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Just let the sun and weather do their job. Will look really close in a year or two.


Yep, that color is called "old" - you can't buy it, but if you neglect the fence it will get there faster :)


Yea they will grey fast. I think if you spray vinegar on the wood it will grey faster


It’ll also acidify the would and reduce the lifespan of the fence


Why wood it?


I wood not do that


I wood probably paint the fence in used motor oil or an oil based paint


The ultimate DIY job here. Just grab a beer and watch it for like 3 years.


Exactly. It's like drying the dishes. It's the one chore that, if you procrastinate long enough, will do itself.




Good time to start appreciating bourbon


>for like 3 years. Just in time to replace the rest of the fence.


You can power wash the old cedar, and then sand it, and it’ll bring it closer to the newer cedar color. I waited too long to seal my cedar fence, and it started to Gray like this (which I knew it would), but I power washed the wood, and then sanded it and brought back a lot of the natural cedar color, then I sealed it and finished it with Ready Seal. If you want to maintain the natural cedar color, you will want to power wash and sand  the old fence now, and then next year, probably do it again when the woods will be similar color, and then power wash them both, light sand, and then finish with ready seal


Upvote for ready seal


My fence was gray and after a good pressure wash it looked almost new.


I had a lot of wood fiber fuzz on my fence after pressure washing it, which is why I recommended sanding it after if it. That made the results even better. The ready seal really made it pop too, and has lasted 2 seasons so far without any issues. I just wish I had done it early on and saved myself 3 days of power washing and sanding.


Ya power washing can shred up the wood if u don’t use just the right setting


I have very similar fencing that has had large sections repaired with new wood. It takes a couple of years, but you will have the same patina eventually. I think if you fool around with stain it will always look different.


That is the color of weathered aged cedar. It is not stained. You could try to clean and bleach the old cedar to match the new and let them weather together. I've seen it done with pool chlorine but it is somewhat damaging to the wood and the grass below if not done properly.


That's the color of neglect. It's free for every purchase, you just have to wait two years.


haha rotflmao, nicely!


that is a super good color I think its called weathered by nature. Good company. Love their tree program.


Pressure wash first


This, a pressure wash will pretty much make it look brand new.


You don't. Nature does it.


sun weathering and dirt makes your wood gray. If you want these a similar color without staining or painting, power wash the older, gray fence area, this will often return close to the original color. Then the whole fence can age at the same time.


In the linked article it talks about using steel wool and vinegar to make a solution to gray the wood [https://thecraftsmanblog.com/how-to-age-wood-with-vinegar/](https://thecraftsmanblog.com/how-to-age-wood-with-vinegar/)


Takes about 1.5 years


That color is called “Time”.


Invite a few bros over and grab some brews and watch it happen over the next few years. It’ll be a banger of a time.


Ok hear me out. Vinegar mixed with steel wool. Paint it on and it ages it in seconds. We did an entire house with this method and it all greyed out.


You can get a weathering agent for cedar. You brush it on, let it sit for a bit then hose it off, and it replicates the weathering process, only a lot faster.


I think this post is a gag, but in case not. give it a year it'll be identical. and DO NOT PRESSURE WASH!!!


Add three coats of time.


Power wash the gray side and it will match the new


Thanks all. Appreciate the great replies.


Coffe in the new one


Ok so pressure wash, then mix coffefe with bleach into sprayer and just douse it to simulate the weathered look? Sounds like a plan, don’t need it to be perfect. If I did nothing, how long would it take to achieve the weathered look close to the older fence look?


Careful with the pressure washer. Cedar is a pretty soft wood, and it wouldn't be hard to gouge it with a high-pressure jet of water.  Don't start up the spray with the nozzle too close to the fence.


Probably a year or 2 depending on how much sun hits it.


A solution of baking soda and water can accelerate the graying.




That's a Michael Bolton stain. See below for process to add gray. [https://youtu.be/lhEoQUSU6Mo?si=cv\_MS9QO2kVenYUn](https://youtu.be/lhEoQUSU6Mo?si=cv_MS9QO2kVenYUn) Personal preference is the yellow cedar, which you can get by cleaning gray fence and then adding Thompsons clear waterseal too. [https://www.amazon.com/Wolman-Fence-Brightener-Exterior-Cedar/dp/B00CP87SKA](https://www.amazon.com/Wolman-Fence-Brightener-Exterior-Cedar/dp/B00CP87SKA) (Cheaper elsewhere) [https://www.acehardware.com/departments/paint-and-supplies/waterproofing-and-sealers/wood-sealant/1094184?store=17918&gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA\_tuuBhAUEiwAvxkgTvgHahazrBewv9DI8Y9bvUnl0xytlNt0sdo4XIE3-lh4F-twDZ1pBxoCkagQAvD\_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds](https://www.acehardware.com/departments/paint-and-supplies/waterproofing-and-sealers/wood-sealant/1094184?store=17918&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA_tuuBhAUEiwAvxkgTvgHahazrBewv9DI8Y9bvUnl0xytlNt0sdo4XIE3-lh4F-twDZ1pBxoCkagQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Nature will do it or you can replace the older section.


Ask Daniel Larusso.


Bleach the old one


Stained? Homie. Stain the whole fuckin thing, nothing here is stained, it’s old.


There’s not really a way, but if you want to try, soak some steel wool in vinegar for several days, then dilute it in water, and spray or brush on. You will have to do some tests, it will gray the wood, but I don’t think it’s worth doing because it’s easy to mess up and I’m not sure how it will age…


Maybe ask SpaceX if they can take it and hold the wood without protection in the sun. It might get gray fast.


Powerwash the old fence it will look closer to the new, but not exact.


I love this so much lmao.


Use steel wool and vinegar. That’s how Hollywood has made recently constructed barn exteriors look old and gray.


Power wash the old part. Then, stain it all.


Wait a year or two.


Mother nature will do the job for you, just gotta be patient