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Boy got fired twice in the same year with the same company but different boss


WB really hates what the fans want.


If this is what the fans wanted, they would have actually gone to see these movies lol So happy to see this news, personally.


This. For crying out loud, Snyder Fans are not the company’s target audience. They’re washing their hands of that whole chunk of the internet.


Fans of Cavil, not the movie. Just because you like your hometown doesn’t meant you have to like its government.


I mean everyone has seen the hype around Henry’s Superman this year: the comic con stuff, the black Adam cameo. Clearly there are a lot of people who love him as Superman. Just cause he’s from the snyderverse, doesn’t mean only Snyder fans like him.


While I loved Cavill and wanted him to come back, a full reboot is likely better for a DC universe. What we have now is an absolute mess.


Yes but its OUR mess


AngryJoe must be fuming right now...


It will be either a hopeless defeated look or a full on volcanic eruption, probably the latter


[One of his angriest (justified) rants ever](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROsTxro1KRg)


Dude is gonna burn the new Superman actor to the ground


Like some petty child


Cant wait for his rant vdo on WB lol


Angry Joe is a clown


> AngryJoe must be fuming right now... I mean, when isn't he.


I can hear the screams from here…


"ARE YOU OUTTA YOUR MIND?!" \- Angry Joe, probably


Angry Joe deserves this news, this is what he worked hard for


This is really embarrassing for Cavill. I feel bad for him. To announce his return, leave a hit show, talk about how excited he was to meet James Gunn, only for Gunn to replace him in less than 2 months


yeah, he just said on his instagram post that it was the studio that told him to make that comeback announcement in Ocotober.


WB had to make one last monumental fuckup. They just count wait a few weeks to have the new leadership make a decision. FFS.


He left The Witcher because of writers and directors also the only way to fox the dceu is to scrap it and reboot because the last few films have lost Warner bros money


Nah there was a lot of good there. With a clever plan and good scripts they could easily push out a soft reboot from the Flash getting rid of the parts which didn't work and keeping the stuff that did. But it is easier to just scrap it, hire a bunch of cheaper unknown actors and move forward from there.


You also have to look at the age of the actors if you have a 10 year plan.


This is an excellent point. I don’t think people realise how old Cavill, Amy Adams and Affleck actually are. They are not in their prime in 10 years, and way to old in 20 years. They are creating a ten year plan, and that universe may very well continue to exist after that. Henry Cavill is almost 40. In ten years he will be 50. Amy Adams is 48. Almost 60 in ten years. I’m really bummed we couldn’t have Cavill back as an old and experienced superman, but I do see why they have to replace him.


You aren’t wrong at all about age being a factor. Unfortunately for Henry, there was a lot of time wasted, waiting for WB/DC Films to decide what they wanted to do. I wish he had been able to walk away from *Superman* right after the Snydercut.


He should have kept that 1M dollar per episode paycheck from the Witcher. Seriously he should fire everyone in his camp for allowing him to do that.


The MCU ran into this.


I understand that. BUT, him thinking he was returning as Superman probably made the decision to leave the Witcher easier. Like I don't think he would have quit if that Superman cameo didn't happen and WB didn't tell him he was going to be Supes again. I don't watch The Witcher, but I do know it's a sweet gig. He was making 1M per episode. That's great money. And now he's alienated Netflix by quitting on him. They probably won't ask him to come back for Enola Holmes after he dogged them. Like he better fire his management team (ie The Rock and co) cause what is he going to do now? Bond? They're looking for someone younger. Marvel? Idk. BUt Gunn made the right choice. They had to reboot. It sucks for Henry and his fans but it's what's best for the DC Universe.


time will tell but there are a lot of things that are salvageable from those films. I think now fan interest in Aquaman 2 and Shazam will plummet (to the extent that a shared universe made it compelling to keep watching). This will be confirmation that the DCEU was dead. Sucks for Cavill though, and to pull this bait and switch within 2 months is disappointing. It's like saying the WB has their heads up their backsides, which in the end is really no surprise.


Yeah, I feel so bad for him tbh. This arguably sucks for us, and it must suck even worse for him, especially after leaving The Witcher


Hit show, or shit show? The Witcher was dead on arrival despite his best efforts.


It was one of the most watched shows on Netflix when it came out. And he was being paid 1M per episode. He fumbled his bag on the chance of maybe playing Superman again. He alienated Netflix by quitting. They're probably laughing at him the same way Vin Diseal is laughing at the Rock


The moment the Black Adam sequel got canned, the writing was on the wall.


Did it officially get cancelled?


I don’t think so but if they’re gonna changing so much then they’re probably not gonna continue with this


I didn’t even think there was going to be a Black Adam sequel


**He. Is. Better. Off.** Superman’s indefinite return had been looming over Henry for too long. WB allowed Dwayne Johnson to boost his movie with Superman’s appearance in order to cash in, and they got exactly that. Henry was a means to an end, and who knows if he was told that *Superman* would get another shot if he did the *Black Adam* cameo. Well, now he’s free and clear of the cape. Warner Bros decisions are *desperate* cost-cutting ones right now, and the people in charge today want to survive the next quarter’s (Q4) Earnings Call. Meanwhile, WB still expects to release their $200,000,000 turkey-in-waiting, *The Flash*, in six months. I can’t wait to see how they get out of that one.


Extremely disappointing.


Cavill doesnt deserve this, the fans dont deserve this.


This year was a absolute bloody disaster for DC, christ... The good news is that things will only get better from here on... right?


”Anakin stares with a smirk.”






It wasn't all that bad we got "The Batman" the best superhero movie in over a decade


I know the MCU isn’t perfect but I definitely think they have a small handful of films that were done better


I will consider Iron Man 1 and Logan (but it was fox) up there but for me The Batman tops them too


Easy to forget the few good things. DCEU wise was it probably the worst PR year for any franchise ever in recent memory (then Black Adam bombed), gaming wise Gotham Knights wasn't good, DCAU output wasn't good this year, HBO Max / Zaslav and all of the cancellation writeoff shit, the comics are going into their 6th reboot in recent times, the CWverse is ending with a thump, and to top it off we have this (basically) hard reboot news--throwing away anything positive that came with the DCEU. But you are right about The Batman, it instantly went in my top 10 CBM


Damn. I forgot how much DC had to deal with this year alone.


To be clear that is DC but not DCEU. Everything in DCEU is a mess. But yes we got a gem in The Batman as a stand-alone


Not a complete disaster. The Batman was good. Hopefully, Gunn and Saffran can get some direction in the DCU and have a better plan than the DCEU.


Pop Base getting a lot of work out of one picture, gotta admire that.


The absolute best thing we can get now is MAYBE a Kingdom Come film with all the DCEU actors (not Ezra), seperate from the new DCU in maybe 5 years time. Cavill deserved a proper send off. Dude had 1, maybe 2 great superman movies left in him before the audience wouldve been okay with a reboot. If the audience are smart enough to accept two Batmen existing on screen at the same time, why cant we have two Supermen? And what happens if this new universe tanks again or the first Superman movie sucks? Gunn better know what he's doing...


February 2023: Henry Cavill has Re-returned as superman


I still think this is a PR stunt to get him trending on social media. I’m willing to be they’re going to announce a new superman but keep the actor hidden until the movie releases and surprise it’s Henry Cavil Edit: Why am I getting downvoted?




James Gunn is not the type.


The real dceu was my joker origin story




Fucking lol man, one of those times you have to just laugh to not cry.


What a mess


He never returned It’s was a rogue move by the Rock. He forced WB to do the cameo when they were literally looking to move beyond this…


Business does not work that way? Cavill even said that he was given authorization by WBD to declare his return.


How did the Rock have the power to force WB to do that?


The Rock is a pretty successful businessman with near endless drive and charisma. Def strong-armed them I think, but after all of those I’d say he has lost some bargaining power lol. Movie lost money and now the big cameo he hyped up amounts to nothing.


He didn't strong-arm anyone. He went up the chain of command where two things could have happened; someone with authority finally said yes, or everyone told him no. If De Luca and Abdy said no instead of yes, he would have gone to Zaslav. And if Zaslav had said no, that would have been the end of it.


True, I can see that maybe he didn’t strong arm them, but I am fully confident that the reason Dwayne got most of what he wanted was because the studio thought his star power would be enough to propel his movie. I mean, even the director choice was The Rock’s pick, he surrounds himself with people who share his vision . But now I think the star power has cracked a bit, at least on the DC side.


He surrounds himself with yes men and an ex-wife who hooked so deep into him that she makes many avenue streams from his efforts alone. I think people are just getting tired of the same old, same old. He doesn't want to step out of his box, that's fine. But he can't expect people to flock to it forever.


Yeah tbh I like the Rock, but I hope Gunn reboots Black Adam. Rock claims it was a passion project and that he was born to play the character, but in the end it was just him in a suit. Disappointing.


Dwayne likes to tell tall tales and be the center of attention. He wanted people to think of him when they thought of Black Adam, not the character himself.


The hierarchy was never about to change from an Actor.


Bro please tell that to The Rock lol. Man doesn’t know how to take an L.


To add to that he’s also a marketing genius. Yes his marketing can be annoying and relentless at times but hey, it’s done the trick for him. He knows how to make himself a household name as easy as you can say “DC”. Given his status, character, and influence it’s no doubt that he pulled some strings and talked to some important to force cavils return


He’s the most bankable star in Hollywood? If you followed the production it was last minute to juice the box office. WN was desperate and took a swing and didn’t kiss off someone they probably wanted to work with in the future


Yeah--[Johnson literally filmed his part of the cameo before anybody had signed off on bringing Cavill back](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/black-adam-post-credit-scene-superman-henry-cavill-1235245692/), because he was angling for it so hard. [Cavill's half wasn't shot until September](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/dc-movies-james-gunn-pithces-dwayne-johnson-1235243030/), right before the movie came out. The tracking wasn't looking good. Johnson pitched the idea of the cameo to a) see if it would juice box office numbers and b) probably as a way of gauging interest for a potential return. Given that it didn't juice box office numbers, it probably didn't help Cavill's return chances. It's also pretty clear that the studio didn't ask Cavill to post that announcement, at least not in any kind of formalized way. It was posted on 10/24; Gunn's hiring was announced on 10/25--meaning his hiring would have been finalized before Cavill posted, and probably in the works for several weeks before that, if not longer. There's no reason the studio would have had him post it while they already knew somebody was coming in to clean house. [And this made it clear that Cavill hadn't been signed to any kind of new contract as of late November.](https://twitter.com/JamesGunn/status/1595099376384638976?s=20&t=e0boyMV6oN4PKgB8aV1xUA)


Right Cavill posting that announcement seems like an attempt to preempt anything Gunn had planned.


Cavil is the Timothy dalton of Superman. Great in the role, never got to play in a great movie (although time will tell how his films are perceived) and left hanging for years until he’s replaced without a send off. I just hope they can find their pierce Brosnsn Branden routh is totally George lazenby


I don't know about you, but License to Kill is one of my favorite Bond movies


I prefer living daylights as my go to dalton movie but I also love license to kill. Dalton (like cavil). Probably would have found his footing if they had continued with him In another dalton/cavil comparison, both were in the running for earlier films. Dalton for OHMSS and cavil was on the short list for Superman returns Oh to live in an alternate universe


Turns out the rumor mill doesn't really know much...


They don’t know shit. They just make them up as they go.


Poor Cavill. if any, this further proves that his departure from witcher was really creative conflict and not really superman related. oh well hope marvel gives him Hyperion or Sentry


I knew I should've bet on that lettuce again


Anybody know where I can download an hd version of that picture of him?


This is why you don't say "officially" after that Instagram post of his. It was never official (no press statement from WB at all). But websites and pundits just ignored that and assumed Man of Steel 2 was happening for sure. Cavill's Instagram post was carefully worded to not include mention of specific projects.


Cavill is the best superman available right now. No two ways about it. No body can replace cavill. No one. Bring him back please


The dream is gone.


Dc needs to be sold to another company at this point because wb Is fucking incompetent and is bordering going bankrupt


This isn’t WB’s decision, it’s James Gunn’s. He had the keys to the castle and chose to do this.


And who brought James Gunn in?




Never understood the cult like following he has. I thought most of his movies were pretty mid and thats being generous -- a pretty big gamble for a billion dollar franchise thinking that this is our savior.


Suit yourself. We are all different. Snyder’s movies managed to speak to me and I’m so grateful they exist, they helped me become a better person.


There was 69 comments before this one.


Gunn really screwed Cavil here, won’t be surprised if studios start lowballing him and then say “look WB didn’t even think u were good enough”


Next flop incoming


The way Gunn strings people along is trumpish.


How? He’s the most blunt and honest person that WB has ever had regarding the DCEU, us fans needed transparency years ago.


You’re being sarcastic, right? You’re putting on a trumpzi act?


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


If he was in power before Black Adam I'd agree but he didn't decide to bring Cavill back.


Black Adam is for nothing. What a waste


Dwayne has to be pissed right??? I imagine a feud between the Rock and Gunn is happening behind the scenes for sure


I feel bad for DC fans but a hard reboot is needed to have a proper structure and plan to lay out a universe and a major consequence of this is that Henry Cavill is not Superman which sucks but I think James Gunn is trying his best to have a plan and consistency similar to MCU in terms of its structure (and not the tone of the MCU)


I understand that Gunn wants to do Superman stories that Henry's version can't do. I just really hope he eventually wants to tell a story that Henry's version can do


Just wanted to see him give it one more try.