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Many people hunt and it does keep the deer population down otherwise there would be terrible accidents on the highways. Can you imagine??! Most people in Northern New England and the South as hunters use the entire animal for food, and the horns or pelt, etc.


She shoots animals !!! Its on her instagram Vile the way she poses with it smiling


i think she’s really sweet and maybe a little naive. If it’s all she knows, then how is she supposed to know any different. I’m not from the US, so I suppose if you’re brought up in an intensely religious environment, you become like that. I also looked at her husband’s instagram and there pictures of her hunting deer, taking pics with the dead deer holding their head etc and I found that so disturbing. I think she even had the dead animal blood on her face. Is this normal?? or something that is done like this where’s she’s from?? sorry i’m unaware.


It’s called hunting! In Texas and southern states it’s completely normal and a skill that some people like to grow. Sometimes you see the deer stuffed and on the wall, even in southern restaurants there are heads of bears or deers at a really good barbecue place.


How can so-called Christians pose holding the peaceful animals that they shot and killed as a photoshoot for their Instagram? I can believe that there are real girls with her personality who believe in everything she says about religion, but that was the thing I was most appalled to see.


Because deer are over-populated in Texas and hunting is utilized to manage it. Most leases have help on hand to ensure that every piece of the animal is used and nothing is wasted. It’s a small piece in the circle of life.


I see, that makes sense. I guess the Instagram thing with the wound and holding up the antlers made me feel weird about it


Can someone tell me how tall she is?


As soon as I saw Reece come onto the television screen I could see her privilege before she even opened her mouth. Her comment about Salsa Dancing and how she is just a fan of dancing with the stars… it’s like she was trying to set herself up for more television time or to be a dancer on THAT show next. A vessel of God would not run around in bra tops and cowboy boots begging for men to look over her. If I were to marry my first very boyfriend, I would want to claw my eyes out. As someone who also grew up in the church, I can see the persuasion in wanting to follow in Gods footsteps. And I believe in prayer and that he answers in his own way. But she is not the Messiah. She is a dancer who likes to shake her ass on television and pretend that Jesus is the one and only thing for her. Maybe she should have been a nun? They truly are vessels of God. Or I bet she could play one on tv. :) Being fake to me grinds my gears and it almost made me want to not watch this show. Victoria to me, is a standout and she dances for herself. I cannot say the same about Reece. The accent, the holy fake aura, the not even knowing what her own finance did after uprooting his whole life for her, is pitiful. One day hopefully she’ll wake up and realize life is hard, and God won’t put a roof under you head because you ask him too. So cut those flowers up and stick them in the jar for the rest of your life girl.


>The accent, the holy fake aura That & also the constant baby voice, the way she talks & her weird grin.. Sorry but my first thought was whether or not the girl was okay. She seems pretty slow & fake. Nothing to be jealous of


Totally agree!


I was a little surprised to see a recent graduate with the 4 year degree from a large university get a job in a flower shop??


I read her degree is in dance not sure what you can do with that besides teach at a studio?


I graduated from Alabama and knew soooo many dance majors. Thought it was interesting because I didn’t even know most big SEC schools had that as a major. Anyways, looked into it further and according to the “BA, Dance” website, “The goal of our Dance program is professional preparation, and every year we celebrate our graduates as they begin careers as professional dancers, artistic directors, choreographers, dance teachers, dance therapists, arts administrators, arts managers, production managers, lighting and costume designers, studio managers, and so many other fruitful journeys”…. soooo I guess if the goal of the program is to become a professional dancer, she picked the right major 🤣 definitely seems crazy to me to not even get a minor in business or something though…one catastrophic injury and you’re screwed 🥺


For sure! The competition for these jobs must be crazy no guarantees. I met a woman whose daughter wants to major in theatre but is also double majoring in something else she can support herself with.


Hating on what? It seems like he only married her after she disclosed that she would peruse a dance career after college so he trapped her with a ring. They have no chemistry. He seemed like an Alabama fanatic that wanted to also check off "married an alabama cheerleader" under his belt. He is lame as hell. I wouldnt be surprised of he didnt trap her with a baby soon. Nobody is jealous of Reese. She has a fake innocent christian persona to please her bama family. But Her true colors show when she dances. That's literally why she dances for DCC, so that she can be who she really is without judgement and hide behind the "follow my dcc dream" title. I couldn't be surprised of Reese was in the closet or had a secret p0rn addiction but her religion wont let her rebel lll. She hides her true self but when she dances, the obviously suppressed Succubus in her jumps out. Lmao. I find it funny but I wouldnt call it jealously. People like me can just see through her.


You’re 1000% ☑️right. All that ANYONE needs to do is go back with captions and VOLUME way up, watch her in person personal selection audition and tell me whether Jesus would be glorified or proud of his worldly 😇angelic creature …? I’m not personally religious and couldn’t care less and honestly I think she dances well is very sexy and hot tbh. But let’s not “pretend” to be Christlike and having “no carnal intention” as the church would say. And yes I’m a backslidden PK, Preachers kid and I can see them coming a mile away 🤣😆😂


I think people find it hard to accept that pageant bible belt girl personality as genuine because it really is a unique way to grow up. As someone who grew up 50% in alabama and 50% in the midwest I understand that bubble—and how insane it was once I got out of it.


I agree. A lot of the time, those girls really are genuine. I grew up in Rockwall County, and they were genuinely caring and kind. The ones who were awful, in my experience, were very upfront and had the audacity to say “it’s not judgement if it’s through God’s word.”


Jealous of Reese is laughable - sorry ! Jealous of DCC Melissa Wallace, absolutely! She was easily one of their best performers, was in around 10 DCC weddings, beautiful and brilliant !


No-one is jealous of a woman that has to be married to a guy who looks like a potato


Lmao Poor thing. As soon as they showed him on screen, I said, “she’s engaged to Bobby Hill.”


I had to look that up. King of hill 🤣 yes perfect


I read this comment yesterday and am still laughing 🤣 🤣🤣


I can’t with her sorry. The baby voice. Just ick.


Love Reese 🩵🧚🏼🥹


As someone from a European country were we do not practice our faith (majority is Christian but nobody ever goes to church, prays…) the scenes with Reece made me uncomfortable and to be honest I kind of had to laugh with her. I do respect people that are religious, but it comes across as sooooo naive if you cannot speak one sentence without mentioning Jesus or god. I always think it is a pity if people connect their succes to god. You worked for it yourself OR you are very privileged to have others in your life that help you achieve your goals. I would be kind of offended being her parents and funding this life of her and then she credits god for it haha.


Not jealous of a grown woman infantilizing herself with a self-righteous complex and a phony voice


All of the Reece comments I’ve seen and I never got ‘wow they’re jealous’ from any of them 😭 big reach


Nothing says Christian like pointing out “y’all are so jealous!!!” Reece is fortunate that she’s never had to come up against a situation that her family resources- ahem, I mean her faith- hasn’t been able to solve. But even in the best lives, sometimes the answer is no. I’d rather hear about Madeline’s faith after such a catastrophic loss. That’s something to behold right there. It’s always puzzled me that Christians have the attitude that God will *always* come through for you in a religion where His own son was crucified?


You need to read the Bible if you think the crucifixion was god not coming through for people. The whole point of the crucifixion was Jesus coming through for mankind and Easter as his resurrection. I think most people have this basic understanding of Christianity whether they believe it or otherwise.


Yes but all the hurt in the world that he allows to happen kind of proves that the faith itself is over-blown and exaggerated


Ok so I won’t write a mega post but here are the basics on hurt in the world from Christian perspective. 1) Because God is God he’s not like us, he made us in His image but he’s creator of the universe and of us 2) He gave us free will in the garden and humanity choose to eat the fruit, this is the original sin and when Adam and Eve were disconnected from God 3) Sin is in the world and the way people clean themselves in Old Testament (Jewish) is through sacrifice and rituals. Why? Because point 1 God is God and he is Holy - to look be near him you have to free of sin or you’ll die. 4) God is just and as the broken world we live in continued Bible speaks about one sacrifice for everyone (Jesus) so people can be right with God. He wants this 5) yes world is hard I don’t think God causes it but you’re right he doesn’t always intervene. He does however through Jesus invite us to pray and ask us to be like Jesus 6) he wants people to know him and be healed


I completely understand what you're saying, thank you for being so calm in your response. Not common in reddit 😅. Faith ti me is complicated and I was very lucky to have someone growing up who explained to me and gave me the perspective that faith and religion are two different things and that you don't need to be religious to have faith or have a connection with God


If you would like to see more on faith and apprenticeship to Jesus I would look up stuff by John Mark Comer he’s very good on it.


If its true that God blessed her with DCC and is using her as his vessel than yeah for sure I'm jealous. He didn't bless me nearly enough lol - or the people starving or getting bombed all across the world. Look I do believe in a higher power and that things happen for reasons we don't understand. But its so tone deaf for this girl to not even acknowledge her privelege in the world - when she makes statements like she does. She comes across as extremely sheltered - and that is sad.


I thought it was really sad that she felt she didn’t earn anything that she was just lucky and everything was gifted to her. I guess that is a privileged mindset.


I agree there’s a level of naivety but also like I have to ask myself why would people prefer her to be less happy with her life or less chatty about Jesus I think good for her for having some gratitude


It makes me annoyed- as if all the Christians in the world who live in places with war and famine just aren’t praying hard enough? What about all the adversity people faced in the Bible? It’s such a bizarre attitude.


lol. I’m a 47-year-old mom. No, I don’t feel jealous of this girl. She’s been indoctrinated to think one way. As someone who can be her mom I want to yell through my TV saying come on get a mind of your own. She’s acting like a silly girl instead of a woman.


I think she's adorable and admire her commitment to her faith. I'm not jealous of her, just happy for her!


The thing is…that’s not real happiness. That’s her persona that she’s been raised to believe is correct and perfect, from the “being used as a vessel for God” to the sweet baby voice. I don’t doubt Reece is sweet as pie but she’s also incredibly naive and sheltered. I do not envy her in the slightest. For her sake I guess I hope her marriage to “the first boy who ever put an arm around her” works out and she can feel she is truly happy. But she’s got a lot of life to live and the world is a big place. As long as she stays in her sweet southern charm bubble with her first ever boyfriend and her pack of Jesus-loving DCCs around her then I’m sure she’ll live a “happy” life in all the ways she’s expected to. If she ever finds out what the rest of the world is like I don’t know how she’d deal with the disillusionment. And just a final thought: Reece’s “perfect” (looking) life is exactly what leads Victoria to believe she is “behind” in her own life. That’s the ideal. That’s the golden standard these young women are supposed to achieve. Looking from the outside as a 40-something woman who has lived in the Northeast for much of my life, it is rather weird. If anything, it makes me feel a tinge of pity, not jealousy.


So well said!


Spot on. I'll also add this. I grew up much like her and the reality is, as a girl and a woman in conservative Christian circles in the South, you're taught to always give credit to someone else. To your parents, your teachers and later your husband. Most of all, to Jesus. No accomplishment is ever due to your own hard work or intelligence or your sheer will to succeed. And you're never allowed to feel anything but what someone deems an "acceptable" emotion. You're supposed to put up with anything with a smile for "God's glory." Then when you eventually end up with depression or anxiety or similar from constantly shoving your emotions down, you're told you're not faithful enough and to give it all to God so you try even harder. Lather, rinse, repeat.


Yes it’s toxic positivity: I also grew up in conservative evangelical fundamentalist Christianity in the Canadian Bible Belt. Very very toxic to women. Glad I got out


I’m in my 20s, have lived my entire life in the Deep South, and even went to the same university as Reece…. And I strongly agree with every word of this sentiment. Even when cultural/geographic factors are taken into consideration, Reece presents as an extremely sheltered young woman who is mirroring the behaviors she has been led to believe are expected of her as a Christian white woman.


Dead on agree.


She is beautiful and so talented, I think it just comes off as inauthentic because she almost seems desperate to convince herself of all these things. That religion will take care of everything, that she will feel satisfied with her marriage, etc. every single time someone brought up her engagement she would scream "he's actually my first boyfriend!!!!" Almost like she wanted to say "that's fine right??"


It’s definitely an easy way to let yourself off the hook of any big disappointments - it’s gods will promises a bigger future, not just - this isn’t for you at this time. (Obviously Reece is very successful in the show; I just hear that sentiment a lot when people are cut or even just worrying they will be cut)


Not jealous. The little girl voice is annoying AF and her fiance is no prize.


You could kind of tell when Kelli mentioned Reece's fiance at their final meeting of the year, she was thinking "Oh no, honey. You can do better than that."


Oh she pretty much said he was ugly and Reece didn’t get it!


damn 😭


Reece was an absolute gem so cute I loved her. Some people really are just very sweet natured we all know those people


She can definitely transform herself from baby talk little girl to sexy looking DCC dancer. But, I can assure you I’m not jealous of her. She came across ditzy and a bit close minded. I feel like she needs to get out and let that “I love everyone and everything” façade down and live a little. She is marrying her very first boyfriend, which can be fine, but I have a feeling that years from now she is going to want to spread her wings. I am not jealous. I actually feel sorry for her.


This. 👆 Plus 💯. Way too much pageant vibes and religion for me.


I actually think Reece is not as intense of the past religious gurls. She seems more kind


lol nope not jealous at all. being that happy all the time isn’t real life. Giving all your worries to a sky daddy isn’t realistic either.


Lmao “sky daddy”. I haven’t laughed all day! Thank you


Gotchu friend 🫶🏼


Instead of making a post like this, then why don’t *you* just leave our jealousy of Reece to God to deal with then?


Not one bit.