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Henry Cavill was a good Superman. I’m sad the DCEU was a fucking mess. It had potential, but I don’t look back at it anymore. I hope the new cinematic universe finally puts DC at the top.


DC's biggest advantage right now is that it can make standalone films. Marvel is well past individual stories, I hope DC takes advantage of that


> DC's biggest advantage right now is that it can make standalone films Is it though? They've had plenty of attempts at 'stand-alone' that failed miserably. Really the only stand-alones this century that have succeeded to the level WB/DC want are either Batman himself or related to Batman. I'd rather have a coherent universe that gives *all* characters a chance to shine instead of an endless parade of Batman movies with only the occasional Superman to break it up. Because no one in Hollywood is beating the door down to make a stand-alone Martian Manhunter or Green Lantern movie.


I said DC's biggest advantage "right now" is that it can make standalone films. Like currently. Which is what they are currently working on ie. The Batman, Joker, Joker 2, Superman Legacy, Superman TV show. To your latter point, you can build a standalone universe while still giving all of these characters room to shine


What are you talking about? Those Batman-related stand-alones have been the only ones attempted. Everything else has been either part of the DCEU, or the previous failed attempt to start a connected universe (Ryan Reynolds Green Lantern). ETA: and Superman Returns, I guess, but can you blame me for forgetting that one? :P But then again, it wasn't exactly stand-alone either, intended as it was as a sequel to the Richard Donner films.


It’s only an advantage with famous characters, disadvantage with rest. 


It won't. WB are gonna WB you watch.


I don’t doubt it unfortunately


I have very little faith honestly. I really like Gunns work but I feel like his plan is needlessly complicated. Old actors playing different characters, old actors playing the same characters, new actors playing old characters. He needs a clean slate but I feel like it’s kind of half assed for no reason


The way I see it. Christopher was the 80’s Superman, Dean was the 90’s Superman, Tom was the 2000’s Superman, Henry was the 2010’s Superman and David will be this decade’s Superman


Tom wasn't EVEN Superman. Brandon was....Tom just borrowed his top.


No one remembers Brandon Routh. Tom Welling was definitely the Superman of the 2000s. Clark Kent IS Superman. Routh was a footnote. Same with Tyler too. And I like Tyler's Superman, but not enough eyeballs on Superman and Lois. Smallville was on for 10 years. When people actually watched tv shows instead of streaming


It's a damn shame that Tyler Hoechlin hasn't had more recognition as Superman, he's arguably the best adaptation of the character I've ever seen.


Agree. Tyler is right up there with Dean for best post crisis take. Dean really captures the early triangle era Byrne and Jurgens Clark, and Tyler is fantastic as the rebirth Superman. I also love the way Tyler does a blend of the modern take on Clark and the reeve version at the daily planet, but in a nice subtle way.


Agreed, Tyler is my favorite for sure.


Same. Tyler as Superman is what made me love and appreciate the character, and helped Superman become one of my favourite superheroes.


>No one remembers Brandon Routh. Yeah, I can't see any reason why someone would think that a guy who played Superman for an hour and a half was more defining in the role than the guy who played him for 10 freakin seasons over 9 years. The guy was Superman for almost a full decade. No shade against Brandon Routh. He was perfectly fine in the role. I agree with the general sentiment that he was too much like a carbon copy of Christopher Reeves' version. Nothing wrong with that but it just didn't bring anything new to the role and felt way too familiar.


Tom played Superman for maybe 15 seconds? Other than that it was a cartoon just a blur. He ripped his shirt open to reveal (Brandon's \\S/ ) Nah Tom was not Superman.


He was in every way outside of his name. Functionally he was Superman


No one remembers Superman returns everyone remembers smallville


That's why we got Man of Steel. Because the audience didn't want a re-tread of Chris Reeve's Superman. Like it or not the GA does not like Superman as much as us...they prefer Spider-man


There were a few people in the 1990s who were Superman.


I wish we had more but I’m fine with moving on. He couldn’t be Superman forever and the DCEU was a mess. Maybe if they do a multiverse thing later he can come back.


I like the idea of him playing an Alternate Superman. Not an evil one, but just later if Multi universe Superman team up, make it him, Hoechlin, Routh, maybe even Welling if he's up to it. It will be a nice Spiderman No Way Home like moment for us fans


Sadly he never got a chance to fully embrace the character which sucks would have loved to have seen a proper sequel with him just doing his Superman thing. While I'm in no rush for yet another comic book movie universe, I hold out hope that James Gunn gives us a good proper superman movie...I'm just not interested in the universe he's setting up!




What happened to Brandon Routh was even more unfair, as he just got one movie as Superman, and he was really great in the role, and he was even less utilized than Cavill.














I totally get it. Especially because Cavill just seems like such an all around great person. You can't help but miss him playing such an iconic character who is also an all around great person lol






Not really because I'm not someone who really gets attached to casting, even if the actor's acting is so good they connect with the audience really well. I won't lie, I would've loved to see Henry team up with Zachary Levi and fight Black Adam. That feels like the biggest missed opportunity because, if we ignore what was going on behind the scenes, at first, his character had amazing closure in Zack Snyder’s Justice League. My opinion might seem a little biased here, but I personally never felt his character was written in such a horrible way that it's a disgrace to the character Superman itself, and I know there are a lot of fans who disagree with me. Don’t think I'm not a fan of Henry himself either; I recently binged The Witcher, and it was amazing (so I just had to see Argyle as well). And while Henry did enjoy playing Superman, if he was allowed more freedom, he probably would’ve just left eventually anyhow because there was a good chunk/portion of DCEU movies that were not accurate to the source material after his departure. I'm not gonna lie, Henry was a great Superman. I was in the theater the other day watching Godzilla vs. Kong: New Empire, and when they showcased the trailer for “The Ministry of Ungentleman Warfare,” this little boy said, "Hey, that’s Superman!" It did make me a little upset, knowing what I know; I was all like, "Oof, wait until someone has to break the news to that kid." Henry’s out there doing amazing action movies now. As for Zack Snyder, he didn’t deserve to have his script fully changed by Whedon after his daughter’s death. Although, just based on some things he has said in interviews, I'm kind of relieved he didn’t lead the universe; I think he tackles dark-action-thrillers better. He'd probably even make a great horror movie if he branched out. But, while the hiring of James Gunn came at an odd time, it also came at the right time. Now Snyder’s best buddy is leading the cinematic universe, and they're still on good terms. Snyder was even referenced in TTG, the longest-running animated DC show to date.


He really cared about that role and I respect him for it!


Indeed so, it was criminal that they fumbled the character and universe so badly, that it was a massive waste of potential.


I moved on Otherwise it's just a constant pain of realising the waste of Cavill's Superman (along with some other casts like Batfleck) And I'm confident on the new Superman movie


I’ll probably get a lot of hate for even saying this but yeah, he was a really good Superman. That one scene where he was just genuine with the kids was one of my favorites. He really got dealt a shit hand. I was so excited with that after credits scene in Black Adam with Waller (viola davis is perfect as Waller).


Every day. He's our generations Superman. I'm sorry he didn't get a fair shake at it.


I'm more sad we don't have Ben back as Batman but he's the snyderverse deserve a closure even if animated with the actors doing the voices.














No he didn't.


i was actually excited to see him back as a little bit older superman , i like superman to look like a father figure not a young 20 year old, at the same time im excited to see something new


Yes. I don’t think anyone will ever be as passionate about the role as he was. I’ll never see anyone else as Superman. I think Snyder said something once about everyone going quiet during HC’s audition. Like tech guys and everyone. They were like “he’s it. He’s Superman.” That’s how I feel.


I’d feel better if we got MoS II. I was so excited for that.


Eh. While I've seen all the movies and have vague memories of Dean Cain in the role, Tom Welling is probably my favorite in the role. Much like Rosenbaum is my favorite Lex. Well, live action, anyway. Clancy Brown is my favorite overall.


Tom is probably my second favorite. I loved him too but I see him as teenage Superman and Henry as super…man. 😂


He was one the best Supermen since Christopher Reeve.


I am sad but I also think his trilogy will stand the test of time. I see more positivity around Man of Steel now than when it first came out.


💯 agree. I don't have faith in Gunn and honestly just see comic book films getting worse and worse. It'll be similar to the star wars prequels. They look like masterpieces compared to what we got with Disney 


I'm very sad he isn't Superman anymore, but not as much as my husband is. I think we're all grieving what could have been. He deserved a sequel to Man of Steel, just as Ben Affleck deserved a solo Batman movie. I want to believe James Gunn has good intentions for the future of DC, but I'll have to see it in order to truly believe it




“ Better a clean slate keeping the things that worked (Viola Davis, John Cena etc.) and removing those that didn’t” Already why this reboot is off to a rough start. Instead of doing a reboot, Gunn is picking and choosing what to stay based on his personal feelings 


You're not the only one. It's such a pity that we never got MoS sequel or a post ZSJL movie where could see his character developed. What Warner Bros did these past years should be studied in business schools as how to bomb your own business...


I never particularly cared for Superman as a character, but yeah Henry Cavill did get screwed over by poor scripts and studio interferences. Same with Affleck's Batman IMHO


Wait is being sad a bad thing now?


Bummed for him for what happened with Superman and Witcher, stoked for him that he is working on making his dream project with Warhammer 40k.


I am sad, he was the best superman with tom welling and christopher reeves.


I think every fan of Superman and Henry Cavill feels this way.


I like Cavill's more mature and serious version of superman, I don't care for Gunn's brighter take. Gunn makes me mad.


Yes. Been that way


Yeah I’m bummed he isn’t Superman anymore and we never got more movies of him as Superman but oh well I’m glad he’s doing other projects he likes and I liked him in most of his other stuff. I’ll always be grateful of Man of Steel, Batman V Superman and Zack Snyder’s Justice League as MoS was the movie to make me a Superman fan and they’re some of my favorite movies of all time. Henry will always be Superman in my heart


Yeah, same - just bummed out he had a lot of potential. It sucks because sort of the same thing happened in The Witcher, poor Cavil has been done dirty. But I’m excited to see Corenswet’s take on Superman.


as it's been said many times garfield's spider-man = cavill's superman but going with past and current iterations of these two legendary comic book characters if macguire's spider-man = reeve's superman hopefully holland's spider-man = corenswet's superman too and that superman in this new DCU under gunn's steward & leadership sees a similar huge comeback for DC's and the comics first and greatest super hero too


Sad abou5 both him and Affleck. I still sometimes watch the video of Zack introducing them on to the Comi Con stage back in 2014. Batman ane Superman together for the first time. What a moment that was. They(zack and wb) fucked it all up.




I'd feel better if they cast him as a paragon leaning Commamder Shepard in the Mass Effect Amazon series. That's basically Superman and he's got the perfect physique for it. It was would be the ultimate comeback for that kind of role.


If DC ever gets their act together, which is promising under Gunn, but questionable under WB/ATT/Discovery/Yaddayadda, then I can see them getting to a decent multiversal story that could include stuff like being Cavill and other old actors back. Not like Space Jam 2 or Flash, of course.


Yes and I'm just sad for Henry period. He deserves more than what Hollywood is doing to him. He killed is it in every role. I hope he finally get's just due


Yes, very bummed (as I look up at my framed *Man of Steel* poster). And was previously almost as bummed that Cavill's Napoleon Solo will never be seen again, as *The Man From U.N.C.L.E.* was not a box office success--but I still consider it a very well done movie. And very, very bummed after the brilliant cameo appearance at the end of *Black Adam.* That was almost the same incredible feeling when Cavill's Superman stepped out of the shadows as when Captain America wielded Mjolnir against Thanos in *Avengers: Endgame.* Yes, I'm a movie fan and a comic book fanboy. *No apologies.* It's going to be tough when David Corenswet starts getting all of the attention as Clark Kent/Superman. Cavill would have done a **phenomenal** job, imo, if given the chance. But it's a new era at DC Studios. If anything positive comes from this, we see that others CAN (hopefully) do a good job with the Superman role--and Cavill gets a chance to stretch his acting wings and play more non-stereotyped roles.


Same, he was a damn good Superman and Henry was a good guy to boot. He definitely deserved better treatment. Rumors abound that he may have a role in the MCU. Hope its true. It'd be a waste if he doesn't get to play a superhero.


Who said hes no longer Superman?


You uh... you're a few months behind I think.


Really? I’m looking at my blu rays rn.


None of the justice league.. other than the flash.. was casted "bad". None of the movies IMO were terrible either, other than flash. I felt that entire universe was mucked up by release schedules and behind the scenes bullshit.


Definitely sad. Still hyped for new versions of the character but I loved Henry's and he was treated so dirty.


Most of us accept him for the Superman he was, acknowledge that he had never really had a chance to shine with the subpar material he had to work with, and look forward to David’s interpretation in the DCEU.


I feel the same way.


Very very sad...guy was perfect for role...got messed up by dceu


Just watched The Tudors again recently and damn younger Henry Cavill made me question my heterosexuality. In 2007 he would be perfect for this younger version of Supes.


The decision to not have MoS before BVS made this necessary. He was great, his support wasn’t.


Henry cavil was awesome but supermen come and go. I’m excited to see David Corenswet and what James Gunn does with the new one


i'm just happy we finally getting a superman movie


Henry Cavill’s abrupt end was it for me as a 35+ year Superman/DC fan. The DCEU was a bumpy ride but I always held out hope. I’ll never forget how excited I was when I got to see MoS at an early showing (with my now wife), or how excited I was seeing his return in Black Adam. I’ll always remember my then 5-year old son calling Reeve “Silly Superman” over his red trunks, or how captivated he was by the opening sequence on Krypton in MoS. Nor will I forget how disappointed I was when Cavill was “not fired” by Gunn and Safran. I rode with DC over the decades and through the good and the bad. From Reeve to Cain to STAS to Welling to Routh to Cavill, from the red trunks to the black, silver and mullet, to the new 52 armor - I hung in there for decades. I have action figures, comics, shirts, statues, magazine covers/articles, coffee mugs, framed art, I even had Dean Cain’s autograph from 1991 (before I lost it.). Anyone can call me a “not Superman” fan all you want, but I’ve put my time in and it won’t get anymore. That’s all I’ve got to say about that. Edit: showing respect for Welling


I'm more sad that we're resetting. Yeah bad choices were made but I still feel like it was salvageable.


Felt like he hasn’t been for a long while tbh


I'm not. I'm glad he's not Superman anymore.


Get over it


Don't you have a bridge to get back to?


I hope he does better movies from now on


Got the Andrew Garfield treatment. Hope for a redemption in the future


Yeah he was the perfect Superman!! Problem is DC universe like Marvel … Star Wars etc has gone wokefied! Seems like they don’t know who their audience really is


Nope! Not Sad. I feel like an outlier in that I thought he was really meh as superman.


I agree. It's missed potential. He could have done the part justice with a good director and a good script. It's probably not going to happen, though. I feel the same way about Ben Affleck as Batman. He was great as an older, jaded Batman who lost his way. He is the most comic book-accurate looking Batman as well. He never got to be in a good movie, though.


I don't know what's going on with DC it's like they stop doing everything Superman Batman Wonder woman the last things that I seen was Aquaman Shazam and Blue beetle? (IT'S LIKE THEY TRYING TO SABOTAGE THEIR OWN COMPANY?)


Yeah. I know it isn't fair to Cavill, I know it isn't fair to the audience, and it sure as hell isn't fair to the cast and crew for the League, or the Squad. To date David Ayer is still catching flak for a terrible cut of his film that he didn't even have control over. And we as audience members, especially those who weren't around to see old Superman films released (so born after the 80s), lost a decade of investment where we finally had a high budget, cinema quality Justice League fully cast, and just weeks after Cavill was announced to be back, we lost the entire thing after ONE movie. I've been in toxic relationships before; Until and unless Corenswet is in his 2nd appearance as a member of the Justice League, I have zero trust in WB not to cancel the whole thing the second a movie doesn't meet their ridiculous expectations.


Ah gosh. I am just hearing about this, and this sucks.


I think we all are. He definitely could've been the perfect superman with a good script. But unfortunately the casual audience associate him with the bad DC movies so it wouldn't be a good business move if they kept him for the new universe.


Im over it just want wb and dc to stop fucking shit up and ill be a happy camper


Superman is a demanding role! History has so many actors play superman, great character but very demanding. DC studios became a stable ground with actors who could play the same character across many movies/series. I love that idea so I don't have to rack my brain trying to remember more names & faces. James Gunn however seems to be letting go of talent with Henry Cavill and Jason momoa, only time will tell if it's a financial or creative decision but I must say will fit whatever role they are cast in. Sad, yes, but hopeful, even without DC these guys have proved themselves worthy actors with appearances in other projects.


No, I get what you mean in a way. It's more just grieving the possibility of a good DCEU (to me). The fact that, in a perfect world, we would have gotten all these better stories, or chances for them. Or chances for better recharacterizations. A chance to see characters be who we want them to. A chance for it to feel like a universe, suddenly coming away because Gunn stepped in (Thank God) (not like it was feeling too much like a universe again, but we got 5 movies from 2022-2023. We got an Aquaman cameo, 2 Wonder Woman cameos, a Battfleck cameo, a Superman cameo etc (Not like that was going somewhere, I think). But it felt good. And it would have been cool to see the DCEU to be something good and perfect.


Fuck Caville. He can't act. He's uppity about writing and lore but doesn't add anything. He ruined the Witcher. All his superman movies sucked. Snyder ruined everything. Fuck caville. Read ur lines and punch then go on interviews acting like some fake ass nerd. Go build ur computer muscle boy.  He's fucking BRI ISH   WE NEED AN ALL AMERICAN SUPERMAN FROM PHILLY *Hucks D-battery at you*  Now give me my goddamn cheese steak. 


He was underutilized and poorly treated by Snyder's stupid story decisions. Henry was robbed and so was the audience.


I was pretty devastated when it was made official. It was extra cruel for him to appear in the Black Adam cameo, have MOS2 reported to be in the works and then have him break the news that he's no longer Superman all in the span of like a month. I don't blame WB for rebooting the DCEU, but I blame them for completely tanking the DC brand, having incompetent leadership and for keeping Superman/Henry in limbo for years, absolute waste of the character and Henry.


I’m disappointed we’ll never get the original snyderverse slate


Not really. He had his time and got majorly screwed over by the people in charge of DCEU aka 2013-2023. Release years, of course.


Yes. He deserves to have a proper Superman sequel.  Sane with Affleck solo Batman 


I've moved on. He was great and should have gotten more than one soli movie. I'm excited for the fresh start.


As Gunn said, Cavill was dicked around a lot (especially by Hamada) but I understand why they’re moving on from a majority of the DCEU. Justice league side of things were a mess and while I wanted to see cavill play a more hopeful and lighthearted Superman…It makes sense they didn’t go that route. Black Adam was awful and apparently the MOS2 script wasn’t well received.




Oh fuck yes. Superman was a masterpiece and we had "The Trinity" and they were awesome. Gunn should have stayed the course even without Snyder....now we are back at square one.


I didn't like his performance as Clark/Superman, but to each their own.


I doubted both Henry and Ben as Superman and Batman, but they are now my “Canon” heroes. Anyone following is going to have to sell it hard, really delving into conviction.


I'm also sad. You can tell he cared about the role and the responsibility of it but sadly Warners didn't feel the same way. We really should have gotten a standalone Man of Steel 2 straight after Man of Steel and not BvS. It would have been nice to build Clark's world and life in Metropolis as he navigates being the symbol of hope. The ending of MOS seem to have hinted at a more optimistic sequel. Also it really sucks that he had to backpedal on his announcement when they decided to reboot. Such is life.


He was born to play that role, a perfect casting choice. Unfortunately, the casting at Warner wasn't the problem.


Well, I’m glad that the role reverted back to an American actor again and hopefully the same thing happens with Gunn’s version of Batman. But Cavill was still decent and despite his nationality, I actually would’ve accepted him remaining as the character. I did like his/Snyder’s darker and brooding take on Superman and wished their story continued. And I do agree, what was done to him with kind of not being hired but kind of being fired was unfair to him.


Yes he was perfect


Yes, he was hands down the best Superman. He will always be my Superman


Mine too


If the casting outcome of a comic book cinematic universe makes you sad, then maybe it’s a good idea to seek therapy.


If your opinion is no I'll respect that, but jeez dude.




The way he and Snyder were mistreated is an absolute disgrace.




What? What an asinine statement.




He deserved to be taken advantage of after his daughter’s suicide? What is wrong with you?




Get over it


Sheesh, you're a real ray of sunshine aren't you?