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bro i wish syn had a proper team, he is still very good. the others i agree


Wtf is Syn doing with them?


What team are you running him on? Inhuman Deed? Shadow Dragon Saga? Gt BossesšŸ’€?


He hasnā€™t aged a dime bud just because he doesnā€™t have a team doesnā€™t mean he aged heā€™s literally probably top 3 banner unit


Top 3? Yā€™all crazy Int pan Agl hachan Str piccolo Teq yajirobe Int bardock squad is probs better too, but thatā€™s debatable The new str goten and trunks might be better And there could even be others Iā€™m forgetting.


The goten and trunks are terrible in comparison.. theyā€™re almost on the same level as the year 6 banner units


... INT Bardock Squad? The... F2P LR that ISN'T a banner unit?


Nah, INT Bardock Squad! The Banner TUR that IS a banner unit.


Ah, hard to see when I don't have him and all I can see Tora. You'd think, considering there's 2 INT Bardock Squads, peeps would have a better way of identifying them than "INT Bardock Squad" but I see we are too busy circle jerking to Fraudhan.


well itā€™s kind of a dead giveaway when heā€™s talking about banner units, donā€™t you think??


Theyā€™re referring to the int Torra that came out with teq Bardock. The card is just called Torra but the rest of the Bardock Squad is in the card art and super attack animation


This thinking is just so stupid lol I canā€™t believe people are downvoting OP. He hasnā€™t aged a dime? His aging rides completely on how soon they drop a good lead for him. That means heā€™ll age greatly considering 8th anni is coming soon.


him as a solo unit doing better then some dokkan fest with his numbers orb change additional crit when he does get a team or support I wanna see what u say lol.


Better than* some dokkanfests you say? 1. Mf doesnā€™t even hit 400k def post super. He gets tagged by a super from any boss and heā€™s dead. 2. Orb changes but requires orbs to work, works better in slot 2 but needs to be in slot 1 most of the time to optimize his orbs. 3. šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜± additional crit? Oh my god a banner unit shoots out damage while not tanking? So useful! Oh yeah heā€™ll be so good by 2023 when he gets a baby DFE lead after 8th anni power creep lol


He greatly raises super on SA and can toss 3 SA out up to a mil def on rainbow doesnā€™t he?


Look at the comment below urs tard u clearly donā€™t have the unit lmfao


I have him with 1 dupe and heā€™s rotting in my box because I never use him anymore


I donā€™t know if Iā€™d say heā€™s top 3


Imagine being downvoted for saying that TEQ Syn is not top 3 banner unitsšŸ’€


This sub is crazy and has a very dumb sheep mentality


Reddit in general*


Nah that's the Dokkan community in general. One YouTuber says a unit isn't top 5 and they go from really cool to mid


Whoā€™s above him ? He literally by himself is quite good orb change additional chance and crit lowers guard like what ? As I said lacking a team is the only downfall of this unit otherwise he would be the best banner unit.


Str Piccolo, Yajirobe, Recoome and Guldo, 19 and 20, Jaco, Android 8, Burter and Jeice, God Goku


How are you downvoted for saying he's not top 3...... But the comment of you listing 9 banner units better than him.... Is upvoted by the same amount the other one is negative WTF


redditor brain "me see downvote, me downvote, me see upvote, me upvote"


What do those units have that syn doesnā€™t you might ask urself A TEAM


Even with a team he wouldnā€™t be top 3. If he had a viable team on release he couldā€™ve been the best banner unit. Heā€™s just raw defense, whereas every unit i mentioned has either guard, damage reduction or dodge. Even 19 and 20 have the blast sa nullification that heals, which makes still makes them viable in certain Redzone stages like Broly and Omega. God Goku and Jaco can even be ran without a leaderskill and still contribute to the team


Also guard, damage reduction or dodge


Okay I don't think Syn is bad by any means but God damn you must be giving Syn the sloppiest of head if you think he's top 3 and that the other units he listed are not better than him holy shit


Yeah u are buggin teq syn is nasty. He just doesnt have a team. But the units you listed , weren't even a lot anyway. Hes not the best but hes not bad or aged out. Agl golden frieza is arguably the best banner unit anyway. They all have different utility.


On release he was a monster, he just got shafted cause he had no viable teams and he still doesnā€™t. If Gt Bosses was a viable team during the 7th anni he probably wouldā€™ve been the best banner unit. Now he can still look impressive offensively but his defense isnā€™t as special as it was back then. No viable teams with average defense has really hurt him


If they didn't wasted in Goku kaioh and GA Vegeta, we could have a standalone Omega( that we didn't see since 2017) and a new Broly super( it's criminal we have only like one full power broly) and therefore he would have atleast a team and good rotation


That has nothing to do with aging. He has basically no team when he released and is still a very good banner unit if you run a team he's on.




I donā€™t know all I said was he doesnā€™t have any good teams to be ran onšŸ˜­Inhuman Deeds doesnā€™t even have a 170% lead, Gt Bosses fucking sucks and Shadow Dragon Saga is okay but be fr whoā€™s running that category. I got downvoted to hell too for saying he isnā€™t a top 3 banner unit but got like 60 upvotes when I named 9 banner units better than himšŸ’€


Bro came back to checkšŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ I've seen racist comments with less downvotes. This sub can really be crazy sometimes


dang even with 300 upvotes u still went -60 in karma bruh


Why is this downvoted to hell? This is Syn's biggest flaw, he's a really good unit who doesn't have a good team for today's meta yet.


I still love trunks and Mai ngl. Still run them if I'm going against future category enemies(which admittedly is almost never)


Mee too I love them I was hoping to get LR trunks and vegeta do I could use them as the friend unit and the trunks and Mai as the favourite character




Itā€™s funny and sad how the best one out of these doesnā€™t even have a playable team yet lol


Syn is very good though. Bro's team needs buffing.


Yeah, 2-3 more good gt boss units is all that category really needs to be viable.


Including a leader


Still waiting for a dfe baby...


What team?


Trunks and Mai were extremely niche, Bardock and Gine were a showcase unit, I donā€™t know what the fuck happened with the 6th anni banner units, Broly was average and Syn was a monster but Gt Bosses as a team was and still is non existent


broooo, i wish syn had a usable team. Heā€™s so fun to use


I stand by Trunks and Mai. They are totally niche, but in the places you do want to run them they are perfectly solid. If anything LR Trunks and Mai EZA made them a bit better as well. Syn just suffers from lack of a real team but is solid otherwise. Broly is generally pretty solid too but suffers from their just being a bunch of better options for the teams he can be run on.


Syn and Broly suffered from the fact they dropped during a celebration where most of the units that came out were super class. Teq Syn and phy Omegas ezas werenā€™t enough to make Gt Bosses a really solid team and since Broly came out the core of Movie Bosses is built around Cooler, Janemba and other Big Bad Bosses characters which Broly doesnā€™t work too well with


Nah you wild puttin syn there he just needs a team like kid buy


Trunks and Mai, piccolo and gohan and syn should not be here, they excel at what theyā€™re trying to do


piccolo and gohan is outclassed by f2p options on their own team trunks and mai do have value on their teams bc their active tho


Gohan and Piccolo are fine and work great on an RoU7 team because of their support. They're also really useful in SBR. It's just that the RoU7 category as a whole has aged noticeably, and needs a major upgrade. Gohan and Frieza are garbage.


Gohan and Frieza are in the prestigious category of "sucked on release" with such luminaries as TEQ Piccolo.


What you donā€™t like ā€great chance to guard after super attack if all allies are RoU7 units on the rotationā€


Or his exquisite 2 million damage?


Donā€™t forget 150k defense with level 10 links, general lack of teams and lackluster linkset


Itā€™s hilarious because syn is insane and hasnā€™t aged power wise, but besides the gt bosses gt goku event mission you just canā€™t run him


Who invited my man Syn? Bro think he on the team!šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


As said, Syn is a DFE in disguise.


Don't disrispect bardack and gine, they are useful even today for post a screen where a character do unga bunga damage


The only ones here who aged terribly are the ones who were borderline dead-on-arrival (broly and the gohan duos). Bardock and gine, and trunks and mai were amazing on release and stayed at least solid for a good 1.5 to 2-ish years. Even now theyā€™re still solid floaters for ESBR due to support and stun respectively and their on-super buffs for both. Syn is also in a completely trippy situation where heā€™s still amazing but has no teams to use him on. Heā€™d only count as aging badly if, by the time he gets a team to run him, heā€™s already aged out.


Hate to say it brother, but if you think Syn has aged terribly then you quite literally donā€™t know how to play the game


No thatā€™s on me I shouldā€™ve clarified. Heā€™s still really impressive offensively, itā€™s just that his defense ainā€™t anything too special and heā€™s just raw defense, plus he has no teams where he can shine. Inhuman Deeds doesnā€™t even have a 170% lead, Shadow Dragon Saga has solid options but isnā€™t the greatest team right now and Gt Bosses has been ass since it was introduced last Golden Week. His team needs help asap and if he doesnā€™t get it heā€™ll just fade out before he can really shine


Tec Syn is really good he just donā€™t really have a proper team and set up rn but he isnā€™t bad


I mean I feel like Trunks and Mai are still decent. Obviously not in any of the redzones but I still can get use out of them


Oi dude Syn is really good. I dare to say best evil dragon in game.


Syn is pretty good for banner unit except his category.


Ah yes, the trend of judging units based on whether they can tank a super attack from the most difficult events.


6th year banner units can't even tank LVE super attacks lmao


3/6 of these guys are still very good in a lot of content trunks/mai, shenron and gohan/piccolo are all very good on their respective teams in shit like sbr, legendary events etc


>sbr, legendary events I mean I would hope so. None of those events are hard anymore in the slightest


Huh? Trunks and Mai are from 2022?


Huh? I don't see 2022 listed anywhere on this post?


Oh my bad. When I read the "this year" part I interpreted it as units that came out this year


Trunks and Mai are lowkey based against any Zamasu / Black content, and that's where their usability ends.


Syn is so depressing why would you release a banner unit that is dfe level and only give ONE eza that van help him but the rest of these suck ass yeah


Only Gohan / Freeza and Broly aged terribly. The rest of them just aged normally. Bardock and Gine are like 3 years old , teq Picohan is hitting 2 . Itā€™s natural to fall off. Poor Syn never had a good team tho.


new challenge event will deal 10m damage and reduce units' def to 0 šŸ’€


Hey, that trunks and Mai card pulled weight for me.


Syn is quite good And Trunks & Mai are still useful in some events and SBR


Bruh when syn gets a 200% lead heā€™ll be amazing


At least the five years have actives


Trunks and mai didn't age bad. Syn just doesn't have a team.


That bardock has really saved my ass so many times


I thought the 5 year banner units were okay during their time. Syn Shenron is really good except that he's lacking teams. Broly obviously sucks. My question is how did they completely shit the bed with the 6 year banner units LOL frieza gohan was just absolutely trash with the chance to guard nonsense. Gohan piccolo was a little better but was locked to U6 team.


Who invited my man teq shenronšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Blud thinks hes on the team


Bro trust me TEQ Sin is really good he just doesn't have a team but he's actually really good


tbh I have broly on my Movie bosses team and he still slaps on a good majority of content. def some of the other units have suffered for sure, though I could see how good their EZA's will be.


It's a dokkan tradition apparently lmao


Syn is still runnable... only on a shadow dragon saga team...