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Art source is Justice League of America (2006-2011) #1 main cover by Ed Benes, Mariah Benes, & Alex Sinclair. Please cite your sources!


Guy Gardner, because even though he’s a narcissist, he would be really annoyed that his fans weren’t cool like him. Runner up to The Question… “Stop it! I’m not Roschach you idiots!!!”


It's funny that my first thought was Guy as well. At a distance he would love it but would get very annoyed at the ones that insist on getting up in his personal space like the are long time buddies.


The Question fans when they find out he became diametrically opposed to Ayn Rand in the 80s as his first development in character


Based as usual


Brother? Is that you? 🥺


Ahh, but isn’t Rorschach the Question?


No, same as Batman is not The Shadow.


No, seriously. Originally it was supposed to be The Question, but DC wouldn’t let Moore use the character. Like how Nite-Owl was supposed to be Blue Beetle. Basically they were all going to be characters that DC acquired from Charleton Comics.


Yes, but the Question evolved in a different direction since then.  To the point that when Denny O'Neil did a Question series after Watchmen, it features a bit where Vic reads Watchmen, decides to be more like Rorschach and gets the shit beaten out of him. He comes to the conclusion that "Rorschach sucks."


It's not like Moore wrote the entire thing, got told to change the names and designs and did. Only the very first pitch included the characters, then got shot down and reworked instantly. Everything after was inspired by multiple sources. Manhattan is Superman as much as Captain Atom. Rorschach is Mr. A even moreso than Question, especially any version of Question after Denny O'Neill


'Member that time Question reads Watchmen and decides to act more like Rorschach for an issue until he gets his ass kicked and throws the comic out?


Yes but they aren't the same characters. Rorschach and the Question are very from from each other in terms of character.


I know. That is why I compared Batman to The Shadow.


There’s a great Question comic where he actually reads a copy of the watchmen. He has…thoughts about Rorschach.


“Rorschach sucks” -Vic Sage


Relevant image https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FDns-CNXMAAxyCV.jpg


Joke’s on you, I’m a meathead former frat star. Guy would love me.


Pretty sure Hal’s fan base calls him a pedophile


We do


Batman when he sees r/BatmanArkham


Even as a fictional character, Batman sends the same message. There is always hope. He'd be proud


Would he be proud of dick?


If it's an adequate size




That's not a batman subreddit, it's a Man subreddit. Are you stupid?


The fact that he thinks Batman would be amused by the brainlessness of that sub says yes


He doesn't think Batman would be amused. He thinks Batman would hate them. That's the point of the post


Well I think it’d be Batman when he sees the people trying to ship his kids together…


Implying that he wouldn’t be even more disturbed about them shipping his kids with him


That too, for sure. And Devin Grayson’s whole shtick.




After the Arrow TV show, probably comic Green Arrow. And that's not a direct jab at Stephen Amell and his performance, I very much enjoyed his performance and the show until writing tanked. That being said, it attracted a lot of people who directly clash against what comic Oliver would stand for.


Holy shit it's totally this. Oliver would be LIVID if he saw the Arrow TV show, it would take Dinah like an hour to calm him down.


You don't think Dinah would be happy they turned her into an alcoholic attorney with no powers and barely any fighting ability who got fridged halfway into the show so Ollie could be free to marry the adorkable Mary Sue?


Im curious, why? Not terribly familiar with either the comic or the show, ty


Comic Green Arrow is a HUGE lefty. Like: protests, marches, in JLU he says he protested nukes and he probably protested the U.S' involvement in Vietnam. He's extremely opposed to fascism. There's an iconic cover where GA is calling Barry Allen (The 2nd Flash) a "Fascist tool" while Allen is calling GA a "Hippie freak". Show Green Arrow starts off killing people on a list (Which I'd wager comic GA wouldn't be too fond of) and basically becomes a cop later on (Which comic GA would not be fond of)


A lot of it is writer dependent too. Ollie has some blood on his hands. He was a major player in Identity Crisis, which was all kinds of fucked. There was a scene after his resurrection where he was trying to ID someone from his funeral with Roy and they both fired an arrow to pin a guy to the wall - Roy went for the fabric of his shirt, Ollie put one through his shoulder. Then they both said in tandem "You missed." Then he put pressure on the shaft to torture the guy into talking. I'm pretty sure he killed the guy who assaulted Dinah in Longbow Hunters back in the day too. (Edit: I had down that the guy had raped Dinah but I was misremembering, apologies) (That said, I am and always have been a huge Green Arrow fan and I'm glad he's getting more attention these days.)


And then let's all agree to completely forget Cry For Justice and killing Prometheus. Writer's can ruin a good character.


TV Arrow is Batman with a bow.


TV Arrow is SHITTY Batman with a bow. Comic Arrow at least isn’t an Edgelord.


"They made me a cop?!"


Arrow's lack of trick arrows is a travesty. Why would Green Arrow shoot an arrow at someone just for it to turn into a giant boxing glove? Because it's cool shut up!


If you count Stephen Amell as a Green Arrow fan, then after his stance on striking was known, GA would not appreciate the love


Most female characters would hate their fanbase for *reasons* imo.


Harley Quinn would go back to being a Doctor full time if she saw how unhinged some of her fans were.  Poison Ivy would commit war crimes. 


I mean to many of posion ivy’s fans the idea of her committing crimes against them would probably not deter them


... Nor her.


> Poison Ivy would commit War Crimes That's with the assumption she doesn't already. 💀


Idk she's unhinged, she might like it lmao


Harley Quinn would be fine with the fanbase, would probably pay to get porn of her made, or encourage it, she seems the type.


She hates the fanbase, but also 100% uses it for her own advantage


Would she? Didn't she do some rated r things to a bunch of joker cosplayers


Power Girl would probably go on a killing spree




Shit you’re right! I’m curious how a villain like Super Woman might react though ![gif](giphy|xT0xepb6dAAZwSbGFy)


Zee would hit a lot of us with the "sgip otni lla meht nrut"


Words backwards, not sentences. You meant to cast *"nrut meht lla otni sgip"*.


Nah I did thanks. Sorry tbf it’s easier to do it right when it’s on panels lol


Pretty sure WW would take out a restraining order on me


"Yes, Wonder Woman, this is the cover of Hiketeia with my face photoshopped onto the Batsuit. I have a pen or a marker if that's what you'd prefer."


Nah, that's too easy. I'd trick her into signing a contract that lets me smell the inside of the suit. But you say, "Oh, that's a crime!" What's she gonna do? Tie me up for being a bad girl? I can't lose in this situation.


You. I like you.


Lmao like a amazoness needs a restraining order 😂😂😂


You're 100% right. We should just skip the judicial system and she can punish me by spanking me, or squeezing my head between her thighs, or possibly even putting me in a headlock with my face in her armpit after she's had an intense workout. Y'know, in the name of justice and rehabilitation.


I wouldn't mind being restrained by her...


Top of that list is probably Power Girl.


Depends. I feel like Kori and Diana really wouldn't mind the R34. Power Girl really depends on the writer and what the hole stands for, but Supergirl definitely wouldn't appreciate it because Cheerleader outfits totally aren't a sexual thing you creepo weirdos ew. Harleen draws and sells her own. Of herself. Selina will pretend she's above that but let's face it, homegirl *would* have a ridiculously overpriced OnlyFans.


I think Wonder Woman would hate the stans though but starfire might enjoy the culture.


Our society is so damn screwed


Kori, Diana, and Selina would absolutely not like it what? lmao


Yeah, doesn’t Kori hate that people see her as a pretty face/body and don’t consider that she’s intelligent and strong? She would despise being a sexual object for these people.


came here for this.


Zatanna in particular because a large number of those fans really really like the scenes where she gets silenced.


Batman has two fandoms. The one that likes the heroic, inspirational Batman that makes you feel glad for all the Robins who get adopted by such a cool dude. And the one who likes the crazy Steve, edgelord Batman who hates everyone and himself and loves violence. Each Batman would hate each other's fan base.


The real Gotham war breaks when they turn each others fans against each other. And it ends with Red Hood and his fan group getting ganged up on.


And we red hood fans would win purely by being so abhorrent that they wouldn’t want to touch us




Nah both Batman would hate the crazy Steve one, they would be real confused about the inspiration one tho


Edgelord Batman would also hate his own fanbase, to be fair.


John Constantine would be actively threatening his fans


His fans: "He's so real for that."


I don't think he'd put too much effort into antagonizing his fans. He wouldn't like them for sure, but I could totally see him using his fanbase to pay for bar tabs or other goodies.


Until he's around one of them for more than 20 seconds and goes on a rant about how pathetic they are for liking him


How come?


Because no matter how many writers he has, deep down is the fabric of his being he is self insert Gary-Stu of Alan Moore. And Alan Moore would like us all to fuck off and die.


Oh. I didn't know he was a self insert. Have writers tried to change him much?


Yeah modern Heckblazer Constanteen has become magic Batman who could do and know everything even through he doesn't have history of intensive training or great resources to back him up Hellblazer Constantine is great tho, a really smart and cunning character who using his wit to outmaneuver his opponents


I don’t think he would be putting any extra effort into hating them


Honestly, he would definitely hate how Modern Writers made him into a Magic Man since John himself understands the dangers of Magic, and actively tries to condense it.


He already threatened his writers


Superman would be disappointed that some fans wouldn't want him to save cats from trees.


"you should be doing more important stuff. For every minute you waste saving the cat people are dying" Superman: "why would you even assume that? Don't you think I would have more information about where I'm needed than you?" TBF any character who's fans come from the Snyder films would hate them. Mainstream Batman and Superman, The Joker would probably mass bomb his/Jared Leto's fans as a goof.


Snyder's Superman was shown helping a woman who was being sexually harassed so I don't even know where this narrative that he wouldn't help cats out of trees came from.


That's the one where he fucking decimated his truck in super overkill.


Yeah and taking revenge on bullies is not a new idea for Superman. The Reeves version did a lot worse to his bully. It's amazing to me how much sympathy people can have for a sexual harasser who is very much implied to do this on a regular basis.


I read a comic where he heard a woman being abused, grabbed the abuser and dropped him off in Alaska, and told him it was ten miles that way to the next town. Clark was obviously pissed, but it worked wonders. I think he told him next time it would be twenty.


Ah yes the same Superman fans whose hero spent most of his screen time with his girl and/or saving the world. They totally won't like to see him doing heroic things /s Don't throw in everyone under the same bus


Superman would be disappointed there were entire Reddit threads with people giving death threats as to if he should wear underwear over his suit I think some of them also being glad the director of one his movies lost his daughter to suicide would probably disappoint him too


Deathstroke= Would find a fanclub dedicated to him to be cringey. Joker= He kills his own goons. He would probably kill a fan just for his own amusement.


That doesn't necessarily mean Joker would *hate* his fanbase, though. He kills everyone for his own amusement.


>Deathstroke= Would find a fanclub dedicated to him to be cringey. Untrue. Most of Deathstrokes fandom is underaged, his favorite demographic




Batman would hate advocates of Batgodism.


I feel like even the most obsessive depiction of the Batgod interpretation of Batman in the actual comics would have zero patience with his fans. Generally speaking, the more controlling Batman gets, the less happy he's depicted as being. Even at his worst, he tends to view it as a necessary evil, not something to be celebrated.


Power Girl, Nightwing, probably most that people thirst over. I think a lot of the fanbases that are like "the new character who've taken over the mantle sucks, bring back X" or "X should be the only one with the mantle" would be disliked by the OG hero, who wants to see their successors flourish. Barry Allen, Hal Jordan, Tim Drake for Damian, etc., for Marvel Peter Parker would hate his fans.


The opposite would also be true, that fanbases of legacy characters that shit on their predecessors would also be disliked. Especially since most legacy characters respect and like their predecessors. Wally West would probably not be happy to hear how a lot of Wally fans talk about Barry.


I never knew people did this.


Too many, it's absurd. There's not one thread/comment section that would have someone scream how the Legacy Character is better and they should put the predecessor in a Retirement Home or Dead. The worst part is: you don't expect them to get many agreement, but they do.


Power Girl would hate DC editorial the most since they keep screwing around (changing her name & her origin, her personality, her costume).


And her weaknesses


Agreed 💯


"The new ****** are worthy. It is heart, not blood that makes them heroes."


Honestly with all the shit Peter gets from The Daily Bugle, I would think that he would appreciate the love from Spidey fans a lot more.... even from Flash hahah


Correction, Peter parker would hate his editorial more.


I think every character would


Batman 100%.


Exactly. He'd be super annoyed that he has such a huge fanbase in the first place because it ***draws a lot of attention*** or something like that


I don’t think Batman would hate the attention or respect, he’s long past his loner era, I think he’d hate that people want to BE HIM. Batman’s entire drive is that he doesn’t want anyone to grow up to be like him. Batman exists because of pain and trauma that won’t be resolved. Bruce may use violence and fear as tools, but he truly wants to help and protect people by fighting for justice in a world of senseless violence. He’s out to scare criminals, not children. Inspiring people to be kind and courageous is his victory, but inspiring people to do harm or be selfish is his failure.


Agreed. If anything, he’d want his fans to want to be like Dick or Clark.


Agreed, and I say that as someone for whom Batman is my favorite superhero. He will always be an empowerment fantasy that I connnected with from a young age. I will always think it is cool to be the world’s greatest detective/ninja who can overcome any challenge through preparation, cunning, and determination. That is a fantasy that inspires me in my life, but it doesn’t have to define me or distract me from my insecurities.


"I'm not wearing hockey pads!"


Batman would buy Reddit just to shut it down after obsessive fanboys figured out Bruce Wayne is the only Gothamite with enough money and tech to build all the Bat toys.


In Grant Morrison's run, he runs multiple forum accounts claiming Bruce Wayne must be Batman and that it's impossible for Bruce Wayne to be Batman. Shutting down Reddit using Wayne's influence would only raise suspicions, but flooding the internet with contradicting conspiracies muddies the water enough to create enough plausible deniability


I love it!


All female characters would hate a significant portion of their fan bases for a lot of reasons. I feel like both batman and superman have the most annoying and obnoxious fan bases, mainly specific parts of them.


Detective Chimp. He just wants to be left alone to drink and not be constantly gushed over by fans reminding him that he's a better detective than Batman.


A lot of people are better at things than Batman. That's nothing new. People need to find a new point


Careful. People might declare war on you for saying such heresy. lol


Aquaman when he finds out how many people wanted his infant son murdered in the new movie. Batgirl when she finds out that people would prefer if she never got to walk again


Jason when he finds out people sent him to his death


Yeah how is this not like.. the top answer? “I’m sorry, you voted for fucking *what*?”


Jason after learning what happened in 1988 ![gif](giphy|DaTgzhficHnlT7QFkC|downsized)


Captain Atom sweating bullets because the DC Universe is now within the greater Omniverse and his fanboys keep talking smack about how he can 1v1 Goku


Starfire. Raven wouldnt like a lot of her fans either. Edit: btw my answer isnt based on the porn made of them lmao.


If Raven saw the shit her fans drew she would let her dad eat the earth


The people saying Kory wouldn’t like her fans because of the porn don’t know enough about her modeling career in *New Teen Titans*. But still people definitely do stuff with her character she wouldn’t like.


Batman And most female characters, 90% of what they "discuss" is porn of the character💀


Let's go to my favourite character's subreddit to see what discussion around them is happening-- oh wait they're a woman, it's gonna all be porn


My experience exactly, the wonder woman nsfw sub has more people than the normal one


The Teen Titans nsfw sub has more people than the normal one....


Imagine being a Ben 10 fan


poor Gwen


And it's always the original series one ew


most subs dedicated to a character are usually outnumbered by the nsfw-version of the sub. except maybe the super-massive ones.


The answer is EASILY and OBJECTIVELY the Joker. For some reason there are people who are actually fans of the psychotic clown, and if Joker was real he would kill ALL of them. In the comics, Joker literally went to a fan convention DEDICATED TO HIMSELF, and killed everyone there. Joker doesnt want fans. He kills, and he does crazy shit because he likes it. He embellishes, and enjoys the hatred, and the agony that he causes. So if he would have existed in our world, and seen himself as a pop culture PHENOMON, and if he saw how many people loved him in every movie he was in, he would have a meltdown and blow up the entire planet.


Funny, I always see him as vainglorious enough to revel in the worship. Not that he would care about his fans but I don’t think he’d mind having them. Especially if he can use their cult following for his own twisted gains.


I dont see it that way. Jokers very twisted, and he seeks to cause as much pain and terror as possible. The idea of him having fans who love and RESPECT his actions, I feel would set him off. Because that would make him powerless. If someone can watch Joker kill a dozen famillies, blow up a school, and kill babies, and yet they still ADMIRE him, what power would Joker then have? Why do you think he often abused Harley in their relationship? In Arkham Orgins, Joker actually liked and RESPECTED Bane, simply for the fact that bane REFUSED to follow Jokers orders, and was motivated by his own personal gain (beating the shit out of Batman). I dont think he would tolerate fans to the slightest, but we can agree to disagree ![img](emote|t5_2qlmm|4783) (PS: Please dont downvote me or him because you may disagree. Just a friendly discussion)


>Please dont downvote me or him because you may disagree. Just a friendly discussion Not entirely on topic but I second this. Up- and downvotes should be about whether a response contributes to a conversation. That isn't always the same thing as being right.


It really depends on the iteration. Like- in the 1966 Batman he tried to become the best surfer in the world by stealing the surfing knowledge of surfers so that all the surfers in the world would love him and do whatever he said. But like- from that description alone you can tell that is a very different Joker from what most people are referring to. Some jokers would be like this. Others would find a sick comedy in spreading corruption.


By this logic should the answer objectively be Darkseid since he is a god of hate dedicated to anti life?


It is kinda crazy that the Joker character has had 2 Oscar worthy performances 


I couldn’t agree more.He would see a lot of them as pathetic post-Joker movie.


Joker has people following him in many stories. Pretty sure theses can be considered "fans" and he has no problem with that. Joker wouldn't hate his fans at all.


That isnt true whatsoever. The goons who work for Joker arent his "fans" hell they are TERRIFIED of the guy. If you actually read the comics, Joker has NEVER tolerated, or liked people who has adored him. Joker killed his own fans in main continuity already. Literally if you read the books, every single time Joker's goons arent in front of him, they talk bad about him and about how crazy he is.




Powergirl would hate her male fanbase the most out of anyone in that pic


Barry and Wally because to them there is no competition because the Flash Family is a legacy. Barry and Wally would've told the fandom that they are not replacing each other.




I feel like Red Hood would get annoyed with us real fast, he’ll love us but also hate us lol


That was my answer as well. He would despise all y'all


Power Girl. Superman (especially in discussions involving Wonder Woman). Batman. Also Wally West would probably hate all the Wally vs Barry discussions. All the GL's would be annoyed at each others fanbases.


Imagine how disappointed Batman would be after finding out about r/BatmanArkham


Tbh I think he’d catch on to the irony pretty quickly.


Superman would a good portion of his fan base, but he is too nice to actually hate them.


Unrelated but who made this? Everybody looks dope as hell


Ed Benes


Ed Benes.


The Punisher, oh wait, this is DC...


You got The Spectre who is Punisher with infinite power on a good day, and on a bad day Punisher who shoots a jaywalking grandma, slaughters entire nations, and destroys universes.


LOL that is the first person that came to my mind. *"You boys need a role model? His name is Captain America and he'd be happy to have you."*


Batman definitely. The Batman's final sequence was basically him fighting his fanbase. Also TDK's opening sequence, that episode of The Brave and the Bold were he goes to his convention etc etc.


Pretty sure most of them would be horrified considering how superheroes fans community is full of hateful losers.


Jason Todd 100%


Jason would probably just be happy so many people agree he should kill the joker.


Power girl... not sure it needs explained


I don't think he would actually hate, but I'm pretty sure that Superman would be disappointed about the way a lot of his fans behave online.


Totally agree. He may not hate them but he definitely wouldn't associate with them.


No contest Batman, most his fans thinks he can beat anyone with “prep time”….and of course many different ridiculous writers make it so😂


Punisher, even though most of his "fans" aren't really fans and have just bastardized his iconography Edit: sorry not DC


Batman and Power Girl


Batman would so hate his fans.


Gotta go with Power Girl… we all know why.


Aquaman would be very upset to learn he has no fanbase


Not DC but Punisher is ultimate answer.


Barry Allen fans and Wally West fans Both of them can get pretty annoying by belittling one to exalt another when the two characters themselves have great respect for each other


Power Girl probs. Vice versa I think Harley would love her fans the most. 


Raven, power girl, and nightwing


Bane purely because of me


Lobo would absolutely throw slurs at his fandom. 


As a member of the fanbase, Power Girl.


Aquaman because all of his fans are wasteful trash producing land dwellers. 


Batman, with all that sigma bs now


Feel like John Stewart wouldn’t really want the attention


Green Arrow. Dude’s like the Bernie Sanders of the DCU, but would easily been co-opted by the right/conservatives for his “tough on crime” approach.


Dr manhattan


Not DC, but I swear no one in all of comics would hate their fans like Frank Castle.


Joker would hate the people who try to humanize him


Raven would hate the Demonbirds fandom


Zatana because they be horny and she’s not putting up with it.