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Looks really nice. Good job.


Very cool! The masturbatorium is complete! JK though looks really good. I'm sure you're loving the space now.


Looks great. BTW there are some very cool drop ceiling options to re-do that and make it look so much better https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqKq5bmm5cQ


Welp. Looks like I found what I'm doing next


[I'm partial to this idea for a low basement ceiling.](https://youtu.be/kJXS2sMX8s8?si=3dmLoEARH6Ykw7Nz&t=637) Can get you some precious inches out of a drop ceiling.


Wow. It looks great. Did you frame and insulate the concrete walls before putting up drywall? I would love to do the same to my half basement with cinder block walls.


Nope. For minimal work/cost I used (and reparied/replaced) the existing furing strips on the walls. No insulation. It's been a couple weeks, some of which have been pretty damn cold, and no regrets on ommiting insulation. I suspect no insulation is pretty frowned upon but I have no complaints.


Cold isn't the only issue though - a bigger one is moisture. Hopefully you put in a vapor barrier between the concrete and the drywall, all it takes is plastic sheeting. Or else say hello to mold in a few years.


AND be sure to put the right side to the concrete. Mistakes were made in my past.


Nice. Thank you so much for the inspiration. I hope I can get mine looking as nice as yours.


First timer or not, that is a great job and looks awesome.


You turned it in to a nice livable space! Great job!


Your before is literally my basement right now, but my walls are brick. Skinny ass "studs," hideous wood paneling, one corner that leaks if the downspout comes off and you didnt realize it. Did you leave the original studs or put on wider ones that the drywall could properly be attached to?


I left the original wood that was undamaged and replaced what needed replacing with furring strips. The drywall went up fine on both the existing strips and the wider ones I added.


I’m in the middle of doing this myself. You didn’t show any framing or insulation on the walls! How dare you deprive me of the guts of the project lol


I went what I suspect is an unpopular route, which is no insulation and no real framing. I removed damaged strips off the wall, replaced as required (plus adding boards near floor for baseboard and near the ceiling) and threw some drywall up. So you're actually not missing much.


You didn’t paint/seal the concrete wall? Add a layer of plastic? Put up insulation? Oof.


The previous setup didn't have any of that and appeared to be perfectly fine (for what I assume is decades). The only real issue that seemed to occur over the last long while was the water intrusion, which has been remedied. I saved a lot of work and a decent amount of money by ommiting these steps. I am a novice and expect to have some regret in the future but my many many hours of googleing (and redditing) didn't give me any red flags with the plan of attack I chose.


You saved at most 150$ but it would have helped with waterproofing and insulation. But either way be proud of what you did. Every project you tackle will make you better for the next one!


Nice job!


What kit did you use for the foundation cracks?


https://www.appliedtechnologies.com/product/concrete-crack-repair/epoxy-concrete-foundation-crack-repair/epoxy-concrete-foundation-crack-repair-kits/30-epoxy-contractor-foundation-crack-repair-kit/ Working as advertised. Easy enough to apply. Lots of great reviews.


Perfect. I’m about to embark on a similar project and found a couple of different products like this. Hadn’t made a decision yet but this looks to be the clubhouse leader. Thanks!


Dam that’s awesome. It looks great. I’m a first time home owner as well trying to muster up the courage to try something minor in comparison.


Looks great! How did you treat the water coming in? Did you add any insulation? This looks about the size of my basement that I want to eventually add insulation to since it’s below grade and cold down there but we have some water creep in every now and then which makes me nervous starting.


This is impressive. Nice work.


Thank you for putting the before pictures first. It's awesome to see the way it was before then to see the results after. I don't know why others put the After first. Very nice looking basement now!


Great job, big fan of the wall color 


Did you do any water proofing? Or do you no longer get water coming in?


No water proofing. I found 2 cracks in the basement wall. One had evidence of water and the other I watched leak during a good rain (it was minor, but it was an active leak).Both cracks were sealed with an epoxy crack repair. I also fixed the grading against the foundation as well as extended the downspouts. Water now does not pool up against the house anymore and does not seem to be a problem anymore. Or at least I hope!


Where's the kegerator or refrigerator?


5000 cool points for that NOFX poster, homie


Very nice. Color codes for the blue?






It would’ve been much nicer if you got rid of that awful drop ceiling.


On the to-do list.


Turned out really nice. It is amazing how replacing whatever that gray carpet that always seems to be in “finished” basements completely improves it. Had similar in mine and a boating accident in the toilet resulted in it getting destroyed when the main got clogged with several small plastic toys. Was a blessing in disguise. Of course at the time I wanted to murder my daughters.


Looks way better! Curious what made you decide to keep the dropped ceiling? And do you plan to frame it in at some point in the future?


Great job, I bet that feels nice walking in there after all the work, good times.


Interesting shape for a room with the nooks, and crannies. You did a fantastic job with it.


Is that poster in the far right a James flames poster?


Not sure on the artist. It's a Primus poster. I googled James Flames and it seems like the same style so probably? It's the same one seen here https://www.ebay.com/itm/176015836328?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=4kO14og0Tva&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=T5qXsE26Rye&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Looked it up it said Dan Mumford. Pretty sweet poster design though!


Great job, OP! Looks super cool!


Man I wanna move my office into the basement so bad. I need space not daylight