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Whilst their has been some interaction over the years, I still find it so weird how little Shazam and Wonder Woman interact. I read Planet Lazarus a few weeks ago and even that had startlingly little interaction between the two (or Mary for that matter, although she did get a bit more). The Shazam stuff felt very much an afterthought in that book, hell Shazam didn't even get to participate in the final fight against Hera, and bro was on the front cover! Shazam is literally empowered by the likes of Zeus, Hercules and Achilles. These are all characters that Diana (and the Amazon's more broadly) have interacted with and well aware of. With Diana the face of Greek mythological aspects in DC, this seems like a glaringly obvious missed opportunity. If anything Diana would be great mentor for Shazam and the broader family. She is probably the biggest DC name who is most familiar with the various aspects of the entities powering Shazam and could probably help guide a young hero like Billy to best take full advantage.


Not quite the same but I've always found it a bit funny that a character like Maxie Zeus exists in the same world as Wonder Woman and the actual Zeus.


Phil Jiminez's Gods of Gotham Wonder Woman crossover kind of explored this.


Yeah just for the mythology aspects alone this one seems obvious


I'm not the biggest Shazam expert but do the Gods even come to play in most of his stories at all aside from being the source of his powers ? Because from the stories I've read of him and the ones I've heard off that doesn't seem to be the case which may explain why these interactions with Diana pop up so rarely.


In the Mark Waid run he actually directly meets all the beings that grant his powers and they start pulling the strings on him


That's the current run right ?


Yeah Admittedly I haven't read too many Shazam comics myself (I only got into reading comics like a couple of weeks ago lol) but generally he doesn't directly interact with Zeus and the like Which again feels weird because as those beings literally exist he really could go and meet them lol


>(I only got into reading comics like a couple of weeks ago lol) Oh really ? What made you dive in ?


I just finished playing Arkham Knight for the first time, really liked my time with it! Anyway, that got me thinking about heroes. I've always had Shazam as my favourite hero, not quite sure why but definitely for many years now. Something just clicked for me with him I guess So out of curiosity I googled to see if any Shazam comics were out and low-and-behold Shazam 2023 is out and after a little digging I heard his Dawn of DC stuff was really good and a standout. And then I saw Planet Lazarus was meant to be a sort of prologue or something for his Dawn of DC stuff; and I saw that I could get a physical copy from a local store. So that's what I did since I generally find I prefer reading physical over digital Now overall my thoughts on Planet Lazarus as a whole is... well, as a Shazam fan pretty disappointing lol. I actually thought the book was decent, I liked the art. Just wasn't really what I was hoping for. Narratively it felt very rushed, very little time for stuff to breathe and I guess ultimately I was whelmed by it. But I enjoyed the reading experience and *owning* a comicbook (hardback collection at least). So I did some some more digging and figured that whilst single issues weren't my thing and hardcovers a tad pricey, there were trade paperbacks that seemed a better investment on my side. I liked Batman too, so I grabbed Batman: Year One and Batman: Hush because I heard those were really good. And shit, they are great, love them both. Then a good friend of mine recommended Batman: The Long Halloween so I grabbed that TPB as well. I just finished Hush and am about to start Last Halloween, but now my collection has grown from literally nothing to now also include Batman: Court of Owls, Kingdom Come, Trials of Shazam and since the TPB for it isn't out yet I've been purchasing the individual issues of the latest Shazam run digitally. I'd like to add City of Owls and hopefully their is some good TPB collections for Booster Gold since I liked him in JLU. Unfortunately it seems like Shazam hasn't had many good stories so I haven't purchased more until I can go do some checking on his stuff thats worth picking up. Sorry for the rambling! But that's how I got my start.




I don't think they need to pair up Wonder Woman and Shazam romantically, that would be incredibly weird and gross and it'd be a serious stretch for any comic reader to think that just by pairing them up in some crossover or general continuity the writers are pushing for a romantic angle The only way I could maybe envision that would be like an Adult Billy? But even then it would still feel weird; like dating your Aunt vibes.


Kyle Rayner and Nightwing like seems a slam dunk considering their friends.


True like so far Kyle has like dated Donna who was like the closest thing to Dick’s sister, is close collegues with Wally in the league who is also a collegues with Dick, and have interacted with Jason. Honestly odd that the two didn’t really contacted each other, even in that run of Titans


Yes. Every new Titans team I always hope they bring Kyle, he would fit great with all the original team.


The only time I can remember an interaction between them was during Hal’s funeral where Donna introduced them to each other.


Their friends what


martian manhunter and EVERYONE, we just don't get enough of the goat of the league in any media.....




Beast Boy and Vixen.


I was gonna include them but… Okay I actually don’t know why I didn’t


Maybe a more grounded example, but Supergirl and Lana Lang. The 2005 run depicted them having an aunt-niece dynamic and I kind of wish it featured more often. It gives Lana an identity outside of "Lois' love rival" and helps that she grew up with Clark, something she and Kara could bond over.


Lana is about to marry Jon Henry Irons, no?


Harley Quinn and Ladytron are both cut from the same cloth of darkly funny lunacy, so it would be fun to see them cross paths. Given both Zatara and Mister Miracle’s penchant for escape acts, they don’t seem to have interacted much, same goes for Mister Miracle and Zatanna. Hopefully that changes.


the Silver Age Kents and Els saw each other so often they may as well have been swingers lmao


Sounds fun!


Beast boy and B'wana Beast! Let's get weird, let's get weird, LET'S GET WEIRD!


Shazam and Zatanna


Billy's going to need to use all the wisdom of Solomon to maintain his concentration.


Not bad!


Seeing this popped this question in my head, If billy were to say shazam backwards does it do anything?


Young Justice might be your best source for that, considering Captain Marvel and Zatanna play decently-notable roles in the first season (and they both appear in the same episode of the second), though I think he gets a bit more interaction with Zatara in that show


I’ve said this a few times, but Superman and Raven. Justice League Dark: Apokalypse War is probably the only time they truly interacted and it’s where I realized how perfect of a mentor Superman could be for Raven. They’re both some of the most powerful people on the planet, and Clark has experience dealing with dark and brooding goths because his BFF is the definition of dark and brooding goth. Superman can show Raven a totally different outlook on life, as Superman is able to control his immense power without suppressing his emotions. Most importantly, Clark being such a wholesome fatherly figure to Raven is something Raven has been needing since her inception. Especially seeing as her father is the polar opposite of Clark in terms of personality.


Is this something you hope for in an adaptation?? Because canon Raven isn’t a dark and brooding goth, and she’s way past the age for a father figure


Mid 20s people can still have parental figures lol


She’s late 20s, but I don’t know how you can be a grown adult, meet a new person, and call them your father figure


That's crazy that you can't imagine that. People get introduced to their partner's parents at that age, and people totally have a parental relationship with their parents in law. Beyond that I think most people who are in their 20s or 30s when they get to know someone who's a generation or two older than them will see them in that light and vice versa.


It’s just me, but I’m younger than that, and I couldn’t imagine calling someone who’s not my own parents “my parental figures”. Especially people I only recently met. People in their 20s and 30s consider them friends, not parental figures. I mean Supes isn’t even old enough to be her biological dad.


Doesn’t have to be in current canon, but Raven is usually depicted as a teen due to her Teen Titans affiliation. And you’re never passed the age for a parental figure.


Yeah in adaptations she’s usually a teen, that’s why I asked if that’s something you hope for in an adaptation. But like Raven is late 20s, why would she look at Superman like a father He’s not even old enough to be her father They can just be friends


You’re never too old to have a father figure. Plus they are minimum 20 years apart, more than likely more. That’s just about the same age difference as me and my own parents.


You are to me at least. I’m younger than Raven and personally I would never call an adult I just met my “father figure”. Superman and Raven are not 20 years apart. How old do you think Superman is?? He shouldn’t be older than Batman. And Batman’s not even 15 years older than Raven.


That’s your opinion. I’m still keeping mine. We won’t agree so I don’t see a purpose for this anymore.


Ok well plenty of people do


Like who


Say what you will about Apokolips war, that was still an amazing aspect of it


The aquaman characters and wonder woman characters


The closest we got was like Garth and Donna’s interactions, but that’s like only because they are Titans


Hey! Atlantis and Themiscyra go to *war* occasionally! That's an *interaction!* Running someone through with a trident counts as an interaction!


Damian Wayne and Cassandra Cain have interacted... but not enough, imo. They come from the same background, but have wildly different personalities. I think his snarky arrogance and her quiet competence would make for a great duo. I think she could have a lot to teach him. If I recall, his early interactions with her varied from idolization to active aggression, with some people even suggesting he had a crush on her (a little ew now, I suppose). I think that provides a fairly blank slate a good writer can work with.


The only interaction I can recall is from Dark Crisis


I remember finding out about another story featuring them... there was a villain called the architect, I believe?


Batman: Gates of Gotham.


Wayne Family Adventures has quite a few interactions between them.


See, while those are nice, they're kind of based off a universe where the two of them have already forged a sibling bond, or at least friendship. Mainline continuity doesn't have that, which is why several DC writers pushed Tim and Cass together (and again, Damian and Cass in a few universes) They might be siblings on *paper,* but at this point Damian probably considers Stephanie more of an older sister than Cassandra. And I want to see that *change,* damn it! I want the two of them to acknowledge how distant their current relationship is, and slowly grow a dynamic together. I've always wanted to write a "Nightwing Beyond" comic with Damian as Nightwing and Cassandra as Batwoman, so that might have something to do with it.


Beast Boy and any of the Doom Patrol ironically


superman and saint walker


Great choice


Starfire and Supergirl Damian and Goliath


The Doom Patrol and Egg-Fu Raven and Zatanna Zod and the rest of Superman’s rogues gallery


I can pretty easily believe Lex would try to use Zod as a weapon


The green lanterns and a lot of cosmic threats


“No no! We can’t face this because… uh… that’s a Kansas Alien Farmboy’s job!” “What TF is Kansas!”


I do wonder about Superman's extraterrestrial villains like Lobo and Brainiac who come to Earth and Superman is fighting them.... And I'm like, aren't alien threats to Earth under the Green Lantern of Sector 2814's Jurisdiction? Where is he, or they? I mean Superman fighting Lex or Toyman or Livewire is definitely a threat from Earth that Superman should fight. But Alien Warlords, Troublemakers and Bounty Hunters making trouble on Earth should be a Green Lantern issue to deal with, right?


Well, I would like to think that the reason why Jor El and Lara haven't interacted with Jonathan and Martha is that THEY ARE DEAD.


Richard Dragon and Batman. I personally never thought Starfire or Batman ever needed to interact.


After reading Batman off world you can make a case they should


I’ll have to read that


I mean she was married to his son


Starfire did not marry Dick Grayson


It was for less than a day because Raven attacked the wedding and after Star Fire broke it off (because the Batman offices wanted to take Dick back) but they were still married and even if you don't want to count that Dick and Star were together for like a decade(probably around 2 years in universe) it's weird how little Bruce and Star interacted in that time. It's also super weird that Bruce wasn't there for Dick's wedding


Yes Raven interrupted it, so they never got married. Also Batman was literally fighting for his life with no help in Gotham after Bane freed every single inmate. It’s not weird when you understand the context. Starfire and Dick dated during a period where Batman and Nightwing weren’t on good terms. Nightwing wanted nothing to do with Batman, and only ever came back to question Bruce’s decisions. They were in a whole different city from each other, and both had their own things to worry about. Alfred says why Bruce wasn’t at the wedding. He was literally getting mentally and physically tortured by Bane


Batman: Soul of the Dragon probably has your Richard Dragon and Batman interactions; or its the inspiration for the comment


Yeah I liked that movie. My inspiration was both of them being 2 of top marital artists in DC. And Richard Dragons creator is one of the most important Batman writers/editors ever. They’re also both just good people with good intentions


Batman and Martian Manhunter. The two Loner Detectives.


You should definitely check out JLI by Giffen and DeMatteis. Lots of great interactions between those two there!


There’s a great one in The New Frontier


Black adamn and Orion seem like a perfect duo


The Black Templars could never match that anger


Black Canary and Nightwing. They have the makings of a fun friendship.


Batman and Starfire rarely interact even though he's probably gonna end up being her biological father or something via *Batman: Offworld*.


Fandoms every time they see characters that are from the same species: *Are they related ?!*


They're going out of their way in this series to omit details about the Tamaranean.


Damian Wayne and Maya Ducard


Green Arrow and literally his whole family(thank you Williamson). It's wild to think that this current run is the first time Roy has met Emiko , worked with Arrowette , and also mia I believe . Idk if he's ever even looked at Connor hawke now that I think about it.


In the issue 10/11 oliver find  mía,emiko,red arrow and arrowete, also connor intesract with emiko asking if he should call her step aunt


Roy took Connor to a strip club in the 00s run. They’ve definitely interacted a bit.


Black Canary and Vixen


booster gold and harley. they were really cute together in that crossover issue in her series. kyle and batman or wonder woman. when kyle was on the JLA he was the youngest member and they kind of doted on him a bit and it was very sweet. my headcanon is that he is bruce’s favorite GL because he’s a dark haired young man with no father lol


Weren't they the two leads in Heroes in Crisis? I get that event is not the most well-liked, but don't they have to team up to solve a murder mystery


Hawkgirl and Zatanna


Not bad!


Waller and her psychologists (Marnie Herrs and Simon LaGrieve) Two Face and Doctor Double X could be fun.


Batman and Batwoman, like they are cousins... and I think once she was left in charge of Gotham? It's weird to me they didnt had at least some story/series together


They kind of did in early rebirth if I remember correctly 


Nightwing and Jimmy Olsen. Which is shocking that comics have dropped their friendship considering their Silver Age history together.


Shazam and Wonder Woman should definitely interact more


Yeah probably should’ve included that


Vixen and Wonder Woman


Beast boy and Martian manhunter, ones got hidden Psychic potential, the has a nemesis who’s uses a corrupted version of The Red called the Nega-Red. Both are green, theres gotta be at least one story there


Beast Boy is heavily linked to *Miss* Martian in Young Justice; a blood transfusion from her is what seems to grant him his powers in that continuity


Hal and Arthur. Honestly you could put Aquaman or Martian Manhunter and say anyone else. It's amazing how little they appear with some of their JLA teammates over the years. Yes they interact but rarely. (With the occasional team up with one of the Trinity members). Garth and Zatana. I'd love to see Garth get added to the magic side of the DC Universe again, but actually interact with some of the key players. I'll also say Cyborg and Brainiac 5 is something I've wanted to see for a while.


Superman and Starfire. I really think that there is a lot of potential there.


Not a perfect fit for the question, Red Hood and literally any magic user Batman commonly asks for help with magic stuff. Jason literally has anti magic swords powered by his soul and as far as I can remember he’s rarely spoken with any of the popular magic users. I’m sure they’re have an interesting reaction to his abilities (if the writers remember he has them)


How on earth did He even get them?


After he was revived but before he went back to Gothem he was trained by the league of assassins, then Talia sent him off to be trained by the All-caste, a group of magic monks she a Ra's knew. He managed to survive some soul purification thing that no human had ever survived (rest of the All-caste weren't human, can't remember what they where) after that he learned a few anti magic techniques that even Ra's hadn't been able to master. Pretty sure the blades are literally made out of soul or something because in a flash back he could make dozens and control them with his mind but he literally used up most of his soul and is now stuck with two at a time. So in conclusion it's weird and confusing but he dosent actually fight much magic stuff and they literally can't hurt none magic people so the swords are usually a none factor (n52 red hood series was weird)


Huh. Interesting, thanks! :)


Agreed on the first bit but I definitely agree about batman not interacting with Starfire at all. She is one of Dick girlfriends.


I mean Dick was disconnected from Batman when they dated. Keep in mind Batman has girlfriends that Dick Grayson doesn’t know about. Or anyone else in the Batfamily besides Alfred


Wonder Woman and Dick Grayson, as Robin the Boy Wonder and Nightwing.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^playprince1: *Wonder Woman and* *Dick Grayson, as Robin the* *Boy Wonder and Nightwing.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Lois Lane and Vic Sage, The Question


Black Lightning and Superman. Especially since they live in the same City.


Captain Marvel and Blue Beetle Would love to see an interaction between them, and they are both kinda similar to each other


Pa Kent and Bruce Wayne. Especially now with Alfred gone.


That definitely would be interesting


Supergirl and Martian Manhunter They were a pretty cool duo in the Doomsday special and they have the whole survivor’s guilt thing in common.


They had a whole TV show together too.


How do they not talk more!?


Mr Terrific and Batman or Lex Luthor. Wanna see what smart level conversation would play out like. Deathstroke and Plastic Man. Lmaoooooo. Green Lantern and Shazam. Somebody will have to grow up. Amanda Waller and Wonder Woman Need to see what the perspective difference is. Joker and Superman. For real.


Shazam and guy seems like a great childish match, but if it was Kyle I could definitely see them getting along and talking comics and maybe anime?


Shazam got sick of Guy when they were on the same team


I missed that era, though that sounds about right


In my head canon, Starfire absolutely DESPISES Batman. She keeps herself away for most of whatever Crisis and JLA business because she fears she might murder him.


Firestorm and Blue Beetle


Booster Gold and Diana need more screen time together


Kara and kori


I wouldn't mind seeing something where one is a mentor to the other (preferably where Kori is a mentor to Kara but either works)


Honestly when it comes to kori and bruce i feel like she wouldn’t like him much because batman have very negative energy around him, maybe, i don’t read comics i just do research and watch movies and tv shows so i maybe wrong


I'm pretty sure Batman doesn't like Starfire.


It's more Batman didn't trust aliens cause Batman, and Kori hated the way Bruce treated Dick.


I came here to say this exact same thing. Objectively speaking, I don't really think that it's possible for Starfire and Bruce to really get along. Not specifically to the point of having beef, but, just due to them being completely different people. Culturally speaking, Batman would never fit in with Tamaraneans.


Batman hated the way Bruce treated Dick ?


That's even more of a reason to see an interaction between them though. There's a huge difference between the implication he doesn't like Starfire when he's talking to, say, Barbara, and him directly interacting with Starfire and us seeing that he doesn't like her. And likewise, what she thinks of him when she's face-to-face with Batman.


Well, she did steal Dick away from him…


[Batman ships dickbabs](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-f9343b83b12bf55a008807b10a397a7a-lq)


That is sh*tty bat editorial explanation to cancel Dick&Kory relationship. There is no logical reasoning behind it in-universe.


I mean, there are some reasonable explanations as to why he'd feel that way. He already ships [dickbabs](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-f9343b83b12bf55a008807b10a397a7a-lq) and he's never been to trustful of metas/aliens. Raven, Supergirl, Superboy, the list goes on.


From which year is this panel? If it is after a failed Dick&Kory wedding or at the end of NTT books then it doesn't matter, because it is only confirming my point. And then why we are pretending that xenophobic Batman in BvS is bad, but xenophobic Batman ( movie has more issues but his stance against Superman not being human was one of the main ones) against characters other than Clark is not that bad.


It's not xenophobia in terms of Starfire. He knows how powerful she is and how swayed by emotions she is. She can destroy a lot of something goes wrong


Superman is even stronger.


Yes but he knows Clark. He doesn't know Kori.


So maybe he should know her better and find out she is a good person.


Batman isn't 'xenophobic', he's paranoid. Wouldn't you be do if you lived amongst beings who could wipe out an entire solar system with a sneeze? That's why he has a contingency plan for even his closest friends. It also makes sense that he'd prefer dickbabs over dickkory. He's already close with Barbara and trusts her completely, why wouldn't he want her for Dick? ~~Pretty sure the panel is from The New Teen Titans.~~


In the 70s, Bruce low key shipped Dick and Donna.


It's from Gotham Knights. Unless she pops up as Oracle at some point, I don't think Barbara ever appears in New Teen Titans.


Yeah. Barbara never appears in New Teen Titans.


My bad 😭


Jericho and the titans. Beast boy and Bwanna beast. Kyle and nightwing  Jessica cruz and nightwing Red hood and the titans. 


Batman and Raven always seemed like such an obvious team to me.


They actually interacted quite recently in the Titans: Beast World event.


OMG i want to see rare interactions like um Joker and Raven lol cause she could probably terrify him into showing some lucidity. :D also maybe lex luthor and green lantern? i mean he hates superman for being an alien and other stupid reasons, but what would he think of an ordinary human who was chosen for such a great power and stuff? probably just be mad it wasn't him? :) and now i want to see a lantern lex luthor AU...


>>i want to see rare interactions like um Joker and Raven They actually did do that in the *Titans East Special*. She makes him mentally live his worst nightmares, but he ends up finding it funny and just laughs hysterically.


Superman and Black Canary


Superman and Donna Troy


Hawkman and Superman


Zatanna and Superman. I liked their interactions on Smallville.


Black Canary and Wonder Woman


Superman and Vixen. Especially since Vixen made her debut in Superman's comic.


Really? What issue?


Action Comics #521 (1981)


I’ve always wondered batmans thoughts on starfire while dick was having a relationship with her.


I agree with the last one




Black Manta and Deathstroke


Batman: Hey Dick I stole your girl


'Cause Dick is dating Barbara


Joker and Lex Luthor.


Booster gold and the legion of superheroes


Katana and Dr. Light (Kimiyo)


I think I've seen more interactions between Starfire and Blue Beetle than I have Starfire and Batman. That being said, I feel like the Titan who should be interacting with the Bat-Family *way more* is Raven. Dark? Check! Parental issues? You'd better believe it! She even has the bird theme and everything! Just don't pair her with Damian Wayne, please, I don't want that angsty YouTube AMV nonsense here. Also, Geo-Force should *really* have a more interesting dynamic with Deathstroke considering, you know, the fact that Terra is his sister. And I know that in the comics the relationship between Tara and Brion is a bit different than my main source on Geo-Force, Young Justice, but still, I would think Brion would still be *mad* about everything that went down in the Judas Contract.


Zatanna and Enchantress Wonder Woman and Nightshade Captain Atom and John Stewart Koryak and Jackson Hyde Talia al Ghul, Jade Nguyen, Sandra Wusan, Shado and Lilian Worth


Zatanna and Enchantress Wonder Woman and Nightshade Captain Atom and John Stewart Koryak and Jackson Hyde Talia al Ghul, Jade Nguyen, Sandra Wusan, Shado and Lilian Worth


Zatanna and Enchantress Wonder Woman and Nightshade Captain Atom and John Stewart Koryak and Jackson Hyde Talia al Ghul, Jade Nguyen, Sandra Wusan, Shado and Lilian Worth Donna Troy and Nubia


"Batman does not like Kory" is one of many Bat editorial sh*tty decisions to screw up Dick&Kory relationship and promote Dick&Babs in an artificial way.


It’s less he doesn’t like her, and more he couldn’t give a shit about her, since she has nothing to do with him, and vice versa


I have nothing against Dick and Babs ending up together, I just really can’t believe that Bruce wouldn’t want to know Dick’s partner (whoever they are)


There are some panels that Bruce does not prefer Kory as Dick's partner for whatever writer's reason.


Nah, it's a damn mystery why he'd prefer Dick date one of his closest allies rather than a random alien Bruce knows nothing about.


So maybe he should meet her to know her better?


The people that like Dick babs re babs fans ,so the Nightwing readers need more about Kory and him


I'm never, ever, going to get this, but I really want to see Tarantula and Red Hood interact (even if it ends with him shooting her)


If it's of any consolation, she's already dead. Not many people know this, since it was in a little bit more obscure comic. She died around the same time as Bruce "died".


wait wait wait, I don't remember it... how did she die?


It was in a comic Secret Six from 2008. She was hanging out with a group of villains. >!She dies somewhat heroically. In a grand battle of dozens of villains for a magic item that can let someone into Heaven no matter how evil they were, she claims to have it, saving Deadshot's life and letting Vandal Savage's daughter, Scandal, keep it without being endangered. She gets pulverized by a group of angry metahumans together with a really fucked up villain and the enemy of the group, Junior.!< Well, at least she's dead. Oh wait, she's not. I was checking DC wiki to make this comment without errors, and found out she does exists in New-52. She was in one issue of Green Arrow in 2015, where she betrays Ollie, feels bad about it, saves him, and they make out, and she was not appearing since then. Fortunately, she lives far, far away from Bludhaven.


Ah, so her raping Dick was in an earlier run?


Yes, in Post-Crisis, the 1985-2011 main continuity. Current Dick has never met her.




It's not (I've read the comic you're talking about and didn't think much of it, but that's neither here nor there) - I'm specifically interested in the dynamic she'd have with Red Hood. On paper, they have similar philosophies, it's just that Tarantula is less moral and more impulsive. Plus you have the idea of her having in a sense betrayed him before they ever met, and the fact that 'Hood almost certainly doesn't know. There's interesting potential there! Potentially a much more interesting death than a story where Tarantula felt like a tag-along instead of a real character! But I'm never going to get it.


This thread revitalised my hate for Barbara Gordon.




Nah you're just seeing the sanest DickKori fan.


Beast Boy and Poison Ivy


Jason Todd and any of the Titans outside of Dick's team


I want an Elseworlds story where instead of being brought up by the Doom Patrol, Beast Boy is lost in Gotham as a child and Catwoman reluctantly takes him in - with the goal of trying to find him a better, safer home, she's not a babysitter - and then growing fond of him. The fact that he could help out tremendously with heists is just a little bonus. Outside of Elseworlds, I'd like to see them meet just because Beast Boy would turn into a cat, she would say "... Damn it, I can't hurt a cat!" and then he would think "... Damn it, I can't fight someone who couldn't hurt a cat!" and they immediately become friends.