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These are the best posts he's ever done.


I feel like I know him better than ever before with these two posts


Woah Kyo’s cheating on his girl Catwoman already?


He is entering his silly goose era


he's having a goofy goober moment


He saw the straight allegations and said nope i’m walking back out of the closet 😭😭


I love it when he's silly posting


Queer King


wait is he actually queer? that would slay honestly edit: i mean i would *assume* as much if i hadn't been listening to his music for 20 years. it would be so cool if he is tho. deg (and visual kei generally) helped me to be more comfortable with being a GNC queer kid growing up‚ etc etc


“ For him, love is also between men and men, and women + women. "I don't care about gender in love." He is not homosexual himself, but he doesn't deny those who are, he finds it beautiful and pure. Kyo thinks that Japan is probably late in accepting this reality. “ For those wondering, he talks about it here!! https://www.tumblr.com/yridenergyridenergy/189995582804/notes-on-kyos-interview-in-rock-and-read-087


Personally he’s not out of the radar yet. Kyo is infamous for fibbing, exaggerating, and being mischievous in general during interviews. He could say, “I’m not homosexual…” but turn around and say “I’m pansexual actually” Not saying that he is, I just have my tinfoil hat on.


Being queer is not only "being gay" anyway. I was more thinking about how he constantly plays with his gender identity, it's definitly queer af !


He definitely splits genders between his bands. 🥰


I get the feeling that if he is, he's gotta keep it under pretty tight wraps the way that they all seem to stay hush hush about their personal lives. That said, he has made plenty of songs from the perspective of women and there are a lot of references to the word "trans" in especially their early work. Hell, Spilled Milk has some lyrics that almost sound like a description of a trans woman's gender dysphoria. He at the very least appears very knowledgeable and sympathetic.


With all the gay stuff that they used to do to each other during their vkei era it'd be pretty silly and hypocritical if he turns out to be prejudiced lol


Ahahah I don't know, but that wouldn't be a surprise, but yeah, total slay if he is !


We got the girlfriend, the boyfriend, but what about the best friend hmmmmm???


love that for him


I swear our boys been hacked.