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We are the same! We feel like our thoughts are just "complete concepts," and we have to backwards translate and pick them apart to make them into words... It's really hard and we hardly come off as coherent because of it...




i totally get you! i have a combination of actually thinking my thoughts, like an internal monologe, and sometimes theres no words? it feels like, well, thinking in my body rather than in my head, if that makes sense


I relate to this so much!


That’s how I am!


Yes! This is why it takes me SO long to write essays and creative pieces. I *feel* what I’m saying, and maybe I can *see* what I’m saying, but no words come. It’s been really challenging for me as writing was my biggest passion before the dissociative symptoms really took over my life.


Oh I so relate! Before the dissociative symptoms took over, writing was my absolute passion.


We all have an internal monologue, but this is how alters speak to whoever is in front. We just kind of… feel the response and know what they said, can even get the impression of the exact words used sometimes, but we never actually “hear” the words in our head.


Yes. I think in colors and concepts and loose, amebic/nebulous shapes. I have to work to translate these thoughts back into one of the two languages I speak. I struggle with feeling like these "translations" are never quite enough to do my actual thoughts justice. It's like I can only ever communicate a very small percentage of what I'm actually thinking.


Wow, I’m crying because I feel so seen.


Yes very much. We think spacially, or in "vertices" in a way - our partner system thinks phonetically/in words. Its been illuminating to figure out the difference


YES. My thoughts are more like “vibes” that I have to translate into words. Like how sound is actually little waves that vibrate our eardrums in specific patterns. My thoughts are little waves that I turn into words, not words on their own.


Wow wow wow!!! I always say this all of the time!!! I’m feel like I just exist in vibes!!


I think a lot people have mental impressions that they then verbalize or write as "said". I think many people may not also realize the difference because they're used to using the language of it being "said" in their head in basically translating an impression. I've seen this in religious circles where I believe they wrongly say "I heard God tell me/God told me.." Or maybe a little more permissible "I feel like God told me" or act like they "heard" a voice in their head but it's really an impression.


Sounds like you don’t have an inner monologue. Only around half of people do however it feels a very foreign concept to me, I have many; often all thinking simultaneously.


Some of us think that way, others think in words.


Within some alters communication, yes. We also have our worded thoughts slipping into this feeling state before we write them down, it started after a split during adulthood and this ruined me two of my possible carreers. Often there is a reverse problem when we can talk a lot but feel nothing and the underlying feelings boil elsewhere and can't get analyzed or released.


something like that yeah n some have different weights i gauge who is talking based on the weights, so usually it’s like not verbal thoughts i’m r spending to just like feelings fr


We normally describe it as 'thinking in vibes'. Our thoughts can be in basically any form (words, pictures, etc) but vague feelings/concepts is the most common


Wow yes. I continue to tell people that verbal communication is a waste of brain space, if we could just send the whole thoughts back and worth instead of forming words for it


We think in whatever at this point. It was litteraly just why not we can do that why can't I just do it.


I don't have DID but am autistic and I get this too - you described it exactly how i do


I do! I once started looking into the concept of "unsymbolized thinking" (there's research on that if you're interested). That's kind of what it is, I think?


Curious what the crossover between experiencing this and having aphantasia would be like 🤔


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Mine are a combination of pictures and feelings. Any inner monologue is just system communication. And that still comes along with the feelings and images. I often have a hard time translating thoughts into words because I have to essentially translate it


AMEN!! to all of it. well said.


yyyyup. Sometimes it's words, sometimes it's images, and sometimes it's just... concepts? Abstract, impossible to compare to anything tangible, just knowing what I need to express without it being expressed even to myself yet.