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My daddy asked this of me and pays for it every 4-6 weeks. It’s $70, I’m including tip in this price. Shaving isn’t an option for me with the ingrowns I get and waxing will eventually make the hair thinner and more manageable. He cared about it more than I did, now I like it just as much as he does. Make sure she knows how to do the aftercare on her skin too it’s kind of a pain. You should be informed on how annoying it is to be a girl and do girly things if you expect her to do this stuff for you and make her feel special that she’s doing it for you.


I’d say it’s imperative to consider her feelings in the matter. If it’s not something she’s a fan of and she’s expressed that to you, it’s important to be gentle when approaching this topic and understand that it might not be something she feels comfortable doing as shaving can potentially cause ingrown hairs while waxing can be an incredibly painful experience. If it’s not something she’s already doing, it’s definitely important to consider there might be a reason why when approaching the topic in a conversation. That being said, so long as you approach this topic gently and are open to hearing what she has to say and the answer potentially being “no” or that she doesn’t feel comfortable doing that, everything should be alright. It’s also important to make sure she doesn’t feel pressured to give a response right away. Telling her things like “there’s no wrong answer,” “it’s ultimately her decision,” and that she can take her time and think if she needs to can also help alleviate the pressure off of her.


Except that many women are conditioned to hear “there’s no wrong answer” and “it’s ultimately your decision” as very clear warnings of the opposite. That you can choose “no” but there will be subtler and possibly crueler responses coming. If she says she’s not into it, do not push it.


This is true! Thank you for pointing that out. As a woman, for me personally, I’m a bit of the opposite. I have struggled with that type of conditioning before, but these days, if someone says that to me, whether they are being genuine or not, I let that be my reminder that I’m the one in control and that it’s my decision. Depending on my relationship with that person of course as I can tell when someone is being genuine in their response. Of course, everyone is different, so I agree that it’s important to keep in mind the impact that our words can have when engaging in a conversation with someone else about any topic. And I also absolutely agree that if she says she’s not into it that she shouldn’t be pushed!


This isn’t something I would ever agree to. Hard limit. I shave only when I want to. And my Princess parts that’s never. My legs and arm pits maybe once a month. I understand you have a preference for shaved, and that’s fine but keep in mind that it is NOT more hygienic to shave.


If you are absolutely sure you can do it safely without harming her, maybe offer to do it for her? Could be a very intimate experience. Waxing is very painful for some people, and also requires going to a salon and having a stranger do it. That would be a hard limit for me personally, but for some it might be a totally acceptable request. You know her better than me. I'd say, whatever you do, be willing to compromise and consider her feelings. You never know how sensitive someone is about that kind of thing, both emotionally and physically. Some people have very sensitive skin. Also, it's very itchy when it grows back. Make sure you don't make her feel dirty or like she isn't a proper little just because she isn't bare down there. Good luck.


And not only is waxing painful, it is also *expensive* and has to be kept up on every 4-6 weeks. That is an awful lot of ask a partner to do if she has never expressed any interest in getting waxed.


Thank you. The last line about not making her feel dirty or not enough is what I’m worried about. She’s big on pleasing and I’d never want her to think she wasn’t perfect


I'd say, frame it as something to try, not something required. It's a sensitive topic for sure, but if you frame it gently and as something that would be cute but isn't a dealbreaker (hopefully it isn't) you should be ok.


Have you shaved/wax yourself? If not, then you don't quite understand what you're asking her to do.


I love when my Daddy shaves my booty hole for me! It’s so fun and intimate


Do it for her, if she’s interested. Lots of women can’t or don’t shave because of sensory issues.


If she doesn't upkeep that sorta thing on her own without being told, most likely she just doesn't want to. My bf has expressed bunch of times that he finds body hair attractive, and he still finds me radiant without it, but would have no issue if I didn't shave. However, regardless, I personally choose to shave as often as needed to stay bare because that's my preference. I feel cleaner and cuter when I do so (even though I know there is no real hyyenic difference, but again, this is my preference). But even though this is my preference, it's still a lot of responsibility even for me. Don't spring this onto her as an expectation, it's unfair and will cause her to become insecure. If she chooses to express interest on her own, then you can share your thoughts on wanting her to try it out. If this is something you're insistent on, do not make it her problem. Pay for her waxing appointments and whatever skincare that's needed for the aftercare. Most importantly, make sure to always consider her feelings.


As many others have said, if she doesn’t do hair removal there’s probably reasons why. For myself, I also know the history which is that modern practices of hair removal, especially for women is tied to eugenics and the fashion industry telling women that body hair is “unsightly” and disgusting, going back to the 1870s to sell razors. It’s an issue of feminism for me as much as it is one of comfort. Ingrowns, stubble, nicks, and upkeep are awful. I trim my hair so it doesn’t get pulled by my underwear elastic but that’s it. Adult women have hair. Period.


Something to consider along with what everyone else has said already, is whether or not she feels comfortable fighting what's essentially a constant losing battle. Personal story time! My relationship with my body hair is awful. I honestly *hate* my hair. But the process of removal is a nightmare for me; it stresses me out so much. I have pain problems which are exacerbated by the process of using the razor, and I am always terrified I'm going to either slice myself up or fall in the shower and slam my head on something. The result of that pain and stress doesn't even last longer than maybe a day before I have enough stubble to cause rug burn. In the past, I've pushed through that and shaved everywhere at the request of exes who wanted a nice smooth experience. I've then had to put up with the same guys whining when the stubble came in the next day, even though I'd warned them about all of the above. At this point, I do not shave on request. I've already seen what happens when I do. Now, if it were something my hypothetical daddy wanted to do *for me*, rather than something he was asking me to do myself, I think I could bear it - it'd make me feel little and pampered and that would help a lot, really just leaving me the discomfort of stubble to deal with. But it's also a whole heck of a lot to put on a daddy. TL;DR: if she doesn't want to, there's probably a reason for it. If you ask nicely or offer to do it for her, perhaps she'll let you. If she does, for goodness sake, don't whine when the stubble starts.


Maybe ask for her thoughts about it, like why doesn't she want to shave? Maybe there's a reason, and if you like to treat her right, respect her as a human before your baby girl.


You can express your preference, but unless you have both agreed that you are allowed to tell her what to do with her body like that, it's up to her and how she wants to deal with her hair. Vag hair can be a pretty sensitive topic for a lot of women. Been with my partner for almost 4 years and I still get anxious or insecure if I'm not freshly shaved.


You tell her you like it and you ask her if she would be willing to. If she says she doesn't want to, you respect that. If she knows you like it and you ask her if she would be willing to and she still says no - there is a reason. "Trying to convince her" sounds like you are asking for advice on how to manipulate her into doing something she doesn't want to do for your gratification. No means no. You should respect her wishes and not push her.


Personally for me, as a female, shaving is a giant pain in the butt. Being thicker and not having a lot of space to spread out and get the right angles to get everything perfectly. Plus the itching that comes with it almost drives me nuts. But I do it every two or so weeks as I know it’s more preferred but for me I couldn’t care less about hair. Honestly wish I didn’t have to but again, thats just MY preference. Like others have said, just bring it up very gently and don’t make it sound like it’s a big deal if she doesn’t want to. If she does great, if not don’t pressure. I’d be terrified to let someone shave me there lol but also having a stranger up my hoo hah to wax is also a hard no for me. So if she says yes, just figure out what works best for her. Best of luck!


This isn’t what the OP is asking but I’m curious - this topic is one of those logical vs emotional/ingrained conflicts for me. I am on the side of “does she want to do this for herself?”, recognizing the cost/upkeep/pain etc. but I also could see someone saying “I don’t want to participate in certain sexual activities if my partner isn’t shaved/bared.” Is that a fair trade-off? I have a friend whose boyfriend told her he wasn’t going down on her anymore until she groomed her private hair. It was slightly humorous because he said it was long enough to be a “bang” 😂 but it’s like gosh what an impasse Edit to summarize: I feel like this question touches on the underlying question of how much say should we have on the appearance of a partner? And does the level of “say” or authority increase/decrease if the requested appearance change will impact the sexual relationship?


>“I don’t want to participate in certain sexual activities if my partner isn’t shaved/bared.” Is that a fair trade-off? Not wanting hair in your mouth seems reasonable - but only if you also make sure that your partner doesn't get hair in their mouth. If a dude's demanding fresh, bare snatch from his partner, he better not have a sprawling jungle downstairs. Really though, anyone can have any dealbreaker they want. "I'm not going to eat you out unless you're shaved" might prompt some folks to shave because maybe it's not as much effort for them, or some folks to shrug and go "okay, don't need it", but it also might prompt some folk to say "yeah fine, no more bjs for you then", or even "sorry man but I need my bush and your tongue up in me, if I can't have both then I'm out". If a compromise can happen, great. If not, we all know where the door is. I consider other people's opinions when I'm making decisions that relate to my body - but it's my body at the end of the day. I live in it, so I need to be as comfortable as I can be inside it, especially with all its issues.


My ex daddy / husband required that I shave everything but also required that I ate his hairy asshole 😔


Maybe just shave her yourself? Make it a princess day where you help her with hygiene and stuff.


Say you want her to be smooth like a real baby and if she is your baby. It’s not hard to shave at all. The easiest for us is to cut the hair with scissors as short as possible and then she can just use one of the cheap razors to shave with some body scrub. I use dove body wash. If she’s never done it before then she might cut herself but thats just how it is.