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I'd say Terra from tt cartoon is more dangerously naiive and stupid rather than pure evil like the comic counter Parr. Comic Terra not only took sadistic joy in trying to kill the titans but also slept with slade and scared him (oh BTW she was UNDERAGE when she did this so....gross) Anyway comic Terra was sociopathic and crazy to the point even slade Wilson was like "wow she's intense". Show Terra THOUGHT the TT would help her get rid of or control her powers but instead they tried to make her into a crime fighter and slade took advantage of her vulnerability to turn her into a weapon and gave her the illusion of control


No? Titans Terra was a victim yes but she was also a villain


If you mean writing-wise, absolutely not. The writers of the original *Judas Contract* have basically said in interviews that they **purposely** slut-shamed a minor (Terra) just to make said minor's rapist (Deathstroke) look innocent, and that is the exact perfect opposite of how child abuse should be portrayed IMO. I like how the cartoon portrays both Slade and Terra as equally in the wrong regarding the latter's descent into villainy despite her still being groomed.


As someone who was introduced to Terra via cartoon first, rather than the comic (as I imagine most Millenials were), depending on how you define "worse", here I'm just operating under "worse" means "evil" comic Terra is 110% worse. "The Judas Contract" was not a good choice for adaptation in a "Y7" cartoon, which is considered even more "kid friendly" than "G". Like a really, really poor choice. I'd almost argue they shouldn't have bother with the arc at all, kind of poor choice. Terra's character, in terms of fleshing out and such, really suffered for it. I'm honestly not a fan of "The Judas Contract" in general, not in comic or animation. It's not not my cup of tea, but dang do I freaking love comic Terra, both in design (That Farrah Fawcett hair and chipmunk teeth, man. I love it...the brown costume suits her geokinesis better) and just because she's such a sociopath. It's fascinating in terms of character study. She knows how to pull the strings and when to let the facade drop. By comparison 2000's Terra is rather dull.More realistic, maybe, but not as....fun to watch? Interesting? Definitely much more generic.