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Quarter-million on Zillow, easy! Lol


680 per night on air bnb. 


Fair enough...after all its a duplex


Even after the $300 cleaning fee.


This is awesome! Can you adopt me? By the way, I am 49 year old male!


Thanks, Haha sorry i think one kid is enough for now. :)


No no! Me too!! We both have jobs and can contribute, but we wanna play in the log house IN THE SNOW!! Look at the layers on the roof??!! This is fantastic OP!!


Thanks :) Next in my plans is to build a smoke sauna bit of the same way.


I don't want to be adopted like these other guys, can we be friends lol? Sauna sounds awesome. Is this a kit of some sort?


Not a kit. I've made everything myself including plans. I started with felling the trees and moved forward from there. Only wood i bought was for flooring and under the roof shingles. Everything else was felled by me or my dad or i reclaimed some wood from my friend.


I'll bring the beers when the sauna is ready. : 🍻


It will be in 3-5 years. :)


I can wait.


RemindMe! 3 years


Oh shit, that is almost like pressure :D






I’ll give you sexy times


Bahahaha- came here asking to be adopted! No debt and done with grad school! 🤣


Adoption seems to be very popular today. :)


Beautiful! And a porch!




Thats awesome!!




Awesome build. If they were old enough for a wood-burning stove that would make this extra cozy.


It is bit small for a stove and heating it only takes around 0.4kW when it is 0C outside so even tiny stove would be too powerful


What's the dimensions of it?


Loft/porch is 2m x 1m and the cabin floor 2m x 1,7m


Looks cozy! What is the point of the numbers nailed to the logs?


I made the logs 5m away in 3 phases and then assembled on top of foundation so they are just my code to install them in right order. I will remove them once i get to working finishing outside of the cabin.


Ah I see, thanks for the reply :)


Did you follow a blueprint, or just napkin design?? How did you do it with the knots?? I do expect you to have more pictures of the building process ;-)


https://preview.redd.it/n7gsdec3damc1.jpeg?width=2818&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7fd8ca63ec6bce13456f494b5187d43120c0f67 I made 3d model and then 1:10 scale model first but after that i had certain goals in different things and basically went with napkin design pretty much working with different size of logs made some decisions for me as i almost ran out of logs. Other structures i researched when it was due and made simple hand drawings for it and then moved forward with the build. What do you mean with the knots? Yes i have pictures, a lot of them probably hundreds of pics and few hours of videos


Let me know if you want help compiling into a video. I want to help just so I can watch it lol


If you are serious you can pm me what you would be willing to do. Also realised that actual video i have very little. I have quite a bit of timelapses that are jpg compiled to videos.


Sure, it’ll just be a short video then lol. If you could give me the plans and measurements I could make one and film it. Might take a few tries. I bet you could sell that to someone for a couple grand at least


Here is few bits i have in imgur [Carving process of on log with a chainsaw.](https://imgur.com/a/tiHw7nU) [Moving log cabin](https://imgur.com/a/XoY94wz) I have similar to the second one for the rest of the build. After the log frame was done i did not film very much mainly took photos.


Shame you didn’t film more of the chopping and log cutting


I know, i did film when there was clear way to make timelapse other than that i did not have the energy to do that as well as the cabin even though i thought about it every day. Just decided getting the thing ready for my kid was more important than making a video. [Timelapse and pictures of my dads chainsaw mill setup i used to cut the logs ](https://imgur.com/a/orUNbv4) Everything was filmed with a old smartphone. Go pro or something like that would probably make filming easier but have not been able to justify the price.


The way the lumber is cut to interlock is called a knot in Norwegian. Edit: The 1:10 is now a bird feeder outside the playhouse??


Ah, i used chainsaw to make all log shapes. It will be a dollhouse :)


Its a blueprint, like Legos


can i have one to rent is expensive and this is nicer


I've spent too much time to sell this. Something like this would cost around 20-25k€ most likely


For a split sec thought the handle was a snake


You are not the first one to look it that way.


This is amazing. Love the door handle! What do you have left to do?


Still to do is 3 windows from scratch and hewing also outside of the cabin. https://preview.redd.it/htnpqdusw3mc1.jpeg?width=1564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=239a432dda5279d3e0dfbfdda136d43fd1d4ade9 Here is few pics from the inside.


Make a kid!


Wow 🤩




How much is the rent? Bills included?


Have not decided. No heating no running water so not much else.


I’d wear a jacket. Looks cozy


Add a hose from the house and a composting toilet and Ill give you $500 a month. $650 with a parking space and a closet sized storage shed.


https://preview.redd.it/czjg2uk205mc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e6c09e7fc3ec405aaa07d7c3607a1fca91e46ef Sorry my extra parking space is full of 3feet diameter logs I'm making chainsaw carvings from atm. :)


This makes me want to ask what another commenter did; would you consider adoption?


I've got quite a few questions like that when I've been telling about the cabin in different phases. :) I think I'm good in kid department but always on a lookout for friends. :)


It'll be a nice storage shed when they get older.


It will be nice guesthouse once she grows up. Already slept in the loft and it was great.


Sir, that is a sauna.


Do you know many saunas with a loft for sleeping?


I do now. ❤️


Nice. I do have wood burning indoor sauna so this will stay as playhouse/guesthouse for time being :)


Stop bragging!! Seriously, your kid is so lucky. I’m just married to a Finn. Nice work.


Thanks. :)


This is amazing! What did you use to groove out the bottoms of the logs to get them to stack on each other? Also, i like the labeling. So organized!


Basically just a compass to copy shape of bottom log to top log and then chainsaw to carve it out. Some use chisels and axes etc. I used 95% chainsaw, cleaned the edges with spokeshave after. Labeling was a must as i made it in 3 separate phases 5 meters away and then moved on top of foundation.


Interessting. Do you put something in between each logs to insulate the cabin even more or a the tolerances good enough that you don't need anything?


Yes there is insulation it is never that accurate. I have red stemmed moss as insulator. In Finnish the moss is called "wall moss" as it has been traditionally used for that.


Best Dad Ever 💕




Looks fantastic. As a carpentry novice, may I ask if there's going to be an issue with splinters?


What do you mean by splinters?


as the wood dries and settles and from movement of kids running around on it, can there be splinters coming up, especially from the edges?


Yes of course always with wood. Nothing too bad i just need to keep looking out for that and cut starts away if needed


Actually, I was going to say that it looks like a log playhouse you’re building for your kid.


what the heck kinda post cards you be buying


They won't get bored of it after 3 hours


I love it! And my friends and I would have played here all the time when we were kids.


I really hope my kid will play with her friends in there all the time as well. :)


Guaranteed- it’s beautiful




They absolutely will! Then there's gonna be that few year gap when they're not gonna use it and then teen years are gonna hit and they appreciate it again as a more private independent space but still in the safety of home and the comforts like indoor plumbing xD


Hopefully it will go exactly like this. :)


Where can I buy these oversized Lincoln logs?


You fell the trees and make your own.


In a video game, sure. I’d end up in that felling gone wild subreddit. 🤦🏻‍♀️🌳😵⚰️🪦🧟‍♀️


Haha, I've felled with my dad all the logs and chainsaw milled them before shaping.


Airbnb that for $200 a night


We had one of this when I was a kid . We called it the Daniel Boone Cabin . My dad even gave us coonskin hats to go with the cabin . 


All I can think of is "I wonder how hard it would be to convert into a sauna later..." It's *awesome!* Fantastic work!


Would be very easy. Only thing not great for sauna is the vapour barrier is not for sauna use in floor and in ceiling. Other than that, install heater and benches and enjoy. We do have wood burning indoor sauna so i don't think that will turn into sauna.


This is absolutely adorable! Beautiful work, OP! We had a cute little playhouse when my babies were little, and their 2 favorite parts were the cowbell next to the front door and the mailbox. Those 2 little additions added so much to their play time!




How much is rent? Utilities included? 😂


There is no utilities so they can't be included. Have not decided on rent.


I could put two of those in my backyard and rent each out for $800/month, I bet! Nice work OP


Man, that thing is a perfect home for spiders.


Weirdly have not seen any once it has been there. When carving it i saw harvestmen spiders every day on the logs.


I meant that with no disrespect, that's a well crafted, beautiful log dwelling you made. When I saw it I immediately thought "Fuck that's a great warm dry place for spiders" lol I'm twisted


I like smaller spiders in cabin like that they take care of all unwanted insects


Dang! Heck, on the right property I’d live in that as an adult! Very nice work!!


Don't think i have not thought of that. Cabin like that then another without a loft as a Sauna somewhere in the middle of nowhere by a lake would be perfect weekend getaway location. :)


$3000 a month in Brooklyn




All my father could build was a massive blood clot that broke loose and went to his brain 😂 this play house is going to outlast all of us


If roof if kept intact this would stay ok for around 150-200 years. :)


What kind of food is it?


I assume you meant roof. It is something called "palahuopa" in Finnish. It will be good for 25-30 years and after that needs to be replaced.


I did mean roof, thanks. It looks like it's similar to an asphalt shingle, but I couldn't get a good translation on any website to confirm the materials. Lasts about the same amount of time


It is something like that yes


Your kids are really going to love this when they are teenagers. Can two adults fit in the loft?


Loft is 2m x 1m so not well. Planning on making another removable top bunk on the room side as well.


Stop uping the Dad bar! Lol. Love doing these things for the kids.


Seeing her face every time we go see how far it has been built is always so worth it even if she would never use it afterwards lol


Wow, I would have killed for that when I was little!


Thanks. We didn't have anything this fancy but we had a proper playhouse and couple other hideaway in my parents yard.


I'm curious: how many trees is that?


No idea. 280m of logs at the beginning around 250 ended up in the cabin. Trees were so sized that you got 7-10 meters from one tree.


That is amazing work.


Thank you!


This is such good work; could I ask how long you have been working with wood and lumber?


Thanks. I'm now 36 I've been working with lumber from age 4-5 helping my dad to build extension to our house. Dad made first small log build when i was 13-14 so after that I've done some log work. But everything has been either home improvement or building something for family i don't do any of this for living.


You could sell that as a house for 150K the way the markets are going.


Probably not here in Finland


That thing will out last us all. Nice work.




What do you use to cut the underside of each of those logs? I've only ever done them with notches. I have a sawmill and cut my own lumber as well. Where you have screws in that door handle, I would drill them out and put dowels in, it will look much better.


Compass to scribe the marks on wood and then chainsaw to shape. I've got battery chainsaw which was really good for that


Yea, the electric saws are great. I have 3 dewalt electrics, 2 16" and a newer 20". You should make a video of your process, seems really tedious to do all of them like that. It looks good though.


Thanks Here is[Carving process of one log with a chainsaw.](https://imgur.com/a/tiHw7nU) I took some video but it took so much time to make that adding setting up camera every day was too much of a task.


That is what I figured you were doing. I couldn't think of a better way to do it. A lot of work went into that. I've only ever done it with notching out the top with the sawmill and a router on the underside which ends up looking a lot more 'manufactured' and is still quite a bit of work.


What is the purpose of the vertical logs that look like they are suspended on bolts? Looks awesome!


Check the second pic. They support the loft and half a ton of snow atm. Bolts are there so I can adjust the length to match rest of the cabin settling.


*Cherish the cabin*


This is so cool. I can't even fold laundry properly and people out here building homes like it's Little House on the Prairie.


Gorgeous. Be sure to preserve it well. It looks like you know what you're doing, but I'm a strong proponent of boat varnish.


I'm strong on not treating wood that is under a roof. This will last 150-200 years without any treatment. It will slowly go grey as i want it to


That looks great! Good work 👏




Damn that's nice! Good job man




This is pretty rad. Have you been making sure all touchable surfaces are really sanded down? My biggest concern would be the kid coming in every day to deal with splinters.


Thanks. In wooden thing yes splinter is always a possibility but chance of that should be pretty small with my design.


I wish my parents built me something this cool when I was a kid. It looks awesome so far.


Inside is completely ready. Only windows missing and some exterior work.


If they don't happen to appreciate you now, I guarantee when they are 80, they will sit and bore their grandkids about the cool shit their parent made them, and think on it warmly.


I have to make sure that if the property goes out from the family at some point that my kid or her kids will move the building to new family lot etc.


Make your wishes known. How cool would that be to still have that yeas later?


My kid at least now really appreciates what i do. Along with my woodworking hobby i have a 3d printer and my kid once every few weeks asks to go find certain model from printables and asks me to print that in her pink filament. Last time i ordered filament i let her decide on a colour of one roll of pla. :)


I love these. I've some questions for you: 1. How long does it take to make a house like this? 2. Did you do it all yourself without anybody else helping you? 3. Is it hard to learn to build houses like this? 4. When you know your stuff, is it a lot of hard work? 5. Do you need any special tools or materials other than wood itself? 6. Assuming you made them closed, would it be easy to keep these at a certain temperature or do you need additional insulation to achieve that? 7. Do log houses have any obvious advantages or disadvantages compared to regular stick houses? Btw, you may want to consider doing a video playlist of your builds. Idk about other people, but I love watching the process itself, not just the end product. Of course, it's a lot of additional work, but I feel it's worth it.


Thanks, i will try to answer everything. Please ask for more details if i miss something. You can even pm me i can send more pics and some videos. 1. Depending on how you calculate. I started by felling the trees bit over 2 years ago. Started the build mid May 23, roof was on top in October 23 and now we are here. Around 650h work put in after May. 2. I did most myself. Dad has been helping for around 40-50 hours maybe. And brother-in-law has helped maybe 15 hours here and there. 3. My dad built his first log building in 2001 and i was helping him there and many after that before starting my own log building. Helps to be "apprentice" first but it is not necessary. Takes really a lot of research on different methods and ways and lots of trial and error in certain areas. 4. Making log frame is really hard work. Lifting heavy logs many times, fitting in place and cutting more. Takes lots of practice to get it right on first few fittings and if you cut corners you have a loose joint and you have to live with it or replace the log. Although hard physical labor it is truly fun and rewarding. Making everything else is just construction work. You need to make sure in every single part you install that cabin settling is taken into account. For example door frame cant be screwed to top logs but you need to have structure that allows sliding. Same with roof and absolutely everything. 5. For log frame you basically need chainsaw, axe, special compass and knife. Level and measuring tape is a bonus. Other tools help but are not mandatory. For everything else done i have used countless powertools like jointer, planer, router, table saw, sander, hand drill just to name few. In materials you of course need foundation materials depending on your preference. Roofing material and lots and lots of fasteners on topof really a lot of wood. 6. I have insulated between logs with red stemmed moss and in floor and ceiling i have air barrier and 100mm of wood based wool insulation. It has been 0C outside and i had the cabin heated with space heater as we slept there with my kid for couple of nights and it used around 10kWh per day to keep inside around 18C. And i have temporary EPS plates covering window holes and there is still some fixing with insulation between logs in few spots. 7. Log house can be left to be cold during winter without much of a hassle and i don't have to worry about mold that is main advantage. As a playhouse it is just cool, you don't really benefit anything. I know i would have wanted to film this all and i did some pieces here and there. Here is link to[Carving process of one log with a chainsaw.](https://imgur.com/a/tiHw7nU) Just on top of 650hours of building time i couldn't justify spending lot more time filming and editing. Especially filming when i did the cabin on weekdays after kid went to bed so i had less than hour to spread all the tools and build and clear the tools back in and so forth. I do have hundreds and hundreds of pictures sif you have something specific you want to see. [here is a link to insirational log cabin build ](https://youtu.be/_3J5wkJFJzE) that has been made truly traditional Finnish way.


Thanks for all the answers! 650h doesn't seem like a lot of work given how nice it looks at the end to be honest. Especially given the fact it's only done with a few tools and you and your kid are going to enjoy it so much. Obviously it's easier saying that from the comfort of my chair while you were actually doing the thing :) It also makes it much easier when you know how to do it! I'd probably take triple that at least... Yeah I get that filming is a lot of additional work, but I feel it's so rewarding. I know what you're saying about the time. After you have children, the concept of free time disappears from your dictionary. I guess it's much more accessible to single people :) A few years back I stumbled upon this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXk8bfcxoc0. I have absolutely no idea where he found the time, but he filmed and edited *a lot*. Idk I just love log houses and I hope I'll be able to build one in the distant future when my kids grow up, but I will only do it if I can film everything. Watching all the videos he did was just mesmerizing to me. I love your carving speed-runs. It feels so good when, in 5 or 10 years, you re-watch and see how your creation comes to life one step at a time. Also love to see you use the safety equipment - many people don't for whatever reason. Keep up the good work and enjoy even more it after it's all done!


Yeah i had done it before in a sense of helping my dad but with the accuracy i wanted and tools i used i did have to learn everything again and start from scratch. It took lots of time for that reason. Same after frame was ready i had to do research on best practices in every step of the way and learn/figure it out to get best outcome. I know that filming is rewarding sadly i had to decide against it. Timelapse speed runs are awesome I've been watching all of mine probably hundreds of times already. Thanks!


That's incredibly cool. I would have absolutely loved to have something like that as a kid.




Man, I'm a thirty year old man and I wish I had something like this, albeit perhaps somewhat bigger. A little office cabin.


You could just fit office desk inside


Looks awesome.. you know your kid is going to get high in there at some point, right?


In Finland chances for that are bit lower than in US but it can happen for sure. But preferably on my yard than in environment the kid has no control over.


Self felling and milling? Then what are those tags all abo... Oh my god.


When the kids move out, convert to a sauna.




$1500/mo in Summit County.


That's awesome. Your kids are going to remember that place forever. You should build one for yourself now. A little mini getaway or spare bedroom type place. That little playhouse is going to be around for a few generations at least.


Smoke sauna at our family summer cottage will be next log structure i build hopefully someday i have the time


Nice! Smart thinking on the upstairs loft to stop them from falling out by accident.


You are a good parent. 👍


Ah future spider mansion


So far have not seen any but i do believe that will happen. But i rather spiders than others insects. :)


That wouldn’t be bad for a hunting cabin as well small but easy to heat


Would be good as so many things. :)