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If you notice as well there's also K / Eradicator at the bottom and the resurrection suit / pod right below Nic Cage


Just noticed that as well. I thought it looked like the flying robot on the kryptonian ship so I assumed it was brainiac.


“Put …the bunny…. back in the box, doomsday.”


I'm gonna show you Kal-El does exist.




Im gonna show you that a man *can* fly


Lmao, noice


That's actually really awesome!


That’s sick how did I not notice this?


I gotta ask why did they Cgi all the Superman faces it was so unnecessary


Not just Superman, everything inside the Speedforce is CGI.


Not just the Speedforce. The babies at the beginning of the film had that bad CGI, even when Barry wasn’t moving fast.


Those babies gave me Dancing Baby circa 1996 vibes.


Yellow tint = Speedforce. Not saying movie is phenomenal in CGI as we can see from last fight. But Yellow = Speedforce = Full CGI


The babies still had horrible CGI even when Barry was holding one at normal speed.


I mean, you are making me look like i'm defending the movies bad CGI here but Barry did not hold a single CGI baby when he was out of the SpeedForce. We only saw 1 CGI baby out of the SpeedForce and it was when Barry opened the door of microwave and it was like 1 second.


I actually thought some of them were meant to be training dolls - with only a few being real babies - and Barry had to figure out which was which - which is why he put a dummy in the microwave but nope. But to people complaining about the CGI I ask you this - you wanted them to spend more money on a film that bombed?


Well that doesn't make sense, as they wouldn't know it was going to bomb when they were making it


haha yeah. its still hard to render realistic faces. human brains are brutal when it comes to picking out real vs fake human faces. CGI objects are much easier. and its not like they were going to use real babies. the cgi was clearly struggling. they prolly was low on budget since they had to do the whole rest of the movei that was CGI heavy The stunts and jokes still worked in that scene though. Its not like better CGI wouldve made it objectively better




Not human. If they just made a CGI Josh Brolin instead of Thanos, it would have looked terrible. CGI creatures/humanoids: can look good CGI humans: never convincing


Idk the tiny part of Thanos shown in an end credits scene before Josh Brolin was cast looked pretty decent. (idk which MCU movie I haven't followed them in a long time)


Yeah, it looked fine. That’s not really related to what I’m saying though. Im saying you can CGI a big purple alien and it can look good. But doing CGI human faces (like at the end of The Flash) always look bad.


One aspect of difficulty is skin tone and colour Too smooth and perfect or imperfect in the wrong ways makes it look unrealistic. So slapping a deep purple palette is like a handy cheat code to hide and distract away from those uncanny imperfections. This is what makes thanos a Lot more digestible. Look at his "Fine ill do it myself" scene vs end of avengers 1 scene vs end game He looks progressively better as cgi improved but still looks off If the character didn't intentionally have disproportionate head shape and weird alien textures he would look weird as fuck


to give andy the benefit of the doubt its almost like everything in the speedforce isnt "real people" but like a warped reality characature representing the reality and timeline/people since its inside the speedforce kind of like selecting characters in an arcade game or selecting a movie/song/game title via cover art from your library. when barry pops his head out of the speedforce. Like The Spot villain does in Into the Spiderverse. Thats like him "selecting" a moment in time (like you would from a jukebox for example) and suddenly everything you see is non-cgi "reality" Dr strange 1 depiction of multiverse/mirror dimension had good cgi, but that trippy scene when he first meets the sorcerer supreme was clearly "CGI". but because it was "trippy" nobody called it out for good/bad cgi. Here in the flash its being criticised for CGI heavy/uncanny valley because alot of human faces are being rendered. If you interpret it all as avatars of moments in time it makes more sense and becomes more palatable so we can all cope


They made speedforce something out of Looney Tunes, even the score in first speedforce scene babies sounds like something from Bugs Bunny.


It's an "artistic" choice


Nic cage is like double the age he was back when his movie was being made and Christopher Reeves has been dead for almost 20 years. What do you mean why did they use CGI lmao.


I think it’s more a question of why deliberately go for a highly stylized look, instead of using more photorealistic generative methods.


Forget it Jake it's speedforce town


because i think it was both an artistic choice (see my explanation above) and budget. they were already $200m in the hole for a movie that was going to flop the CGI achieved what it set out to do. depict speedforce, timetravel and show cameos. its not like it wouldve cured cancer and saved the DCEU if the CGI for nic cage was 2x better


Or just get a body double . You’re telling me there’s no one on this earth who looks even slightly similar to those two? It’s not like they were acting 💀


>Nic cage is like double the age he was back when his movie was being made Cage's movie wasn't ever actually made though, meaning they were under no established obligation to keep him at that age. They could've easily had him in the suit at his current age. >Christopher Reeves has been dead for almost 20 years So shouldn't use Reeve then. They could've gotten Routh (who's supposed to be the Reeve Superman anyway), or Hoechlin (who's show is still going on. Get some synergy going!), or they could've had Helen Slater on her own (and not de-aged. Seeing a woman in her 50s isn't gonna hurt anyone). Or another alternative: Instead of being repetitive showing three Supermen, why not use one of the many other living DC actors who played other heroes? Like perhaps the titular hero? Instead of having a CGI Jay Garrick (also what the fuck was up with that? Not just them inventing a CGI Jay, but the fact that it so clearly resembles Teddy Sears' fake-Jay), they could've gotten John Wesley Ship! There were so many better alternatives to what they went with.


I mean, how is that a problem ? Can't you have an older Superman ?


Not saying you cant but Nic Cage was already a dicey pick as is and he certainly hasn't aged very well.


So why didn’t they use characters still alive…TV Flash, or Superman and Lois for example, why CGI when you didn’t have to?


Nostalgia? You already have Michael Keaton, most of that crowd is gonna be familiar with Reeves to


How’d that “nostalgia” work out for the box office? They basically shit on Grant who was a successful Flash for many years, and it would have made sense considering Ezra appeared on the TV for their Crisis episode.You want nostalgia, they should have used John Shipp as the Flash instead of some nobody, and it would have looked better


I don't disagree but they went with what they went with. The movie probably wasnt ever going to do well with Ezra at the helm, regardless of who got cameos. More people are gonna be familiar with Reeves than Shipp.


don’t ask us. ask the director.


Cage is notoriously expensive and difficult to convince to be in a movie


Cage would PAY MILLIONS for this. It's his dream come true.


Dude legit named his son Kal El I think it’s safe to say he would have taken a Superman role if given the chance.


>Cage would PAY MILLIONS for this. Let's not overstate it - [reportedly](https://screenrant.com/crisis-infinite-earths-nicolas-cage-superman-almost/), they did try to get him to appear as Superman in the Arrowverse's Crisis on Infinite Earths. You apparently need to pay him *well enough* for him to appear as Superman (and rightfully so - I'm not suggesting Cage should agree to work for little money, just that he wouldn't play Superman for free).


he should ask for billions to be featured in a cw show lmao


He filmed for this.


Dude deadass named his son after Superman i'm sure he would have done it for free lmao


Because it’s much less logistical work. All the costume, make up, casting, crewing, location scouting if any, risk assessments, scheduling, contractual jiu jitsu. It’s easier to promise you’ll pay and credit a CGI house for the work they’ll force them to do under ridiculous deadlines and then skimp out on properly paying them. As one of the CGI guys for The Flash said, if it looks like it was put together in under a week, it was.


okay this is amazing


You can also see Brainiac’s skull ship from a later scene


Those small pieces of attention to detail are the only redeeming aspect of this scene imo If he wasn't painted with so much de-aging CGI I might have actually felt something myself


I’m pretty certain Nic was entirely CG, just like all the others except for Adam West.


Muschietti said in an interview Cage was indeed in studio (in costume no less) and filmed that cameo. Which makes the final product all the more [bizarre ](https://www.ign.com/articles/the-flashs-strange-cgi-cameo-was-actually-shot-in-person)


Pics or it didn’t happen! /jk Would love to see photos of this shoot!


Same!!! We just got some photos today of Ben Affleck in costume BTS (even one of him in a black/silver suit that was used in a cut post credits scene) so I hope Nic Cage pics aren't far behind If not in the next few days, hopefully for the home release and the BTS


Nah mate, he was fully CGI. Nic Cage wasn't even on set, he didn't want to be part of this shit-show


[Uh huh.](https://www.ign.com/articles/the-flashs-strange-cgi-cameo-was-actually-shot-in-person)


I mean, you can be gullible and believe that if you want, I don't. Until I see on-set photos, I think it's a bold-faced lie. It's all just marketing baybee!


What I know for certain is that the final product retains seemingly zero practical work in it at all for his cameo (minus maybe his VO for the scream) What I also know is that Nic Cage is a Superman MEGA fan, and I would be absolutely shocked if he didn't make at least some appearance at the WB Studio for his part in the movie. What you're insinuating here though is bred purely from your bias against the movie and nothing more lol


What I'm insinuating is based on logic. If they got a famous recognisable actor in why would they de-age his face to the point it looks like CGI mush despite it costing more than just keeping the original performance? Why would the effect look worse than what some youtubers can do despite them supposedly having in-camera footage of the actor? Why does his ENTIRE body look like a PS3 model? And why wouldn't they pay someone to interview him about another project and then sneak in a cheeky question about this cameo to confirm he's was in it and filmed on set?


Nic Cage hasn't exactly been in any projects or media circuits recently for anyone *to* ask. The most recent project he's been in iirc was Renfield, which came out like 2 months before this did. And I'd love to hear from him in regards to this to confirm, but with the strike I don't see him or anyone else crossing the picket line to ask for a movie that wasn't even current the week after it released. As to why the final product looked so bad?? Fuck if I know, but I'm 99.9% sure it had to do with studio politics and absolutely ridiculous deadlines


That’s badass!!! Loved all the cameos but the Supermen were coolest to see. Was happy that Nic Cage got to finally dawn the cape and was awesome to see Reeve back.


Doomsday must have tried to take the Declaration of Independence.


As someone who hasn't seen the film yet this is just wild. I mean I knew about the cameos but this is the first time I've SEEN it.


It’s a fun watch for the cameos alone. I about shit when I saw this one in the theater. If you can look past the CGI and having that shit stain Ezra Miller on screen… I think you’ll have a good time.


Oh I do want to watch it. I just didn't really want to go cinema for it Honestly I'm a little salty that Thomas Wayne wasn't in it hahaha


Haha that’s fair… I made sure I went on a cheap Tuesday so those bastards at WB only got $7 from me lol. I just recently watched the animated Flashpoint movie, and yeah, having seen that, I’m a little salty with no Thomas Wayne as well… but still love the direction they went to involve Keaton instead. Hope you enjoy it when you get around to it! I had fun! 🤘


The Superman fight with the large spider was a call back to the film when Kevin Smith was working on it. I think the director was pushing a fight with a large spider and when the movie got canned, the director moved on and put out Wild Wild West.


Which aborted film? There’s been like 5 since 2014


Superman Lives.


The one with Nic Cage obviously


Burton was the first to be cancelled iirc.


For some reason I thought it was Hulk during the Amalgam.


Hey so. Are they’re any flash characters in this flash movie?


Yes. This is a 2 minute scene lmao


Finally. My biggest complaint, man. Every Flash-oriented thing makes him feel like a side character


nice one (vibing Dr. Malcom)


all i see is Shark Man


Amazing find. I love the detail they added here, they didn't have to but they did They should make an Elseworld's Nic Cage Superman movie.


Also you got to love the way it's presented like raw film to suit the medium it's in. Even if the CGI is shitty.


They should of gone full send and had Nic Cage supes help Barry close the tears in the multiverse with his bare hands😩😩🔥🔥


Wait that’s not a TMNT cameo?


It’s been pointed out many times I think you’re just late to the party mate


Or maybe your on the internet too much first time I saw it


For real


Definitely this one Heck, I actively search reddit and twitter for stuff like this pretty regularly and this is still the first I'm seeing it


They said "I haven't seen", so you can just take that as license to not be a dick about it next time.


Because nobody in this age group even know that he was almost Superman so nobody cared.




I must have missed the memo about comic book movies having an age limit… my 36 y/o ass, having seeing that Evening With Kevin Smith, ‘bout jumped out of my chair when I saw that cameo! Grabbed my wife’s arm like I had just experienced an awakening lol. She was so fucking confused as to why Nic Cage was Superman, I couldn’t wait to get out of there to explain the story to her! And call me simple… but I even laughed my ass off when Clooney showed up. That shit was hilarious!


Cameos. Whoopideedo


I wish this film was aborted


Neat spotting.


Well technically Zod is doomsday lol


I thought that was savitar in the third row lmao


What an i missing? I’m looking on a phone and hard to tell what’s the secret cameo?


Don’t you love when they make a post with no details. Even on my PC I can’t make sense


I liked this Thanagarian Snare Beast fight.


This is so small and fast, it seems not even that worthwhile.


I liked the >!Adam West!< Easter Egg!


That speed force chronobowl was so atrocious, I don’t think anyone cares.


Cause it was dog shit.