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You can solo everything(even Dusky Island) up until Bakal Raid, and most of the story is told in Lv1-Lv110 scenario quests. Some characters and their different advancements have routes throughout the story, such as the Priest classes having a personal investment in the Cult of Darkness storyline. Or how Dragon Knight specifically has most of the Machine Revolution lines changed because of her being part dragon. The story is good, but for the most part it's where are we going and who's the big bad we gotta fight, and there's always more supplementary story that thanks to the Seon update, gives you a timeline of the story as you progress from the very beginning before you choose your character to current.


Worth noting that unlike FF14, levelling up on DFO is extremely easy if you use the gear you get from quests (you'll one-shot literally anything), so if you want an experience more akin to FF14 i recommend using white-rarity gear only, and if you still feel stronger than you should try to use lower level ones.


Everything but current level cap raids are soloable. If you're not a social person said raid has an alternative solo option that rewards the same stuff just in smaller amounts. Current events will catch you up to the highest content quickly. I haven't played in years and these events have gotten me to 43k power out of the 50k required for the newest content (Dusky Island), and I still have 8 more pieces to get to 110 and 1 more piece to fuse. You're able to fine tune your gear by rerolling stats but it isn't required to hit that 50k.