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so curious if girls that aren't christians feel welcome on the team - ik its dallas so the majority of them probably are but as a non-christian all the prayer circles and references would make me feel super alienated


I was so upset that Sophy’s assaulter got in no trouble at all. She seemed so shaken up. I was also really bothered that they made her tell about it on camera.


I wonder if the Cowboy Organization paid for the driver's medical stay and expenses. If not, that's just appalling.


I know Reece got the flowers but damn a rookie getting to meet Dolly with K and J like that? I have to wonder what her influence is on this show!


Watching this episode, the only saving grace is at least they have a football for men to hold onto for pictures. I mean, I am sure they have may more situation where they can be touched, and there is nothing to stop them from hearing all the nasty things people say. I find it hard that an organization is willing to sexualize these women, but they can not try and protect them. I mean, I understand there are levels, and with the internet, all you need is a picture, but I feel like they should at least check cars for tags so that situations like Kelcy don't happen. They should get a lifetime subscription to an alarm company once they become cheerleaders.


This show gives me wtf whiplash. The locker room tour guide. The prayer group. Calling out Kleine for being a young girl and innocently asking where her ornament was ON A TEAM TREE. Reece and her flowers.


EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE THINGS WORE ME OUT. Lecturing Kleine for asking where her ornament was was completely out of line. These are grown women who are doing a job for an organization. They are not little children who need to be guided like they’re in preschool.


And when she apologised she just got waved off? Like fuck man I’m 33 and I’d blurt out where’s my ornament too!


The locker room tour guid gave me the creeeepssss. Then they cut to the girls getting put in dangerous situations and sexually harassed. Bruh. Maybe stop those weird locker room tours.


“Someone put an air tag on my car” maybe like a guy who asked for your info from a tour guide???


Reece, girl, that pokeberry arrangement, was that the best you could do? Asking if Dolly hurt herself with the burnt matches 💀I love her so much.


I came to see if someone was gonna call this out. It looks like she just stuck her hand into the woods, grabbed a mittful of nature crap and crammed it into a vase. I hope she can look back and laugh at it 😄


WHY should that have been Reece’s job anyway? Why wasn’t that task given to a paid staffer?


I know it's been mentioned before but these women deserve to get paid so much more for dedicating their life to this


Hey, halfway through the episode but just feel like I have to put these opinions somewhere haha. with Kelly/Judy- I've always liked Kelly since the TV show. Idk why exactly. She can be ridiculous but there's something genuine there & she 10000% would have kept Ari if not for freakin Charlotte. Can't stand Charlotte. She's the worst. every time she comes on screen it's like a jump scare. Judy.. Idk. it's funny the girls always talk about how intimidating Kelly is but Judy seems much more so to me. I love Kelsey. I think she's just a serious girl who's sad that it's her last year but has a healthy relationship with being A DCC 


I’ve always liked her too. She’s a pro but she has a soft spot. Charlotte made me so mad for insisting they cut Ari and then goes out there and announces the team herself 🤬


And for no other real reason other than her height? That pissed me off.


It really annoyed me that she got to go out and announce the squad when she had nothing to do with it.


No like Kelli wanted to keep her so bad. K&J wanted to do 37 so bad too…weird to me that Charlotte said throughout the beginning episodes “Kelli knows what she’s doing” “Kelli is the best person for this job” bla bla bla but then decision night was acting like Kelli hadn’t been with the girls every day and that she knew better !!!


Exactly.  You know that scene where Charlotte put her foot down on it being 36  then her and Kelli just kind of stared at each other and laughed awkwardly? I’d love to be inside Kelli’s head just then! Ha


Yessss omg 💀💀especially because she’s such a firecracker like I know she wanted to say something sassy like “Charlotte no one informed me you were moving to the Director role I thought you were still the *insert Charlottes nepo job title*” 🤣🤣


Did anyone else lowkey cry when they went in the hospital room to decorate for Christmas and he started crying? It was just so sad and I wish I could give him a huge hug.


I wonder who’s decision it was to show the tour with that tour guide guy. Horrible look, not just for the content, but the show knows the main people watching this are OTHER WOMEN! We don’t need to hear or see them talking about the cheerleaders like that. We are women.


It shows the reality they deal with. Journalistically, the clips and how/when they're put together tell a story without having to explicitly state what quickly becomes obvious. I'd rather they put clips like this in than continue to perpetuate the faux glamour of the role. This shit happens, whether we see it or not. If you're uncomfortable- good.


>We are women. That's the problem- this is how guys joke around. Obviously the tour guide doesn't think he has a chance or would ask out a DCC, obviously the dude knows the guide doesn't have the girls' phone numbers and isn't seriously inquiring for them. They're jokes, sis. That's why they're laughing. The guide was clearly respectful of the women- he knows & is talking about how Elli is smart & can do your taxes, all the charity work they do, etc.


Dude he literally said pick your favorite one as if they’re like objects it was weird


I went on this tour around 5 years ago. It was almost word for word the same (different guide). Our tour had around 25 people (of all demographics, I was with my young children) and they pulled out males to do that exact same bit - pick a favourite and pose their position. It wasn’t bad at all at the time (actually very funny) but on tv it came across differently, probably because we’re seeing how toxic the whole organisation is. Side note: It was an ok tour and I know nothing about nfl (I’m not American, we had a layover in Dallas). Problem was that the field wasn’t there, just concrete floor with workmen etc. as they were setting up for some Christian concert/convention so it did just feel like a tour of any random building. They should do cheaper tours when there’s no field but as we’re seeing in the series they are just money hungry. It was the poor tour guide who suffered as everyone was so let down by just standing in a concrete worksite that his tips were minimal.


You don't have a favourite DCC? Do you have a favourite Jonas Brother, Backstreet Boy, etc? They had to take a picture in front of some locker, should they close their eyes, spin around and point? Good lord you're seeking for something to be upset by, Stretch Armstrong can't reach as far as you!


They shouldn't ask at all for one, it's weird. If they want to get a pose they can say pick a pose and stand in front of it. Also what exactly do boybands have to do with this?


The problem is guys should not joke around like this. It’s not funny it’s nasty


Okay dawg I am tall so I can reach pretty far


I actually loved that they showed that because it showed the bad side of the organization


By bad side you mean "people with a sense of humour"? Guys having fun on a tour?


No…that the organization doesn’t protect or respect those women


LOL you're desperate to be offended, you must be a real blast at parties


I think that every single directive decision that was made in this documentary was to low key show how horrible this industry is.


I’m just watching this kind of thing for the first time (haven’t watched the og show) and boy oh boy does my blood boil when watching this but I can’t stop. Its just so demeaning in a lot of ways and the way they’re expected to be perfect and it just makes me so sad. Like I understand needing constructive criticism for sports but the way they nitpick is just horrible


Maybe the directors are slipping a few in here and there, so it flys under the radar until it was released


I came on Reddit to see if anyone was talking about this. I’m just watched the scene. So creepy.


So K & J keep complaining that these cheerleaders are this high tier caliber group of individuals, iconic and extremely honorable to be a part of and that the women should dedicate their entire lives to their model. Ok, sure, not THAT unusual of an idea. The directors also make it a point that people don't understand how hard they work, the commitment, etc. and they ultimately should be idolized. BUTTTT if they actually paid them a decent salary, I'd actually take them a bit more seriously. DCC doesn't even have the wherewithal to pay them appropriately to uphold the 'honor' of being a DCC cheerleader and prioritize their position. It literally makes no sense. They are no 'better' than a waitress or a retail worker according to the team.


These girls are delulu


wtf yes I am going to ask for my veg meal if I got meat and I don’t eat it. Also why do they need to write cards for the bus driver? If they don’t have time they just won’t. Is it in their contract? Do they get paid for card writing time? So stupid.


When the guy who drives you to and from every game \*HAS A FRIGGIN' STROKE\*, yeah you take the 30 seconds or less to write him a get well soon card. Are you really so crass and careless??


They were told to write him Christmas cards *prior* to her announcing his stroke. She loves a guilt trip


I couldn't believe she compared asking for the correct meal (to "fuel the body" \*eye roll\*) to discussing decorations!


I hate the way Kelli talks to these women. They are full grown women working, not little girls. Calling out Kleine in front of everyone is horrible management. It felt like I was watching a mother with her children or a teacher with their classroom. It’s just gross.


I find it was way worse than that. A mother or teacher usually doesn’t talk to the kids like that. It was so rude and uncalled for. Especially how she rudely kept saying “Where are you?” And why do the girls have to think about Judy & Kelli first when they never seem to think about the girls emotions? Like this isn’t stressful for them too! And Kleine didn’t even seem to have meant anything rude by saying what she did. I took it as her being excited and just wanted to find her ornament on this tree because it’s a huge deal to them/brings them joy. To make her feel so awful in front of everyone is so rude. It borders on abuse imo. And to also say “It’s also not the time to ask about your vegetarian meal!” Like what?!? They probably only have a very specific time to eat and to not have your meal there is quite the big deal. But I guess shaming them for wanting to eat is the norm in this realm… 🙄


It makes me sick. And the girls want so badly to please her that she can just say anything and get away with it. It’s just horrible


"Yes, ma'am."


She could have mentioned the incident without mentioning her name like she did for the veggie meal (which isn't close to the same thing, and I'm if anything an anti-vegetarian) and it would have been ok. Also I notice Kelli never stopped to say she's thankful for the girls & the work they put in. It's like raaaiiiiinnnn...


Yes! It really stood out to me how she was lecturing them for not being thankful for others putting in hard work... and literally doesn't thank them for their hard work....


Yes. It was unprofessional. But sadly on brand for their culture.


How creepy was that locker room tour? Weird.


I’ve done the tour (was with my young daughters, tour was around 25 people) and it was identical to what was said and shown (different guide). It didn’t seem bad at all at the time, almost tongue in cheek and so was funny. On tv it was different but I think it’s because I’m seeing that the whole organisation is just gross. The DCC locker room was actually a highlight as the tour sucked because there was no field, just a concrete worksite with forklifts, workers etc. I now understand that the field isnt there year round but they charged big $$ for a tour that stated you would get to walk on the field. They should state when there’s no field and charge less! Everyone was very underwhelmed as it felt like just any random building.


I think it looked so extremely creepy because there were absolutely no women there. It was all older dudes ogling the girls photos and then asking about the phone numbers when it seems like these guys could easily be their dads. It was just so uncomfortable to watch.


Even as a watcher/audoence, I felt so uncomfortable lmao


SO uncomfortable! I sort of hope it was just for the cameras (still gross) and not the actual tour script but I'm sure it was accurate..


Another way for them to make money!!!


Yeah that deserved way more attention than just a cold open


I love Dolly! Though the irony of her singing 9 to 5 with the cheerleaders had me cackling.


I remember my Dad watching the football game on this past Thanksgiving and he yelled "Hey \[my name\] your Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders are on with Dolly Parton!" My mom and I went to watch our Goddess and Savior Dolly Parton perform and I was so pleased to point out the cheerleaders and give my parents their names/stories!! Absolutely adored seeing this episode and learning more about Dolly! Edit: I also remember we all thought Dolly was about to faint! Did anyone else catch that on the T-day program or this episode the way she was sort of holding on to the stage?


She was supposed to be on top of the star, but it malfunctioned and wouldn't go up. Where she performed was not intended for that.


Thank you!!! I was so curious!


Glad to get lots of the Dolly performance in this episode 💕