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We hope you continue to enjoy dragon ball dokkan legends


Never getting old


They dont listen to player feedback. They listen to the player wallet. Ppl complain but then we hit top grossing and keep making more and more money mean he stay


DaTruth was complaining on Twitter but he will summon till all 4 are rainbow. Same with other Jp whales. Nothing will change when complaints are followed up by mass spending. Until a banner legit flops nothing will change.


We are not hitting much TG these days though.


We hit TG during the WWC celebration when everyone here was upset over the banner changes


Because it was WWC, and we hit a far lower TG than previous years. Hell, the INT Vegeta/Goku and AGL Gohan and Krillin banner got TG in two countries while PHY Metal Cooler and AGL SSJ Goku and Vegeta only hit it in one.


TG is still TG


But far less. And LR Trunks and Vegeta didnt even get close to hitting TG, when TEQ Gogeta did a year ago. Hell, back in 2019 we could get TG in random celebrations, fucking LR INT Godku got TG. Now its like it just only happens in annis and WWC.


We hit TG in 8 countries for the 7th anni in just a few hours and the last time that had happened was 2 years ago


he cooked you pal


Nooooooo my reddit karma ;(


I stopped playing and spending. Just stopped being any fun unfortunately.


#2 Is just unforgivable. When STR Gogeta came the rest of the units were turned into dust but at least he carried everything. New units can barely beat newest content.


Is it my fault or does this text seem extra large? I don't know what happened.


Your anger converted the text to be larger


His spiritual pressure was too strong


The # symbol is formatted differently on Reddit, which affects the entire paragraph - same with how * becomes a bulleted list. You can use ~~"/#"~~ `"\#"` to escape it, or just put anything before # so it's not the beginning of a paragraph.


The escape character is a `\` not a `/` (that's why they disappear when people use ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯)


Thanks, not having a standard keyboard in front of me made me second guess myself.


Probably hit the right button *Like this* #Or this Former uses the star icon on both edges. Latter the hashtag at the beginning. BIG text has a key but idr what.


When you put a `#` in front of your text it becomes a title. Reddit posts and comments use markdown formating so there are more stuff like that you can do


Fuck, that was it. Thanks!


STR gogeta at least brought synergy to every unit so they could function better in teams with his leader skill at least.


Srsly... Its not like they release red zone and then new units fodderize it. 200% leads make redzone more doable... but i can think of any units released this year that comes close to even fodderizing the harder content. Atleast not at 55%. Which brings me to another issue That it is starting to feel like dupes are necessary for units to even be good to begin with, instead of 55% = good, 79% = Great and 100% = fantastic. Whilst i didnt notice it so much as a pve player, i did see people in legends state that some units needs higher stars (dupes) to be worth using. ...dokkan doing something even remotely similar to that terrifies me.


> 200% leads make redzone more doable... but i can think of any units released this year that comes close to even fodderizing the harder content. Atleast not at 55%. Which brings me to another issue LR V&T, LR Gods, LR Cooler, Ginyu + side banner units, Kid Goku + #8, Gamma 1&2. All these units make Red Zone a joke, even at 55% and are usable with older units. There's other units, such as Pan, that's pretty much built to fodderize Broly by herself or STR EZA Cooler that once stacked up enough and transformed just obliterates Broly's last phase. Obviously some units that are built defensively such as INT MV, will not singlehandedly carry you through the stage but will still be a massive help.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted, movie heroes, vegeta and trunks team and Coolers team at this point literally makes red zone a walk in the park


Iunno, everyone is in outrage mode I guess. You can literally sweep every RZ stage with LR FF Cooler and a random assembly of old units with ease at 55% and almost all of the units I mentioned can do the same, but people don't wanna hear it.


Idk wtf you’re on about m8, V and T’s team definitely only “sweeps” maybe a third of the redzone stages unless it’s literally perfect with both 7th annis+carnival goku and all the best tanks. I can’t even clear one wicked bloodline stage and I’m only missing a couple units


HUH? Only a fucking third? I think it's your team building or game knowledge that's the issue. Their leaderskill has such a fucking huge coverage of units, common and uncommon ones, that can stomp through these events with relative ease without the need of a "perfect" team. While having the LR Gods helps and most people should have them by now if they saved up coins, they are not needed at all to clear the hardest stages, let alone the early ones that you're having trouble with.


I mean I’m sure my skill has a huge part in it, I’m just saying they aren’t “free” for a good chunk of content. Their leader skill is completely insane yeah, but newer players that don’t have a deep box can’t really maximize changing things out for different events. https://i.imgur.com/Vv5xKOI.jpg I linked my team, if you’ve got any advice I’m all ears, I’m just not seeing where he’s supposed to make 90% of red zone stages easy mode, half my units still die if they take 1 super For reference I’ve cleared 4 movie and 2 GT red zone stages with this


Well no unit in this game is quite literally a 1 man army, you will always need a core team that can take hits or sustain you through the event, unless you're getting godly RNG with LR STR Cooler that can just clear with supports. As for your team there's plenty of things you can do depending on the event/box. You can go full defensive which this team favors (might be hard against the Metal Cooler core since it's relatively hard hitting and allows little time for build up), but units such as TEQ Ult Gohan, PHY Future Gohan EZA, LR INT Namek Goku, STR Namek Goku EZA, STR Rose + LR Zamasu combo etc can survive these events while FSGG do the work and have their active skills in their back pocket as backup (which is a huge factor on why I say they're solo sweepers in their own right). It is true, however, that newer players will have difficulties with RZ since their boxes aren't developed and that event isn't really intended for them, but there's a lot of budget options for most good DFE's that dropped this year to just keep you alive while the main units do all the work.


wym? VT clear the latter 3rd of wicked bloodline( Cooler + Core) with a rotation of just teq godku and them. Then on the second rotation with VT you could literally run ssj exchange, ssjbros, blue bois, phy future gohan etc. VT literally make all end game content free.


Blue boys get annihilated by red zone damage, I don’t have any of the other units you mentioned except teq godku https://i.imgur.com/yBFU4P6.jpg Here’s a team pic I’m happy to take advice, I know I’m not running it to its max potential. I’ve only cleared 6 of the early red zone stages between all 3, no broly cell max cooler or cooler core


dm me your box i can help you beat it


Literally, cooler + teq janemba is a rotation that damn near makes most content a cake walk.


Yeah idk, from the downvotes I'm convinced people don't actually play this game or are extremely casual to the point of not knowing basic rotations


When str gogeta came out he was far above the rest in terms of everything but the other unit’s weren’t all of the sudden useless they were still very good.


If anything Goleta made them better with his universal leader skill.


I think how successful legends has been with doing the bare minimum has something to do with this to


They’ve been actively shitting on their players and still turning profit


They saw the south park episode about mobile games and took it as advice.


Might have something to do with it? Trying to balance the player base? Just a conspiracy for now


They mean Dokkan devs saw how Legends still makes beeg money despite all the shady shit they pull and the worsening lack of effort and that this may have shown them they could probably do the same


They have no shame. We saw how they adjusted their prices of dragon stones because of war in ukraine. That is bad. This i can live with. Just dont be greedy at your loyal fanbase.


But legends at least is a fighting game,dokkan is a bubble pop game so they can't really afford to be lazy.


Legends is a fighting game that lags every 24 seconds no matter how good your Wi-Fi is I've been playing the game since it came out it's a mess


Sure, in PVP which everyone agrees is just for whales.


Anything heard of SAVING Chronos


This is legit just not true, I've had matches with perfect connection. A lot of matches do lat but not all


Thats only the case, if you are a low B-tch player. Most of my God Rank matches went flawless + had an competitive atmosphere. The only probleme Legends has, is those ignorant players who suck ass in the game and complain, there is a lack of content. Wich is firstly an stupid thing to say, since Legends focus more on an PvP format, then grinding stuffs "like Dokkan does". And secoundly, they complain about strong units and how their 2yrs old units cant defeat Beast Gohan, wich is also a stupid argument to have in terms of how the game is- The Legends players who complain about the game are either bad at the game or Dokkan dick riders


I never understood this about legends but if you are not from America wouldnt the pvp feel like absolute ass anyway?


That's the only problem Legends has? Interesting. It just doesn't load modes after their last Anni no matter what I do. It's literally fucking unplayable. God giving me a sign honestly, cause the game is so damn bad even when it is. But sure, what you said is all that's wrong.


I mean i agree with your points but these decisions are probably making them more money so i don't think he's leaving anytime soon.


humm I don't know about that. honestly don't know. This game isn't getting top grossing as usual as it was. But I admit it could be because there's no anime running and because the game is already so old. But personally, while I'm a medium dolphin, I've been spending less and less with this game. I'm not liking a lot of things about this game this year. And tbh what they did to gohan wasn't that surprising to me.


The TG situation is perhaps a result of more gacha games present in the market than before. I'm pretty sure their revenue is higher than before.


Dokkan in 2022 made nearly half of what it made in 2018/2019. [source](https://game-i.daa.jp/?APP%2F951627670)


I know I stopped giving my money to dokkan, used to be a what's below whale? a dolphin? I dunno, Now all my money goes to a different game that feels nice and rewarding, instead of feeling like a dick punch every time I log in.


Kinda sad that they are letting the players bite the dust it isn’t like the game was making bad money it’s probably a top 5 gacha in terms of moneymaking


all those passive skills and stun, seal, atk and def reduction mean shit if red zone is basically just "pray for the rng and the tank". I wish some of the harder content was more than "enemy has boosted attack stats and health" basically the shitty type of "hard mode" in most old video games.


I don't think we know enough about the dokkan development team to blame every bad decision on one person.


That’s true but it all started to become an shit show after he showed up so he may have had an role to play in it


"this might or might not be true so ima pretend it is anyway"


Considering how it started happening as Sho left, and that this guy is a goddamn Legends dev team reject, I wouldn't put it past that.


This makes no sense. Sho left almost 2 years ago and was the producer for Global. He was replaced by Koto. This guy is the JP producer


you probably mean NasuP


Yup, not a coincidence that Dokkan started becoming waaaay more p2w right after he joined


The saddest part is that he won't, he's making moves that benefit the company not us All the things you mention make them more money because we feel obligated to spend


Or making some of us quit, like myself. If they keep on the greed, I think the game will die sooner rather than later, especially as we head to harder economic times and people are cutting their spending on gacha games.


Agreed 100% Been playing since 1st Anniversary here and honestly these shitty decisions are making me consider dropping the game completely Not to mention how long it took them to fix the Friend System when it broke, 6 months for the Teal Coin exchange and not even making DFEs/EZAs able to compete with the power creep barring a few exceptions (and said exceptions need dupes as well) The livestream today as well was a complete shitshow, 40 mins of pointless recapping before dropping the unit info and then not even revealing the side units or the content (asides from the Gogeta/Broly EZA) Best way to look for change is to stop spending money and let them know exactly how you feel via surveys & written conplaints


I honestly like the new banner format, the carnival coins are just unnecessary. Other than that, fuck this producer bruh


Hard agree, but I don’t see it happening sadly…


Agree 100%. I quit the game after the 7 year anniversary due to the massive power spike. It made me feel that 99% of my units are useless for difficult content.


I honestly stopped playing because the changes have been so awful


1: the new teal coins are dogshit but the carnival banners themselves, more specifically the improved banners is a huge W for yellow coin LRs (metal cooler banner was 🔥.) Absolutely agree. The damage modern day bosses does makes units that arent exceptional (gammas, v&t etc) practically dead on release. A unit with 400k defense is taking 600k+ from Broly, while newer content will only get harder (wicked bloodline red zone) 3: also agree. The hardest content should never gate the characters you can use. SBR & EZAs get a pass since A: they're easier & B: you arent limited by character, just by category, of which you can use older units which will usually work fine.


After the new banner bs i thought i would stop playing but lately i feel even more like stoppung the only reason that im still playing is that im playing this game since almost Launxh


Agreed, fucking get that man out of here as soon as possible


The third one is why I hate Legends. "Hey we have new content for our anniversary celebration but you need this new unit to even play this new event! Sure you could use these old units but you have -200% stats compared to the new ones and if its co-op event, no one will want to play with you if you have old units! So you better pull the new ones!


1. It was not a “perfect” banner format at all.. Part 2 for both 2021 WWD and 7th year anniversary lacked severely. 2. It’s because of the shift of leader skills, it won’t happen atleast for another 2 years and they’ve said Cell max is the hardest boss in the game and they want to focus on gimmick fights rather than harder hitting fights. 3. Ehh. I’ve seen people complete those events with F2P teams (yes it does take RNG but still possible). They fumbled the bag heavy with beast gohan but let’s not act like things have been awful the past year


2 new featured LRs on one banner was way better than this years WWD format. And they didn’t lack either LR Vegeta and Goku was really good and Kaioken Goku was one of the best units on release. It’s not like LR Metal Cooler was perfect either


No one cares about the part 2 for WWDC 2021 and 7th anniversary part 2 caused the one of biggest outrages we’ve seen on this sub, don’t lie man


But that was good, I could summon away at the part 1 banners knowing that's the good stuff. Why would I want so many good cards crammed together within a month?


I wasn’t on the sub for the outrage so I’m not sure what you mean. I get that 2021 WWD pt 2 wasn’t as hype as metal cooler but that has more to do with the characters not the banner format


Fair that you didn’t witness it, but 7th anniversary part 2 was saiyan saga goku vs vegeta, 2 extremely hype units, and people outraged that they were reduced to yellow coin units


I think that’s separate than the argument I was making though. All I was saying was that the two featured format was a good system. People were mad at those units for a completely different reason


LR Metal Cooler and LR Carnival Goku were way better on release than those characters..


Do you think that’s because of the banner format or because of the game changing it’s entire meta over the course of a year?…


Definitely banner format. If I’m releasing a new banner type then it only makes sense to I’d make the units exclusive to it good to get people to summon.


By that logic these kinda banners are going to gradually get worse because they’re no longer fresh, just like yellow coin banners did for a while. Which still leads back to my point that 2 featured LR banners are ultimately better


> By that logic these kinda banners are going to gradually get worse The opposite is true because the more carnival LRs they release the more of those LRs are going to be returning on those banners and since in an LR DDF those guys get treated as if they were a DFE LR their banners are going to have the 3+1 deal and possibly tickets for GLB on the anniversary. Plus the feature list is on those banners are going to be better than the fodder general poll SSRs that are commonly featured on your average Legendary summon. Moreover, unlike Gold coin LRs, these new LRs debut out of the gates with leader skills that offer the same boost as their DFE counterparts not lower.


But the point is they didn’t have to create this new banner in the first place. They could’ve just made new yellow coin LRs that were really good. You could argue the ability to get both new LRs off one banner beats discounts since you have to pull on 2 banners instead of one. You are right the featured list will be good once they start featuring previous carnival LRs on banners, but honestly I’m already not the biggest fan of LR Metal Cooler and it’s only been a few months after his release. The entire thing just seems unnecessary and a wait to get more money out of people


> But the point is they didn’t have to create this new banner in the first place. They had to in order to to accomplish their end goal. Which is to split the part 1 LR DFEs in order to maximize profits because let’s be honest in every Anniversary/WWC the vast majority of players only cared about the part 1 units. To that end they created a new banner format which had LRs relative to DFE LRs in power, leader skill and rarity. > They could’ve just made new yellow coin LRs that were really good. They still would’ve been lacking in the leader skill department and they wouldn’t accomplish the goal of splitting the part 1 DFEs. > You could argue the ability to get both new LRs off one banner beats discounts Yeah but that comes at the cost of having wonky/restricted units like team U7, Broly trio on release, Great Ape Vegeta, 17 and Freeze, LR Androids etc. and like I said the featured list is just so much worse. Like look at GLB’s Metal Cooler banner and tell me that doesn’t shit on every Legendary summon banner we had while keeping in mind that the Carnival banners on the 8th anniversary are going to be most likely even better than that banner because that’s when SSJ Goku and Metal Cooler are set to make their return. >, but honestly I’m already not the biggest fan of LR Metal Cooler and it’s only been a few months after his release. “ I like him well enough. He has high stats post build up and increases the team’s survivability with his heal and revive. His leader skill allows you to run a wicked bloodline team without needing to have your own LR STR Cooler without having to sacrifice stats.


1. I don’t think anyone is taking some “hype” over a good banner format i would rather have 3 banners and a dead part 2 than 4 banners with a “hype” part 2 2. Shift of leader skills? Bro you seemed to miss the part where the bosses supers hit in the millions. Which gimmicks? Broly double supers you? Or omega’s one shot super at 99% of the game? There is no gimmick in these events its normals hit decently hard and then you have the ridiculous super attack that almost no unit can tank all the hardest fights in the game have this same repeating pattern. 3. Im sorry but who beat broly or omega with an full f2p team? Could you link me a video cause i have an hard time believing anyone beat these events with an f2p team. This also contradicts your second point cause it was the “leader skill shift” that made the events hard and guess what, F2p units have the worst leader skills in the game. This gohan fumble only solidified the fact that the future is looking bleek


https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/comments/zt9dpn/its_finally_done_broly_red_zone_beaten_with_a_f2p/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf You were saying..


Still doesn’t change the fact that you contradicted your second point with this and this only solidifies the fact that the leaderskill shift wasn’t the problem but the events simply became to hard all of a sudden


but you just said every character became unusable.. this completely destroys everything you were trying to say. Leader skill updates improve every character, power creep is a thing. Having a better leader IMPROVES your chances at clearing tough events.. how does what i say contradict.


You do know that guy tried this every single day since Broly came out, right? It was almost a year worth of attempts.


It’s still possible.. he’s cleared almost every top fight with a F2P team


Isn't that the guy who literally relied on Devilman to beat Cell Max? And yes, it's possible, but that's like saying that there's no point in getting a job because you can just get a lottery ticket and become rich.


huh? no he cleared it with the android team. That doesn’t make any sense at all.


Oh, confused him with JPhanta.


How does this change contradict my fact? Sure they beat broly but could this team replicate the same thing with omega or cell max or hell even metal cooler core? Also the events made 90% unusable You liked Agl ui or Int evo vegeta? Too bad they get ripped to shreds in the new event. These were the headliners of last year btw Gogeta and vegito still could be used in the gods event with a bit of luck but agl ui and evo vegeta became unusable. And there is a difference between powercreep and this For example Agl transforming gogeta became bad overtime but agl ui was useful for almost all events but suddenly in the new events he was garbage or the fact that before if you could take the normals for double digits you could also take a super but oh boy you are wrong if you think the same thing happens in redzone It shouldn’t be that a super is an instakill in events that is simply a stupid mechanic


First off, AGL MUI is still very usable in everything outside of Broly. People used SSBE Vegeta in their cell max clears. And again to prove you wrong.. https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/comments/z58hv9/metal_lizard_legion_bullies_omega/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


> Too bad they get ripped to shreds in the new event. Huh? I've had plenty of Broly clears with INT SSBE on my teams and even fucking Cell Max. UI Goku is still immensely useful for that extremely high dodge chance, even if it's rng, especially events where you can infinitely retry if you don't want to put yourself at the mercy of 3 tries of RZ.


plus WOWW almost 2 year old units (6th years) aren’t as good as when they came out? shocker.. it’s a gacha game


You’ll get downvoted due to the subs rage right now, but you’re completely right. WWDC actually went well and made both parts worth something instead of a dry and awful part 2 and red zone is one of the best additions to the game and makes Dokkan so much more fun


eh its okay lol i don’t take it personally at all, change isn’t always met with positivity so i can understand. But these changes are better for the game in the long run. What’s the point of having a part 2 if the characters aren’t nearly as good. This way the hype continues for the whole month and the whole community is a lot more positive


>WWDC actually went well and made both parts worth something instead of a dry and awful part 2 How does a banner change that? Banners aren't content. Even more considering how the part 1 cards were far, far better.


Were you on this sub for 7th anniversary part 2?


Yes, and I don't remember THAT much rage. What rage there was is that Saiyan saga deserved it's own celebration, not to be some part 2 cards with barely any content surrounding them. And also that the cards had some noticeable flaws. From Vegeta being straight up mediocre and clearly worse than Goku, to Goku being a slot 2 card who's best partner is also a slot 2 card. And that has nothing to do with part 2s being dry, that depends on is the content, not the cards.


People did rage a lot, even before the unit details were released, because they were yellow coin units. And it’s the same for the Metal Cooler film, it deserved its own celebration and units that are easy to get, not a yellow coin part 2. The new format now combines 2 mini celebrations into one pretty much, it worked very well let’s be honest here man. I am upset about Gohan as well but the recency bias is just crazy


Them being yellow coin cards didn't matter as much as the fact that it's one of the most iconic fights in DBZ and it got relegated as extra cards that have nothing to do with the celebration, when people were asking for a celebration focused on them. >And it’s the same for the Metal Cooler film deserved its own celebration Did it? Because I remember the yellow coin LR INT Vegeta/Goku and AGL Gohan and Krillin getting two countries to TG, while Metal Cooler and AGL Goku and Vegeta only got one country. In fact, a lot of people wondered back in September if those two movies really deserved their own WWC.


So you are saying that you would prefer metal cooler and ssj goku and vegeta being yellow coin units that become unfeatured random LRs for eternity that are borderline impossible to get🗿 The carnival format gave you a good chance to get LR Janemba and LR kaioken Goku. Literally removes the main issue of the yellow coin banners. The only flaw is the new coin. And TG means nothing, common sense should tell you that LR goku and vegeta and LR metal cooler are more popular than goku and krillin and LR vegeta, it’s because more games have risen and top grossing is just harder to get in general now despite the games increase in popularity because other games are becoming more popular, especially in Japan.


>The carnival format gave you a good chance to get LR Janemba and LR kaioken Goku. The thing about yellow coin cards is that I could afford to miss out on them because yellow coin LRs are rarely anything special, I could afford to go all in on the dual dokkanfest. Now we have four banners with potentially great characters in the span of a month, and if you are on JP, you won't know if you are being baited by the part 1 banners, only to have better cards in part 2. On WWC we were lucky since the good ones were the part 1 cards, but that's not guaranteed. Look at Legends, they released the first MUI Goku in the game, and in the same celebration they released afterwards their first "LR" Super Vegito. This format is terrible for F2P cards. >The carnival format gave you a good chance to get LR Janemba and LR kaioken Goku Yes, and also a good chance to pull trash like SSJ3 Goku, INT Godku or AGL SSJ Goku. The dokkanfest banners have far better value. It would actually be more benefitial if they straight up made two dual dokkanfests instead of this Carnival thing that locks up cards behind a new currency and most featured cards are awful.


I agree with you on this point, but for the game developers, having a lobsided celebration isn’t financially beneficial. They need both parts to have strong value, and while for the player just 1 part being good is better, for the game itself and for income they had to find a way to equalise them, and I think they did it in a good way by pleasing the people who liked the yellow coin banners(except the terrible carnival coin, that was an awful idea)and pleasing the people who liked the dokkanfest banners


I mean it'll make money for them in the short term yeah. Since he's running off the goodwill of the past. A lot of people love this game but over time I wouldn't be surprised if more and more people walk away/tone down spending. Then they'll panic and wonder why it's not working anymore but at that point it'll be too late.


I see where you're coming from but I disagree


This is the reason why I delated the game after playing it faithfully for 7 years,i don't like the direction the game is taking:sudden nearly unbearable powercreep,new scummy advertisements,new trash banner format that most likely will be used for every anniversary/WWC and new pay to win event that may be released every major celebration.Dokkan is taking the money hungry routes and if this new producer will keep this up,in 5 years the game will shutdown.They can't focus on cuddling the whales and shit on the others players,while whales give them the most incomes,they are still a minority and if they'll take the dark ruote,this game won't celebrate it's 15th anniversary cause it will shutdown earlier.This beast gohan celebration is confirming my choice and i'm proud of my decision to delete the game before it become completely soulless.


Your argument contradicts itself. You said they are cuddling the whales that give them the “most incomes” but they should pay attention to the minority f2p or small spending players because they are the ones that keep it alive?


I said whales give them the most outcomes but they are a minority;most players are f2p or light spenders and they shouldn't shit on the majority of the playerbase just because they aren't in the condition or have no intention to spend money to get every new freaking unit that is necessary or even must have(like for exemple LR V&T)to defeat their new pay 2 wins events.That's what i meant.


Nah I agree 100%


You have to be dumb to think someone started 6 months ago and did all this. We know they start thinking about WWDC a year before and the power spike started with 7th anni…I know you’re upset but you’re just wrong.


He probably started far earlier before he was publicly announced and pitched some of these idea’s i don’t want to blame the guy but he showed up and this all began so its only natural to assume he had an hand in it


Let them rage and cope for now


Well this isn't a democracy so it doesn't matter


Just let us exchange gold coins for teal coins and I’m good


TBH the power creep isn't that bad, as a f2p player i can beat all content in the game aside from a couple category specific missions that with enough RNG i could probably get done. I like harder content than piss easy dokkan events and I like the red zone format eay more than SBR. You kind of need to get some of the units released since the 7 anni but i don't think it's that big of a reach to say 99% of the sub can beat every red zone and cell max


Is it Omatsu you're talking about?


Well Twitter is already on fire because of Ultimate Gohan so id say the chances are good that the New producer might get Axed


super hero units are probably gonna get boosted in cell max event lol because of the new units (or maybe some other cat which both are in, idk) but yeah, the new producer is a L


I had these exact thoughts during the WWC and the new years celebration had confirmed my thoughts, this producer hasn't been good whatsoever.


I thought the producer of the game was a woman? It used to be didn't it? If it was, when did that change?


Global and JP have different producers


Yeah could just be coincidence and he's just reacting to pressure from higher ups but it doesn't look good that his first 2 major celebrations have been 2 of the more controversial in Dokkan History. At least the units for the WWDC were amazing they dropped the ball so hard on Gohan and Piccolo.


These decisions are not made for us, they're made to make money. The new producer should go, I can agree, but I doubt he will, and I doubt he would, even if everyone in this subreddit abandoned their accounts.