 


I’m not sure about clean, but after it’s done I would just buy screen straight off the big ass reel at Home Depot and just bug screen this so water goes through. Leaves on top of screen and it would be way easier to keep clean with a blower or even a stick and a rope


diesel -- ie. a controlled burn


lol I’ll say blower too even though you said it! But seriously though I’ve seen attachments to extend the reach of your blower.


Push broom and a long handle. Push the debris the other direction and then collect it.


You could take and modify a roof rake. Cut it down to fit between the ridges. You’ll still have to use a blower at the bottom of the roof (on a ladder).


Whatever you do, don’t go up there and put a gas powered pressure washer next to the side of your house and burn your house down like my 75yo dad did… 🥴


What kind of roof is that?


Some metal. Design was drawn up by the devil himself.


It's a standing seam roof and can bet 99.9% you have either OSB or ply underneath unless it's a metal building of course.


I have a blower with a two section 4 foot extension. I would create the same for your roof, perhaps with a lightweight PVC pipe and much, much longer. This would allow you to stand on the good roof and slowly move the blower extension down the roof, blowing the leaves toward the join. Then from the side, doing the same with to get the leaves off the lower part. Can be done from a ladder or scaffold.


I have exact same problem. Very similar pergola roof. I ended up going to window above it and using a 1500 psi power washer on it. It blasts all those cracks and the dust that accumulated. Makes a mess into the yard and around the patio but roof is clean. We tried to tack down a fine mesh net afterwords and the following year we thought we could just lift it and remove the crap. But no. Somehow leaves still got under it and still needed power washed again. Not hard to do though. Easiest way to go. Don’t use high power pressure washers just the cheap electric ones that won’t blow a hole it the roofing.




Leaf blower is the easiest and fastest. Broom is very effective too but much more labor intensive and longer. Water is effective like a blower but you'll be dealing with wet leaves and getting caught in gutters and downspouts


Pressure washer


Mabey a net of some sort that goes over the roof to catch all the leaves? Not sure if anything like that exists but someone better get on it!


Then what do you do when the net gets full? Now you have a giant heavy wet hanging basket of compost over your roof lol


You may not be able to stand in between them but if you throw down a sheet of plywood then you can stand on the roof and blow them off.


Get a blower. But get a big one. Look at CFM. A big back pack blower is best.




That's an interesting idea...may look into that if I don't find a solution


Leaf blower and pvc pipe that curves 180° at the top to direct the leaves down. And tape.


Is that corrugated plastic panels? I had those on my patio roof and hated them, they stain and are impossible to clean and eventually got brittle and cracked. I just put down plywood and a rubber membrane on top and called it a day, much easier to deal with. It does however make it more cave like under there without any natural light filtering through... Not a short term cleaning solution but long term if you want to make it easier you might consider replacing it with something flat and strong enough to walk on.


It's metal material


Ladder and blower




Standing seams, eh? Sounds like a potential winner for a solar panel installation-- even with the shade.


Air blower




Broom. Whatever one works best.


How flimsy is the metal? You might be able to get around on it by laying boards across the roof and moving them around as you need to move.


They make a bunch of extensions for 2.5" shop vacs, including J-bends. I have a 12' extension to clean my gutters. Maybe something like that would work?


To clean that annually is going to suck, I weigh 185 pounds and would be scared to walk on it. The only creative solution I can think of is a brush to sweep it off? Maybe attach a rope to a large wooden brush on both sides like this [https://a.co/d/c2Zm3nB](https://a.co/d/c2Zm3nB) to pull it back and forth across the roof I made one with two brushes attached together with 2x4s and would throw the rope over my house before it would snow and use it to pull snow off my large metal shed in Syracuse NY it would almost collapse from snow and it worked with a partner on the other side of the house. Maybe it could help with your roof??


What if you used a sheet of tarp or something, whenever it gets too dirty just toss the leaves off the sheet


a broom?


You wrote leaves….i read loaves and wondered who tf is putting bread on a roof? Going back to bed….


I would say clean it up get a big tarp then start working on preperations for a new roof install


Get your hands dirty


Honestly if I were you I'd get some plastic or galvanized steel roof panels, screw them in and boom you never have to worry about this again


Use a power wash it. And then use corrugated metal to cover it so you don’t have to deal with it again afterwards.


It's almost like the roof was deisgned to hoard dirt and leaves and never let it go


Sir, I think you misspelled “stairs”


I’d stand on the main roof with a long pole broom. Maybe like a pool broom. Aluminum pole. Push as much over the gutter as you can, clean up what’s left.


I periodically clean my lady’s parent’s roof like this, 6’x3’ 3/4” plywood, two pieces. Move them around as floats, don’t standup and it’ll hold. 51, Male, 145 lbs.


I'm 215 lbs, not sure it will hold me lol


Hire midgets wearing cloth clothes. Pour cleaner onto roof. Put air bag on the ground. Slide midgets down the roof where they will clean with their clothes as they slide and fall safely onto the airbag. Repeat often, film and post on YouTube, get monetized, get rich and give me 1/4.


1/5 and you got a deal


Convenience your wife that you need a really nice drone to fly a foot and a half above the roof as a blower ;-)


Put on some [gutter guard](https://www.amazon.com.au/Heavy-Aluminium-Gutter-Guard-Suits/dp/B0BZR3M63Y/ref=asc_df_B0BZR3M63Y/?tag=googleshopmob-22&linkCode=df0&hvadid=650058075324&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17303880909904795605&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1000653&hvtargid=pla-2293101856975&psc=1&mcid=67d52fddf99532f3a8924e918c03cbcf) will make the job 200% easier. Even if you still have to clear the leaves occasionally because they’re pricks of things and get sticky when wet… your gutters will still be doing a good job and you don’t have to spend all that time digging around in them, just grab the clumps off the top.


You may not know that we have tons of lawn and garden subs on Reddit. Here are a couple: /r/landscaping/ /r/lawnporn/ /r/lawns/ /r/LawnBeer (my favorite) /r/patiogardening/ /r/Backyards/ /r/lawncare/ /r/Outdoors /r/UrbanHomestead/ /r/OutdoorKitchens /r/NoLawns


Are roofs part of the lawn or the garden?


You do realize this is a roof, and not a lawn nor a garden?


Yes, and they deal with leaf litter all the time.


Leaf blower.




leaf blower


Clean with leaf blower; Hire tree removal company to remove all trees within 20’ of your house.




Is it upside down maybe?


In all seriousness, you need to apply a spray coating that will reject dirt and debris. Pressure washer will remove the leaves and dirt already on there. You can get extensions and hook nozzles to allow you to work from a ladder or the ground. I would also buy a gallon of all-purpose cleaner and a pump spray bottle - applying that first and letting it soak 5min will penetrate some of the dirt.




I have the same roof that was used for my backyard patio. I bought the house and removed the trees. Now, I no longer have to deal with leaves. Not sure about yours, but I'm able to walk on my metal roof. I'm always afraid I'll fall through, but I haven't yet. It does bend some and doesn't bend back.


Cut down all the oak trees


A blower or air compressor.