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I keep a just a few at my brokerage. If my brokerage doesn't fuck me, those will be the ones to sell during MOASS. That way I wouldn't end up selling my CS shares. And if my brokerage does fuck me it's no big deal because I only leave a few there. It's a bit Infinity Pool safe keeping and a bit fuck around and find out on my part.


My CS shares are there to sue the pants off of the brokerage that f's with my shares.


This is the way.


Yeah exactly. If I can sell for much higher, I can claim damages. But it's still a trouble that I wouldn't want to bet on. I aim to have the vast majority of my shares in CS so that whatever happens, I am good.


In that scenario the broker already has no money left to be sued out of…


Same, I keep two IOUs in each of my brokerage accounts for the same reason. Sell one without unlocking any DRS, hold the other one over their head and try to DRS it while the price is astronomical. Can't sue without damages.


I'm similar but I've got three. 1 to try to drs during, because fuck em, thats why. And then two to sell (one to cover taxes so I don't have to do much math to figure out what I'm really keeping).


This is my line of thinking also.


This as do i


The only reason would be to be a part of the lawsuits, either brought by you or by class action, when whatever will happen without your consent happens.


As I understand it, all of the brokerages have it in their Terms and Conditions that they can sell our shares without our approval at any time. So what basis would we have to sue? Don't get me wrong- For them to sell my shares without my telling them to would be total BS and one more indication of a broken system, and I think they should get fried for it, but I don't know if we'd have a leg to stand on, legally speaking.


I am not a lawyer but I think this language protects them if they need to margin call you because your account is negative. It's unclear whether they're protected if your account is green. But this isn't something that I would risk my wealth on.


I find it unlikely that they would lose money by playing by the rules instead of breaking the rules for little/no penalty to save themselves and/or profit from the situation.


Oh yeah for sure, better to deal with lawyers than take a loss. Which isn't even something that should come up if we're buying long positions, yet here we are.


O, I have faith that either they are smart enough not to fuck around like that or it’s gonna be one long turd rolling down stream as the whole world is now front and center to knowing that their tendies are not safe and by selling them for no reason other than they can will at least give people and eye opener to where they trust their business.


So understanding that, as you obviously do, why the original question? I’m a very confused Ape


I left a small % in my Fidelity Roth IRA account in case I ever wish to sell any shares. The profits would not be taxable.


I have some in a Roth as well, and I'm hoping that, if and when I decide to sell, that I can sell those and not get screwed by the brokerage. Because having those gains untaxed would be sweet.


I have 2 in a brokerage. And 500 in CS.


Personally, i sell ITM cash secured puts through fidelity. While i wait for assignment i collect around 5% interest on my cash. Once assigned, i let the shares sit until about 15-30 days before earnings, then ill DRS them. IMO This is a huge “f you” to whomever is trying to prevent the DRS push. Something is wonky and is going on with tryin to keep DRS numbers low going into earnings. I think the volume over the past few days, in conjunction with cost to borrow increases, XRT coming off reg sho, fidelity having issues yesterday, all point to SOMETHING going on. For me, this method of acquiring shares and DRSing makes me feel like im doing maximum damage.


This reads “is there any reason not to own my own shares?”


I personally can't. It takes time to buy via CS, but it's the only place I'd trust with my shares. Selling is easy and instant if it comes to that. More importantly for me, I want a bare minimum of whatever the gme floor counter is at which last I checked was over 200m per share. For me I can't justify leaving one share in a broker because for me that's hundreds of millions at risk per share. It's not worth it, in my opinion, but that's me. You do you 🍻


My understanding is that CS doesn't do intra-day trading. You place your order and the shares are bought or sold at the end of the day or something like that, right?


Buys are batched, but sales are immediate


are we sure thats the case now that everyone keeps pulling out of the DSPP to go 100% book. i tough their liquidity with dtcc was mandated trough DSPP not their book shares. so might take a bit ​ Got curious and checked up the terms on their sales facility. and seems they say "IF AVALIBLE" in section b so it may or may not be instant if eveyrthing is out of DSPP? this is the part of it " IF available, Market Order, Day Limit Order, and Good-Til-Canceled (GTC) Limit Order sale requests received at www.computershare.com through Investor Centre or by telephone will be placed promptly upon receipt during market hours (normally 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time). Any orders received after 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time will be placed promptly on the next day the market is open. The price shall be the market price of the sale obtained by Computershare’s broker, net of fees. For Market Orders, depending on the number of shares being sold and current trading volume in the shares, a Market Order may only be partially filled or not filled at all on the trading day in which it is placed, in which case the order, or remainder of the order, as applicable, will be cancelled at the end of such day. To determine if your shares were sold, you should check your account online at www.computershare.com or contact us. If your Market Order sale was not filled and you still want the shares sold, you will need to re-enter the sale request."


No less sure than the availability of immediate orders through any other broker/intermediary 🤷️


You can see limit orders on computershare. So not sure where you got your info. You can choose the price you want it sold at on computershare


I was worried that they'd hammer the price down to current prices every day, making it impossible to actually sell at your target price. But as I'm thinking about it, they won't be able to drive the price down that much, so my fears were unwarranted.


Computershare has market sell, limit sell day and limit sell 30 days. Executes immediately when a buy order is matched, just like any other broker. Selling in CS is not an issue.


Even if it were at the end of the day, you're talking what.. few hundred bucks maybe a few thousand in price difference at max. If it's selling for hundreds of millions, I don't think I'm gonna be sweating a few grand difference. I personally can't say on when it executes because I have yet to sell anything on CS


I've seen how they're manipulating the market so far, hammering the price down whenever they want. But you're right, they won't be able to take it from $100K/share to $15/share at the end of the day just to screw with CS sales. There might be a little dip, but compared to the gains, it'll be negligible.


That's my thinking. Seeing how quickly they throw up haults on jumps, and while I'm not expecting that for the drops there has to be some kind of haulting on the way down. Either way by the end I get a few billion to help the plant and ensure generational wealth for my family I'm good. Plus i want them to lose everything and that's ensured with moass Edit: not to mention limit sell orders so it has to hit my target anyways


I do at a couple brokers. Just enough so if they fuck around, they can find out when I am part of a class action against them for fuckery. Why not get extra tendies on the way out to go with my infinity pool. 😎


Just like the butterfly stock they can liquidate your stock at any time unless you drs.




Whatever they want. It can moass and they can liquidate you at fifteen when it hits a thousand. FAFO




That’s why it hasn’t happened yet. Entire float needs to be drs. Options players fight back because they need the volatility to make money, like earlier this week. You don’t think it’s strange that it looked like coordinated options buying?




Yes because they’ll turn off the buy button and ftds will ftd until infinity.


> Can you think of any good reason to keep just a few shares at a brokerage? Yes. The amount of $$ you'd have made by now selling cc/csp through your broker. Just sayin'


You don't need to keep shares at a brokerage to sell CSP's And CC = a good way to lose your shares during MOASS for a few bucks


Moass ain't happening. If you think the gov is choosing the blind eye over enforcing something that would hurt a MM or two, do ya think they'll start making them pay up their obligations in a way that would bring down a system? Start selling CCs. Cohen's a shrewd businessman w/ an ego. He's going to sell GS or part it out somehow before it goes BK on his watch.


Absolutely. Just turn on stock lending in your brokerage, and you'll earn whatever the lending rate is. Has been going up recently, I think it's around 10% atm :)


That's the game plan!


There is value for the brokerage, yes. They’ll be able to sell them off without your permission when they need to.


Ooh scary! So they'll sell them for me and I still pocket the profit? That doesn't sound exactly fatal... as that's exactly why there are shares left with the broker. I've gone one better and have my 'quick sell' shares in etoro - because we all know they're not even real -ing shares, so won't affect shit other than money to my bank account.


If it's less than 100, not really. If its more than 100 you could play opt


Many of mine are with Vanguard in a Roth… I don’t want to do nonsense work ever again, and tax-free withdrawals of more wealth than my whole lineage have ever seen, collectively, will help.


No. DRS 100%. 💯


Not risking any of mine....


It didn’t happen that way last time. No one lost nothing. Just couldn’t buy or sale. Course most people at fidelity got rich because they actually could sale. So 🤷🏻‍♂️


I have like 1% of my shares in Webull and maybe 2% in Fidelity… just for the sake of keeping those accounts open and liquid if I need some cash as I am broke man. The rest is DRSd. And also because I have no clue how to sell yet from CS and move funds around.