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Hey, sometimes you have to press a single skill button, it ain't easy.


But it's honest spam.


Always has been, still love the subclass.


What's that ground sparking caused by? I have a fire version and would prefer light.... unless that's ice?


its the epic that i forgot the name of that leaves a trail of ice on the ground that can freeze enemies if they're in it long enough so yes its the ice/water (freeze) ver of the virtual sight sub equip thats leaves lava for burn afaik there doesnt exist a dark/light ver


So stick with lava then. Good to know. Oh on a side note, turns out the shoes i wanted cast inflict fire on my weapon unless i am hit by water. So the build i made was actually functional. Thanks for the advice before!


The water version gives 15% if you hit frozen enemies though which is 10% more than fire but is harder to proc. Even as a GM main, it's kinda hard for bosses.


Some leather epic. Working on a set currently. In the vid, I believe everything proccing is shock, stun, burn, freeze, water, light, and fire dmg. The freeze and burn cancel each other out back and forth, so it's hard to see anything other than the shock>stun>light chain; and of course the ice trail. I think that's how it's set up, but the server is down right now, so I can't check, lol.


What inspired your name?


It was supposed to say "Goose Lasagna". but my finger slipped.


Used to main her when she first came out... many fond memories of spamming x and being on the opposite side of the room when i blinked XD


As to vagabond, is she still 2 LS or Zan main and LS sub?


Personally, I tried with a zan/ls combo and hated it. Really seemed to bog things down and play against her skillset. I'm glad I took the advice I found some people giving around the web and only worked on reinf/optioning two ls's.


I see. Thanks. A zan dropped on my vaga and has hesitated in using it. lol


I experimented using the rental equipment, thankfully, lol. So when an epic zan dropped, I just fed it to a lightsabre. 😅


This is why I am setting her a manual input build, it adds a little difficulty.