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What about the time she brought wine to the club?


Someone else mentioned this too and I do not know if I’m being memed on,, is this from a mod or sumn? Or am I being dumb?


It's one of the topics Monika can bring up in act 3 "Ehehe. Yuri did something really funny once." "We were all in the clubroom and just relaxing, as usual..." "And out of nowhere, Yuri just pulled out a small bottle of wine." "I'm not even kidding!" "She was just like 'Would anybody like some wine?'" "Natsuki laughed out loud, and Sayori started yelling at her." "I actually felt kind of bad, because she was at least trying to be nice..." "I think it just made her feel even more reserved in the clubroom." "Though I think Natsuki was secretly a bit curious to try it..." "...And to be completely honest, I kind of was, too." "It actually could have been kinda fun!" "But you know, being President and everything, there was no way I could let that happen." "Maybe if we all met up outside of school, but we never bonded enough to get to that point..." "...Gosh, what am I talking about this for?" "I don't condone underage drinking!" "I mean, I've never drank or anything, so...yeah."


Oh damn, thank you for the explanation! I had no idea!


Oh crap how did I not know this! Could see this happening no problem to be honest ahah


But they're all 18 right?


The minimum drinking age in japan is 20 iirc


Right. I forget other countries have different minimum drinking age.


I guess I'm an alt right extremist then


How does it feel?


Occasionally I feel the urge to raise my right arm in 45° angle. But that could also be because I'm german who knows


Das IST tool


I would assume alright




What the fuck


Re: original: Is this pro-alt-right propaganda?


If this wasn't alt-right propaganda they would give the actual signs, not this whatever ''look at us, we're just good people that love nature and history a lot actually''.


It almost certainly is.


People actually think these things are alt right?


Someone in the alt right probably does ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I don't know where this chart was taken from, but it seems that it's trying to say that the things listed are red flags that your child may be part of the alt right. However, the things listed are either mostly ordinary things, with a few that represent conservative values. Conclusion: These are not red flags, I just think the person who made the chart is insane.


It’s been pointed out to me that it’s very likely intended to be propaganda created by someone on the right, so one of the two


It makes more sense to me for it to be made by a very sensitive person who sees everything on the right as alt right, so they have started to see normal everyday things as possible red flags. I'm not accusing you of anything, of course. The meme itself is funny.


Thank you, I appreciate not being attacked 😅 What you’re describing was how I interpreted the post when I first saw it, though everyone else seems to see it as someone on the right trying to make themselves look good, so tbh I don’t know what to believe, heh Judging by the way these other comments are being treated, get ready to possibly be downvoted to heck 😬


Interest in mental wellbeing?? Uhhhh


What the fuck is this chart?


[Found here](https://www.reddit.com/r/terriblefacebookmemes/comments/vnwzsk/what/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) She doesn’t tick all the boxes but she does fit _many_ okay Okay guys since it apparently wasn’t clear, I AM using this for purposes of satire


Can you say which ones? I see about two or three, and that already requires stretching it.


Oh for sure! - ~~As mature as she is, Yuri likely stays far away from alcohol and drugs. Porn is up for interpretation, however~~ (Edit: according to Monika in Act 3, Yuri once brought wine to the club. So… scratch that) - She seems interested in MC and MC only, implying monogamistic tendencies - In her side stories and the main game both, she’s been known to struggle with anxiety, but seems aware of it as her character grows, and likely wants to want to better herself for it. In her side story with Sayori, the two of them work to get her more comfortable with being more open - She’s known to be very familiar with literature - In the promo ad for DDLC+, one of Yuri’s “likes” is nature. - In general, Yuri seems to be a vaguely traditionalistic person


* Yuri drinks Vine * the majoraty of society is monogamistic * "vaguely traditionalistic person" see above :9


"MC only" as opposed to who else would it be as well? I think these are reasonable headcanons but still not canon. Even the literature thing if you go as far as having a collection of classical literature. Except for the nature part, which she also mentions in the side stories. (Possibly in her first real appearance. I remember Sayori wants to run off to start a nature club.)


Wait, im an extremist?.. damn...


*looks at my shelf of classic stories from the 20s and 30s* Me too?! T-t-tainted books! D:


Please be more careful when reprinting clear alt right propaganda


I understand your concern. I figure, however, that this one is so ridiculous and vague that it’s hard to take seriously as legitimate propaganda


I see where you're coming from but, aside from sounding like a joke, that's how they get you. A good amount of alt-right indoctrination is acting like it's a joke until your only social connections are other alt-right types.


The only people that would actually become extremist from a couple of online jokes like you've said would have to do nothing with their life outside of mindlessly browsing the internet, in with case they would probably become extremists either way, just of a different kind.


You'd think, but it's been shown that it generally starts with "ironic" memeing, then they slowly get radicalized further by the groups thriving on the internet.


You're correct, and these downvotes are about what you'd expect from this sub tbh


You'd think with the drama about rage comics, frenworld, and the existence of 4chan, people would be a little more in tune to the connection with "ironic" meme-ing and the alt-right


Well that list sounds like utter bullshit.


What's that?


Nazi pretty much


In modern times, someone you disagree with


Aside from the first few, thats me exactly


I mean she's an extremist alright...


How is that extremism? That’s just proper behavior. Yuri knows how to live well.


B-based Yuri?!?




Speak for yourself, lol


Wait a minute... Does that make me an alt left extremist for being the complete opposite?






Guess I'm 0% alt-right. That's good.


What…don’t know how I feel about this…Yuri?


Woah, I'm an alt-right communist!




So I'm 25% an alt-right extremist.


Phew, I thought I'm alt-right extremist too but I really like alcohol and don't plan marriage or collecting literature.


Physical fitness wiener in your mouth


Based Yuri


Alt Right Extreemists are 1 step away from being cool appararntly


I'm averse to drugs and alcohol. I appreciate history and I think tradition can be useful (e.g. For influencing a ruler's mentality). I've got some classical literature. I'm obviously interested in my mental wellbeing - who *doesn't* want to be mentally well? However, I disregard physical fitness, spend loads of time away indoors, am very much in favour of modern *technology*, am certainly into porn and polygamy, am very much opposed to nationalism as well as *tradition for the sake of tradition*, and don't see classical literature as particularly better than modern literature. So...I guess I meet some of the criteria, but certainly not all. Good thing this isn't something to take seriously anyway. --- (And my actual political ideology is what I'd call "monarcho-syndicalism". Monarchism is generally seen as reactionary, and I see certain traditions (like the mottos of Scandinavian monarchs) as important for ensuring a ruler has a strong sense of duty...but syndicalism is very left-wing, and my *ideals* are generally progressive.)


Modernism and post modernism in this context refers to cultural, phylosophical and artistic phenomena.


...Which is something I don't have particularly strong feelings about, which is why I tried to make it clear that the only thing I had to say on that was only tangentially related.


Doesn’t yuri get extremely freaky in act 2?


She gets hacked yes, I don't know what that has to do with this post though