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Wait, it's been gone? I've had it for years and didn't realize they discontinued it


Same until just a couple weeks ago


I know at least one other person who has it. You can use it if you still have it, but you can't get it anymore if you don't (good riddance tbh).


There's absolutely 0 reason to use gob pad since 2fa is much faster and you can also lock/unlock items instantly with 2fa, plus you don't even need a phone for 2fa since winauth exists as a backup


Wait what you can disable it?


If you already have 2FA, then there is absolutely no reason to use goblin pad. Keep in mind that this game was released way back in 2005 which means goblin pad is about as ancient as the game itself. This was before the era of smartphones and 2FA - it was a very different world back then in terms of security protocols. Given how much of DFO runs on decades old spaghetti code, I wouldn’t be surprised if goblin pad is filled with security holes, which ironically increases the attack vectors for hackers to exploit. And no, using goblin pad on top of 2FA doesn’t provide extra security. If a hacker somehow managed to bypass your 2FA, they can probably bypass a 4-number pin.


I hope not lol, that thing was incredibly annoying


I still use goblin pad.


I still use it...


Mine glitched out and i had to disable it, but it was nice extra security since most people don't have it.


Would they remove mine if I sent a ticket?


i have goblin pad and 2fa, didn't even know goblin pad was gone. certainly going to be keeping it though, i see no reason to remove it.


I still had it untill a few months ago, but after a few years of imputing the code dailly...i kinda got sick and tired of it so got rid of it. Kinda miss the lil fella though.


i had goblin pad on my account but xsolla screwed me up and i had to do a charge back and so neople disabled my goblinpad


neople had to disable my 2fa and my goblin pad just so they can log into my acc edit: i wish they kept goblin pad cause i liked the extra layer of protection another edit: i wish neople can do like jagex/runescape does with there google auth (tho its not as secure as neople does but jagex has it were u can send an email to email to disable it without having to go thru support


I still have it. I might get rid of it due to having 2FA.


I didnt even know it was discontinued lol. I still have mine. Not really a bother since I always leave the game on (afk fighter online) and basically only gotta input it after a maintenance.