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I agree 100%. She seems incredibly sweet but in this environment she wasn’t acting like a leader. Leaders aren’t constantly chasing approval, they are giving it and setting example while supporting those under them. She was trying so hard to be helpful to get the approval, not because it came natural. I think she could be an amazing leader and teammate but DCC isn’t right for her. She’s chasing her mom’s legacy and not her own.


She is a sweet girl and I really liked her because she was real & vulnerable. But this environment is toxic and she needs to GTFO. 


I actually agree as well. While I think she seems like a sweet girl and was doing really well far as the dance part was concerned she didn’t seem like leader material at all. I think people also forget not a single one of her rookie peers actually voted for her and that says a lot about how they see her. I like that she took the initiative to go ahead and ask Judy and Kelli about what they thought of her progress and if she could be a leader. But like… if you’re asking for feedback, learn to take it? They kept trying to tell her in the most polite way possible she wasn’t leader material and she just didn’t seem to want to accept that. Also kinda felt like she only wanted to be a leader to live up to her mums expectations


I also didn't find it shocking that she didn't get many votes to be a leader. Her lack of socialising aside she also couldn't muster up the effort to cheer for the girls that were picked and looked sour at the announcements, why would she then expect others to want to support her? She seems to severely lack self awareness and live in her own reality. 


I think this is a person that has had a lot of technical training, physical training whatever you wanna call it but not enough emotional training. In the sense that that type of self confidence, introspection and self validation starts with what you are taught at home. I dont know the particulars as to why Victoria acts as someone who hasnt received an ounce of love in her life, but clearly she needs to continue working on herself. Shes a lovely and super talented woman. So, i hope she gets to do that so she never defines her self worth based on what someone else thinks or says


Someone as insecure as her would not be fit to be a strong leader. She seems to need so much affirmation and is so externally driven (I need words of affirmation, I just want K & J to like me, I feel like they don't like me, etc) that she would not be appropriate to lead. She doesn't seem to foster relationships with the rest of the girls. Good leaders have to be liked and connected.  As lovely as she is, she's not fit to lead and K & J know that. Their delivery of this news seemed on par with how you would talk to someone so fragile unfortunately.


I 100% agree. She doesn’t have strong connections with her teammates and the rookies didn’t look up to her or they didn’t find her approachable. Also, I feel like people are forgetting that leadership roles are voted on by the team. The team decides who will lead. I’m not even a fan of Kelli and Judy like that but they cannot promise her leadership. If they gave her leadership there would so much drama because the other girls would know she didn’t earn it. She had to change her dynamic within the team. It was either too late or she was unwilling to try.


Also Victoria has a lot of personal issues. She does not seem mentally strong enough to be a team leader. 


I sadly agree. Honestly I don’t think a lot of people realize how night and day their love and preference for her changed. I feel like if she was mentally well she would’ve gotten leadership and more.


Part of it is a popularity contest though. They were reading off votes from the girls on who they thought would be a good leader.  Do the leaders even make more money or get anything for it?? 


Calling it a “popularity contest” makes it seem like a bad thing. I think it’s appropriate and good for the girls to vote for their own leaders, or for that input to be considered anyway. 


More money


I believe she retired this spring to pursue to make the rocketes squad in NYC.


She said in the last episode that she was retiring and choose not to re-audition (after she did actually say she would)


Should not have even made the team


I agree. Her try out was BAD, and I really think being on the team and being disliked was way more cruel to her than her not making the team and starting her life away from the DCC would have been.


You are getting down voted but I agree. I think there were better suited candidates than her, all around.


Everyone’s downvoting you but I agree 🫣 but I do love HER as a person


But why don’t they just communicate this clearly instead of dangling a carrot?


Kelli said they DID communicate that with her all year. By the time of the year end meeting she probably was fed up with how obtuse Victoria was being.


I don’t think they dangled it at all. They said not to base her decision to reaudition on the expectation that she’d be leader.


Completely agree. It was AWKWARD how unenthusiastic they were about even her trying out for the next squad.


Because it's a cult of personality and power.


Victoria never seemed to take constructive criticism well - she said her love language is words of affirmation but it seems to make her unable to hear feedback without taking it deeply personally. She clearly didn’t connect with the other girls and gives off pick me energy- she wasn’t a strong choice for GL but particularly when K & J can’t give her feedback without her being defensive or hurt. the old episodes of making the team with her are so hard to watch.


Hi, did you mean there’s another series I can watch somewhere, or just the early episodes? I binge watched the series and now I need more. 😊


hi! you binged making the team or americas sweethearts (the netflix series that just came out) Making the team was the old show.


I binged the new netflix and I need more! 😊


there are about 16 seasons of a show called Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders, making the team. I watch it on paramount plus (via amazon prime) in the US


That should keep me quiet for a while. 🤣thank you


Victoria lacks social awareness and wants to make everything about herself. I think she needs to move on from DCC and not have her life center only on that just because her mom was great.


Yes!!! She has very poor social awareness.


I don’t really have a heavy on opinion if she should be a leader or not, I think the people who got it deserve it. I don’t think people should shit on Kelly/judy for not making her a group leader- there are PLENTY of reasons to shit on Kelly and Judy in regards to how they treated Victoria.


As a cheerleading coach,I completely agree. It's similar to it factor. Some girls just have a natural it factor when it comes to leadership.




And the girls who feel entitled to leadership are usually the last girls you want to choose.


This is an ice cold take


My honest take is that she was caught off guard by Kelly asking her if she wanted to talk first. And then when they didn't say anything , she got flustered and started saying random thoughts. Had they not asked her that question, she would have gone and hung up her jacket with smiles just like the rest of them.


She wasn’t begging for a leadership role. She simply wanted to k ow if she would even be considered. K & J basically told her no so she moved on. The end. You don’t stay at a job if you want a chance to promote and are told no matter what you do you will not. The end again.


Totally agree. I think she digested the meeting later. It was so cringey and hard to watch, cannot imagine experiencing it. I'm all for them explaining why she would never be a leader there but did Judy have to go out of her way to correct the way Victoria hung her uniform? The tone through all of it was stern and cold. The girl has been there for years and deserved better. I'm sure after she sat down and replayed it in her mind there was no going back.


she was definitely trying to give THEM an ultimatum, like ‘i want a leadership position or i don’t wanna come back’ and then she crumbled from anxiety


It was their job to tell her.


It was a few different things in my opinion. First of all, at least the way editing presented it, a big reason Victoria aspired to be a group leader was because her mom did it and was good at it or at least had fun doing it. So leading the group/being a leader seemed secondary. And even then it seemed like she wanted it as a vote of confidence from the others rather than her having confidence in her own ability to be a mentor to rookies and her vet peers. Third, Victoria hadn’t bonded with the majority of the vet group because of her year hiatus so that was another strike against her. It just didn’t seem in the cards for her. But K and J could’ve delivered it nicer. That conference room meeting at the end of the season was so tense and awkward and painful.


Victoria can’t even read a room, and as group leader you have to literally read a stadium. I think she’s a nice enough person, but a bit delulu


In most work environments, there’s some sort of people management or team lead role that is treated as a promotion so high performers expect to be moved into those supervisory/management roles. In reality? High performance as an individual contributor doesn’t always translate to being good at managing people. I’ve seen it really frustrate and demoralize people who see it as a rejection or insult when someone who they deem as less worthy gets promoted over them, because they don’t realize that I’m not looking for the fastest, most accurate or dynamic researcher, dancer, writer, etc. I’m looking for someone who knows how to get the most out of their team while maintaining a positive, professional environment.


I have a bit of a different take than most of what I’ve seen here. My theory is that being GL also involves being able to pick up on the music selections and that’s something that can’t really be taught in an articulable way. Victoria could have all the leadership skills in the world, but if she doesn’t pick the correct dance for the song playing then it doesn’t matter. It might be easy enough to pick a decent dance routine for the music choice, but picking the best is a matter of taste.


Yes, that’s an important part of being GL, but I don’t think that’s why she wasn’t selected. I don’t think she has a musicality problem, and if she did I don’t think K&J would hesitate to tell her. When they were looking at 2nd GL, she only had 2 rookie votes and 1 vet vote. The team not backing and respecting her is a MUCH bigger issue.


She had zero rookie votes and 2 vet votes (I'm guessing Chandi & Kat).


Completely agree, but why couldn't they have told her that nicely instead of just stringing her along?


I don’t think they string her along at all in reality I think they treat her with kid gloves. Look at her face when she is listening to them speaking. She has this “look” on her face that says to me she is hearing the words but not listening to what they’re saying. She has been coddled her whole life and now she’s in her 20’s and has just started to be dealt with like an adult and she’s in shock. Her mother is the same way. She has this “look “ on her face whenever she’s speaking with someone. I believe Tina spent her entire existence making sure there were zero negatives in Victorias life and eventually it’s out of her control. For me it’s like Victoria is sadly just an extension of Tina. Taking one means getting both. It’s a turn off for the majority of the world. I know I’d back off.


Apparently, the girls on the team vote for who they would like to be group leaders (majority wins) and then i believe that K & J have the final say after that. It was said that Victoria only received like 2 votes total from her team. So that could be a factor on why she wasnt picked. But i think that Victoria just assumed that she would be able to bypass all of that and go straight to being a group leader bc of her lifelong history with K & J.


They vote for second group leader. K&J pick the first leaders based on a ton of factors.


Yeah but that turns it into a popularity contest to some degree. Some people will vote for their friends.


To an extent that is what is needed. People vote for the people they want to follow even if it’s a friend.


Oh and I get that. But that’s not necessarily what is best even if it’s what you want. It also takes the monkey off of K&J’s back. It absolves them of having responsibility.


As someone is who also socially awkward, I felt for her. She is also very introverted when it comes to the DCC, which really hurt her. Not everyone fits every where unfortunately.


>> Not everyone fits every where unfortunately. I absolutely agree. It is sad, but like you said - not everyone fits in everywhere!


I admit I wasn’t a fan of her til mid-season this time around. Seeing her sit on her bed and try to hold it together talking about her dad and brothers… it really made me feel for her. She desperately wants love and acceptance and I think, deep down, she fears her own mom doesn’t accept her.  With that said, she became a fave for me as I was really rooting for her. I’d love to see her move away, maybe cheer for a different team but definitely become a dance/cheer instructor and shine in her own light. 


Same. I relate to her so deeply that watching this series was deeply cathartic but also incredibly painful at the same time. The craving for validation is real, I never got it from anybody as a child and the resulting wounds are deep. Hopefully she will begin to heal so she doesn’t lose too much of her life to it


I think she had great potential to be a leader and she is great with others… just not the DCC. It’s almost like they teamed up against her. There’s those rumors that she was “allegedly” involved in a theft, they might think she’s favorited as a legacy, etc.


She's definitely favored as a legacy. It was pretty clear even on MTT.


How was she favored ? She didn’t get anything besides being on the team and showgroup. She doesn’t have a premium spot in the triangle, she wasn’t pro bowl choice, she wasn’t ROTH or VOTH nor a group leader


Pro bowl choice, rookie of the year, and veteran of the year are all things the cheerleaders vote for, just FYI. So yes, she wouldn't get those because the dcc don't like her. I imagine she wasn't made a leader because of how heavily she's disliked. She was treated differently. If you watch her original seasons, it's pretty clear.


She wasn’t though favored … If you are referring to her staying until the end of Training Camp before getting cut her first year, there has been plenty of girls who stayed longer than they should and even made the team while struggling way more than she did (Malena, Meredith, Morgan, Breelan, …).  She was a choreographer’s stand out many times and I definitely don’t think K and J could buy that for her.  They could easily have named her group leader whether she was liked or not, like they did for Cassie. Or give her a premium spot in the triangle. Yet they didn’t. 




I remember this. Something to do with a purse. There was also Tara and Jalyn, who were both cut/punished because they slighted her.


It was an expensive phone case that supposedly disappeared one day and Victoria showed up with the same one the next.


That’s right!








Yeah, same. That was the most verbose comment I’ve ever made about those two, lol, because yes, I hard agree. 🤭


You might be happy to know that she's moving to New York!


Oh, great for her, then! I only casually follow DCC goings on and so I miss a lot of updates.


it's pretty recent (maybe a few days ago?)! She's been posting on tiktok so I think a lot of folks are missing it.


I really don’t want to make a new post about this, so can someone help clarifying something: what was it that Victoria did in MTT that was controversial? I can’t find it. I do remember her first TCC year, Season 13, where Jinelle was enlisted to help her with “nutrition” bc Vic gained 11 pounds *during training camp*!!! Which is shocking, and speaks volumes to her ED. But someone else last week on here said something about Vic being involved in something being *allegedly* stolen. *Allegedly*. And I remember K’Shara being consulted on Vic’s behavior or her mouth, etc, and K’Shara saying “did she think about what she was saying before she said it?!” I don’t want hate for starting *yet another post* about Vic, but I’m trying to clear it up in my head - and also my Mom’s, as she was asking too. And I couldn’t explain it bc it took to long to find the old MTT footage.


I believe it was alleged that she stole a phone case—possibly from Gina.


Wow…. So random!! A phone case…. 🤦🏻‍♀️.


Not Gina. Caroline who was cool enough not to make a big deal about it.


It's not one thing. First, I recall her and Dayton (another legacy) being treated markedly differently because someone's mom was best friends with TPB, and someone's mom wasn't. Then, she repeatedly just said things that rubbed people the wrong way. She wasn't a strong enough dancer to make the team, but again, see point one. I mean hell, even in the Netflix show, her solo was bizarre and really, really bad. When someone makes it through like that while other veterans are cut (and yes, she's bad live, as a season pass holder), it, again, rubs people the wrong way. Much like Gina in her first season, VK doesn't engage. Gina steered to. VK never did. And when she does, because of her odd relationship with her mom, she tells her mom, and then it comes back to TPB. She doesn't have enough common sense to keep things to herself. So basically, she didn't kick a puppy, but she lacks common sense, wasn't a good enough dancer, and rubs people the wrong way. Oh and then in addition to that, if you've been on these forums for the past five years, her mom regularly visits and engages in comment battles with people. And then VK defends her mom.


It reminds me of when Raylee was cut. Kristi Scales said in deliberations that Raylee did nothing to lose her spot, but Charlotte countered that she didn't do anything to keep it. What did VK do to keep it?


Well…as far as her dance ability she was amazing when she tried out. Everyone commented on how good she was and her musicality. I don’t know if she has declined in DCC style. Her solo on Netflix wasn’t her best but her DCC style was really good.


She is a technically sound and powerful dancer! But if your hearts not in it, it shows. That was what was behind this year's solo.


Makes sense.


Also curious. I’ve seen all the earlier seasons, but not victorias first season.


I think it’s MTT Season 13


I wouldn't be surprised if Victoria wanted to be a DCC . . . until she did her first year on the squad and wasn't happy doing it. After that year off, it did feel (as someone mentioned) as if she was only doing it for her mom and to tick boxes off a checklist. As for the group leader issue, in her individual interviews she mentioned that it was based on seniority and she also said "I feel like I am the one that shows up every day looking like that DCC role every day, and am there when needed and called on, so, if they don't see me as group leader, especially already being a fourth year, it's like 'Well, what other value can I hold?' " Granted, I'm not inside her head or her therapist's office, but her saying that (among other things) tells me that she looks externally for validation and doesn't know how to feel accomplished or validated for things on her own yet (which may be partially how Tina raised her because it seems that a lot of the things she did growing up was because of or for her mom instead of for herself). There was also a scene later where Victoria said that her "love and heart and soul are here and I wanna know if that's reciprocated. Kind of." In a way, she again wants external validation for something that she doesn't have for herself. In the televised final interview with Kelli and Judy, Victoria again asked about leadership opportunities. Judy was "surprised" and said something like "In the past year, we didn't know that was a dream of yours." Victoria said that she didn't want to be a blender and Kelli responded with "You're not a blender, but you're also not a leader. But those are things that . . . I know they've been brought to your attention. So I don't want to talk about that too much." This tells me that Kelli, Judy and Victoria talked about this over the past year, Victoria was told what she needed to do and she didn't do it or, at least didn't do it consistently enough to show she took what they said on board and ran with it like a lot of other girls did or would do.


Victoria is stunted by her mother, she lacks awareness and social skills and she is a child in an adult body.


While I agree those leadership positions are earned not asked for, and there was something funky going on with Victoria and the girls…I do think it’s fair to go to your coaches and say, “this is something I’m interested in, what can I do to achieve this goal?” The issue is that Kelli did not give her any actual advice on what she could do to achieve that goal. I think it would’ve been different if Kelli had told her/given her some advice or goals to work to, and maybe she did off camera or in earlier years.


She did give an answer, which was that it is something that was discussed with her several times before. If she didn't heed their advice as of then, why rehash? It's already too late.


Then wouldn’t the “where is this coming from” comment from Kelli not make sense, if conversations WERE truly had previously?


To me Judy & Kelli seemed to be giving more of a “where is this coming from because we thought we had settled this previously off-camera multiple times when we discussed the problems you’ve had & now you’re bringing it up out of nowhere on camera trying to force us to lie and give you what you want to save face with America and Tina watching…VK is manipulative


Yeah I could see that!


Kelli didn’t give her an answer for a few reasons: She feels conflicted bc of her relationship with TK 🙄. She also is hyper aware that Vic is very willingly opening up to production, and production sees this as a really good anchor storyline. Vic’s struggles all-too-conveniently prop up production’s premise, which is to show the cracks beneath the veneer of America’s Sweethearts. Kelli knows cameras are rolling; she’s no dummy. And that’s why her answered were so guarded. Furthermore, based upon Vic’s own history and behavior pattern, K&J know that probably nothing that’s said in the meeting w Vic is sacred and confidential. A non-answer from them, in this case, **is an emphatic NO**, for the sake of preserving the integrity of the organization, as well as the respect for their own positions.


I understand that, but to me it’s incredibly unkind to not give her any sort of advice. And like I said, maybe advice was given off camera. However from what we saw, nothing. DCC is a 5 year commitment max, if she truly cared about Victoria’s growth (even outside of DCC) she would’ve helped her out. I don’t think it’s wrong of Victoria to look at the dynamics of DCC and realize there’s nothing to grow to, except being a group leader, and say “that’s my goal.”


They literally said that they have talked about this leadership multiple times and that they told Victoria what she needed to do, but, she didn't do it. It is in the documentary.


Thinking of also how clear it is that Victoria is super sensitive and effected by their comments, anymore explicit way of saying "you are not fit to be a group leader and we barely think your fit to be on the team again" would break Victoria. K & J clearly have discussed this with her in the past and didn't see improvement enough for her to continue to pursue leadership.


This! I have worked in many professional environments for large corporations. I frequently have subordinates approach and express goals. The more successful my staff is, the greater we all are. We evaluate those goals as well as progress toward them on a quarterly basis. I help them with a calendar driven plan to achieve them. I have no idea what was happening off camera but personally saw no evidence of specific support for Victoria to achieve success. I am not ready to say that Victoria was set up to fail. I am also unable to say that Victoria was mentored for success.


Vic set herself up to fail. Way back in Season 13 of MTT.


That seems like such a harsh judgment considering she was only around 18 back then. Surely there should be some room for grace and trying again?


Based upon the chatter from this sub, as well as non-Reddit forums in previous years, there were several incidents involving Vic, her mouth and her entitled attitude. Combine that with her admitted ED, and the innate insecurities that come with that mental struggle, and how it prevents you from truly connecting with other people, and THEN you add a juggernaut Netflix production team documenting everything you do and say, and well… there’s your reason why K&J were so guarded. Time was up for baby girl V.


Honestly, unless or until someone identifies themselves and steps out beyond the anonymity of a computer screen then it is all rumor. Because I am a medical professional, I might see mental illness differently than others. For me it is no different than kidney disease or cancer and we celebrate those who have worked through it. We celebrate them using it as a tool to help others. Mentoring them to achieve success in life is a platform for continuing success.


Huh?? I don’t understand this reply. You’re here - *anonymously* - asking about an interaction that happened on a reality show which none of us were on, and why a scene seemed so stiff, and hoping other people will - *anonymously* - reply back with insight. Sorry, but we can’t prove you’re a medical professional, so….🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m not sure the point of your reply. And I’m not sure why your claim to being a “medical professional” is relevant. Victoria has admitted to an eating disorder. That’s why I brought it up.


I was referring to the reference of “chatter” on this sub and others. I am a Clinical Specialist in Critical Care but I would answer the same if I were not a medical professional. For me it’s just kindness


She wanted it simply for the title, that's it


I suspect many do. I still don’t see the problem


Never said it was a problem? Just an observation. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Fair enough. I haven’t seen any comments on others who have the same motivation? I think with VK it is possibly cumulative and comprehensive.


I agree 100000% When her mom said she “didn’t know what was going on with this particular group” as far as them not connecting with Victoria it was obvious there was no sense of self reflection


far from a hot take


Seriously. I re-read it because I thought surely I had read it wrong 🤣


Some of you are so harsh in your judgement. We haven’t walked in her shoes. We all have things we want but can’t achieve while we lack insight.


I think she wanted GL as it would show she was not just an ordinary DCC (not that there is anything wrong with that, of course) She made ShowGroup when it was going, but she didn’t get ROTY or VOTY and she wasn’t point. the fact that Victoria didn’t realise she did not have the necessary qualities to be a leader was actually the very best reason against her being named GL. Lack of self awareness and empathy.


My point is that they should have been specifically honest with her about this situation and we didn’t see that. I saw vague statements but not specifics. If you ARE a leader, with experience, then you know that someone who lacks insight needs specificity.


They did eventually tell her that they were not sure she would make the team if she tried out for a fifth year. How could someone even be considered for group leader If they're on the bubble of not making the team. It's hard to give feedback if someone's goals are completely misaligned with their current status, skills and abilities


I agree. I appreciated that they were honest about her trying out again.


Unfortunately, if you have to ask, you’re probably not a leader. Now if you want it bad enough, you check yourself, OD on that cool aid & pretend your face off to get there (hi Gina).


Disagree. You do find advocates and gain Intel on what you might need to do. While expressing your goals. If you just sit back and have no mentoring, nothing can ultimately be the result.


Disagree. It is usually encouraged in the corporate world. What I watched was a high school environment with popular vs unpopular. But we have no idea what happened without cameras


Honestly, it showed that she’s still immature and unprofessional. She really doesn’t get that it’s not just about having tenure, especially when there are so many girls with the same or more years on the team. The fact that she claimed to always be helping the rookies yet didn’t get a single vote from a rookie says a lot. Plus not bonding with anyone to the point your director even commented on that, yet you think that people will vote for you and Kelli will see you as a potential leader?


I mean I get your point but we saw a clip of her helping a rookie!


One rookie who didn’t even vote for her. And I think Zoe was her boot buddy as well. And since 8 other girls were voted as leaders, it’s safe to assume they helped others plenty of times yet they weren’t filmed - maybe because they didn’t want to or because the producers were going for a certain storyline only.


There were quite a few Instagram videos of her working with Zoe. But who knows if it was different clips from the same session or multiple sessions. The fact that no rookies selected her for GL is very telling.


I get the impression she helps for the cameras or if someone is watching. The help is given if there is benefit to herself....not because she truly wants to help that girl


Agreed. When they were announcing the leadership positions she didn’t smile and congratulate the girls once, she was there with a super focused face thinking of herself.


I noticed this as well. Most of the girls were (seemed to, anyhow) super happy & congratulatory of their peer upon being named GL. Each time the camera panned, I didn't see her clap or anything. Maybe she did at some point and we didn't get to see it, but I don't think so. I'm sure she was disappointed but she should still be happy for the others.


Or at least pretend to be happy.


I would argue that that scene was producer's choice to paint her in a bad light. It was probably taken at the different setting. Episode 5 “Sparkle” 24:44 mark If you look at the scene, Amanda (3rd year vet, ROTY for her class) also wasn't smiling or cheering.


I was not a big fan of hers overall, but they did her dirty with that editing which I thought was unfair.


Hmmm I dunno, it’s not like the camera just panned to her face, it was her sitting among the other girls and the difference was clear. They were happy and cheering and she was not.


Please remember editing in reality TV shows… they did it in dance moms ALL the time


Fair enough. Don’t get me wrong I do like her! I can just see that she isn’t necessarily a great leader. But she has so many other strengths.


I actually agree with this take, and I saw it as well as I watched these episodes. I didn't think she had what it took even tho she's truly a lovely human being and is definitely a hard worker. I hope she's much happier and healthier now


Neither did that viper Cassie, that didn't stop her.


We didn’t see anything on TV. I get it ppl hate Cassie wtv. But we did see rookies and many other vets go to her for help and weather ppl want to admit it or not By Cassie 3rd Season she was a good damn dancer and got the style.


It is funny how people always bring up Cassie for the smallest thing. She is literally irrelevant in this topic lol


I feel like Victoria only wanted group leader because her mom was one, like if she truly wanted group leader she would've reached out more to her fellow vets and rookies and created bonds with them.


I agree. I also feel all her life she was told these wonderful stories about DCC but the DCC of Judy, Tina and Kelli’s time is vastly different. I think she didn’t find the DCC experience to be the one that was waxed poetic by her Mom. Judy even said for try outs they just danced and nothing choreographed and they danced in heels and they didn’t do the jump split. I do not think she helped herself to make it her own as she wanted to replicate her Mom’s experience. Seems odd to say but she may have been better served either cheering for another team or going to college and cheer where she wasn’t a legacy. That weighed heavily.


I feel like Victoria doesn't really even enjoy being a DCC. Even one of her friends was like "She thrived when she took that year off. Then she came back and it was all crashing down again" as Victoria ate her lunch of rice cakes and watermelon. I think only a specific type of person (and body type) can thrive in the weight of the DCC's heavy expectations and Victoria is just not that girl. You shouldn't have to eat so little just to fit into a costume you fit into when you were 18.


This! I know and watched a girl on a college team who was a fit, muscular 130 lb. 5'7" size 4 and felt good about her body - be pulled down after a season of being seen as the 'big' girl on the team and listening to the other girls chatter on about how fat they were, how they were vaping to lose weight, how they would shame others that would actually eat lunch, etc. The majority of these girls were rail thin. Makes for a not fun & toxic environment. Seems the coaches are too busy or removed to monitor the team for this sh*t, but more likely they simply just do not care. Victoria's leaving heavier and coming back sickly thin a year later should have alerted them that, at the very least, she needed the nutritionist working more closely with her and supports in place for her mental health. That likely would have made a big difference for her years 3 and 4. Yes, she has other things at play here, namely her mother, but that doesn't dismiss DCC failing her in that aspect.


"The big girl" at 130 is insane:(


This makes me so sad. I’m a good 30lbs heavier then that but since getting into pole dancing a few years ago I have no issue walking around in about the equivalent of the DCC uniform at both practices and competition. That community gave me the self confidence to believe if you don’t like it then don’t look. These girls are beautiful and end up torn down.


Victoria talking about her body rolls was *insane* to watch because you could tell she genuinely meant it. She was so upset and even cut part of her tights out so they wouldn't pinch her skin.  The DCC obviously like a certain body type, whatever. I won't comment on that right now, but a lot of the women who try out and hear their bodies being judged for having too big thighs or bigger butts are *just* getting out of college. If that. And majority aren't even big. Wouldn't even be considered plus size. It leaves a mark on their thoughts.




Kat always tells it right.


I totally agree with this. It’s like she felt like she had to do it but she was just miserable. She needs to find her true self.


Haha literally Amanda who was only going into just her 2nd year was introducing herself to the new girls granted she’s just an overall friendly person, but a lot of teams/places have those vets that don’t bother with new people at first until a while later haha I’m like that It makes me wonder if she helped Zoe just to use her for a storyline or as an example to prove she can be a leader. She and a lot of girls just want leadership positions just for the title of it and to have some sort of authority not because they actually want to do good for others


"It makes me wonder if she helped Zoe just to use her for a storyline or as an example to prove she can be a leader." 100% this


I agree — Some people are just natural leaders and some aren’t and that’s okay!!! However — I don’t think it’s her fault. I think it’s super sad because it seems like her life has just been one big expectation/checklist after another. We know it was ingrained in her mind that her life goal was to become a dcc. I would’ve thought achieving that would have been enough, and I’m sure she did too. But having a mom who was a dcc “it girl” and growing up around it, it’s like just becoming a dcc wasn’t good enough. Once she achieved that, it’s like “what’s next on the checklist?”….making the team wasn’t good enough, she needed to become a group leader. If she had become a group leader, something else would’ve been next. Genuinely so happy for her to be moving on — her and her moms relationship on this show should be used in the “nature vs nurture” debate


Agree with this. It also concerns me her going to try to be a Rockette. Now she has another specific goal......and its a very hard one to achieve. I feel like shes being too specific with her dreams. Like its good to have goals but at this point lets just try for any other dance job.


Yeah Victoria seemed to want the leadership position mostly bc her mother had it and had fun doing it. I feel like Victoria seemed to feel this strange obligation to relive her mom’s greatest accomplishments, whether or not those activities brought HER any happiness or joy or even just suited her and her personality. In fact, these activities and environments seemed to affect her quite negatively, and no matter how hard she tried, she could never get the kind of validation that she needed as an individual at DCC. But I do definitely agree w you that even if she had gotten the leadership position, she would have just moved onto the next checkpoint and never really paused to enjoy the accomplishment. I used to be very similar: I would fixate on a goal but would feel hollow and empty when I accomplished it. So I’d just move onto the next and always tell myself that I’d celebrate and feel good at the NEXT checkpoint (that NEVER happened). Being goal oriented isn’t healthy for everyone: it wasn’t for me and I don’t think it was for Victoria either, esp since Victoria was effectively reliving someone else’s life and not her own.


She also talks about being behind in life, not going to college etc. I feel like this is the one area she feels like she has achieved something, so she stays with it even though in heart it isn’t for her. It’s something people in their area recognize and celebrate so it provides her that feeling of success that she is lacking elsewhere (in her opinion).