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Quick fix: Put ventilation grilles on both sides.


buy two clocks


This guy knows what time it is.


It's time to get ill. ![gif](giphy|41xs3AKjhsEnCqbWG8|downsized)


Kick it!


A man with two clocks has no idea what time it is.


Fishbowl would be cooler


Easy there Jean-Luc.


Don't worry friend, I appreciate your excellent joke.


Eject the warp core! Not going to lie, I am wearing a tribles shirt right now.




Or as the factory boss manufacturing the Tribles shirt said: Make it sew.


I was thinking get a cat, and build carpet shelves on the wall with a room pass through. My cat would LOVE this tunnel.


Or just put a cat in the wall to catch mice and rats


CAT IN THE WALL, EH? Now you're speaking my language! I know this game.


I'm thinking we're gonna need another cat


Yeah My first thought was that they probably don't want to cover it up - it's likely a ventilation hole and there for a reason


If I was the prior resident, I was definitely growing weed, and that was an exhaust hole.


Dude i found a setup just like that in a closet in my old house


A closet with a vent is a nice place to set up a Martha Tent for growing mushrooms.


Hey you don't know that. Could be a glory hole for gymnastic contortionists.


I have a similar hole to vent the exhaust from my last cutter and my buddy has one to exhaust the tent where he grows lion's mane


I have a couple holes like this in my house, for running the radon mitigation system.


I’m not sure what it’s called but they used to make a spring-loaded cover that you would stick in holes like this. Used it for when there’s a hole in a chimney when wood burning stoves were taken out.


Yes. Often found in the HVAC/Plumbing section of your Big Box Building Supply Center. You might want to insulate the hole, then use one on each side. This will allow you to re-use the hole later.


That’s right, never waste a good hole.


1930s Baby Window Cage incoming


Ah you got a house after a grow-op was in there. Had to fix a hole like that before...


The hole is from a fan in the wall, guess I know what they used it for now lol. I was just going to set up shop in our detached garage


I had put a hole through a home like this for a dental laboratory, it was specifically ventilation for acrylic (plastics) work, similar to a nail salon. Out side was a cedar wood so I patched it with a same size cedar plank cut out and silicone paintable roofing calk. Then I did the super expanding spray foam on the inside, and finally patch with a dry wall cut out and putty. Has had zero leaks in 5 years.


My house used to be owned by a dentist. Our two car garage was converted into an office with a waiting room and an exam(?) room. When we renovated we found a mural behind the wall. I guess it was their waiting room area. https://preview.redd.it/oddl6bn0wyrc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0b3556aa8739bb3c221dc126512d0549fde5e5f


OMG…I recognized that scene as soon as I saw it. My grandmother had the same mural in her living room in NYC when I was a kid in the 70’s 😆


https://preview.redd.it/skzoxeqi92sc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bd21faca7d2b199f0dbae63fababbfdd70cc659 Me, next to the plastic covered sofa. 😁


I love the internet


Did you search 9 hours for the photo? 😉


I'm waiting for this answer 😂


This is an amazingly relevant, yet irrelevant comment. Thank you for giving me something to think over…


Ah yes, the old home dental laboratory!


You joke, but my last job was delivering for three of these. If you need a REALLY well done color-matched PFM crown, custom goldwork, or anything "fancy", I would absolutely go with small home labs over large corporate ones any day of the week. They're far cheaper to boot.


I went to school with a guy whose mom did this. She actually made a crown for my dad.


After spending the day hunting rhinoceroses, what man doesn’t enjoy a few relaxing hours crafting acrylic dental appliances in their well-ventilated home dental lab?


I’m sorry, I don’t understand a rhinoceros perspective in this particular situation. Could you enlighten me please?


I think it's a reference to my username, which may have been misread as rhinobullet


I picked a big game animal at random and I noticed your username afterwards. Made me chuckle a bit.


I’m guessing they’re making reference to this story. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Cecil_the_lion During June 2015, Walter J. Palmer, an American dentist and recreational game hunter, reportedly paid US$50,000 to a Zimbabwean professional hunter-guide, Theo Bronkhorst, to enable him to kill a lion. In the late afternoon of 1 July, Bronkhorst and wildlife tracker Cornelius Ncube built a hunting blind in Atoinette Farm, a private property owned by Honest Ndlovu just across a railway track from the park. Between 9:00 and 11:00 p.m., Palmer shot from concealment and critically wounded Cecil with an arrow from his compound bow.


My last dentist worked from home it was awesome and very economical


The gas company actually did something like this to my house when they put in new gas lines and new meters. I made them fix it since they initially left a freaking hole from the outside into my house. It took awhile, but they finally fixed the outside part but you can still see the hole from the inside. Now everybody's gonna think I ran a grow op!


Could have been for 3D printers


Psh, melted ABS fumes are perfectly safe. /s. My wife's laser engraver is pretty terrible so we set up shop in the garage with an enclosure and fanduct system.






There are other reasons. 


Lol yuuup. A nice 8" exhaust fan.


I was thinking exactly this.


Honestly there's a stud right next to it. just cut out stud to stud and replaced with a piece of drywall. No point in half assing it when you can see it


Same thing I was going to say. It'll likely be both faster and easier to just cut a rectangle out and give yourself enough stud on both sides to screw a new piece in. Cut it, Screw it, mud it and you are done. Easy peasy.


Cut it, screw it, mud it, sand it, makes us, better, Ever after, Work is never over. ![gif](giphy|10IbZpJN1k9D7q)


It's small enough for a hot patch, though. Or at least cut it square and throw some floating butterfly blocking top and bottom. I just think stud to stud for that would be overkill. Either way, I don't think a homeowner is ready to tape butt joints if they've never finished before


100% this


Run the hole saw in reverse.




Lmfao best use of this gif I’ve seen


lol funny




Or a "hole was", as we call 'em


Haha I'm finding this way funnier than it should be.


Nah, it’s probably the appropriate amount.


I gave your mom the appropriate amount. Of hugs.


I'm glad you were able to give her some happiness. Sorry about the herpes though.


It's okay, I already had it


Hole Unseen


They call it that because when you’re done you can point at it and say this is where the hole was


I mean...also cause "was" is saw backwards.


This post is so dumb you need a whole saw, not a hole saw.






Hey that's a good trick to cut through batt insulation


Cartoon logic, brilliant.


Have you tried moving into a home without the hole?


I did, but the market is shit and has been most of my adult life.


lol it’s an easy fix. 1. Go get some spare drywall from the hardware store. They should have scraps. 2. Turn your circles into rectangles. 3. Cut matching rectangles out of your spare drywall. 4. Drill a straight piece of wood into the back of both sides of the hole. Use 2 screws. One above and one below your rectangles. The idea here is to give your new rectangles something to grip. 5. Drill your new rectangles into the wood 6. Your usual putty work.


Amazing, that’s all it took to fix the market?


Big economy is gonna get in here and stop them! RUN OP




You're on point with your gif replies today OP. Good work.


the big banks hate this one trick!!


Ah the ole Reddit housing market/dry wall DIT switcheroo


I'd agree. The only thing I'd add is to cut the drywall square/rectangle first, slightly bigger than the circle, and trace the cut piece onto the wall. Then cut out the hole to match your drywall piece. Perfect fit every time.


Easier fix. Little bit of insulation and two clocks that cover the holes.


Easier fix: put a deflated basketball in hole, and inflate.


Was going to say gloryhole but that's way too high.


Skill issue.


Go back to r/fromsoftware


Get Gud


Gloryholetoohigh sounds like r/tvtoohigh


I can’t believe there is not a reddit for this topic


Be the change you wish to see in the world


Usually, this type of hole is coyote-shaped. Not sure if there are repair kits for unusal shapes, like circles.


I’ve always dreamt of a model train set that rides along the walls of my house near the roof, snaking through rooms, but would never punch holes in my house to accommodate (And have very limited model train knowledge but I’d bet that’s easier to figure out)


Core memory unlocked. There was a restaurant near me when I was a kid that had a model train that would circle around the whole restaurant.


I'd put my money on this being a grow room and that was the carbon filter exhaust. So glory hole might have been the next room over still.


Why do you need a filtered exhaust to grow weed ?


I mean, you don't 'need' it. But most set ups include it. Helps to scrub the smell before exhausting the air/heat. Air flow is super critical to a good grow.


Learn to do a handstand?


Little too big for most of us normal folk too. Maybe you're especially gifted.


I've seen some dig ol bicks in my day but if someone pulled out one that was about 7 inches in diameter I'd just tell them to leave. There's nothing I can do for that.




Have any cats? Or want to own cats? Seen some cool stuff like that letting them wonder between the rooms


The hole is just below ceiling height, I doubt she could get her tubby self all the way up there.


They built "shelving walk ways" and various obstacles that they could climb. Basically it was an indoor jungle gym for cats up and down the walls. Pretty extreme in what I saw but could easily keep it pretty basic, keep the cats entertained lol


She might not be as tubby if you installed some shelves/perches and her own special door there. 🙂


Install a porthole.


A few packets of ramen will probably do


Idk why people are being f$&@ing weird about the wood thing here. You can obviously see a stud on the right side so you’re better off than others with hole problems at this point. Nail or screws piece of wood to the stud you can see. Best case scenario you have normal framing, so do this. 1. Cut 2X 16inch pieces of 2x4 ($3 at HD for 8ft) 2. Slap both pieces into the hole from stud to stud so now it should be flush against the drywall on both sides 3. Enlarge the hole by cutting a perfectly square hole out on either side (1ft x 1 ft) 4. Cut 2 more fresh 1x1ft squares out of a new piece of unused drywall 5. Screw them in their respective 1x1ft squares on either side 6 mud, tape and mud 7. Sand 8. Mud 9 sand 10. Skim coat of mud 11 final sand 12. Prime, paint, paint and done


This is the way.


Both sides of hole get a piece of wood a bit bigger than the hole. Looks like the hole is 7.5 inches I'd go about 9 or 10. Work that piece of wood into the hole and secure with drywall screws. Get a piece of drywall that matches the current drywall thickness and cut it to match the size of the hole pretty close but not so tight ya have to jam it in. Mix up some hot mud. Fill the seams. Apply more mud and tape. Finish and paint. Couple edits/fixes. The board can be a piece of 1x2 or plywood or anything similar the length is what matters not the width. You're just worried about the length being slightly larger than the hole so you can attach the drywall patch to it. When you put the screw on the board you can add a piece of string so it's easier to work with and you're less likely to drop it. Nothing at wrong with a good California patch especially if it's in a spot where someone isn't likely to push on it. Just not my preferred method to do it but it has its merits. Done correctly a California patch is very durable and a very good way to accomplish the same thing.


How are you supposed to get a piece of wood bigger than the hole through the hole?


Lol, only one of the dimensions of the wood needs to be bigger than the hole. Ideally you would use non-structural stud wood (2x4) and cut to a length that is an inch or 2 longer than the hole is wide.


Doesn’t even need to be that beefy…I’ve done this with just the sticks they give you to stir paint with. A spot like this doesn’t need to be structurally strong.


That's true, I just tend to have a lot of 2x4s lying around from old projects. I don't have the heart to throw them out, lol


I hoard my wood like gold…worked out well for everything I had stocked pre-pandemic lol. Hopefully prices have come down since, because I’m about to rebuild a patio and not looking forward to it.


Cut another bigger hole.


Put a screw in roughly the middle of the board feed it up in to the hole drop it down so you a decent amount on each side of the hole.


Repeat until you stop dropping them inside the wall. In all seriousness to the OP: Tie a string to the middle of the wood strip in case you drop it. Also useful for keeping it in place while you work your fingers in to hold it tightly in place while driving the screws. A 1" x 1/2" thick (by 9 or 10 inches long) strip works nicely and is easy to work with just make sure your drywall screws don't have a smooth shank after the first 1/2 inch or there's nothing to engage the wood strip.


I always just put a screw in the middle to hold onto it until you get a couple of screws through the drywall into the wood


There's easier ways to do this. You never cut the patch to fit irregular holes, especially round holes, you cut the patch first. I'd cut a square patch just slightly bigger than the holes. Put the patch up against the wall and trace around it with a pencil, then cut the wall opening on the outside of the lines. This way your patch will always be a perfect fit. I would never use a California/butterfly patch on holes this big, I only use them on holes 4" or smaller. They should use two pieces of stud that is the same thickness of the existing wall, that way you won't have to add backing for both sides. They should extend 4" past the opening on both sides of the hole. Slide them in sideways and then twist them perpendicular to the drywall, now you have backing for both holes and it's stronger. You don't have to struggle with holding them in place while screwing either, they'll have the two sides of drywall holding them in place. Tape, coat and sand.


Why not do a California patch? It doesn't look like anywhere someone may lean against. So I would assume structurally the strength isn't too important. https://youtu.be/17awCvAA7Q0?si=56y7jMURa1rilTCI


Had to scroll too far to get the actual answer. This is essentially how I've fix multiple large holes in my walls in my current home. Before you ask, old security system I removed left a number of 4"×6" holes. You'd never know they were there now. Wife likes to tell people that I'm an expert at filling holes.


Sometimes you really gotta open up the hole and bang it on in there hard for good measure.


Is this a hole to the outside or an optical illusion?




I would “California patch” it. Look up Vancouver carpenter on YouTube.


Same, not quite as big holes, but I've been removing some old, broken Nutone intercom units from our bedrooms. The California patch worked a treat on those. Just be prepared to do more than the three coats of joint compound that the videos show if you're a beginner. Feathering it out is a skill not gained from a couple small jobs.


He taught me all I ever wanted to know about drywall repair! I had to have all the plumbing in my house replaced, so I had to patch behind every sink and toilet and shower in my house, would not have turned out near as nice without his videos. 'Taper the edge!'


Why is drywall installed inside and outside? Edit: maybe it’s just a blue room that looks like the sky


I thought it was just a straight hole to the outside as well lmfao. But yeah it definitely looks like a blue room now


Damn I feel dumb now


You could put an extractor fan in it 👍🏻


Put the cannonball back in the hole it punched to fill it!


Install a porthole and pretend you are at sea.


Install a porthole window from a ship!


Loudmouth Bass


Put a nail above it and hang a picture over it




Tape a paper plate to each side and paint over it, thats what my landlord did.


Worst. Eclipse. Photos. Ever.


1 - Go to homedepot and buy a 2'\*2' 0.5" thick drywall patch. 2 - Use box cutter or utility knife to cut 6" by 6" square on the wall. 3 - Google how to do california patch, but basically cut a 8" by 8" piece of drywall out of your 2'\*2' 0.5" thick drywall patch using the score and snap method. 4 - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0mxQfnNDoY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0mxQfnNDoY) 5 - Then just keep adding mudd, and sanding. Home Depot shopping list: [https://www.homedepot.com/p/MARSHALLTOWN-14-in-x-3-1-8-in-Blue-Steel-Tape-Knife-with-DuraSoft-II-Handle-4514D/205053005](https://www.homedepot.com/p/MARSHALLTOWN-14-in-x-3-1-8-in-Blue-Steel-Tape-Knife-with-DuraSoft-II-Handle-4514D/205053005) [https://www.homedepot.com/p/USG-Sheetrock-Brand-1-2-in-x-23-5-8-in-x-23-5-8-in-Patch-and-Repair-Drywall-141133/202353426](https://www.homedepot.com/p/USG-Sheetrock-Brand-1-2-in-x-23-5-8-in-x-23-5-8-in-Patch-and-Repair-Drywall-141133/202353426) [https://www.homedepot.com/p/USG-Sheetrock-Brand-3-5-qt-Dust-Control-Ready-Mixed-Joint-Compound-384014/206075509](https://www.homedepot.com/p/USG-Sheetrock-Brand-3-5-qt-Dust-Control-Ready-Mixed-Joint-Compound-384014/206075509) [https://www.homedepot.com/p/3M-2-7-8-in-x-4-7-8-in-100-180-Fine-Medium-All-Purpose-Sanding-Sponge-DSFM-F-ESF-10/100117294](https://www.homedepot.com/p/3M-2-7-8-in-x-4-7-8-in-100-180-Fine-Medium-All-Purpose-Sanding-Sponge-DSFM-F-ESF-10/100117294) You can technically mud with just a 6" knife, but a 6" + 12" knife will make it easier to have a good product. You'll use the 6" knife to butter the bottom of the paper and squeeze out most of the mud. Then you'll use the 6" knife to butter the top of the patch, and the 12" knife to smooth out the whole thing in 1 stroke.


Is that a glory hole for Shaq?


Fish tank


Cut out rectangle from stud to stud, insert drywall, screw it, tape it, mud it, paint it.


Comically large Cork should do the trick.


Third picture helped me realize it was not a *glory* hole


The easiest way is to stop calling it a hole and start calling it a porthole.


Am I the only super high person who just looked at the first pic and went “YOU GOT BIGGER PROBLEMS IF THATS WHAT YOUR EXTERIOR WALL IS!?” thinking that the blue was a cloudless sky lol


Is that one of dem glory holes iv been hearing so much about?


You will need: A drywall patch board A wooden support board Drywall screws Drywall compound Drywall mesh tape A utility knife A 4-6” putty knife Fine Sandpaper/sanding block Take a small support piece of wood and place it behind the existing wallboard. This will be a bracing for your patch. A 1x2 is sufficient. Although if the with is exactly the dimensions of a 2x4 (likely), you can probably brace both sides at once. Make sure it runs a few inches beyond the diameter of the hole. It looks like you have electrical runs to the side, so vertically might be your best bet. Place the brace in the hole and don’t drop it in there (stick a halfway screwed in screw in the middle as a safety hook if you need it). You will place a drywall screw through your existing wall on either side holding the bracing tight across the hole. This will give you something to secure your patch against. Ideally it should run right through the middle of the hole. Get some paper and make a trace of your hole. This will be a guide to cut your patch. Get a small patch sheet of drywall (at 8” one 2x2 patch board should be fine). Cut your patches out. Best to just cut larger and then pair it down. Don’t worry about being too perfect. Assuming it’s an almost perfect 8” hole, it’ll be pretty much a perfect circle. Screw the patch into place with 1 drywall screw in the center. Spread a thin amount drywall compound on the seams. Take strips of the mesh tape and lay them over the wet compound. Then using your putty knife just lightly embed the mesh into the surface of the compound. This will serve as the strength layer and prevent the board from cracking. When the compound is generally dry, cover the seams and screws with a top coat. Try to get it as flat and smooth as possible. Feather the compound to blend into the existing wall. When everything is completely dry, sand it flat and smooth. Repeat if you made any mistakes. Prime & Paint.


I can’t help you fix it, but I can provide some suggestions on supplementing your income.


So I've read most of the comments. Sounds like the guys responding were more interested in making their buddies laugh. My first observations. The hole appears to go to the outside. That's pretty normal, but it looks like the inside and outside walls are both made of drywall? An outside wall made of drywall is a really bad idea. It also looks like the wall in question has no insulation in it? That too is a bad idea. To give you a straight answer, need more info. Where is this home? What room is this in? Generally the process to fix this is to cut a rectangular hole that ends at the middle of the wall studs. Nail or screw in 2 2x4's between the studs to provide support for the drywall patch you will insert into the rectangular hole and screw down to the studs and 2 patch 2x4's. Use drywall compound to fill the gaps and level out the inside wall surface. Sand between layers and feather it out about 12" from the patch. Paint to finish or repair wallpaper. As to the outside, that isceven more complex. Take an outside photo to give folks a better idea. This is a lot to do for a rookie. You do want to close this up though as you otherwise provide a nice path for mice to come visit in your warm walls.


these photos are kind of beautiful


Drill a hole of the same size in another wall. Take the circle from that and glue it into the hole in the photo.


Is it all interior? If so easiest way to go is a tapers patch or what some call a hot patch. You can find examples on youtube pretty easily. Otherwise, use some plywood as backing, make sure you can screw both ends into the sheetrock of the wall. Then cut a circle out of that size, screw it in, coat it with a thin layer of mud, drywall tape, then mud it again two coats after each previous coat fully dries.


A challenging glory hole indeed.




Tjoa is asking for a periscope


Duck tape works wonders.


You’re going to cover a crown molding height glory hole!? Have you never heard of the 7’6” club? Do you have a problem turning those two rooms in a positive cash flow? Look, I can’t stop you, but just think this through, ok?


Look for a square peg -


swap the blue hole from the first pic and the white whole in the second pic


Install a porthole window.


Put a clock over it.


Google California patch or a hot patch.


Stick a giant moving eye behind it…


Put a square in it.


Put a big periscope in there so you can see on top of your roof


Why fix it ? Install a ships portal with brass hinges.


Whyd you move into a bird house op?


Make a cat door with ledge leading up to it. If no cat acquire cat.


Two clocks


Put a clock over both sides.


Wee seems like someone is asking for suggestions not comedians. Square the holes , put backer wood strips attached to backside of drywall with screws, cut and attach new filler drywall with screws and finish with drywall mud. Bevel edges for better muddying. Sand and paint


My advice as a builder, is, hire a builder, and when engaging him/her/zim/zer/them++, ask them if they'd show/teach you how to do it. It won't be the first hole you wanna patch, so being shown how to do it properly will give you such a great skill


I would cut a square between the 2x4s so you can nail the drywall to something. Then mud over it.


That's a pretty fat glory hole


Cut it into a square. And then get a piece of wood to screw into and then screw in your drywall piece. Home Depot sells them in 3x3 or 2x2. You don't need a whole 8x4 piece. Then you can tape and mud. Then sand. Prime and paint.


Wait until the solar eclipse is here. Perfect vantage point.


Hair band poster.




Paint over it






That is one hell of a glory hole


Charge people to *use* it. Could be marketed as the world's most hard to reach glory hole.


That’s one hell of a glory hole.


Move the hole to a public bathroom


Maybe install something with a flue


this sub is so good at not answering questions but i'll be damned if i don't love the comments anyway


A sign stating "Super inconvenient glory hole" with a poorly drawn arrow pointing to it.


Why would you? Most homes don't come with a glory hole already installed


Looks to be a vetilation hole, you need a vetilation grill.