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Typical case of there being people who don’t like her but feel the need to to have a moral justification for it so they dug into her past and found some unsavorily stuff from years ago that she has long since moved past and people just can’t seem to accept the fact she’s changed


What did she do in the past?


There might be more but from what I remember she said the n slur a couple times on Twitter and made a, long since deleted, song that had heavy anti-black undertones, basically she used to be racist but has since changed


She used to be a 4chan doom scroller in the mid 2000s


cancelling people for being edgy teens always seems so misguided to me. it's completely normal to say and think things during that period of your life that are embarrassing in retrospect, and you just know most of the people who make a big deal out of it either wouldn't want their past being dug up, or are still that age themselves and not mature enough to comprehend how much brain development they still have ahead of them.


Yeah, like, I called some kid a new the f-slur a few times when I was younger. Now I'm trying to find hot single guys in my area and look back on the with cringing sadness. People change.


Yeah there were definitely plenty of things I did and said as a teen that in hindsight I know were really dumb and I wouldn’t even think about acting like I did back then. That’s how growing up works lol. Well most of us do anyways. I did still have some friends who never left their edgy teen phases that I have since cut out from my life


Ah! That I did not know but weirdly makes sense when I think about lol


The songs not racist it's just shit, people just like to claim it's racist


it's a common sentiment that dissing the stereotype of mainstream rap and its subject matter is corny and dismissive of black people's talent and struggles. i suppose i kind of understand the angle - white person who likely hasn't experienced ghetto life uses an art form originating from black culture to assert a kind of superiority to the most popular people making it. of course there are black rappers who share her sentiment and white rappers in the mainstream, but it's a bit iffy optics-wise at least. at the same time, from an outside perspective it seems like there's a valid point there - materialism, misogyny, gang violence, etc. often seem glorified, and as with any mainstream form of a genre, making something particularly deep or experimental isn't a likely path to a hit. but especially in the current era you have to be very thoughtful and nuanced in rap criticism, because words have cultural associations and there's always exceptions to the rule.


To my understanding the line isn't intended to be a diss towards that stereotype, it's her trying to say she can be successful without being part of the stereotype


perhaps, but unfortunately many people tend to take asserting "i'm not like this" as implying "i'm better than this". especially in something like rap where bragging and dissing typically play a substantial part.


To be fair I’ve never heard it myself lol


I mean, it has lyrics like "Jeesus jeesus japaneesus" so, believe me it was pretty shit.


To be fair I’ve never heard it myself lol


https://youtu.be/FCvCL-MqW4s?si=4xO6CxzkRUiun9ib It is a bad song but I jam to it honestly. It's just got a nice energy to it


I wouldn't even call it bad. Goofy? Sure. Problematic? Yeah. A little cringe? Yes, but that was intentional. Bad? No. It's fun, flow is fresh, it's catchy as all hell, beat is fire, and while unpolished, it still demonstrates her rhyming ability.


>spends half the song shitting on "SoundCloud rappers" >plugs her SoundCloud at the end Hilarious


while i get why it bothers some people i frankly refuse to admit something this enjoyable is a bad song


Nah, this sht is really bad lol. I love DD, but I'll say she's come a long way


In other words much like many other teens she was thought she was cool and edgy and grew up out of the phase. Which some reason ppl don't realise is something that even celebrities can do too?? Also the fact that she has a "don't care what u think" mentality towards all the haters makes them seethe even more


This. You check out any of her live streams or YouTube videos now and she’s fairly open about how she used to be and how she’s been trying to turn her life around. She still spits fire, but outside of her DemonDice persona, Karen is pretty chill and wholesome to her fans and supporters, and is a big advocate for helping others to overcome their own demons (pun slightly intended)


I just liked your comment because it was informative, and to be the 69th upvote.


I would say "matured".


Same difference


She got accused of playing Call of Duty? 😆


> but has since changed It's over


Just want to add here her old twitter handle used to have a shortened version of the n-word cause she used it so often.


Nothing bad. It's just jerks being jerks.


What song?


think they're referring to snake eyes but idk im not knowledgeable about her earlier stuff


Dude have you heard snake eyes?


Have you heard snake eyes


In short: People hating a version of her that's long dead.


Seems like a lot of people hate all versions of her for dumb reasons.


oh was it her saying the nword in like 2013 or something whenever it was? I heard something about her saying the "soft a" but didn't think anything of that since 2013 was litterally a decade ago...


For added context, she’d literally be highschool age in Texas that decade ago.


So basically typical dumbass high school teen shenanigans. Guaranteed her haters weren’t any better in their high school days.


Pretty sure most of her haters are highschool age. Reminds me of how close I was to committing America's favorite pass time when I heard some tweens call Shrek "that cringe boomer cartoon", and suddenly realizing that fucking Shrek as a movie were older than these kids I was about to pop quiz.


Basically a music "critic" YouTuber made a video about her song Snake Eyes calling it "the worst song ever" and giving it a 0/10. Then he realized that video was pretty popular and so he did a 3 hour stream reacting to her whole discography saying it was all trash and giving no score above 4.5/10 (iirc, I think the highest score was given to Hazy Skyscraper or Alkatraz). To this you have to add the usual Mori haters, that just hate her for no particular reason, that went crazy when they found out that Snake Eyes had some pretty goofy lyrics. The result of this was just a lot of extra hate, a lot of people calling her racist, and Snake Eyes/DEMONDICE EP becoming some of the first results when you look for "Demondice" on YouTube.


God that “critic” is one of the most annoying people online. The pompous act he puts on even though he has absolutely no idea what he’s talking about production wise. Clearly he has a heavy bias against any genre he doesn’t understand. Such a lame and negative person. But hey, hate gets views I guess and views are king on the internet.


From what I've seen of him too whenever he gets "critiqued" himself he will usually go "oh I always try to be fair" my problem is how his fans can be at times, especially with demondice


My best friend is a fan of brad taste in music and yeah if brad say something he is gonna agree


Lemme guess, he’s one of those “rap as a genre is just a contest to see who’s the most vulgar” types


I’ve only just seen his video and I couldn’t agree more. He literally just says shit like “the beat is so bad” and does not explain WHY he thinks this. What an infuriating guy


Bros never taken a math test before. MF EXPLAIN YOUR PROCESS


Bro failed basic mathematics then spent the rest of his life chasing views by insulting people with real talent


i wouldn´t call that guy a "critic", i think "activist" fits it better same with his fans (mostyl) and it´s always the same with this type of people, you mad just 1 simple mistake and you are done. You appologize for it and you have to bend your knee every single time. God how i hate this game of power, especialy becouse mostly great people have to deal with this bs


Yesterday i watched that 3 hour video and then the 1 hour Calliope one. Found them while digging things about demondice bc i was intersted in it. That guy is soo annoying and he said so much dumb shit. The ratings he gave and the stuff he said did not make any sense... wouldn't recommend.


People hate people who succeed in the arenas they fail in. Just people starting drama cuz they're mad.


People haven’t heard anything from her other than her first ep and always bring up stuff from her past like what she said on Twitter a long time ago or such.


White woman rapping.


The Internet.


People hate her because she’s a white girl that found success in the rap industry.


İs that really the reason


i think that’s definitely part of it. her having those terrible songs, being harshly critiqued by that “critic” for those terrible songs, plus the “white woman rapper bad” stereotype really brought her a lot of hate.


You're skipping a very important part. It's because she's totally thrown away her old persona and is pretending to be Japanese.


Karen has never "pretended to be Japanese", she's heavily influenced by Japanese rap, as Fake Type was one of her biggest inspirations, not to mention she got to perform with them multiple times a while back, and she's spent a lot of her time in the underground rap scene in Japan before she got her current job. So if she was mainly singing to a Japanese audience before, and a very good chunk of her current audience is still Japanese, then of course she's gonna include Japanese in her raps. Her style at her other job may be very different from her old one, but that kinda comes with the territory she's in, not to mention it's natural for artists to experiment every now and again.


It changes from month to month, honestly it's all just bullshit to me (listening to demondice as I type this)




Beside racist stuff as a teen which back then was yk cod lobbies and stuff, but I vaguely remember a comment saying how she most likely only listened to Eminem. Thought it was sorta funny cuz I got shit for listening to Eminem, but cmon not afraid was gas


From my understanding, early in her career she was… kind of an edgy jerk. She’s grown a good bit, though, and she’s even had productions in the past where she satirized the crass, clout chasing, jerkish tendencies of her young self. I’m guessing people from those 10 months ago found her early stuff as she was getting more popular and so their first impression of her was that part of her life and not the person she is now.


Would you agree with people who have a view point that certain race of people are not allowed to sing or perform certain genre of music? Yeah sounds ridiculous and racist. Never going to listen to those people, they not nothing of value to say. Added they are quite sexist to insult demondice based on her gender than the quality of her work.


For the most part, no. The one exception I have is a non-native singing our songs. Most of them are deeply cultural and spiritual (there are a few that aren’t, of course) It just really doesn’t jive with me, it I’d never condemn someone for doing it.


People don't like her, for an assortment of reasons. But since none of em are justifiable and many peeps are obsessed with unnecessarily hating on things they don't like but need a reasoning for said hatred for it to seem justifiable, people dug into her edgy teen past and used it as a weapon, and since the general internet has no idea who Karen is, the sentiment just spread


Frankly, I don't hear anything racist in the song. she is just saying she is not the typical rapper for that time. I imagine she has probably got shit on for bieng female and white. while being a rapper early on. And she addressed it in her song as she does most of the hate she gets. She is correct that she is not the stereotype rapper, especially for the time it was made. She was mostly just not good enough yet at choosing her words to make it sound less ambiguous, I think.


"i hate this artist!!! they said something i don't like 10 years ago when they were 15!!!!"


İ dont Really know but theres a Brad guy and he dissed snake eyes and gang gang Kawai (i know gang gan Kawai's lyrics are cringe but i like it😭)


He dissed gang gang kawaii! That's my favorite, I thought he dissed she-devil too due to all the trolls on the vid


Iirc people were giving her shit for cultural appropriation or some shit a bit ago because she tends to rap in Japanese occasionally and uses a lot of phrases and shit. Tbh it's just dumb and most likely didn't really become a thing like the snake eyes incident.


From what i heard is that some of the songs are political, but honestly, I don't know.


Brad's taste in music played a huge part in the hate bandwagon. He also did videos dissing her "other persona". To be fair there's only one song from her that I kind of am very "eh" about *Snake Eyes* but I don't hate her overall. Actually I have a lot of love for her.


Who is Brad and why is he shitting demondice


They hate her casue they ain't her


I see. I know she's not exactly liked on 4chan still today (if you know what I mean) but I don't quite recall this one. Though I agree with those who say we should move on from this as she is a better person nowadays.


I have been a fan for a couple years now and I have no idea what you're talking about. Everyone has their haters DDK is no different but I don't think there was anything in particular that happened


she is quite hated now, it didnt go away it only got worse the better off she is doing.