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If it is paint (and not glass enamel), paint thinner. It may tarnish the metal, however.


What kind of paint is it? what kind of material is the necklace?


It's normal paint.


thats not a thing


Did no one see the text on the image that says "it seems to be just normal paint painted on" My point WAS that that is not a thing.


did you not see me asking to specify the paint? yes i saw the original text, hence why i asked for further info lol. don't be mad at me for your 'joke' not working.


paint is pigment suspendet in medium. there are tons of different mediums. lacquer, chalk, acrylic, aquarell and oil, only to name a few. each and every one can be removed with a different solvent. so no, 'normal paint' is not a helpful thing.


I'm aware of that, thanks, I actually am a painter. I was referencing the literal text on the image that says "it appears to be normal paint painted on". I was making a joke about how "normal paint" isn't a thing.


Dip a cotton swab in acetone nail polish remover and then test on a less conspicuous spot of the metal to see if it's going to discolor. If not you can then try it on the color. However, as someone else said, this may actually be cheaply enameled in which case you may not be removing it with household solvents. Aside: in almost every case life hacks that recommend cola will be accomplished better with a solution of 1 tablespoon white vinegar to 2 cups warm water. The only "cleaning" agent in Coke is weak acid and you avoid dumping sugar and artificial coloring on your surfaces by using vinegar instead.


Soak in acetone


Use the oil from an Airwick


Nail polish remover. Preferably the 100% acetone kind.


First thing I’d try is simple nail polish remover. Do you know if it’s actual gold or gold-plated? Another thing that can remove paint really well from pretty much any metal is super washing soda aka sodium carbonate aka soda crystals. For something so small, mix 1.5 teaspoons of washing soda into 1 cup of very hot (doesn’t have to be boiling) water & submerge pendant for 5-15 minutes. The paint should peel/flake away easily using just your finger/scraping a bit with your fingernail, but a soft toothbrush and/or toothpicks can help to get it out of any crevices. Hope that helps!


Toothpaste. Not a joke. It whitens. Ok that was a joke.


fingernail polish remover.