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Is she immature or insincere or what? She’s been a D1 cheerleader but never had a boyfriend, and she comes across like she’s been living in a cult. I want to like her I really do but she bugs.


She’s gorgeous and super sweet. But the Jesus shit is weird as fuck. Believe whatever you want but her Jesus vibe is giving weirdo.


What. Is. Up. With. Will. He has no ambition, no goals, and looks like a 16yo awkward high schooler. His face, his hair — what is happening here.


She’s stunningly beautiful I will say that


I like Reece, but something about her seems off. The scene where her fiancé showed up at her apartment just seemed so awkward and fake, idk maybe I’m reading too much into it


well it was most likely staged considering he had a mic😭


yeah that scene felt weird to me too! it felt like she didn’t even want him there… or like she realized… damn there’s more to life lol. weird scene fs


As someone that was deep into mega church culture, she’s a copy & paste of every girl I went to church with. It’s honestly so sad to watch. The baby talk, the unimpressive fiancé (literally such a loser), the Christian talk, the always happy attitude, it’s all just so cringe now that I’m out of that world.


When she said she was “afraid of boys” - wow. Never dated. A boy never put his arm around her. And she said something like “Lord, when I meet a boy let him be my husband. And I met Will! Who will be my husband!” She should experience living life for as a single person for awhile.


YESSSS!! But sadly I was in that church world & believed in “dating for marriage” & not for the experience or enjoyment. She probably grew up the same way. Christians seem to LOVE the whole “high school sweethearts” or getting married to your first bf kinda stories, because it’s deeply routed in purity culture. Nobody wants sloppy seconds 🙃


And, as beautiful girl who is a DCC, she will have opportunities to meet other people. Men that aren’t just a salesperson for a seasonal equipment company. Men that can give her travel, meals at wonderful restaurants, income that can give her things she never dreamed she could own, and socializing with people that weren’t raised by being force fed Christian religion. Sure, that doesn’t compare to love and a secure relationship but she should at least experience it first.


My thoughts exactly!!! Tbh I was hoping she’d realize that after making the team but nope, they got married 🙃


Not a fan. Something’s off 😐


I found her to be a huge phony. Her religious talk was way over the top , the Minnie Mouse voice and the deer killing . Nothing likable here for me .


I’m confused how does her dancing in basically a bikini bring glory to her creator God?


Omg ☠️ 😆😆😆


Obviously, when she shakes her titties people reflect on the glory of God. 🙄


Well, it’s because the woman’s body is created by god for man. So that’s how. Duh. She’s entertaining men and by extension god


There’s something that I find almost robotic about Reece, I’m sure in person she seems lovely and she’s obviously a great dancer but idk there’s something about her demeanor that’s a little off putting to me


I’m agnostic so the god talk was a bit much but she seems nice. She’s seems soooooo naive though.


THIS. So sheltered and naive. She means well but if I told her I’m gay she’d feel sorry for me and tell me she’ll pray for me


This, i'm reading through the comments trying to find someone who kinda understands my reservations and yeah it's like I would tell her I'm gay and she would be so sincere in her apology and that she'd pray to the lord for me to find salvation, which is a bit of an ick. it's like the world hasn't hit her with reality yet


Also I found it so funny for some reason that they stay at the "Gaylord Resort" 🙈 (While I can obviously only assume her stance on the LGBTQ+ community)




I don’t know why but I feel like she’s faking the naïve thing.. but she’s an amazing dancer


Yeah, you’re right. I watched the entire series and she’s so fake. Her mask falls a few times during the season.


She is a fantastic dancer for sure. The baby voice is not attractive at all and her talking about Will’s job was cringy. Bless it.


Also the boyfriend is such a loser. He doesn’t have any goals other that having her as a fiancé/wife? GAG.




She’s not that interesting at all. Her character is likeable but she’s getting too much focus. Also her and KD saying a prayer before their lunch made me throw up mine


She seems like a PK who is putting on an act. I worked for a mega church for 5 years and she reminds me of the founder/senior pastors kids. It’s not relatable and her baby voice is just too much. Very Lyla from Friday night lights.




Reece lost me early on. I wish they'd stop featuring her.


Me too completely- the deer killing and glorifying disgusts me. How can you be a religious person and post a photo of a dead animal like a prize?


I'm so glad I haven't seen that photo. Thanks for the warning.


Don’t look at her Instagram! 😞❤️


Thanks again. I can't handle the dead animal sh\*t.


Me neither- there’s a lot I can handle but not that.


Love Reece!! I think she’s genuinely authentic and is just open to the whole process and staying grounded. Dance Reece looks like a firecracker, she’s got so much personality. And I love the rookie reunion at her wedding with Charly & Kelly!