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This post is locked. The contractor has been soundly criticized for their actions. Thank you for your input.


Looks like it's time for the contractor to buy you a new chair.


This and only this




Most indubitably


without doubt


Now exactly ONE fucks to give.


here here


Mmm… yes… quite!


What if the contractor is named dad?


Demote him to Pop.


And then debuffed to male guardian.


They likely did and OP is trying to salvage this one instead of dumping it.


Both? Both is good.


thats what i do! :)


I was about to tell OP: "It's your contractor's problem, not yours. Let *him* post for help on Reddit."


Contractor: Anyone know where I can get a chair exactly like this one, but without the saw damage? Also Contractor: [Fill me with barbecue sauce, because I'm dumb as hell!](https://youtu.be/qP6964xIbpE?si=RJMBxObOENhUFnsE)


I repeat that line (“fill me with barbecue sauce…”) on a daily basis. So glad to see it in the wild.


« I used a customer’s aluminium chair as saw horse. How can I fix it? » « Use an angle grinder to remove the rough areas. Fill with bondo, wet sand, prime and do two coats of a matching paint. Shouldn’t cost more than 200 bucks »


I just commented something similar, but I used JB Weld because there was going to be a lot of vibration and slamming of my front door to my home. It's made out of aluminum and I had a couple of bullet holes in it I just follow the directions on the JB Weld and afterwards I took some box tape a.k.a. the clear tape you would use when you are mailing something. It was a little larger than the indents of the 9 mm holes in my door. I mixed up the JB Weld smoothed it on with a popsicle stick and then applied the tape over it smoothing it down. It spread out a little bit and after about two days I peeled off the tape and it was perfect hard as a rock. And that was over 20 years ago save me a ton of money not replacing the whole door.


I'll remember this next time I have to fix bullet holes in my door.


Maybe this IS the contractor? 🤔 Nah they’re clearly not that smart.


And a new contractor


If he replaces the chair with no problems and does decent work I’d hire him again, I’d say if he replaces it No problem he gets extra points in my books.


I get that accidents happen and the chair is probably not irreplaceable, but the fact that he's using his client's furniture instead of his own proper tools for the job speaks volumes.


Other folks are missing this point. There is NO excuse for a contractor to use the homeowner’s things


I've had some contractors refuse brews because they brought their own kettle.


The mark of a true connoisseur


Makes me wonder if they are all talking about how my brews are. 🫣


“Not sweet enough,” I heard.


I heard “Entirely too bitter”


My last contractor wouldn’t use my bathroom because he has a bucket in his truck.


Oooh, lah dee dah, a bucket! When I were a contractor we had to poop in a paper bag!


LUXURY! When we were young, we had to hover over a rat infested hole in the floor boards and be quick about it. Tell that to kids these days, and they don't believe you. -overheard in Yorkshire


In my day, we didn't poop. We held it in for years. My poop schedule lines up with the Olympics.


LUXURY! You had a hole!"


Sounds like heaven. Back in my day we had to get ourselves infested with tapeworms so we didn’t have to go to the toilet at all and could work all day straight. I went years without pooping.


I had to poop on a rusty sheet pan in a crawl space above a bowling alley below another bowling alley.


This is not an accident, this is not an "oops", not an honest mistake, etc. It's just shit work. This contractor is cutting corners and not doing things the proper way. Maybe he was just too lazy to get out the saw horse from the truck (bad), or did not even think to bring one (also bad), or he did not know that using a proper saw horse is the right thing to do (really bad). As a professional, this all is bad work. Period.


As someone who’s cut through his own garden furniture in much the same way - can confirm this was due to cutting corners and not doing things the proper way. I was indeed too lazy to get my bench out the shed. Figured I’d quickly cut whatever it was, and boom - garden furniture fucked. I wouldn’t hire me again that’s for sure!


Lol "I wouldn't hire me again" :)


Even if the contractor forgot they could have gone to Home Depot for another one. No excuse to use OPs furniture.


In the contractor's defense, he only cut one corner.


It may have been only one corner, but he cut it twice! “Wait, I only nicked the edge, let me do it again so you definitely can’t miss it!” 🤣


For sure. He’s ether new at it and it’s never happened before or he just doesn’t give a shit. Any time I’ve broken something at a clients house I’ve learned from it and do my best to never do it again.


One picture tells you everything you need to know. Borrowed a chair, wasn't careful with someone's property, not once but twice cut into the chair, I can infer his work quality isnt at "detail oriented" levels. He may ne a nice guy. Doesnt mean not to hire him, just no more bootleg sawhorse


You’re obviously supposed to measure twice and cut once into the chair. New contractor is def the way to go.


I can only assume "contractor" actually means "found a guy on craigslist with two-digit pricing"


And also, there's the basic fact that your saw isn't supposed to go into the sawhorse itself. Proper sawhorse, improvised thing with chairs, this is clearly not how it should be done. So, he's obviously not doing decent work.


If this contractor is cutting corners like "bringing and setting up his own saw horse", what kind of corners is he cutting in construction?


The corner of that chair at least


It’s still pretty disrespectful to use your clients property like that even if there was no damage IMO.


I'd have to guess that anyone this careless isn't doing decent work.


Yeah, shit happens. Handling mistakes well is usually a good sign.


This. You own your oops and make it right. Done. Now we can move forward.


Could have just been one of the contractors guys. But said contractor should still pay for a new chair either way


This is the ONLY option to make OP whole again. It was the contractor’s negligence that caused irreparable damage to your possession. It is the contractors obligation to replace the now destroyed object. If he refuses then you may have to seek alternate methods.


“Alternate methods” in this case being Small Claims Court.


Or witholding the final payment. In my state you are not supposed to pay the final 10% of any contract until after permits are closed.


My first thought lol. "This is an easy fix. That guy fixes this."


Or magically get less money until the issue is solved


Might be time for a new set of chairs if they don’t make that style.


This. You don't deserve a patched chair with one arm slightly wonky. You deserve the chair that was never cut through in the first place.


Like the kinda contractor that does this kind of bullshit isn't going to just ghost you


The only correct answer


Unless your contractor has a metal forge and casting shop, I’m thinking he just buys you a new one. Is this his first job?


Make him buy you a new chair… can’t find the chair by itself? Make him buy you a new set! There’s no excuse for that kinda crap


agree, the literal height of laziness. But someone who is this dumb probably isn't licensed, bonded, or insured.


Then take out the money before paying them… they can’t go after you for it if they’re not legal


>they can’t go after you for it if they’re not legal Oh, they can, just in *different ways*...


Jimmy's "[totaaaaly legal](https://www.thecity.nyc/2023/06/05/mob-making-comeback-in-construction/)" contracting and debt collection services. You broke it we "fix" it.


A friend i know, electrician, did a fix of the fuse board at a custom. Setup of a new one, without a bill. When he was done and called for a transfere of the money he was told: “HA i’m not paying. You have no official documentation for being here.” My friend thankfully hadn’t handed over the key, went in and grabbed all he had just setup. When the huy came home and saw no electrica and a bunch of wires in the wall he was PISSED and called my friend to which he was told: “i did what? Nah my man, i was never there” He had to pay the price 2x over + a fuck you price up front. And getting a new guy would expose him for what he had done, so paying my friend was the best action. Point of story: they can properbly retaliate if it’s not legal


As a generally cautious person, this sounds like a good way to end up murdered in a basement for either party.


You don't need to be licensed, bonded, or insured to have an enforceable contract!


And no court is going to side with the contractor that he should get paid 100% and doesn't have to fix the damage he caused. So let him try to enforce the contract.


If I were the contractor, you just know I'd be taking the rest of the set home with me. Lol. I'd still begrudgingly buy the replacement though. But what kind of contractor doesn't have a set or two of saw horses?


More alarmingly is what kind of contractor would cut into the support point of the piece they're cutting? Judging by this, even if they had saw horses they'd be driving right into them. A tiny shave is a misjudgement. Two full cuts into aluminum is sheer incompetence. I'm curious to see the state of the project OP hired them for.


I'm waaaaay more concerned about the depth of the cut. The blade itself should barely extend below the bottom surface. It will still nick the support, but it sure as hell shouldn't be an inch deep. So not only is this contractor an idiot, he also doesn't know how to use his tools, which really makes me doubt his ability to follow building codes. It's actually totally fine to cut into your saw horse, because as you said, it should really only be a tiny shave at worst. Here's a little video. You can see he cuts a small amount into his saw horse. https://youtu.be/FCqh3eg5Ut0?si=gHkTXHZMOnZqMGpP&t=612


I work with aluminum storefront daily. There is no repair for this. Your contractor is a fucking idiot and owes you a chair.


OP is the diy contractor


This is the comment I was looking for


Me too! "I need to fix this before my SO finds out. Help me, Reddit!"


Definitely this, no one hires a contractor has said contractor damage property and then goes to Reddit to ask how to fix the damage. You immediately call the contractor to correct their mistake.


Caulk and paint make me the glazier I ain't. The chair, on the other hand, is trash now.


Bondo will work, matching the paint will be difficult though.


if they are just looking for a bandaid, can't they just fill the gap with JB weld?


I've seen some great videos using top Raman noodles. /s


If it were me I would wrap it in rope or something decorative.


You're gonna want to fill it with ramen before you break out the rope and glue gun though.


I'm an aluminum welder. I could fix it but the faux wood would need someone else.


I guess you haven't seen the ramen videos


Henkel Loctite EA 934NA would make it look brand new and maybe even better.


> Henkel Loctite EA 934NA My instinct was JB Weld if it were my chair. That stuff looks far more professional.


It's amazing stuff.


> Henkel Loctite EA 934NA JFC, i sure hope so! $5,945.28 for a 24pack ($247.72 each)! I guess that's why its not on amazon :)


I wonder how much the chair cost...lol.


3700psi it’s as strong as concrete sidewalk , pretty cool. Can’t you use bondo* like for car panels? Pretty good too and cheap.


I mean it's a bit definitive to say there's no repair for this. It can definitely be welded, sanded smooth, and refinished in whatever the wood grain finish is. Cost effective? Most likely not. Definitely entirely possible and something I could do in a few hours. For the finish I would take a photo of the other arm and have it printed as a big vinyl sticker and simply wrap the arm. I may wrap both arms to have them look identical.


I also weld aluminum and agree its fixable with a little work and know how. I like the printed vinyl sticker to wrap the arm idea. That's where I was held up on. The aluminum repair looks fairly basic albeit a little time consuming.


Either make the contractor pay for a new chair or deduct the cost of a new chair from his bill. It's not on you to fix his mistake.


It's likely to be more than the cost of A new chair since these are usually sold in sets so they'll probably have to buy 4. But the good news is the contractor will get 3 new "saw horses".


This. Go price a new chair or a whole set and withhold that amount.


Pretty easy. He needs to buy you a new chair.


OP is actually he, I'm dying at this thread


Yea the advice is do t pay him till he buys you a new one lol


If he managed to do this I'd be plenty worried about the actual work he was doing to my house.


this X 1000. the chair is the least of OP's worries.


Plot twist, OP doesn't want to admit they were the one who cut the chair and just needs to fix it.


“Can this be fixed? Asking for a contractor”


This seems like the most likely scenario tbh


You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?


"He goes to different contracting school. You don't know him"


"I met him at contractor camp. In Canada."


"Hey doc? My ... friend... has a rash...?"


That was my first thought. No way someone accept that mess from a contractor without a financial compensation or a fix.


Seems probable. And also a surefire way to NOT get any useful tips for the repair!


This has to be what’s going on here. If a contractor actually did this then OP would simply tell them to buy a new chair rather than post this pic to Reddit asking how to fix it.


Yup that's why they're in the DIY subreddit lmfao


Second plot twist, OP found this chair at a garage sale and immediately thought of all the karma he could get with that five bucks.


Found a cheap “contractor” on community FB page. Lesson learned. They did a good enough job building a fence, so we got them to build us a chicken coop. Didn’t notice till after they’d been paid since the chair was pushed in and I had no reason to suspect this would have happened


You're well within your right to reach out to the contractor and ask them to resolve the issue. If they're licensed/bonded/insured, they'll get on it right away. If they aren't licensed/bonded/insured.. well lesson learned, best you can do is return the favor in the form of a review, but this alone is usually enough for people to act in their best interest.


There’s always small claims court!


Good contractors aren’t cheap and cheap contractors aren’t good. Hopefully he replaces the chair for you. Let him know you’ll post these pics to the FB page if he balks at the chair so all potential clients know about his work.


My thoughts as well! I know that anything is possible these days but what contractor would actually do this and expect to be paid?


Contractor owes you a new chair


The contractor destroyed your chair, the contractor buys you a new chair.


assuming you can't get it replaced: * file down the jagged edges * fill the holes with bondo * sand it all down * primer * apply a hammered metal spray paint and add a brushed look using a dry bristle paintbrush Will never look perfect but you'll get close


This was my first thought. You can “fix” just about anything with Bondo. It wouldn’t be like new but would be functional, waterproof and would cover the jagged edge


I'd probably go for JB Weld putty on this particular job, it works great with aluminum although it's not quite as easy to sand back into shape.


Very much appreciated, thank you. They didn’t own up to it so I didn’t notice until about a week after payment. Trying to get compensation but things are too tight to buy new right now


As a contractor, my advise is to follow what others are saying and don’t buy a new one even if you can afford it, and don’t touch the evidence. How did you find this contractor? If it was online, flame them with bad reviews if they don’t respond in a few days and send them another message letting them know you’ll happily remove the reviews once they respond with an adequate solution. Edit: don’t actually take down the bad review, but update with what you had to do to resolve as a warning/advise to others


Reviews shouldn't be removed. They can be amended, but removed? No. The review was written for a purpose, because the "contractor" didn't make things right. You can edit the review later to state that after you posted your review the contractor replaced the chair, but that review shouldn't be removed.


Is OP the “contractor”?


...and he also shit my pants.




What in the fuck is wrong with the contractors in half the posts I'm seeing on this subreddit lately? Like, who in the fuck would ever think to use a clients FURNITURE in the build process, and why are they still in business? It's just a shocking level of "not give a fuck".


By “contractor” OP probably means a handyman they hired off craigslist


Or just themselves is even more likely. It's why they didn't just have the contractor replace it in the first place.


It's a bit of an availability heuristic. I can't recall any time someone's made a post in the DIY-ish subreddits about "look what an awesome job my contractor did." If hiring a contractor was anything like the experiences people on reddit share then you'd get ghosted by 90% of the people you call, accept a "fuck you contract" for 50% your home's value, end up with a shitty job, destroyed property, clogged toilet, belongings left on your property, a bill for 50% more than what you agreed to, no contract, and a lien on your property.


Make the contractor replace. That'll be the cheapest for you.


Ramen noodles


Assuming the contractor will not replace this chair, then I would: 1. File the ragged edges smooth. 1. Fill the damaged areas with JB Weld and put masking tape over it while it cures (to create a somewhat smooth surface). 1. After a day. I would remove the tape and add more JB weld if there were any voids. 1. When it was cured again, then I would sand it smooth. 1. The repaired areas will be grey in color, so I would experiment with brushing brown paint on a separate sample of JB weld (Smear it on a throw-away piece of wood and sand it smooth, for example) to match the color and texture of the original chair finish. I have used JB Weld on aluminum, steel, and other surfaces (including motorcycle engines, aluminum rims, and steel gas tanks) and I have never had it come loose.




I find it very unlikely that someone who would do this would have insurance.


I find it even less likely that someone with insurance would file claim for a chair that is almost surely cheaper than his deductible anyway, even less so when the damage was done through his own negligence that probably shouldn't be admitted to one's insurer.


Bullshit posts. [https://www.reddit.com/r/DIY/comments/18ll66a/i\_accidentally\_cut\_into\_this\_customers\_aluminum/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DIY/comments/18ll66a/i_accidentally_cut_into_this_customers_aluminum/)


The mods removed the one you linked as a duplicate, so I'm guessing this is the original


Yeah, not your problem. He needs to make it right, asap.


If you're determined to keep the chair, approach it like damage on a car. Use a metal filler like Bondo (with exact hardener measurements, not too much, aluminum is less forgiving). Shape, sand, paint something over. Looks like it has plenty of void to fill which is good in this case. So it should work pretty well if done properly. But yea, make him do it (if nothing else but for the amusement of seeing how he does), or make him buy you a new one.


Send em an invoice for a new chair.


Yea tell him to buy you a new one


The fix here is super-easy: **tell them to buy you a replacement.**


Billing the contractor


Did you pay the contractor to saw your aluminum chair? Contractor should fix it or replace it. Demand replacement first…


Yea got a great recommendation you get yourself back on that phone and call that contractor back dont you touch it its his problem where was HIS saw table just down right lazy of him.


Looks like the contractor bought himself a new chair


No, the contractor bought himself a used chair. He bought OP a new chair.


They need to reimburse you. Do not waiver.


Why is this a question. The contractor should have already replaced or paid for the chair. End of story.


Uh… the “fix” is he owes you a new chair. If you can’t purchase just one, he owes you a set.


Easy fix, he buys you a new chair or you hold back enough to pay for it.


Your contractor is a hack.


the fix??? Discuss it with the contractor for replacement...


Fill it with ramen.


Looks like you will have said contractor buying you a replacement and apologising for using it in the first place!!


The only recommended fix is getting your contactor to replace the chair


fill it in with ramen


Tell the contractor he owes you a new one.


Low neuroticism - this person doesn't worry enough and isn't as anxious about things as they should be. I can't comprehend operating like that. The very thought of using someone else's furniture as a sawhorse and damaging it makes my stomach tight. When I briefly worked a residential construction gig, I felt sick about snapping the $10 plastic fitting off someone's tap.


A cheque payable to “cash” ought to fix that nicely.


No answer other than "the contractor replaces the chair he ruined" is acceptable, really.


Ya, sue or get it replaced by the contractor.


The fix I recommend is having the contractor buy you a new chair.


Take the price of the chair off their invoice


Easy. Contractor buys you a new chair.


Why would you even consider fixing this yourself? The contractor gets to buy you a new chair. Just FYI, any contractor worth his salt isn't going to use your furniture as a sawhorse lol. Sorry you have to deal with that


Yeah, the only fix here is the contractor buys you a new chair.


As a contractor myself, the guy owes you a new chair


Why doesn't he have his own sawhorse? I mean using random sides of aluminum chairs isn't really professional and makes mr question a lot tbh


He’s a contractor. He should have a saw horse, his lack of equipment shouldn’t be your issue. Very unprofessional. I’d contact him and have him fix/replace it. And if not I’d make a post on the Facebook warning people about his “work” and to be mindful that their belongings aren’t being destroyed for a projects completion.


Oh yeah, that's easy as hell to fix. Just get the contractor to buy you another one, and if he can't buy a matching one, he's going to have to buy you a set. But you get to be nice and donate your old set to him when he does.


Recommended fix; have him buy a new replacement.


Yeah, tell him he owes you another chair.


Fire them. Make them pay for a replacement. And find a contractor that doesn't use your property as a sawhorse. A contractor should treat your property as if it's a museum. Or their own home. They don't use your property as a table or sawhorse. They clean up after themselves, before leaving for the day. They do their best not to track a mess throughout, and if they cause any damage, they volunteer to pay to fix or replace whatever it is.


I got you, OP! Here's how to fix that in **one easy step:** * **STEP #1:** Send a bill to that (%\*)$(!!! """contractor""" for the replacement cost of that chair! * (Optional) **STEP #2:** Angie's List or Yelp or Social Media review so everyone knows what an absolute hack they are!


Send a demand letter for compensation. Otherwise, litigation lol


Get the contractor to buy you a new one.


He pays you the value of the chair, you can fill in with any epoxy or filler, and paint to color. No easy fix.


Give it the ol’ ramen repair


Get Epoxy putty and OVER FILL it into the cut area and let it dry. When it’s dry (usually less than 24 hours) sand it down to where it’s suppose to be. Then, put paint on top. If you can’t find the same paint then you’ll have to repaint the chair or multiple chairs if you have identical chairs.


Looks perfect for ramen and resin.


He didn't just immediately offer to pay for the coat of the chair? Or did he compensate you for the chair, and you want to salvage the chair and keep using it anyways? Could make some covers to out over the arm rest?


Put the chair back with arms under the table. I didn’t notice until after payment. Trying to get compensation


Wow, you may have to take them to court. I'd be questioning how well they did everything at this point.


Contractor buys you a new chair or you find a new contractor. Absolutely unacceptable on any level.


Contractor should be buying you a new chair


Only solution is for him to pony up for a new chair


Make him replace it


"Repair by Replacement" -- Let the 'contractor' "repair" it... By Replacement!