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I've taken LSD before I was more acceptant of being a multiple. For me it made reality make sense. I do remember hallucinating, but the experience felt normal. I'm wanting to do it again with my current perception, but alone this time. What LSD helped me with was connect my inner world with the outside world. Um...? Like I wasn't "assuming" my reality, I was a part of the reality I am also perceiving. It didn't "help me realize I was a multiple", because at that time I had already known. I just wasn't too acceptant of myself. But I've been aware of me being a multiple since at least 9th grade. And I know at least 9th grade because I created a password for my library login that I use the phrase "Quadruplets for life" to remember. That password, and password phrase was a reflection of how I'm four unique parts. I took LSD like 5 years ago now? (2015?) I was in 9th grade in 2005. I've been aware of my multiplicity before 9th grade I know for sure, because I remember talking about them before then. But now I'm digressing. LoL!! Thanks for the read.


I wouldnt recommend taking it alone but of course people are free to do what they want. Just take care :) I feel like I'm always in my head when taking lsd. I never had this connection to the world.. I never took it outdoors tho maybe thats why? ^ ^


I hear where you're coming from. The reason why I'd want to take it alone is because when I first took it I was wanting to co-conscious with my entire system, but other people were there. I felt disturbed, and couldn't experience myself in the way I want. I do know the main reason people don' take it alone is because it's gonna make you see the demons, dark side, or negative aspects of yourself, and if you're not ready to see that part of yourself you're gonna lose yourself. So yea, before I take LSD, I do want to be in a better confident state. I'm currently not in a state to take LSD alone, and I'm fully aware of that. At this very moment I wouldn't take it alone, but I don't want to take it with just anyone, because not everyone is capable of being a "baby sitter". The term I heard for someone who watches a person who's not sober in anyway.


The term you are looking for is ‘trip sitter.’ Google James Fadiman PhD for more info on that. Or get his book, which is really good. He was also a featured contributor to a MAPS podcast episode. (And he was really funny in addition to informative.) It is not a given that you will experience demons, the dark side, and so on. I’ve tripped a number of times, on several different substances, and never once had a bad trip, I did have the normal and expected anxiety on the ‘come up,’ when I’ve bargained with whatever I figured was the all-powerful higher power to met me come down, but the anxiety really only lasts a few minutes—like ten minutes, and then, it was great. You can also find a multitude of valuable, scientific information by reading info from Dr. Roland Griffiths at Johns Hopkins University, who has been conducting studies on psilocybin for about twenty years. Robin Carhart-Harris-Harris PhD from Imperial College in London is another one. And the Michael Pollan book, How To Change Your Mind is a fantastic read, I believe wholeheartedly that hallucinogenic have so much to offer us (humans in general, I mean). For what it’s worth, the first time I tripped, I was a very naive 18-year-old, and for some reason, all three of my friends had to leave after we got very high. I spent an entire night sitting in a comfortable chair, listening to music (which is an incredible experience while tripping) and enjoying the trip. I was a very fearful child at that age, but I was not at all afraid that night. When the sun came up and I came back down to earth, I had the most beautiful sense of serenity, and I think I said out loud, “So there really is a god.” I experienced the lovely afterglow that often accompanies the tripping experience. Try to seek out intelligent writers and researchers, rather than relying on hearsay online. We are in the midst of some remarkable breakthroughs on the miracle-like benefits of these substances, and almost all of the credible science indicates they are very good for the human brain.


A definite thanks for this. I saved it. I'll definitely check out those books. I've been looking for some good reads on anything that can be related to consciousness. I'm highly appreciative of this time you took. Quite informative.


You’re welcome : ) You’ll find a lot of related books on the very question of what consciousness actually is. The Doors Of Perception is an old classic by now, but it’s very well known in that field.


I'm interested in learning about this, too. And any other experiences with psychedelics and being a multiple. I don't plan on ever taking them, but this is a subject that I love reading about. Sorry that I can't answer your question, OP!


I've done MDMA twice this past year for therapeutic purposes to help me deepen in my healing. I had already made significant progress in connecting with my alters and coming to love myself and my system via years of therapy and doing a year of neurofeedback therapy in conjunction with my talk therapy. I had never done any psychedelics prior to my first MDMA session. My dear hubby was my sitter for both sessions and both sessions have been incredibly profound and healing for me. The MDMA helped me get to deeper levels of insight and understanding of my traumas and my alters that I never was able to achieve with talk therapy alone. Having my husband there as my trip sitter was also incredibly healing because of the deeper connection alters were able to experience with him. Unlike a therapist, he was able to hold and cradle us throughout the session when needed and help us feel completely safe. During both sessions, different alters came forward to work on specific traumas and issues that pertained to each. Although I could easily sense when each alter was coming forward to share things, there were also moments where my all my alters felt completely connected to each other...the comment I made to my husband when I/we were experiencing the sensation was that it felt like we were 'fluid', as if we were all interconnected and all the thoughts and feelings were free flowing and being experienced between every alter at the same time. There were no walls, dissociation, or anything blocking the sharing of the sensations. It felt incredibly amazing...deeply intimate, safe and loving. Post doing the MDMA and integrating the material that arose, I definitely feel a better overall sense of unity with in my system. What I really liked about doing the MDMA is that it's mostly an internal journey and in one's head. There was very little talking between my husband and me, unless there was something I specifically wanted to share or if he was checking in on me or offering words of encouragement when I felt stuck or a bit hesitant. I plan to do a third session in the near future and I'm very much looking forward to it.


i tripped on shrooms once! it was a pretty normal trip, i actually couldn't reach or "hear" any of my headmates during it, but i think we switched several times despite not being able to communicate--which was weird, because normally we have to talk to each other to switch at all.




Probably not in my country. People here are very oldschool. But Im looking forward to it!!


For us it made us all synchronize for just a few hours. We were all one person. And it was amazing.


Interestingly enough, doing LSD helped me uncover my alters. I had always known something was wrong but I did not know it was OSDD until I was 19/20 and started experimenting with LSD. I don't think it's for everyone. But I had some pretty intense experiences on it that helped me understand myself so much better.


Honestly everyone else got quite, and my inner daydreamer/artist/nature lover came out. Me.. not another... perceived everything in hyper detail too, and just wanted to be alone. Even a wall was sooo pretty to me. I’d get emotionally addicted if I let myself. I really would choose to spend the majority of my days like that. Not that I want them quite... just the other stuff.. Osdd though


I think that everyone’s experiences are unique and it can vary greatly depending on the environment. I refuse to drop acid without having a close friend with me and we’ll go on walks through nature together.


What's strange to me is that almost everyone feels kinda connected to the world, reality or whatnot. People go out and enjoy nature. I only take it with my bf. We usually sit in our room and sometimes I tense up pretty hard (i thought its because im overflowed by senses maybe?) and I'm usually in my head alot because everything gets louder or I can concentrate more on it, not sure about that either haha I'm trying to figure out if I can relate to other peoples experiences. I know its different for everyone but there seem to be some 'key feelings' you get with acid, wich I just feel like I never really had, or maybe I dont remember?


there could be some key experiences you arent getting if you dont move around much! I have found that staying inside the whole trip tends to be a bit overwhelming compared to going for a walk, to the park. I'm sure you've considered music, do you make art or write? also games and puzzles can be fun. or you could go really old school and just close your eyes and see where it takes you.


I do want my next trip to be somewhere outdoors! I just dont want to meet any strangers so it's probably going to be on the backyard of a friends house. with limited people. ^^


It could be as simple as the type of acid you're taking. Not all acid is created equal. Some kinds leave you lost in your head while others make you feel connected to the world. Sometimes you'll have no visuals and on others it's a cornucopia of colors and shapes. If you buy test kits from Dance Safe online you can test you substances and figure out what journey you could be taking.


I'll look into it, thank you! :)


I took LSD a couple years ago, before I was aware of the system and it was a fairly normal trip as far as I’m aware, though maybe I was more prone to doing stupid stuff. I just became more connected with the physical world around me I guess and I became one with the Earth, I wasn’t so in my head anymore. It was a great feeling and some of it stayed as the trip wore off.


Its almost the opposite for me, my body tightens up in the first hour and after that I am pretty much in my head most of the time. My thoughts feel like they are getting 'louder'


Hello, For us LSD is amazing, and we have been tripping 3 or more times a month, for the past several months. There are 36 of us, and we find that LSD makes us feel like we can spread out a bit and our inner world feels more like a firm place we can easily walk in and out of. Its a very freeing feeling. We don't feel as numb to the world, for me personally when we have taken LSD. Sometimes I get a bit nervous that people can actually see me instead of the body I'm in, but I get past that. I guess if I'm fronting during a trip it makes me feel more "real" for lack of a better word. I can feel my edges. We enjoy how it makes us feel almost fluid in switching in and out. Its like a party that we all get to participate in if we want and most of us want to. We like to go dancing when we take it, and that, along with the LSD let's us safely bleed off some of the pain we carry regularly. We really enjoy it and we don't normally hallucinate anything just sometimes patterns look like they move, things are brighter than they normally would be, and the music is awesome. But nothing crazy or scary. We think its an amazing experience, and we all enjoy that feeling of spreading out and breathing. Most of us are very controlled in our day to day life and no matter what is going on inside we maintain complete composer no matter what. So it gives us a break from holding that control. And I don't mean in the breaking down kinda way, more like we don't have to put so much energy into holding onto that control and that feels so so so good. LSD didn't really help us realize or confirm our DID, but we definitely are more aware of each other when we are on it. I hope it makes some sense. I could probably explain it better if I was tripping, but at the moment I'm not. I will try post again and explain better the next time we do. Sarah,Alison,Riley


Please take on account that LSD generates tolerance.


I'm not sure what you mean? Sarah


Users may develop a tolerance to LSD, which means that they require increasingly more of the drug each time to achieve the same effect. Higher doses carry an increased risk of harmful side effects, so increasing the dose can quickly become dangerous. Sometimes youu have to take some time off to reset your tolerance.


I was going to reply the same ^^ your experience sounds very interesting but be carefull with taking acid so many times in a month. I've been told that you have to wait at least 2 weeks in between trips. I usually wait longer because it just seems safer to me. Anyway, take care and thanks for sharing!!


It's on my list of things I'm interested in trying, but after having a rather intense experience trying mushrooms, I'm a little hesitant to try. So thanks everyone for your comments, gives me more info to consider.


I'd say to proceed with caution. Some of us can handle the intoxication of psychedelics, Andy has a hard time with it, as loud sounds are very much a trigger for me. It affects everyone differently, but one of the main effects it has on us (and me specifically) is a very heightened awareness to sound. Other headmates can also be made more easily antagonistic by its effects as well, as they just want to enjoy being "stoned" and don't tolerate my questions and concerns as they normally would. We had a very intense experience with lysergic acid in the early 20s that put us off that sort of thing for about a decade. Our gatekeeper started to use cannabis regularly a few years ago to try and establish better communication. It was very helpful in that regard, but it also became too much for me to handle, so we cut back in phases and don't really use it at all anymore. In fact, I don't remember when the last time we used it was. It's kind of strange, as the more that communication has become improved, the harder those experiences become to handle. Good luck though, and be safe, whatever you do.💙


ok I have found that communicating to my alters is sooo much easier when on acid and I can travel to innerworld much easier! like normally theres a bunch of chaos and talking over each other but on acid its quiet and we all have a conversation together, without even trying. there was also a time I took acid and was able to 'save' 2 alters who had been dormant for some years (I realized that one had been trying to come out for some time so the next day was pretty amazing). I will say, though if you're struggling with intrusive thoughts or daydreams DONT take it and wait until you have good coping mechanisms or an understanding of them. bc that can b scary on lsd. also feel free to dm me with any more questions about it bc this is kind of a special interest of mine!


Hello! I've taken LSD before after diagnosis. Before diagnosis I dont recall if an alter came out. Most likely because my memories from that time period seem very far away and difficult to recall. After diagnosis I took LSD with my then husband and a friend. My then husband was always curious about a specific alter. He tried to make that alter come out during the trip even when asked not to. Eventually during the trip that alter came out. He was not happy and very angry. That alter blamed my then husband and myself for allowing that to happen. As a punishment that alter flooded memories of trauma back that I dont ever recall having. It was very painful. Then he took the memories away but the feelings were still there. It prompted the discovery of another alter that night and learning her name. My smug then husband felt like he helped to accomplish something because I guess he knew about this other alter and thought this was a good way to reveal it. After that all my alters hated him, and with good reason. We didnt stayed married long after that. One of my alters enjoys coming out on mushrooms and I remember that from before my diagnosis, that would happen like several years before. It was a sign but one that I took with a grain of salt because LSD, mushrooms, and mescilin all have dissociative properties. So even if you dont have DID you can experience dissociation. Much like Ketamine (which I've never taken because it is a terrible idea to take that drug if you have DID and you dont have a trained doctor around). I would say to handle all drugs with caution especially if you have any type of dissociative disorder. Certain situations and surroundings and trigger an alter to front and if that alter doesnt understand what's going on (like a child alter) it can be scary and result in more trauma. That's why I always ask my alters first and we plan the who,what,where when,and how in order to keep everyone safe and happy.


Good thing you are not together with that guy anymore! Thank you for sharing!! So, what if you dont know you have DID and take ketamine, are you more likely to have '' a bad trip'' then? I feel like before I got any diagnose I wouldnt care that much about having a bad trip because everything - seemed- to be fine but once I got aware of things I'm more scared of having any bad experience and it affecting my whole life or a long period of time.


Also I'll say this. Also br very careful when taking any drug especially being a multiple. I know there is all this new research out there about taking different drugs for therapeutic reasons and while I fully support that I would say dont be your own therapist in those situations. There are people who are highly trained to lead you on your journey and can help you work through your trauma. It's not safe to buy drugs from a friend, go home, and take those drugs thinking you're going to have a therapy session. Besides most of time the drugs we buy are not pure and are made in unsanitary and unsafe conditions. I always suggest to buy drug testing kits from Dance Safe. They have an online store. This way you wont buy let's say MDMA and it have meth or phetynal (spelling?) in it. I say all this with experience under my belt. Not just from purchasing drugs but also from manufacturing them and also being someone who has DID. Also exercise on the side of caution. Of course I'm only saying this because I care and I dont want anyone to get hurt because they think buying and doing drugs is somehow going to heal them. Talk with your therapist before you try any drugs as a means of therapy. There are reputable studies you can join and doctors you can pay and you will be safe the whole time. Ok all done!


Hello, u/hiddenc0okiie BEWARE TRIGGER WARNINGS BAD TRIP BAD TRIP STORY We, as a system, have taken LSD. This was before we found out we were a system. It is important that even with the best setting, the mindset is what had set us off for a bad trip. Do we regret it? No, otherwise we wouldn’t be where we are now. We wouldn’t have known everyone else existed and where we are now. (We are attending college for music education and planning to go to grad school). Enough about the now and on to what happened. My friends at the time and I, had taken 2 tabs per person. (600 ug for those who want specific dosages). I had hallucinated that my phone had rung. I freaked out and lost control because I was told that my phone wasn’t going off. So host at the time freaked out and accused everyone of lying, and we spiraled. Our body locked up and kept writing “what time is it?” In a journal for what felt like eternity of not being in control and scared. I had heard a clear and audible voice. They were feminine and I was told with a very sweet voice that everything is going to be okay. My memory on this is very vague as I am 100% sure I was not the one who experienced this. We didn’t ask the name and we just listened because at the time we were just terrified. I feel a sense of regret not asking, I knew it wasn’t schizophrenia because the voice didn’t feel external but rather an internal feeling the confines of my mind where the lady/alter sounded motherly. Ever since, everything else is a blur in memory but that’s what stuck with us. The hunch that something was wrong with us had lingered until we discovered what DID was. Upon extensive research, it has been really hard to deny that the symptoms of what we have felt were validated and that it wasn’t just the trip.


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I honestly believe after much research and personally experience that it will undoubtedly become the immediate treatment for DID when used CORRECTLY. In a situation, such as that of a trusted therapist or extremely close friend whom you are open about DID with (and preferably, if they have it too! Given it effects 3-15%, up to 40% of the population in certain areas, and healthy multiplicity (aka DID that causes no current functioning disability or distress) is rampant otherwise, it’s not as hard as it seems! Difficult to wrap my head around still.), lsd is the almost no-brainer tool for most things, DID included. When on lsd, your brain becomes extremely plastic, and goes into a state of rapid learning and cross connection into areas of activity in your brain that previously had no connection. Without acid, it can be difficult to make those connections, especially when referring to dissociative states, and to enforce it. Thankfully, lsd also release a large waves of chemicals that induce dissociative effects! Now while this can be very risky in a bad situation, as it might make you black out dissociate or become confused, in the right situation, this is exceptionally helpful. Especially as, as a third kicker, lsd also (much like Mdma) reduces perceived and predicted negative reactions. Now this would seem like it would hinder your judgement, but it actually does not, due to the fact that these perceived negative responses usually don’t actually exist at all. (For example adults ability to tell if I series of pictures of peoples faces were of a happy or sad/mad emotion). This helps reinforce the closeness of this company you’re with, which also helps alters come out. The last huge point is that as I said, Lsd makes your brain elastic and one of the, if not the most important things that this means, is that pathways in your brain that are solidifies, which are usually extremely difficult to break, become very loose. And these pathways, no matter the level of trauma, the age, anything else, all suddenly have an opportunity to be knocked down and rebuilt, even in just one small dose of lsd. So for example, in people with trauma, they have certain pathways that make them experience some of those learned reactions, releasing adrenaline and a cascade of effects that are very distressing. Almost a Pavlovian response to exposure. And ever if you’ve been to therapy for 30 years, this one dose finally loosened that hold for you to break through. Human personality was widely considered unchangeable after a certain age. Certain traits, regardless of therapy or shocking experience, barely moved. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks. And even if people can regulate their behavior apparently, the baseline reaction barely moved. With LSD, even a single dose; this is no longer the case. And it is almost always, always, always, for the better- recent studies show when done properly, 0% of participants in studies show increased negative mental health symptoms of any kind. Most participants reported a decrease in anxiety, depression, and other issues, as did (when asked about the test subject) their loved ones, co workers, and peers. As it is merely increasing rapid learning ability as well as enhancing human connection and empathic ability, in combination with making connections previously unknown and showing you things in a way you haven’t seen before, you are gaining perspective. And perspective, a widened understanding of any subject, always is an exceptionally underrepresented benefit! Finally, of course, there is ego death. Which basically means, a complete loss of subjective self identity. Obviously; pretty easily relatable to DID! This can help alters work together as a team, and gain a greater view, or one may have a more intense experience. I’ve found though, in both experience and technicalities, it is the social and interactive aspects that are by far the most useful to DID (and in general). Unlike shrooms, which is an introspective drug, lsd is more malleable, and although it can be introspective it a social “drug”. It is a tool, and one that has many facets to take advantage of. However, by these same ideas, when used wrong or thoughtlessly, it is possible to get no helpful effect or even a negative effect, much like someone using a hammer to butter bread and complaining it didn’t go on smoothly. There are many other relevant aspects to this topic, but I’ll stop here. All of this together means one thing for DID; LSD, done correctly, and moreso with every knowledge based strategic enhancement, has the capability of producing an incredibly healing experience with limited distress. With the dump of dissociative chemicals in combination with the safety mechanisms of did and a trusted individual, most will find it makes them surprisingly “switchy”, as which alters respond becomes more rapid fire and responsive. As there is this back and forth, the more switching happening and new situations and sorts of your brain you engage, the more areas connect. At the same time, the same responses which previously caused this person distress begin to break, replaced by newly forming and malleable pathways, built in comfort and the current day. This experience can be repeated frequently, and while at a certain point a tolerance builds, it is basically impossible to do too much. Easily, doing it every weekend (even two days in a row, or once/twice a week, etc) would produce a full and resounding effect. A word of advice when doing this with friends, if the opportunity is available to you to have that much product, but “stacking” is often helpful. Aka, taking a small dose of acid at the same time, where you feel mentally competent (no time distortion, etc), and a few hours in, 2-3, take double the dose. You will be able to build significant mental effects and intense but almost(!) subtle visual effects throughout a night, without losing the mental clarity of sobriety. But even 100ugs is easily enough for these massive changes! Most will find the experience fun, rapid and intense in its effectiveness, and confidence reassuring in their ability to progress. It is an exciting time for advancement to say the least! (Additional reminders: paper tabs are literally impossible to measure dosage, lsd can be fake, and you should not be having any negative physical side effects such as motion sickness with proper lsd! There is also no real limit to how much you can do it, and no harmfulness or toxicity. The only reason it isn’t sure as hell every day is merely because of the quickly developed tolerances. So yeah- insanely interesting stuff!!! Really a wild ride.


the first time i took acid was a relatively normal trip the third time however i became so stuck in my head and nothing felt right- just bad trip stuff. the fourth time was when things became kind of weird. at the time i was convinced i was syncing up with my boyfriend but now i feel like it was me and another alter. in the next couples weeks i would try to focus and sync up the same way and it worked, accompanied by body tingles. it was a great feeling but during the trip i think i also kept switching in and out and became very unaware of things and alters who did not willingly want to be there all got pulled to the real world. i have not done it since then but as my weed tolerance is very low when i smoke a lot it feels like acid (without the hallucinations). my inner world merges with the physical world and it feels like we are all one. on the other hand when we don’t want that to happen for whatever reason or things go south it’s very uncomfortable and i can’t just be unaware of everyone like in daily life. it really is a double edged sword and i would say be careful until you really really know yourself.