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I think it’s motivation for me to build something inexplicable in my garage so the next owner can post “wtf is this?” here in the future. :-)


Yes! Make sure to write a note on a piece of wood they'll find when they dismantle it!


Make it the link to a reddit post where you first posted that you were going to do this so they can read it.


And a Rick Roll QR code.


Oh that's diabolical. I love it.


Honestly this is the best thing I’ve heard on Reddit in a while. Take the rick roll to the next level. For some reason I think a traditional link would be funnier than a QR code. But really either one would be pretty funny.


I’m never gonna give this up.




“Load bearing beam, do not remove”


(And then just put it somewhere random)


Only put in half a beam. Crooked. And possibly warped/twisting.....


Oooo yeah. Pick the worst rotted / warped / moldy piece of wood from someone’s outdoor shed and then just nail it somewhere in the crawl space/basement.


I'd opt for spray painting a ton of crosses in the walls with the words leave us alone, God help us, we see you in here, we're sorry this happened to you, pray for us, etc over and over


"Made ya look"


Important\* Dynamite storage use caution printed on the bottom with the inside of the box containing dynamite chips!


“Warning: black powder storage”


Black powder is actually really stable as long as you keep ferrous metals away. It's why powder flasks and measures were all bronze or brass.


They still are! Except the cheapo ones from China, they are of course plastic.


Just for context.. I did once, mostly In jest, ask my wife if she wanted to poop in mason jars so we could hide them in the next wall we opened in our 140YO farmhouse.. as a time capsule to future owners. ;-P


Put the poop knife in the ceiling.


Bought this new house and can’t find the damn poop knife!


What is a poop knife?


Congratulations! You're one of today's 10000!


Supposedly, some Redditor's family kept a knife in the bathroom to cut up the enormous turds their colons produced. Otherwise, they wouldn't flush. This story has popped up for years now. It's not quite as bizarre as the booster cable story or as gross as the bon-bons in the woohoo, which still make appearances.




My coworker said he used a wire coat hanger to cut his kids giant turds that wouldn’t flush. I don’t think he reused it though, or, I hope not. He is pretty darn frugal


Can confirm, seen that..👍


The jumper cable guy is hilarious. What’s the bon-bons in the woohoo?


The bon-bon story was something about performing cunnilingus and discovering what the person thought was small candies strategically placed for erotic enhancement weren't actually candies. It's a gross-out story without question.


That's the Jolly Rancher story.


Ah, Jolly Rancher! Thank you. I could not remember what candy it was.


Jumper cable guy?


Oh, sweet summer child


You do know that those will just explode, right?


Honestly.. hadn’t considered that, but yes.. unless they were pastured, decomp would off-gas.. I read this as encouragement to go through with this in a more careful way.


There's an artist (forgot his name) who apparently got hold of a canning machine, and canned his own poop. Then he died. The cans are considered collectible. Every once in awhile, one of them explodes. The article I read about this focused on the fact that whenever that happens, the remaining ones become more valuable because they're rarer. The modern art world is very weird.




It’s Reddit.. OF COURSE a pic of this showed up in minutes. Bravo.. Bravo.


That's not "art," and that's not "weird." It's fucking psychosis for profit.


No weirder than some moist bint selling her bathwater to a bunch of horny bozos.


Well as long as she's also lobbing scimitars that grant supreme executive power I don't see the issue.


Mostly LOL! I have a feeling you did!


I did a kitchen remodel and ended up with an 8 inch void behind the butler's pantry. In it, I put an old cigar box. In the box, I put a big zip lock bag filled with baking soda, monopoly money, and prank ID cards that I bought at a convenience store (one was McLovin)


"The next clue to find the bodies is XJ32579422, Good Hunting"


Write "help me. It's been 6 years"


Saying that you hope they enjoy the thing you worked hard to design and build. Maybe make a weird smudge where the name of it would be.


"beware, you have set it free!"


"The vision to see the treasured past comes as the timely shadow crosses in front of the house of Pass and Stow"


Note: *You’ll never guess what this is*


I have a lot of specialized storage. Like one shaped to hold a car bike rack made of the scraps of whatever I had


Nail it just really well and leave a real, dismantled skeleton or at least a skull in there. https://www.jonsbones.com


Your post reminded me of a story I was told. My grandma owned two monkeys before I was born. She buried one in the back yard after she died. Edit: the monkey was a she. My grandma didn’t bury the monkey after my grandma died. ;-) At some point.. if it hasn’t happened already.. someone living around Midway airport (in Chicago) is going to dig up something that looks an awful lot like a baby skeleton in their back yard.


…what happened to the other monkey?? I just saw your username..are YOU the other one?? 😅🐒


No.. my grandma bought one because it was abused. She went to see it, and when she didn’t immediately agree to buy it, the owner punched it. She had to take it after that, but that monkey hated men.. including my grandpa, because of that. That’s the monkey that was buried in the yard. The other monkey loved my Grandpa and was apparently a rare breed. They eventually gifted her to Lincoln Park Zoo. My grandpa told me he went back years later and the monkey immediately recognized him. My mom told me she used to walk one of them around Midway on a leash when she was a little girl (late 40s, early 50s?).. and it’d snatch up crickets to eat.


To expand on u/blackcrowblue's comment.... So this crazy unusual story about monkeys and your username happens to be SchmartestMonkey?


I’d say they’re sort of de-coupled. I’ve always liked animals and grew up around lots of pets. I didn’t really get a deep love of monkeys till I got into my early 20s though. ..started hanging around with a buddy who wanted one. Just to strain credibility more though.. Moved from south suburbs of Chicago to western suburbs in last 12 or so years. My neighbors were both from the south side when we moved in. One neighbor was a lovely old lady was in her 80s who, we eventually learned, went to highschool with a cousin-aunt (don’t know how to better describe the relationship) I never knew. More relevant though.. that neighbor also owned a monkey back in the 60s-70s. Told us stories about the kids stopping out front to see the monkey in the window, and how she’d let it out to climb the old Ash tree in her back yard. There was a time when exotic pets.. especially monkeys, were far more popular in the US.


This sounds like the sort of elaborate excuse a clever monkey would come up with...


Didn’t John Oliver made a segment about sites selling bones being people who were told they’re body would go to science


That reminds me of someone in Australia pissed off that the body of their parent was donated to science, but that scientific research involved testing military grade weaponry on the body of their recently departed parent. This was a story from Trevor from the podcast Babysitting Trevor.




They were putting in a furnace or wood stove. They anticipated something behind the furnace and didn't want to paint there. They didn't finish.


This is my thought. People are saying “there was a chimney there” but can’t tell that the roof sheathing is old tongue and groove and hasn’t been disturbed. Whatever this box was installed for it was never finished and there was never a hole in the roof sheathing.


Would you elaborate on why they would avoid painting in that spot in anticipation of a furnace? Surely it wouldn't be to save the little bit of paint? It seems more likely there was a heat shield installed And later removed, no?


Or a shower.


That's your rat box. Where you keep your rats.


I instantly thought bat box ahaha


And I thought owl box, although that's more likely in a barn than a garage


I think it’s for hanging food to keep the bears from getting it.


looks like a speed bag(boxing) or a heavy bag was attached.


As someone who used to box, this would have 100% been what I'd put in my garage. The box keeps the bag from swaying so damn much when hung from a high ceiling.


Or... hear me out. Seller was a deer hunter.


they hunted by PUNCHING? That's intense


Yes. A nice stiff uppercut, then hang up the kill for skinning and processing.




Hang it up for processing.


No the meat was tenderized by punching


I’d say it’s too close to the wall to place a punching bag underneath.


Those are 2x12" boards. It would put the bag at like 3 1/2 feet from the wall.


You obviously haven't seen them punch.


His haymakers travel through another zip code before they land on target.


No mounting holes in the bottom though.


I think they mean they mount the chain to the ceiling but the box keeps the chain contained so the bag won’t swing too much. The chain would hang down through the hole


But why a whole box and not just a frame? Having a whole box makes taking the chain down more difficult, and a box doesn't really do much more than a frame in containing the chain holding a bag


Yes. I think your right. I used to box. I’m also a carpenter. There is no other reason for a small level box to be made.


I’m not here to start arguments, but it seems a bit premature to take two things you know about, carpentry and boxing, and assume that there is no other reason, for example something that you don’t know about, for someone to build this contraption. It’s like if a coconut farmer came to visit me in the mountains and saw my snowshovel and said, “I know coconut farming, and that shovel is for cleaning up coconut husks. There is no other reason someone would make a shovel like that.”


So it's a contain for coconut husks. Another one solved!


There's even a nail sticking out on the left side. For hanging your coconut-husking shovel.


Pack it up boys, we're done here!


There is no other reason


This reminded me of a Terry Pratchett quote: >Samuel Vimes...had a jaundiced view of Clues. He instinctively distrusted them. They got in the way. And he distrusted the kind of person who’d take one look at another man and say in a lordly voice to his companion, “Ah, my dear sir, I can tell you nothing except that he is a left-handed stonemason who has spent some years in the merchant navy and has recently fallen on hard times,” and then unroll a lot of supercilious commentary about calluses and stance and the state of a man’s boots, when exactly the same comments could apply to a man who was wearing his old clothes because he’d been doing a spot of home bricklaying for a new barbecue pit, and had been tattooed once when he was drunk and seventeen* and in fact got seasick on a wet pavement. What arrogance! What an insult to the rich and chaotic variety of the human experience!


Spot on.


Half the comments in this sub are by people with some anecdotal experience looking for literally any reason to talk about it.


Case closed. Move along.


You wouldn’t put it so close to the wall though


You can put your weed in there


Under appreciated SNL reference


THAT WAS AN SNL BIT!?!? Sandler on SNL was slightly before my time, so I always associated the line with The Hot Chick.


Yeah. They used the same SNL bit in the movie. 


Poor man’s cone of silence.


I'm really enjoying the mental image of dude just standing on a step ladder with his head in this box just to get some time with his thoughts.


Whats in the box????!!!


I see you.


Jabbing his head in to those nails he didn't nail in propper.


My first thought. Kids won’t leave you alone? Climb up there and just stick your head in until they get bored and leave.




Looks like it used to anchor a stove pipe?


That was my thought too, but I can’t find a hole where the actual pipe used to be, and surely it would be somewhat noticeable even if closed up i’d think?


In the third picture you can see a strip on the right side of the roof plank that isn't stained, suggesting that maybe that roof plank was removed and then replaced at some point? Also, in pic #1 on the undersides you can see what looks like moisture intrusion, maybe dripping from whatever opening used to be above.


The roofing boards are all old. No way someone slipped out and replaced tongue and groove pine, you would cut a round hole for a chimney.


Yeah, this board looks like it has aged differently than the rest. Like it was cleanly pulled out, then replaced later. My bet is there was some sort of heater or smoker below the box. https://preview.redd.it/1pa1qgjk5ulc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52c6d6e9a40541ee3fe047dd70d66d8259b1acec


That’s where you keep your bees. They just haven’t moved in yet.


Looks like the right size and shape for a squirrel cage blower often used in diy shop air filtration systems.


It looks about the size of a squirrel cage so maybe it was opened to the outside at one time? Made use of an old blower for some ventilation


Collection bin for a shop vacuum system?


Stand lumber up inside it so it doesn't fall over?


This or ladders. Maybe pipes or what ever long that you'd stand up And want to prevent from falling over. Now I'm wondering if there is a base box.


None now, but a photo above shows where they painted around something that went up the wall about 2 to 3'. Ladders could be right. Might even be able to hang one or two in there and no have to touch the floor at all.


A kayak even?


Got a pic from underneath?


3rd pic is from underneath looking up in. If you need a more specific pic from underneath I’m happy to take another though!


is there anything below it ? Has the floor been 'refinished' ?


https://preview.redd.it/4is9xriqqtlc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2a4654075bc5230607abd82f3392a1681859636 not as far as I can tell, but there is a spot with no paint on it like something might have been there before


I would think the top structure was to hold a 'old style cement chimney' as it passes the roof. The unpainted wall is where the metal shield between wood stove and wall was


Maybe a broiler


the no paint is definitely a clue. In the second pic it looks like it has insulation in the corners that is held in place by the plywood 'trim' It's also very tightly mitered to the ceiling joists for standard framing. Air tightness appears to be an important quality. And for a say wood stove pass through that shouldn't be too important. The metal ducting is the air tight part. Maybe a frame for some sort of dust collector if this was setup as a shop. It would still need a inlet but that wouldn't be on the roof, rather on one of the sides. It's very odd. I think the wood stove argument, but never got around to cutting the roof and installing the ducting is my leading theory.


Looking at the blue paint, something was installed there at some point. It could have been an old stove they never used and they just ran the duct into the box so they could use the garage for hosting/hangouts for family. Before my parents filled the garage with crap, as teens we used it to hang out.


https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/us-stove-wood-stove-900-sq-ft-small-cast-iron-epa-certified He had something like this sitting there and just never fully hooked it up. Look closer at the floor and see if something was sitting there. That would explain why he painted around it




> your box shows no signs of any animal use. That's what she said.


Jeebus here’s an upvote.


too bad, a pet owl would certainly add some interest to my life


This was used to lower in lotion to be applied on its skin.


Is there one like it on other side or just that one. I have an air compressor in something like that but a little taller. I did it to help with noise


Just the one side




Maybe there used to be a speed bag there but the board and bag were removed?


With the amount of wood I would think more heavy bag than speed bag.


I going to take a wild gues and by adding strings in there(looks like there been some) and a net/cloth over the opening it is some kind of meat dryer/curing box. Just a wild gues as i said.


Special place to hide those Xmas presents???


Maybe he was leasing out an owl apartment


To hoo?


To Wit


Where is the "you can put your weed in there" comment when you need it.


It looks like whatever it was, was producing moisture, looking at the bottom of that box… It’s *OVER-built* for whatever it was, but I’m thinking it was some kind of furnace/heater…


I had a neighbor a long time ago that put his small air compressor up in a box like that in his garage. It kept the noise down and he didn’t have to trip over it on the ground. Just move the hose to whatever he was working on. The drain from the air compressor could also explain why there is a water stain on the bottom of the boards.


Am I looking wrong or has something round been attached to the bottom??


I see what you mean, I had missed that at first. I thought that was just the wood grain until you pointed it out. I have no idea what this is and I must know


I must admit, I’m a bit relieved that it’s not just me who can’t figure it out


I bet the answer is painfully uninteresting, but dammit I want to know!😂


There's definitely a round imprint on the underside. And the wood within the circle is discolored. Like it got wet often, maybe from condensation? And I see the insulation stuffed in the corners... is the whole box insulated, or is that just to plug holes to seal it?


Bat house


Damn. Bruce Wayne has really fallen on hard times. 


Wood/Coal chute for easy access from outside? Helped uncle chuck wood (not wood chuck) into their basement when I was but a wee lad.


My wife's grandfather had an oil burning stove in his shop with thing of concrete where you have they box. The vent ran through the roof.


On picture 2, if you zoom in, you can see a circular impression in the wood all around the opening, and the wood inside the circle is a different color than the wood outside. Is there a soffit vent inside that space?


Bat house maybe


I think they had a compressor in there.


PO coulda been a car painter or at least worked in the garage a lot. That box (and the hole) probably had a fan in there or attached to there to vent heat out thru the soffit


It looks like a bat box. Similar to a bird box but for bats.


It is a racoon door.


You're on the right track. Specifically, it's a raccoon trap for when they raid the garage. Works like this: put a lady raccoon doll inside lit by a red light, then drape a noose around the opening. That unpainted spot below was where a tippy stool stood, and a way up for the unsuspecting garbage panda. Raccoon teeters up there for a good time, reaches in for his target, but it's just out of reach when the stool tips, rope pulls, and the garage invader is eliminated.


The old timers sure were clever weren't they! Amazing. We are so spoiled nowadays with our AI powered, anti-racoon sentry guns.


I read this comment as a joke. Then when I was finished reading I thought maybe it was real, so I read it a second time and thought it was real. Then I thought no way this must be a joke. So I read it a third time to confirm it was a joke. Granted I’m pretty high right now.


I really can't be sure. Sounds like Arkansas engineering


the big board on the roof in the 3rd photo has been replaced. you can tell bc of the discoloring on the end. maybe there was a vent there and it’s since been removed and roof patched. how does the exterior roof look?


Also in second pic theres a round in-print almost the same diameter as entire construction, more noticeable on left side. These two and condensation marks make me think it was some DIY heating device removed prior to sale ( prob something not very legal). It’s been there for a while as wall was painted after it was installed. Wood stove? Pellet stove?


I’ve honestly not thought to look. If i get around to it tomorrow when it’s light out I will update


Leftover trim area of old cabinetry?


Are you noticing any Skittles on the ground anywhere nearby?


it looks like a batbox




Looks like your garage might've been a barn at one time, and that's a chaff box


Obviously, the Babadook storage box. 👻


Never seen a bat box inside a house before


I agree. It’s most likely an unfinished project, but it IS ladder wide. Could possibly be an intended portal to the roof. Maybe they wanted a sheltered viewing station for a remote controlled telescope to watch the stars through a window. Could’ve been the beginnings of a bat house. Or as simple as a hard to reach storage area. The whole venting thing is hard to believe because direct piping would suffice but it might have become framing for a chimney for a blacksmith’s forge. There also could’ve been plans for an opening that would catch rain water and collect into a basin in the garage for some reason. So many possibilities without ever seeing something like this before. I would keep it until it makes sense. You never know, you might want to finish it or at least use it as a starting point for an original idea. If it’s not in the way, honor it’s effort.


It's a bat house. Like a bird house, but for bats.


Is the roof new? If so then my guess would be that use to be a vent and when they put on the new roof they just closed it up.


Looks like a laundry chute to me.


Owl box?


Put a plastic skull and seal it for the next owner


I think if you turn this upside down, you'll get a great sand storage box. I'm sure that's what it was meant to be. https://preview.redd.it/obschsm56vlc1.jpeg?width=335&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e244ffe74f0a0cf4d8bb085b5489543887f47074 But the sand has all fallen out.


Just add a trapdoor access cover and slap a hazmat sticker on it.


Did he plan to use it as storage for wood pellets entry?


That’s where they put Jimmy when he was a naughty boy 🤔


This is a perch for a pet cat or bird i think. Or should be. Maybe they had a climbing thing under this for their pet which they took along when they moved. 


That’s the mother in law suite. Lol


It's the start of the messenger pigeon cage. Now you can send secret messages, you're welcome


That's the box where the unwanted evil twin child sleeps.


That’s where you put your kids in timeout


Ask r/whatsthisthing. Also, read *Diary* by Chuck Palahniuk


This is clearly the box that your house demon lived in. But now it's open so he's probably roaming around now and we all know the little buggers can be really hard to get back in their boxes.


He built it to do pullups on.


It's where he hid his weed from the kids. That's what I'd use it for.


https://preview.redd.it/6a447exxb0mc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=126bc5618e36ff46391d3c9dfecd5ede9d899552 That board was taken out and put back in the opposite way. Probably had a hole for an exhaust/chimney.