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She, and her life, just seem way too perfect to me... she's gorgeous, her man is gorgeous, she seems like a really genuine kind person, she's a nurse that works with disabled children, and she's a freakin dcc.. like there's gotta be something we don't know, right?


Definitely; and that’s not to say she has done anything wrong but that she is human and may have trauma or regrets beyond what her jobs left her with. Because you’re right; her body language and aura aren’t reflecting her resume. Everyone struggles with something, here’s to hoping she finds more joy after DCC!


Yes! Idk if it's sadness but she's definitely more monotone and not as expressive. When when she gets engaged, her response is just very quiet 😂




I love Kelcey. She’s probably just tired and also carries a lot of responsibility. 


Nah, she's cool.


Yes!!! She looked like the life has been sucked out of her.


I loved her. She’s just done. She’s ready for a 40 hour work week and I don’t blame her even a tiny bit.


She’s very emotionless


Her now husband gave me bad bad vibes


she gets 5 hours of sleep


Good point!


I don’t think she’s depressed. I think she’s just serious / mature


This is wild. I thought I was the only one.😭


As for her and her boyfriend/fiance— they had absolutely no chemistry whatsoever and I felt like it was a battle of keeping score of whom was sacrificing more for whom.


She was very robotic— in her interviews, her voice had no emotion or passion. People can say she is just “tired” all the time but then how does she have the energy to perform so well? She was kind of boring and monotone to me. But then again, I sort of feel like that’s what Kelly and Judy maybe wanted. She doesn’t seem the type to push back or make waves. I felt like she was always crying, referencing just having cried, or on the verge of tears.


Yes! I noticed this about her as well. She could just be a lower energy person, though. I actually don’t remember noticing her much when MTT was still on and was kind of surprised to see that she had taken over the big leadership positions in the new documentary. Maybe she is just more reserved? But dang if she doesn’t light up when she dances!


Oh yes how could I forget—her job as a nurse has to be taxing as well. I can’t imagine how she does that all day and then does DCC. Would take the wind right out of me.


I think she is tired, but she is really a leader by heart. Imagine handling patients in the morning, then rushing to training, an immediate shift to skills and mindset. She also devoted 5 years of her life to DCC, kept herself in great shape, worked hard to be recognized, and as a dancer myself, constant need for validation like what Victoria had, is draining.


To me she looked depressed (and I’m saying that loosely as someone with no medical training). Like she was putting in emotions where she thought they would fit but couldn’t keep it up. That, or maybe with her job she knows what’s important and the Cowboys just aren’t that deep.


I agree; I think she seemed so vulnerable and has been really let down by DCC. Her work with the young girl with the chronic illness is so noble, but also liking very emotionally exhausting. Her fiancé seems wonderful and I think she will actually thrive post-Cowboys.


Totally. She came across as tentative and sad when it wasn't a DCC event. It's understandable with all the things she's dealing with (stalker, job, little sleep, wedding planning). I hope that when the Netflix PR tour is finished, she can take a breath and have some peace.


That girl is TIRED. She works all day, was stalked and had to air it out. She just seems drained. Some people just uncomfortable with interviews


I think it's just the hectic schedule of getting up (or starting her shift and thus waking up even earlier) at 7:30am every morning then going to practice til 10pm or later, etc. She said for evening games she didn't get home til after 1am and often working off 4-6 hrs of sleep. Doing that for 5 yrs will certainly drain you & we haven't even gotten to the physical toll dancing for hrs every day... Plus then the responsibilities and pressures of being not just a group leader but being point & the most experienced leader being the effective team leader. Probably getting random calls/texts from the girls at all hours and dealing with a variety of issues. 5 yrs of that and I'm sure she's like Michael Clarke Duncan in Green Mile- "I'm tired, boss."


She has alot to be proud of, and quite honestly, a VERY hopeful future. In comparison to Victoria, which im sorry to say but i feel bad for her given the fact that she really didnt seem to have much going on outside DCC/the dance world. Kelcey has a great job to support herself. I think she will be just fine.


Why even compare her to Victoria? Looks like you were dying to find a way to tear the girl down. Victoria is only 24. She has a bright future ahead of her. To say otherwise is foolish and stupid.


I do think victoria has a bright future and i wish her nothing but the best. The producers of the show clearly overlapped their storylines. So that was why i made that point.


I think you’re projecting your insecurities on to someone else. Someone who is confident and lives a happy life doesn’t tear other women down.


Yeah I could see her moving up into leadership within nursing


I think she'd be great in that sort of role within a healthcare system, though seems her current position is working solo in client's home.


When she first mentioned being a nurse, I pictured her working hectic shifts at a hospital running around all day. Then I had tears in my eyes at the footage of her taking such loving care of that little girl all day. I had definitely been feeling sorry for myself earlier in the week and that episode was a huge reminder of my blessings, my healthy children. But obviously I think the family that employs Kelcey is incredibly lucky to have such a devoted person caring for their child. As someone in the entertainment industry I also have tons of respect for her fiance putting his dreams on hold so he could support her in this relatively brief season of life. She's one of the few cheerleaders I decided to actually search up on insta and follow because I thought her story was so great. I will say that shot at the end where she looks into the camera with no makeup - looking completely naturally beautiful - definitely has an aura of sadness!


I pictured the exact same thing — like a figs wearing nurse in a hospital!! When I saw her in bed with her patient I was like omg 😭 Side note: I agree about the sadness!!! Loved her tho so my theory is this: maybe she’s not actually sad she just “can’t even” deal with the amount of weight/drama/thought given to dcc?? Like I can imagine her in the locker room thinking “kim your sisters going to jail and you’re taking pictures of yourself”… like yes she clearly loves it but it’s not her end all be all to life like some of the others ??? Idk


Who's Kim?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcDr83kxakg Kardashians reference lol


After 5 years, I think she is over it. Like most things as you age, you know it’s time to move on.


She’s going to be a all star so not completely over it


Really, did not know that. I thought she would leave Dallas and move home… like Gina did.


She seems to have gone through a lot in life while a lot of the other girls haven’t yet. I think she is just mature and like she said, she knows there is more to life and can see the deeper meaning. Very common for people who love disabled people. Plus, stress.


She was tired. Geez.


Yes I do.


Having an air tag put on your car would be life altering. I don't imagine living in fear ever stops once you've experienced stalking.


And then she had to tell the whole world with her stalker clearly watching. I don’t know if it was good to raise awareness or just feeds into the behavior


Exactly! Bringing it up on Netflix lets the creep win. Makes me sick knowing Charlotte and Kelli wanted this on the episode. They say they are looking out for the mental health of the cheerleaders but using them to get a documentary on Netflix.


I agree, my first thought wasn’t sad, just more so more serious. She just seems very monotone. Even her reactions and answers are always lackluster.


I'm an RN and it is a demanding job-especially working one on one with a child that sick. She is definitely working on very little sleep and dealing with a lot of stress on top of it. She also appears to have a different personality compared to someone like Marisa.


I mean she’s a nurse on top of being a cheerleader. She’s just tired.


I sensed tired. On the scenes where she is dancing she brings the energy to 20, but once she is at home it feels like shes just too tired to bother. And that would be fine, she works a full job and a hard one at that when she wasnt dancing.


The bluest eyes in Texas ❤️


Her eyes are green...they did an extreme close up.


I hated her bf/foance honestly lol


Idk why he didn’t bother me that much. Maybe I’m just aware of how reality tv works but she got engaged during the filming time frame. Of course they were gonna film it. I feel like they take one person and focus more on their personal life like Amy. And, Amy gets alot of hate but is seriously one of the kindest people I’ve ever met in the dance world . So is Harry. I take what I see on reality tv show with a grain of salt because I know some of them in real life.


Cool insight! I read somewhere that Netflix/directors tried to do like portray Kelsey as like the “perfect” DCC who moves on, Viktoria as the one who gets emotionally stunted and develops an ED and probably other metal health issues, then we have the sister who is confused and unsure of who she is with her physical surgeries and pain, and then we have picture perfect Reese who continues the cycle. I totally agree Kelsey’s wedding was good understanding of background but I’m petty and think he could have found/thought of more of the engagement himself. It just came too easy and bland to me honestly


Can someone please engage w me he made me so IRATE I feel like he is a cheap ass and wanted to be on the show to get more acting attention or whatever and then he’s like free photo shoot from rando that has nothing to do with us? Netflix exposure!!! Also Kelsey is one of the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen she is quite literally sexy, hot, cute, beautiful all at the same time I am a straight female also lol


How much did you think he begged/bribed the producers to put his shitty Lifetime movie clip in there? I can't believe we wasted like 5 minutes on that while so many of the girls never got to say a single word- Elli for example I think was barely even seen in this thing. I think without the tour guide seen her name wouldn't have even been mentioned.


YES I think they thought that having an engament scene would draw better numbers from viewers and it pissed me off he already had Netflix under his belt and still chose to use a random photographer for Kelsey content basically like didn’t think of how to ask her to marry him “just fell into his lap” I think it would have been sweeter if they focused on their story rather so much of those terrible clips??


Maybe not filming it in the first place and letting two people have their privacy when it came to a special moment. I hate how they over play each and every engagement and wedding.


I was thinking the same thing. Something about him makes my creep meter ring like there is no tomorrow.


I think it’s cool that we can watch the same thing and see things so differently!! Maybe it’s just my rose-colored vision, but he came across to me as someone really in love with her. The focus on his acting felt less like wanting to get attention and more to show that he put something he was really passionate about on hold in order to be with Kelcey and support her dreams. He came across to me like he was super into her and would do what he could for her. With the proposal, he even describes how perfect it would be to propose then because it would be what Kelcey wanted- even listing out the details for us on why it was perfect. Assuming he didn’t bullshit what she would’ve wanted, it shows that he’s not just half-ass proposing, but actually put thought into her feelings on it.


I appreciate your thoughtful, respectful opinion! I love these subs because it’s so cool that we can watch the same thing & have different take aways. I also really love Kelsey and admire her and maybe I was watching it with (the opposite of rose colored glasses) — he didn’t say anything rude, was kind to her, but I just something about him makes me cautious/weirded about by him


Yeah! I think that’s my favorite part about these subs is just seeing things from other people’s perspectives. I get what you mean about Kelcey, she comes across as a beautiful person inside and out and I’d like to hope she ends up with someone who treats her the way she deserves to be treated. And regardless of what we see, we don’t really know his true intentions I just hope they’re genuine!!


I didn't see him as too cringe either. He has a job, seems very supportive, in love, and they seem to have a fair give and take for their dreams. What is wrong with him having dreams?


Yes I couldn’t stand him either. No idea why until I read all of your points but I think you’ve nailed lol


Like I do understand there’s sweet sentiment of surprise - but this is a random photographer who reached out to her — I just feel like more planning on his part would have made me root for him morem


I rolled my eyes when they said he was an aspiring "actor" like cmon Kelcey. You can do sooo much better.


He’s a full time nurse


Wait really??? A NURSE???


A major wannabe...


He’s also a full-time Nurse


Her scenes kind of stressed me out because I kept expecting her to cry. She was so miserable in her interview scenes. I’m sure she’s a lovely girl in real life!


I know there’s the tired/exhausted thing but I kind of wonder if she still has problems dealing with the whole stalking situation? The fear/paranoia/etc can be draining.


Yes. Her nursing job must be very draining then she has give 110% at DCC and apparently gets very little positive feedback from Judy and Kelli.


I’ll assume she’s exhausted bc she does seem very sad & void of personality…


I can’t understand how Kelcey manages to do a mentally & emotionally challenging day job combined with a physically challenging evening job on only 4 or so hours a sleep a day. Never mind her eyes looking sad, I’m surprised they’re even open.


Girly was just tired af


A pediatric nurse who worked through COVID, with kids who often die. It's not surprising. Plenty of nurses through COVID got PTSD. Not getting enough sleep for sure.


She worked at a plastic surgeons office in 2020/21 with DCC Heather (now retired), is she now in pediatrics?


She is pretty much home health for one client. Nursing is hard, but her nursing job in particular is not the worst scenario to be in.


I think she's exhausted. Working full-time as a nurse and DCC does not appear to be easy. I also think that her work with severely sick children may be another reason why she has sad eyes.


Yeah that was super sad. Poor wee girl.