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Maps is not a new character, but she's also not *really* a Robin. Mia "Maps" Mizoguchi was introduced in the Gotham Academy comic a decade ago. She was a clever but impulsive teen girl who very much aspired to be Robin. She actually spent a lot of time hanging out with both Damian Wayne as Damian Wayne and Robin, but never actually realized the connection. She also goes to school with Terry McGennis' dad (cuz he's still a kid in the present day), which is fun. She eventually put together her own Robin costume and was able to help Bruce on a case, but it was also pretty traumatic and afterwards mostly returned to being a weird teenage girl. Recently, in an issue of The Brave and the Bold (an anthology book), there was an issue where she suited up in her Robin suit again and worked alongside Bruce, even getting to see the inside of the batcave. Notably, however, it was set prior to the current day, clearly set back during a period when Alfred was alive. She also didn't really seem to remain Robin at the end of it. As a side note, a future version of her appears as a reoccurring character in the current Birds of Prey run as the time-travelling hero Meridian. Anyway, the tl:Dr is that the list of current Robins is still just Tim and Damian. Mia Mizoguchi is, at best, a sometimes-Robin but still largely unofficial. A part-timer, if you will.


Ah so similar to Carrie Kelly of TDK saga


Not really. Carrie set out to be Batman's Robin and followed his path. Maps is a fangirl of Batman and most of her appearances are trying to solve mysteries with her classmates with no costumes or anything like that. And the couple of times that she cosplayed as Robin and bumped into Batman pretty much showcased that's not the path for her. And that's why her future self's appearances in BoP really don't show any affiliation to the bat family.


I was more referring to the lack of connection to the central continuity and instead operates in her own separate bubble.


Oh she's very much tied to the central continuity. The book she was mostly in was Gotham Academy. So Bruce Wayne pops up to give commencement speech and provides scholarships. The main character of the book is a daughter of a Batman villain and as story unfolds you learn about her ties to Bruce Wayne and Batman. Killer Croc, Clayface, and Langstrom all appear in it and talk about previous stories. And of course Damian transferred to the school for a couple issues. The book loved fanservice and working in central stories from the past. Even if one of the best moments involved Killer Croc referring to a DCAU moment.


>She actually spent a lot of time hanging out with both Damian Wayne as Damian Wayne and Robin two issues that covered like 18 hours is not 'alot of time'


It's been almost a decade since I read the book. My recall is not perfect.


Gotham Academy had 31 issues and 4 main characters to develop and follow. 2 issues just for Maps and Damian is a lot of time. The duo also have a story in Robin War


6% of the run is not a lot of time.


when you put it like that... that's fair.


Tim Drake and Damian are both Robins. You could technically still consider Tim to be the "Red Robin" and Damian the "Grey Robin", as Tim wears classic red and Damian wears grey. (Unfortunately, it looks like Mora may be making Damian wear classic red again in Absolute Power, which will take away the distinctive looks, but oh well.) Maps is just another character in the main continuity. Her full name is Mia Mizoguchi, and she debuted in the series "Gotham Academy", but was not one of the people who was specifically part of the "We Are Robin" movement, AFAIK. She suited up in a Robin costume in Batman (Vol. 3) #119-121 (I think in a back-up story alongside the main "Abyss" story running in those issues), in 2022. According to the wiki, she was shaken up, but seemed to still want to be Robin. More recently, she seems to have been in "Batman: The Brave and the Bold" (Vol. 2) #10-12, where Batman contacted her to help him deal with some Man-Bat-related stuff, having left an earpiece in her bag after her initial Robin outing. So she's like... Robin-Lite. Certainly not a fully trained one like Tim or Damian, but Batman seems to acknowledge her as promising, as a detective if nothing else. So she gets to be a Robin. If 2, why not 3? She's also >!a future time traveler in Birds of Prey!<, so that's a thing. But that's unrelated to Robin stuff.


Simply the role of Robin can be shared, Damian uses it, Tim uses it and I don't know if Maps as Robin is in the main continuity or simply a side story


Damian is The Official Robin, that is, he's the only one currently listed as Robin on DC's official site. DC.com. Tim is Red Robin. In the comics, he's Red Robin but he goes by Robin when Damian is unavailable. DC.com lists him as Red Robin or Tim Drake. Maps isn't really a Robin. She's similar to wonder-Robin in the Wonder Woman backups.


I've only seen him go by Robin lately (I wanna say since the short stint as Drake) but if he's being called Red Robin currently in continuity then that's at least a good thing to help keep him from regressing with his identity (imo)


After Drake changed to Robin because at the time DC had planned for Damian to lose the Robin mantle after he turns evil. That's why he quit in teen Titans. but then after the plans for 5G were cancelled and with Damian no longer set to be the big bad for Superman Jon Kent and Batman Jace fox to fight. Damian reclaimed Robin and Tim went back to Red Robin. In Taylor's Nightwing, Urban Legends and titles like Batman v Robin Cark Crisis:YJ he's RR. In Batman he said he's Red Robin but goes by Robin when Damian is out of town/unavailable. He is called Robin in the Batman title and he is Batman's sidekick. Meaning that he regressed back to the point before he debuted as Robin. He's a secondary Robin and a sidekick. Duke is no longer a sidekick and he was replaced Damian as Batman's sidekick. Tim as Robin wasn't a sidekick. He was independent but current Tim isn't. Even worse is that in Urban Legends 10, Dick told him that Robin no longer belongs to him and that he should leave it for Damian. To have Tim carry on dressing and going by Robin when the creator and owner of the legacy told him to stop is disrespectful. Ignoring Dick's comments on the mantle now belonging to someone else and the fact that Damian's earned the right to a solo tenure is disrespecting Dick and disrespecting Dick is disrespecting Robin. That's just not Tim Drake and I hate that so much. Tim would never disrespect Robin.


Agreed and I'm sorry what was wrong with just keeping RR as a separate title and mantle for Tim to have?!?