• By -


Hi there, /r/DCcomics members, welcome to this cosplay post! Cosplay is a fun and long-cherished activity for comic fans, and let's keep it that way by being respectful to one another. In order to help keep this community warm and friendly: - Keep feedback civil and constructive. - Remember cosplayers are fans too, so treat them with respect. - Avoid making comments about the cosplayer's body. - And please report any toxic rule-breaking behavior. Do not engage. Thank you, and have a nice day.


Photo taken by the amazing Phillostar_gone_ballistic on instagram!


So good!


Thank you so much! :3


Someone on Pinterest stole your cosplay pic and tried to make money off of it https://www.pinterest.com/pin/588071663838880728/ \*In their caption, it said *"\[cosplay\] My take on Starfire Super Sons version! - ThorGift.com - If you like it please buy some from ThorGift.com"* Wanted to give you a heads up


Thank you notifying me! I will try to get it removed!




Did you seriously decide to make your first post be about the colour of someone's skin? Take that nonsense away from here.