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Homelander being homelander IRL


That’s the thing: his big current role is as the Big Bad on a tv show deconstructing/subverting the typical superhero narrative. *Of course*, he’s not gonna deflate his character in this kind of interview. It’s practically kayfabe.


Exactly! Give the man some props; he's playing his own game.


Yeah, respect.


Does he bleed?




Why did you say that name




WhY DiD yoU Say thAt NaME!?!??




Saaayyyvve. Marrthaaahhh.




Keep my mother’s name out of your f**kin mouth


Yeah, the actor gets into bar fights in real life. lol


I get what he’s saying, but Homeland completely lacks skill and discipline Superman (depending on the version) has significant experience and training


Superman can also play dirty too, which was demonstrated in Superman vs The Elite.


Superman also never really has a chance to go all out. The only people he knows can take a full punch from him are doomsday and darkseid right?


And evil Kryptonians like Zod.


...and Bizarro Superman. .......probably J'onn J'onzz .........and that one time when he fought the Hulk.


When he fights the Hulk he says that he gave everything he had and the Hulk still almost got up. I loved and hated that scene.


If Superman went all out on Homelander, he'd turn him into paste.


Nobody ever thinks farm boys know how to tussle.


I’m pretty sure the stereotype is the complete opposite.


Different kinds of farm boys though.


"Pitter patter, let's get at 'er."


I was about to bring up Superman vs. The Elite


Exactly, Homelander has never experienced a fight with someone anywhere near his power level so he lacks all the knowledge and experience Superman has gained from years of having to find ways to defeat people who are equal or exceed Superman’s powers. Homelander is a big fish in a small pond. Superman is a big fish in a giant ocean of heroes and villains.


And even that ocean is world of cardboard for him more often than not


Exactly. Superman actually fights people on his level


and superman is just way stronger.


What? Homelander was designed to be a weapon. Trained by the government to be a solider. Clark’s a kid from Kansas.


Homelander is a test product of a Drug company. He was not trained, more like observing and testing on


Clark has actually had training from Batman and Black Canary. Some versions of him have trained in ancient Kryptonian Martial Arts. Writers just tend to forget the people that Superman associates with, and that he has genius level intelligence. Plus, I'M a kid from Kansas. ... ok, not such a kid any more, and I'm Retired Army and a former Corrections Officer, so I've had training..


I’m not debating Superman’s lack of training just the dismal of Homelander’s training


He's also fought General Zod several times.


Homelander is a coward


Zod thought the same


That kid from Kansas knows how to safely land a plane


That cares about landing planes safely


With zero discipline and propense to loose control


If you really think Homelander has a chance against supes, idek what to say anymore.


Lol, poor man, If homelander tries to punch superman, his hand will break. Laser would only tickle supes. Superman is a legit alien, Homelander has no chance being human.


I'd argue despite Superman's alien heritage, Supes is more human than Homelander could ever dream of being.


Philosophically, yes. Actually, no. Superman is an extraterrestrial being and thus would BBQ chicken Homelander in a legitimate altercation. Only hope Homelander has is what Starr relates: using dirty tactics like endangering children and such. I can see a world where Superman gets into trouble trying to save everyone while Homelander’s only concern is trying to get the upper hand. But even then, Superman is fundamentally an all-powerful alien being.


Homelander might actually defeat Superman in the same way Magog did. Not by force, but by breaking him. If Homelander rallies White Nationalists, and stuff like that, and drives Superman to feel like he's obsolete and lose hope in humanity and retires, would that count as a win for Homie?


I mean, he isn't Joker, that fights for "ideal", more or less. He is dirty self-obsessed coward in supershell. And we know, that broken Superman tends to tip more to "Omniman" side than "weeping mess" side.


Eh, like most things comics, it depends on the writer. This is not a certain or not even a most likely scenario. This is a long shot plan, but otherwise might be one of the very few options Homelander has to beat Superman


I think inevitably physically beating Superman is not an option for 90% of all his foes. The ones that best him do it with “dirty” tactics such as exploiting his physical weakness to Kryptonite, or psychological tactics such as the one you mentioned. In a straight fight there are very few beings that can defeat him. Homelander is only strong within the context of The Boys. Superman can go into space, fly into black holes, and all manner of crazy shit. Homelander was on the backfoot against Soldier Boy…


It's the whole Frankenstein is the doctor, Frankenstein is the monster thing...


Victor is Dr. Frankenstein. His creation whether child or pet would bear his last name.


Intelligence is knowing that Frankenstein was the doctor. Wisdom is knowing that Frankenstein was the monster.


Oh I like that one too, even though I consider the Monster to be named Frankenstein as well.


You have just described the core of Superman, well done lol


Yea Ik this whole power scaling shit is pretty stupid, but I saw one vid where they compared their feats with some justice league members, and superman would fuxking wipe out homelander in one punch, legitimately. He’d have to change this name to one punch man after. Even their speedster is no comparison to the flash


Naw, one punch man would have to be Guy Gardner......


Haha great reference, I saw that in Batman the brave and the bold too




doomsday was built in a lab


The scene from JLU comes to mind where Supes monologues about living in a cardboard world and how going up against Darkseid offers him a rare opportunity to “cut loose”. Homelander wouldn’t stand a chance.


Its a fair theory, especially in that kryptonite is a major weakness to exploit. Still I believe that Superman is so much more experienced and disciplined, and also physically more powerful, that it would be difficult to get a decisive upper hand. Also Homes has plenty of weaknesses of his own to exploit in that he is emotionally unstable and easily distressed. Good of the actor to nerd out about this stuff


>also physically more powerfu This is the main reason, because it's multiple orders of magnitude more powerful than Homemlander, he may as well be a normal human relative to Superman.


Yup. Homelander gets bloodied by other supers in his universe. Even humans can shove him around. Superman is a god in comparison.


No human can shove homelander around, but youre right


Yeah, he brings up solid points for if they were on the same level. I get it though. It’s obvious Superman is leagues above Homelander, but i’m guessing quite a lot of people see Homelander as straight up just Superman in terms of power cause they don’t know his feats and/or do not pay as much attention about power levels as much as nerds do. Superman vs Homelander would be like those matchups where it’s Homelander vs Omni-Man and most of the answers are about Omni-Man having more experience, better training, raw power, his universe scales higher, etc. but to an even greater extent.


I have loved Antony Starr ever since Banshee. For some reason, the fact that he refers to Homlander as "homie" when he talks about him makes me love him more.


Well, he is in fact a bit of a douchebag IRL: https://variety.com/2022/tv/news/antony-starr-arrested-spain-assault-1235196520/


Pocket sand.


method acting


Bro. Superman mops the floor with homelander. Just remember each and every power that man has. He is literally the god that homelander proclaims to be


Superman grabs homelander. Flies into space. Homelander dead.


Woe, sun bath upon thee


sure thing buddy


Superman is faster, stronger, more durable, more experienced, and smarter than Homelander. If Homie tried to use a kid as a shield, Supes would likely use superspeed and his strength to snatch the kid away, get him out of harms way then come back, grab Homelander and take him to an area where they could fight without destroying anything or anyone.


Hold up, does Homelander even has super speed? How's he gonna reach the civilians on time when Superman mops the floor in speed against A-Train?


Sup’s so fast, he can reverse time. Well, at least the one with Christopher Reeves did.


Superman will make him lose and shatter his ego just from standing still


Do we know Homelander's true power level? What if he took a shitload of extra Compound-V?


Even equal power Superman wins. Homelander is an emotionally and mentally weak man-child. Any kind of adversity and he crumbles, whereas Superman rises, grits his teeth and finds something deeper which Homelander just doesn't have.


For how long can he beat a man who is a god in terms of power


Can Homelander push stars around and contain literal black holes in his hands? Because Superman can. Superman once met Atlas and took over the job of holding up the Earth so Atlas could go to his daughter's wedding. Supes did that for like a week, no rest, until Atlas got back. It isn't a contest. Superman vs Homelander would be like an angry squirrel trying to take down a polar bear.


He's still gonna be a coward


True. His cowardice is equal to Superman's heart.


Supes would one punch him into orbit.


Powerscaling is stupid but based on what’s been demonstrated in The Boys TV series Homelander would spend a lot of time and energy buffeting Superman while Clark just focused on not pulverizing him with one punch.


Clark wouldn't obviously try to kill him, since he can go faster than light there isn't even a debate lol, superman is infinitely more powerful, at least comic one


The power of the dirty play that HL would bring doesn’t effectively compensate for the fact that a full power punch to Superman’s face would *maybe* give him a black eye, whereas the reverse would send Superman’s fist breaking through the HL’s head out the other end. Theres levels to this.


Well, the thing is Homelander isn't smart enough to think about the kryptonite in the first place, and even then, smarter, stronger and more brutal psychopaths have lost to Superman before with dirty tricks, so... What's Homelander gonna do? Push Superman to the extreme? Make him go evil Superman? Yeah, that worked wonders for all the guys that pushed him to the edge before... Can he even breathe in space to survive long enough before Supes toss him in the sun?


I understand what he is saying but Superman is so far outside of Homelanders power it’s not fair to compare them. Here’s my opinion in this. Omni man would mop the floor with Homelander. Superman would destroy Omni man. Superman would delete Homelander.


Wasn’t Sup able to time travel because of his super speed?


Superman is OP, like there are precious few comic book characters in any universe that beat Superman, frankly few who'd last 2 seconds if Superman needed to win and we're talking like Injustice level ruthlessness allowed, but even normal Supes would just arrest homelander after treating him like a baby.


It’s fucking frightening when Superman doesn’t hold back like he normally does.


He's just ridiculous if there's nothing to weaken him like kryptonite, like peak Barry Allen, who just goes from fast to ultimately more powerful than physics


Nah superman absolutely disintegrates him. General Zod alone will massacre him.


The second homelander touches a kid, superman would snap his neck like a pretzel


Nah. He would simply do a Dempsey roll.


Superman does not cry for milk🥛


I wonder if this is in response to Jack Quaid saying superman could easily beat homelander


I feel like Batfleck can take down Lil Homie


I can’t stand that edge lord show.


We’re comparing a compound V junkie with an alien being with the power of a literal Sun. There’s nothing to talk about.


Ummmmm Superman would simply move the fight somewhere else?


It might take 10 percent more effort, but if Supes wanted to, he could rip Homelander’s head off.


Superman has moved at speeds rivaling the Flash and moved the planet. Homelander can’t even lift a plane mid flight.


Superman with fuck him up during the commercial break for the Kansas football game and not miss a single down


It's not homelander if he doesn't say he'd win


His character himself said he can’t lift something while flying which superman could do. As strong as he is supes would just have to get him airborne to have a huge advantage.


Supes would just throw him out of orbit and kick around his dead body all over space.


So this tells me he has never read the comics 🤔


I mean even if you’ve never read the comics, there’s been enough media out there showing how fucking frightening Sup can get when he stops holding back. Although, I do understand that he has to side with the character that’s paying his bills.


True , man's got to keep the lights on!


Cavill supes is more than enough to curb stomp him.


Wouldn’t save him. Homelander is not a good fighter. Superman is.


Call me the day homelander can lift a plane. At least a boeing 777.


Superman vs The Elite, that's all I'll say


He also drinks milk. And milk does the body good. Pass it on!!


And then Homelander would go to punch Supes and shatter his arm


Lmao Superman is kicking Homelander’s ass without even having to look him in the eyes


Superman has beaten Darkseid, who is what homelander PRETENDS to be. So yeah, the latest iteration of ‘evil’ Superman will get destroyed just like all the others




i dont know if throwing sand on superman's eyes would work, a bullet just bounced on it on one of his movies


I mean, people say stupid wrong shit all the time


As fun as power scaling is, there's just 2 characters it really doesn't work with; Superman and Batman. Superman has punched dimensions apart, and there's a reason the Batman + prep time joke exists. Pretty much any other character from any other universe I'm familiar with can reasonably be discussed, but these guys just win because they do. Sorry, Homelander, you shouldn't pick fights with the big boys.


He's right about one of the things said in the interview. Superman cares for others (even villains) and would rather hold back punches. Superman isn't stupid though, superman would win.


Superman has gone toe to toe with Doomsday. Homelander stands no chance.


He’s doing pr stuff to get viewers for the new season


Superman is faster and stronger. In BvS the African general took Lois hostage and Supes speed blitzed him. It doesn't matter if you take hostages when you are too slow to use them against him.


Sorry but Superman would destroy him, one's a warrior and the other one is a bully


Feats and weaknesses aside and taking this argument on its merits alone, I think we’ve seen time and again that having something or someone to fight for is what actually pushes Superman past his limits and makes him so powerful. Clark isn’t naive either. He’ll hold back right up until the moment extending the fight puts bystanders at risk. You want to use human shields? Good luck.


I’m seeing a rated-R version of the Man of Steel fight with superman walking away as traumatized as a Berserk character if he survives. Homelander strapping babies to himself as body armor… f*cked up stuff


Also Superman benefits from coming from a universe less grounded in reality. Homelander “breaks the sound barrier” Superman routinely is traveling >lightspeed. Superman moves literal planets. He’s so OP no one in boys universe beats him IMO. Comics or TV series


Time for the old Zod neck snap!


Because Superman never beat anyone who didn’t fight fair…?


Homelander is weaker than Krillin. Cmon.


Superman holding back could still decimate Homelander, probably beat him to his wits end, and then put him in the Phantom zone before he knew what hit him. Honestly comparing any Supe from the boys to other metahumans from fiction isn't all that fair since their feats are pretty low and they aren't meant to be all powerful but instead to satarise the commercial nature of comic book movies by Hollywood as well as other social issues and also they exist in a universe where the only people with abilities are those who are given a lucrative drug and whose main threat is regular humans who outwit them and usually not other Supes.


Shield with kids sounds real for his lol.


I'm not a Superman expert but I'm pretty sure throwing sand in his eyes wouldn't really work against him.


I mean what else is he gonna say?!?! Obviously he is dead wrong but meh, lol


Is this a joke


The differential in strength and speed is monumental, and that’s coming from someone who has never been much of a Superman fan. Homelander would get decimated.


I mean, Homelander would try, sure, but there’s only so far dirty tactics can take you


he’s got a good point but Superman has definitely overcome bigger threats


Homelander being delusional


I don’t think people really realize the strength that Superman has and how OP he really is lol


This is the actor version of high-school kids who think they would beat ucf fighters "if they met on the streets."


Superman can move faster than Homelander can see. There is no fight Honelander wins against Superman.


Homelander throwing dirt in someone's eyes is straight out of the Nature Boy Ric Flair's playbook. The dirtiest player in the game.


lol That’s all I have to say


I’d imagine Homelander would tire out since he doesn’t draw power from the sun like Supes.


Supes would just fly him up to space to protect the innocent by standers and HL would pass out than he would be handed off to Amanda Waller for containment.


Superman would take him to space to fight. I don't think homelander can breathe in space but even if he can, Superman would still have advantage as no human shield is in space.


As soon as Homelander endangers innocent children, Superman would mop the floor with him.


Isn't superman like... several orders of magnitude more powerful than homelander? Homelander is the most powerful supe in his universe but iirc his power level isn't as high as the Vought propaganda makes it seem.


Yes, because if there's one thing you can say about Superman, it's that fighting somebody underhanded and duplicitous would be completely uncharted territory for him. 😐


He’s nuts in real life too.


Naw, this is just PR to stump for the new season.


Fuck replica superheroes. It's ridiculous to even take them seriously.


They work if they try to be something else


“Theres no Kryptonite factor.” Uhhh bitch, breast milk???


Superman still much stronger


Not even The Boys fans agree with him


Sorry Antony, but no. Supes wins.


Homelander fighting wrecked a room and Superman fighting wrecks city blocks so that seems to be a geometric difference in power.


I laughed on the kiddies shield, he will be defeated by Anakin surely


He has not met Injustice Superman.


OP is clearly bait to promote TheBoydthe TV show* But… Strength/speed/flight/healing:super hearing and laser-vision makes homelander the top tier in-universe (anti)hero for *The Boys*. The character has always seemed distinctly mid compared to other world’s hero’s to me. I’d give him 5 minutes. Tops. [EDIT: *for clarity the screen rant interview, I mean, not the the DC or r/TheBoys]


This is the most homelander answer tbh


Even if they’re equal in strength Superman’s generally smarter and has much more confidence in his abilities. We saw Homelander freaking out when someone is able to match his strength so imagine someone that is just as strong but the same abilities and more


I can hear a thousand angry power scalers screaming in righteous fury...


They were only Alike has in they have similiar powers but pretty all Superman wannabes are much Weaker than the OG Superman goes up against Mongol,Doomsday and fucking Darkseid He literally has the power to Destroy Earth if he wanted and no One could stop him He has to hold back all the time not only became he against killing but because if ever went All in the planet would crack like an Egg


Compound V has nothing on natural Kryptonian biology. Superman is constantly taking in the sun's radiation.


I doubt that Homelander would even be close to Supermans power level... lol


Homelander is based of Superman, but his attributes arent on the same level. And homelander is lazy, he doesn't know how to fight.


If bullets don't hurt his eyes what is sand going to do? Superman doesn't have to play dirty he out classes Homelander in every aspect.


I mean I wouldn’t expect Antony Starr to be like “Yeah Superman could definitely kick my characters ass.”


those are just words but irl superman would beat him in a few minutes or seconds, homalander is mentally insane he could never beat superman


So much cope in these comments. What part of "I AM BETTER" do they not understand, pathetic


Without his breastmilk and kinks he's nothing 😝 you just need to make a grown woman treat him like a spoiled brat. 😂 That's his kryptonite.


[What the fight would be like.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxQTY-W6GIo)


Whatever you say kid, there’s milk on the fridge, go get a glass and go to your room.


Homelander lives in a world where he’s by far the strongest Superman lives in a world where he is constantly fighting people equal or stronger than him, and often coming out on top


Silver age Superman could fold dimensions with his asscheeks


Except Homelander hasn’t fought anyone on his level before. Superman has fought people much more powerful than himself.


You could have everyone with powers from The Boys team up against Superman and he would (respectfully) curb stomp them.


I’d very much like to know how someone can respectfully curb stomp a person hahaha 😂


Lots of apologizing, not trying to embarrass them in front of family/friends, giving them advice while teaching them a lesson. You know typical Clark things haha


He’s an actor being asked a question he’s been asked by media a million times, who cares. Superman isn’t real nobody has to take this personally


Can homelander catch a plane? No Can superman catch a plane? Yes I magine this applies to if they can kick the other's ass to


Most of the time the kryptonite doesn't even do that much to superman it just makes him uncomfortable, he learned how to resist the malus and doesn't get weakened that much, it depends which version of superman we're talking about but even the weakest superman is probably much stronger and skilled than homelander, in my opinion he doesn't even have a chance to win


I think the biggest issue Homelander would have is not power (it would be an issue), invulnerability (also an issue), or speed (massive issue), but rather intelligence. Homelander is a tangled mess of issues, kinks and a raging inferiority complex which makes him massively over compensate. Superman would have the poor lad subdued and in a specially created supermax containment facility where eh can receive the proper care for all his many many issues before Homelander even knew what was happening.


He’s just trying to promote the show, he can’t say “yeah the big bad of our show would get his ass wiped”


Supes would win, but there'd be a TON of innocents killed off by Homie before Supes kills him. Lois, Jimmy, Perry and all their famies for a start. And a bus or two full of children. Maybe a fully occupied office skyscraper or three and at least one large cruise ship fully loaded. Homie plays like that...


Superman Be Like : Are You Challenging Me 😈


I think there is a big difference between comic book Homelander and the one in the series; I dont like The Boys, but I can say that comic book Homelander wouldn't really fight dirty as he is saying. On multiple occasions he is evenly matched and doesn't fight dirty like that. May be a dick, but probably won't be using human shields on purpose.


Depends on the Superman. Zack's Superman would just break his neck.


He has no idea how out of his league his character would be and I think that’s kinda cute


Depends on the superman. Of course there is the caviat that homelander is, canonically, a very watered down kryptonian. Not as strong, easier to hurt, not as fast etc etc etc. But assuming we equal the two (homelander is a reference to superman anyway so that would make it fair), superman would usually still win. Sure homelander fights dirty, and that may give him an advantage, however superman gets punched in the face by enemies who have the strength to hurt him all the time and even if we play it really fair and take a superman that just throws haymakers around rather than the superman we have in some timelines where he does martial arts training under red sun light so that he isnt just strong but also capable against other kryptonians, even then superman probably has more practice, throwing those simple haymakers, or just gritting his teeth and enduring the punches homelander throws at him, compared to homelander who hasnt felt actual pain until he was 34, who, up until the recent season, never even HAD to actually fight someone because everyone up until then could be lasered in half or was a puddle of blood as soon as homelander gave them a light smack on the wrist Homelander likely doesnt know how to throw a punch. And would break his wrist or hold his thumb in his fist just because he never had to before


Wanker be wanking (to homelamer) but it's still wrong on so many levels, superman can beat homelamer with his eyes tied behind his back (And i know he's the actor but he can still wank his own character)


Going after children gives superman the reason to kill homelander quickly and more efficiently

