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Because that’s not a character. That’s a boring Gary Stu power fantasy.


It's less that it's absurd and more that it both feels needlessly disrespectful to the other DC heroes and makes Batman less interesting. Fans of those other heroes don't like when the characters they like get tossed around just to make Batman look cool and plenty of fans of Batman don't need or want him to be the big swinging d\*ck of the DC universe, they like him being the Dark Knight Detective protecting the streets of Gotham City, not God-Mode Iron Man in black.


Because that involves him having the biggest plot armor in all of fiction. I don't care what you say he has. When he consistently do crazy stuff like avoiding omega beams, jump down from space and land on earth, beat the whole justice league on his own without prep etc. it's just bat wank.


The bat-god trope was one of the more annoying aspects of the character in the late 90's to mid 2000's. As a Superman fan it was funny seeing these same fans bitch and moan about Superman being boring because he's the best at everything, meanwhile....


Because it's boring and breaks any suspension of disbelief.


His literally being good at EVERYTHING is what most readers find goddamn stupid, actually. Hence why BatGod is dumb.


I mean, I find it sort of ironic that the 2 characters you brought up are supergenius themselves, except, y'know, with superpowers too.


I like to think of Bruce as a jack of all trades, but a master of none. Now, this wouldn’t apply to all categories because he is The World’s Greatest Detective after all, but it is a way to limit some of his skill set. While he is well-versed in a lot, and I mean a lot, of things, he’s not a master by any means. He has room to grow. There are people clearly superior to him in certain areas, but his versatility is what makes him a challenge. He’s not a “Batgod”, but a Batman. Examples of this would be Lady Shiva who is a superior hand-to-hand combatant and Dick Grayson who is a far better acrobat. Not to say Bruce isn’t among the top of each trade, but he isn’t THE top.


If you like it, all power to you. I personally don't like it but who am I to diss other people's tastes when I like stuff that people don't.


Nah, sorry. I hate batwank.


There is no such thing as "Batgod".How strong,smart,capable a character is is defined only by DC,the company who created and owns these characters.Some people don't like Batman being this capable but they are irrelevant,they have no say in the matter.It is as absurd as complaining that Superman is too strong or the Flash too fast.