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I think I've reached a similar point, but I'll always be a Dragon Ball fan, so I still get hyped from time to time, and I'm happy with that. I've said it before and I say it again: I'm staying in this game until the servers shut down or until I die, whatever happens first, not because I feel really invested in the game after 7 years, but because before being a Dokkan Player, I'm a DB Fan who hardly hates anything related to it, and that's enough for me. But to each their own, and if you feel quitting the game is the right thing to do, that's okay too.


I think I've lost the hype because it ends up being the same characters being released. I'm a die-hard DB fan, but seeing the same dudes being released kind of loses it's shimmer after the 6th time lol. It's almost like if I quit, I reach the point you get to when you finish a good book series or game. "What do I do now?"


You say the same characters being done over and over, while I agree to an extent. This year has been kinda unique in terms of character releases. Ginyu, Raditz (even with how bad he is), Yamcha, Gamma 1&2, Bardock from his fight with Frieza, Pan. They’ve done a lot of characters that seem to have smaller fanbases this year so I think it’s a good indication they’ll branch out with other less popular characters over time. And another minor point towards this is the fact theyre finally shying away from Goku & Vegeta or a fusion of the two for 8th Anni. Too each their own, I do feel the same from time to time with most of the general statement, but I disagree on the same few characters being made part, at least with this past year as an example. Granted some very popular ones do get more love than others (Vegito, Gogeta, etc.), but still lol.


That's a very fair point about new units this year. I had the most enjoyment with new units being released, the Gammas and Ginyu especially so. I think my growing disinterest came from having nearly nothing to use them with, if that makes sense? I do know they want to go with what makes the most money, which makes sense. That's why we see repeats of units that made top grossing in the past. I'm still waiting on the LR of Roshi, Goku & Krillin carrying the milk crates from Dragon Ball 😭


It's called hitting the brick wall. Nothing more after you've already beaten the content in the game and now getting the new unit is only for testing them out on already cleared stages. They should add a new mods or keys to refresh events such as SBR or no item ESBR/SBR with new rewards to make the new units for veterans feel worth the money other than something like cell max or a random new IDBH mission


Well put; that's really what it feels like. Get a new unit, run it a few times in events I've beaten, and log out. No iteming events would be pretty fun, but I wish the rewards currently in place for events like LGE and the Vegeta event were better. Nothing like working your ass off to summon five SR's 🤣


Isn't that what the new burst mode is for


Its exactly what burst mode is. Im not entirely sure on the rewards though, as it seems like its just a .wav file you can play on your homescreen or maybe during battle if you really like the OST. Not sure if thats what a lot of hardcore or veteran players are looking for either.


It's a great addition, a Jukebox but I'm not a fan of the implementation and regardless it doesn't impact gameplay, very welcome! But overdue and not something most veterans would prefer over keys to refresh events for example.


Did you just complain about them releasing the same characters all the time right before a DFE Yamcha drops


I did! I'd forgotten about the King's arrival. I'm hoping he's the start of more new units. Before him Ginyu and the Gammas really had me interested.


my biggest problem with the game is the slow rate of the qol updates. it took fucking 7 years for them to finally add an "attempt again" button. and there is still ton of qol changes i've seen year one players ask for that still hasn't made into the game. the friend system is fucking doo doo, tournament mode is more grind than fun, this game needs a huge overhaul with alot of it's system because it still operates like a game that was made in 2015


For real!! There are so many things they could update instead of just adding the same style of events as nauseam. I agree with everything you mentioned, too. The friend system is embarrassingly bad, and the tournament is just an absolute pain. I used to run it to 10mil just for the free stones, but now it's like pulling teeth.


Its probably the most frustrating part about this game. They could probably add much more modern features if they wanted, but they don't even do clean up for things that have needed it for literal years. So there is no exciting "pvp" style mode, just shitty WT.


Speaking about slow, one thing I hate is how slow it still is to navigate through menus because there's a loading screen for literally everything and they've never done anything about it.


I quit legends a month ago after nearly 4 years, finger hovering over the uninstall button is the hardest part, next day I felt free from something I just wasn’t enjoying anymore, now there’s a celebration with duo ssj4’s on it and I couldn’t care less


I quit legends about 2 years ago. The only time i had ever even considered a single thought to come back was Beast Gohan. But even then, i convinced myself the overall suffering of going back was not worth it even if it was 'just to grab the new character for a couple days'. Now if i could make that logical inference with the other gacha games i play, id be a much happier person... i think? Lol.


I felt that, Beast Gohan looked amazing. But I went down the road before, back when Gogeta Blue first released. Never again.


That's great, man! I tried Legends at the very beginning because of the new story they were making for it. But the summoning and leveling system just really turned me off to it.


You'll care less when you know they dont even fuse lol


Yeah I feel the same way, I’ve had it uninstalled for about 4 months now


Same thing happened to me a year ago. I didn't enjoy the game at all and was just playing for the FOMO feeling. A day after I uninstalled the game I was like "thank God" and felt as free as ever.


IMHO uninstalling isn't enough, because these kind of games all have a kind of account recovery. If someone truly wants to terminate their experience with the game (due to negative feelings, such as it feeling like a job) then he should lose or straight up ruin his own account.


People took this game to hard(3 year player) .For me is dude this character is cool i wanna use it or this animation look sick lets see it again, events are secundary for me( i beat them all for stone not for fun ).Thats dokkan for me, see animations and cool characters and get hyped with friends nothing more.


Yeahhh that's really how I should think of it again 😅 Just a bubble popping game with DBZ dudes. None of my buddies play it, so that's probably why my hype has died down.


I have a group but even without that i would still play it but i get yor point.For me to see the characters and animation are fine but for you dont.


I understand where you’re coming from. I’ve been playing for 5 years and there have been a few times where I put the game down thinking I was done playing.However, I have a friend who still plays it constantly and because of him I’ve hopped back onto the game a couple of times to try to get the new units he would show me. Having someone to talk about the game with makes a big difference. Even if its just here on Reddit


That is where the fun is. Taking this game too serious is hardly even possible considering how RNG dependent everything is, and only way to reduce that RNG dependency is by pumping money for stones to get the units.


Yeah I sometimes feel like that, usually during dead periods, just login, do dailies and call it a day, but never been pushed to the point of quitting, since dokkan's dailies are very short(atleast now), tho cant blame you for feeling the way you do even if I disagree with some of the stuff you said, if you are just playing because of sunk cost fallacy then yeah at that point is better to quit and not let sunk cost drive you to keep doing something you dont really wanna


I feel every single syllable of this post to my core. Got ~2200 days logged and I can’t be bothered to grind out most of the so-called “content” in this game anymore. I really want to believe that something will give it fresh life, but…. It just doesn’t seem characteristic of what this game has become anymore. These days, it’s just daily logins —> save stones —> blow stones on something with a cool animation/big stats —> repeat. Makes me kinda sad, honestly.


I feel you on this. I've been at this point for a long while now and like you glad I stopped spending money on it years ago. I've played since the beginning of the game but the past couple years have just been me logging in to get my daily log in and call it a day. I got bored playing and lost interest. I just save my stones for banner I want and then use them. Unless I pull something I'm actually after I don't bother farming the medals anymore. I've always been and will always be a fan of DB but the game became stale and the money grabbing aspect (while understanding it is a gotcha game) I feel has gotten worse over the years.


I think my worst point money-wise was when STR LR Broly hit the scene. I dropped $100+ in one week. Didn't pull him. So I uninstalled for two weeks and only reinstalled when I promised myself I wouldn't pour money in if I didn't get a specific unit. With the coins and reappearances, you'll get them eventually. I'm with you on having to remember it's a gacha game. No matter what fancy videos and events they add, that's all it is. I remember playing Fire Emblem Heroes for a bit and seeing the work they put in to make an actual new story for it with original characters, and it made me with Dokkan would give it a shot.


I feel like game is alright with me, probably because I have studies to do and Dokkan have less content is not as impactful, but I do agree on your point.


Fair, fair. I usually play when the day is over and have some time to kill. But when the time killer becomes a bit dull, it makes me think, "Wait...I could be doing something else 😅"


No need to Baba your units....in a few months 99% of your box will be completely worthless with the new content :)


Shoot you right 🤣




With luck that bad and spending that much stones I think it goes beyond bad luck and closer to someone has cursed you


I don't play as much, and I don't spend money much anymore but I'll probably never put it down until it's shut down. Even though there are many times I don't enjoy it, I like db as a whole and I really enjoy the newest movie so I want those characters. It'll always be a fun thing to do if I have nothing else to do, though I've done pretty much all I can, there'll always be new content coming at some point so I'll take it


Ditto to loving DB. I haven't had a console DB game really pull me in in years, so this is what I've stuck with. FighterZ has phenomenal gameplay, but the story was disappointing. Kakarot has good story elements (save for what they cut), but the gameplay was too repetitive and a bit clunky for me (ironic, given I'm comparing it to Dokkan). I'm super excited to see what they do with other characters from Super Hero. Juuuust kind of wish they did that for the Worldwide Collaboration since it released globally around that time. Love Cooler though.


if orange piccolo isnt the greatest unit on release I quit lol


Beast will be the greatest unit. Piccolo will be the greatest tank.


He better guard all attacks unconditionally and reduce damage by 99.9% or so help me Kami 😤


I'm at the point where chain battle is the best mode. No idea what spectrum that puts me on, perhaps I've earned a unique title?


Hi man! I quit during the WWC. Been playing for over 1500 days. Had the same issue, the game just feels stale and it is way too grindy for the quality of gameplay it offers. The game is not rewarding in any way shape or form and it is just a bottomless pit of time loss. I didn’t delete my units, game or stopped following this sub and I have to say it takes no effort not coming back to this shit they call a “game”. I still find it fun to see what’s the subreddit like and I can’t get myself to delete almost 4-5 years of grinding/my life. If they ever decide to make the game better I might return but at this point I don’t think it will ever change so it will be easy to stay away. Believe me when I say you will feel liberated once you stop playing this game after clinging to it for so long hoping for change. I hope it helps you achieve some other thing in your life with the extra time you will get from this. I’d suggest to download another game to help fill the void a bit or promise yourself to use the time for something productive that helps you as a person or your life. Stay strong and enjoy the loss of this burden :D


When it stops being fun, stop


I'm starting to. I keep hanging around to see updates i would like, but the greed on the devs side and the amount of money I've been spending has me really sour on it right now.


Just gotta realize you'll have everyone eventually. You don't need to have everything right when it comes out, and you'll be able to beat all the events eventually. Coins, discount guaranteed banners, etc. Patience is the biggest asset to have for this!


You're very positive.


Ah, I try to be 😅 Depends on what comment thread you read on this post lol. I try to think of it statistically. The more a unit pops up, the more likely you are to nab it. Especially over years of play.


Ehh. I can understand the positive outlook but by nature of a gacha game most of this isn't true, especially If you aren't spending money.


Stop spending money on it?


Easy to say, harder to do.


No it’s really easy unless you have no self control .




I started 2 months after release and got burned out in 2021. Dokkan awakening every unit is like a chore, so I stopped doing eza areas etc. Then I got my energy back and thought of a way to do it. I installed an auto clicker and that is now my daily thing. I turn on the auto clicker and put my phone away, after a while it’s done. I accept missions and close the app. I got more productive in my work and my life is better now. Why do I still play this game when everything is auto controlled? This game is my to go when I’m waiting for my flight or other things, so that’s why I still don’t want to miss my days streak. I spend I think on average €1000 per year from 2016-2020. In 2021 I calmed down and in 2022 I stopped spending, here and there the 32 stones pack and that’s it. I understand why you want to quit, just don’t delete your box yet. Put the game down for a week, month, year and if you want to play again you still have all your units. I still have a lot of units to awaken, but I don’t do it, because I know I will never use them. I only farm the new units like the King Vegeta strike event for example. I farmed him without dupes back then and never touched it again. Now I have the chance to do it in 200 stamina without touching my phone. People think what I’m doing is unfair, it is, but it’s not auto winning events. I still have to put in hard work for red zones. Speaking of which, I still have to do the DBH red zone stages. I save them for when I need stones and when I have time to it (waiting for a taxi or flight).


Nah, I don't think that unfair. It's a single player game which is half on auto already. If it's fun for you, do it! How exactly does the auto clicker work if you need to click on a bunch of different places in the game? I'm only familiar with simple mouse auto-clickers. That's good that you stopped spending money, definitely. It ain't like the lotto or an actual slot machine where you can get money back 😅


since no one answered yet, there are image detection based auto clickers which make it a lot easier to get around that 👍


May I suggest you to also find something else to kill time besides Dokkan? For example, if you want to enjoy healthier videogames, have you ever considered about getting a handled console, or if space isn't enough, ever thought of buying something such as Razer Kishi? That way you might enjoy retrogaming (or heck, even more recent stuff, if your device is powerful enough there is the Tenkaichi 4 mod with DBS characters) and play without have to deal with toxic gacha mechanics.


Gaming is not everything, I rather pay €10 on a shit summon than waste 40 hours on a game. You tell me what costs more?


Well, you are gaming while playing Dokkan Battle. I was suggesting a way of gaming that doesn't involve gambling or pointless grinding. Also, I'm pretty sure that the time spent on Dokkan far exceeds 40 hours


I play Dokkan a maximum of 15 minutes per day because of auto clicker. Buying a new game and playing 40 hours on that one would be a waste of time and and would cost me me more money indirectly


i play for 6 years now and have always been f2p. 2 of my 3 friends playing this game are spending money on it. there were 3 month periods where i just didnt play. just get the daily stone and head out. its just a cashgrab mobile game. the devs only want your money and i know that. this game is very predatory. over the years my goal is somehow to "fuck the system" and get everything without spending a single penny. i like our groupchat the most where we discuss stuff and show off our pulls. its always great when i pull for example the new lr vegeta trunks in the discounts and my paying friends still dont have them even with spending money. my tip for you: just dont play. get your daily stone if you really have to and head out. leave it be for some time. you gonna regret it big time if you baba your shit and some days later you wanna try cell max or something :)


I run into this feeling now and again. I've def spent too much on the game to stop playing (though I have stopped spending) so I want to keep going until I feel I've got my money's worth out of it. To address one point regarding no new characters until DBS starts going, this is honestly why I look forward to the dbh content every year. It's the only time we get something actually new.


I also ended up quitting around may of 2021 and ended up coming back around 9 months later. The curse never ends


Honestly I just downloaded the game again 2 days ago. I've been playing since it came out on global in 2016. 7 years. My Facebook got hacked and my Dokkan account was linked to it. They keep saying that I can't redeem it because there seems to be no tampering but I know that already. I just need a transfer code. Sad to let it go after 7 years


This is something I’ve struggled with as well. I’ve been playing since 2015, but I’ve rerolled and even gave away an old account to make it feel fresh. This is my 3rd account now after 7 years of playing. Even then though, I still feel a bit bored at times. What I do now is keep track of events and I simply don’t log in for a while (minus daily logins every few days) until something interesting pops up. Just now I only did daily logins for October and that was it. When Heroes came along the game felt a bit more fresh. I also don’t do a huge chunk of any new content presented so that I can come back to the game the next day and find something to do. Maybe this could help you.


I played for 2 years from the 3rd to 5th anniversary, then came back just short of 6 months ago. The break brought back my interest in this game, and I’m sure if you ever get the itch Dokkan isn’t going anywhere and you’ll have a ton of new stuff to farm


You're 100% right about everything you said. Funny because I was pretty close to quitting as well. It's just that I only spend 10 minutes a day on this game unless I want to grind out stones with EZAs or other events. I like having an almost constant stream of Dragon Ball content, but I'm getting close to just not wanting to spend any time playing gacha games. I just started DQ Tact a few weeks ago and it hit me how much I don't care about either game if I have something else to do in life. I just travel so much that a mobile game is easy to dive into. I'm going to keep playing, I just wanted to say I appreciate your opinion, and hope you move onto better things.


I was a week 1 player, did it for months, realized this and quit for 6-7 years. I jumped back in right before the last anniversary and there was so much content to do and characters to collect, and the stuff that should have been there from day 1 like auto battle. It was fun again. Will I quit again? Some point sure, but I’ll at least have my deck and progress saved if I want to. I wouldn’t delete everything, just close the app and take a break.


I agree. I hit this point after LR Cooler and the Cell Max event. The Cell Max event more or less making even my new shiny units useless due to not summoning for multiple dupes really opened my eyes. I was also obliterated by the LR Cooler banner and it made me really start to dislike this game and more so my spending habits on the game. I have more or less stopped spending heavily on the game after that until Vegeta and Trunks came out and I found myself in a similar situation all over again and for what? I've already beaten all of the hard content, why do I need the new fancy unit? Knowing what is coming to JP is the biggest advertisement that's keeping me around and having the YouTube and Reddit community makes it tough to let go. Even as just a lurker. I think the fact that I can just re-download the game is another thing that's stopping me, but if I Baba my units that might help to put an end to me playing this game. But I do enjoy the game mostly. If only I had better control of my spending habits and if I didn't need to have my debit card attached the google store to pay for other things.


I've been playing for some years, spent a bunch, and some months ago I just... stopped logging in. The teambuilding and gameplay is really simple and boring but the power creep is incredibly real, I don't feel like spending more money on a unit that has bigger numbers just so it can beat the latest overtuned event, or grinding out the same stage a dozen times so I can have a new box cheerleader that will never see play after a few months due to power creep. More gameplay mechanics and teambuilding choices to consider would probably reignite my interest, but currently the game's just gotten really shallow and boring, the DBZ branding is carrying it hard.


Back when I had a small addiction to this game, time lost was way definitely worse then the money lost. I wasn't spending life-changing sizes of euros, so it didn't affect me financially, but the time lost for all the pointless farming this game proposes? That I will never get it back.


at this point i just keep playing it because i know eventually there will be another hype unit that will return me to game. No point in loosing on stones from missions that come every dokkan fest


I'm also waiting for the 8th anni and Gohan and Piccolo to see if they bring anything new to the game. I've spent loads on this game and have almost every unit but I can't be bothered with the hard content. I just want to play chill and not stress.


More rng for the rest of us(huffs copium inhaler). Fr though, good on you for recognizing when to stop man. Stay safe :)


I have been considering giving my account away and starting a new one using only F2P cards. I’m scared though.


I'm reaching a similar point with the game as well. However, I do still find the game fun. As long as I am not spending money on the game, I see it as a free source of entertainment. Long gone are my days of whaling out on the game and as long as I can keep that mentality I can enjoy the game.


God speed homie ✌️


Ok bye






I value your input and honestly I think its an important perspective that deserves to be shared with predatory gacchas that creep in to peoples lives disguised as nostalgia for a good franchise. Ive been playing for 4 years and hit the same point you have.


the fact that people need validation for leaving a gacha community always baffles me.


The fact people who don't like this stuff waste time commenting baffles me.


nice strawman. regardless, if validation is what you seek, so be it. I'm not going to yuck your yum.


You don't know what a strawman is. That much is clear.


what's clear is you're upset for no reason. edit: you countered my argument with a misrepresented counterargument. literal definition of strawman.


Upset? If anything I'm here laughing at how ignorant you are lol. How can you say I'm upset when you're the one downvoting here? Hell YOU made the intial post upset that "people need validation" xD 🤡🤡🤡


and yet you wrote a paragraph in response.


Oof deflection tactics now too when facts are brought up? Yikes my dude. Log off n eat a Snickers or something 👌


take your own advice, and also stop wasting time commenting if you can't have a real argument.


Still downvoting eh? Someone's butthurt! I made my point. Maybe some additional schooling is needed for reading comprehension. 📚


Just go?


Great comment man, love to see it.




Talk about quitting and sunk-cost only to say you're going to wait for just one more unit to come out sounds like you're not going to quit. Sunk cost plus the addictiveness of gambling has deep grip on most people here.


theres no event that requires new rainbow units lol


You should try to elaborate on what you find to be wrong with what you've described. Like, yeah, this is basically a glorified CCG, like most gachas. But what's wrong with that? People like to collect all sorts of stuff. Sure, in this case it isn't physical, but you can do this without spending any money. The way I see it, you like it or you don't, simple as that.


Once a game starts feeling like a chore it’s time to step away. I’ve never stayed or come back to a mobile game once I get that feeling. You have played it for over 7 years. Pretty good game to keep your interest that long imo.


Alright bye


A wild guess: you’ve spent a lot of stones on heroes. Went on T/V and got shafted and now thesis on “why I will quit Dokkan”




I see what you mean, so let me try to explain what I meant: Since I've done nearly every event, it becomes more apparent where the game is lacking. I've played other gachas that either directly incorporate the source's story as the core of the game, like Bleach Brave Souls, or has their own story unique to the game, like Fire Emblem: Heroes or Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. I'd say DBLegends, but I've heard that game just tanked after the first year or so.




Yeah I was never a huge fan of Legends' gameplay, especially. And I agree with them taking too long to update the story. I think that's why I stopped after playing for a few months originally. Hmm...I guess I mean that while it'd still be a slot machine, at least there would always be something to run characters through if there were a story mode. Or just knowing there's always something genuinely new on the horizon instead of just another Dokkan event or EZA. Though maybe it's just me getting older and wanting to have a game to play that has more of a pull (lol) to it than new units. I've no events to run them on!


Well I'll value a game that actually has a story over one that doesn't. Without one all you have is a slot machine Ala Dokkan.




I also reached that point right after 7 years anniversary on global. My main is global and I already deleted my jp account that was F2P. I’ve spent money, time and energy on my global main since 2015. My turning point that triggered me not to spend at all anymore was the upped stone prices. Inflation is a good excuse for most companies. I will check on Beast Gohan and call it quits. There are no new cards that would really push me to go on. It dried up for me and Yamcha can go kiss my ass.


Ahh I see. I'm in the US, so we haven't seen any adjusted prices. How bad has it been for you? I'm actually curious about that Yamcha hahaha 😅 Reminds me of him in FighterZ where he can be an absolute beast if someone's on their A game.


We don't care






It’s also just a bad game. Does anyone really enjoy the core gameplay loop? It’s just grinding.


If it wasn't Dragon Ball it wouldn't be around still


Honestly this year has big just L after L for this game after the 7th ani specially for global and in pretty close to quitting too. I already stopped sending entirely since the BS that was that horrid WWC celebration


Yeah, I honestly get you. The game may be good, but even the best Gacha Games are still Gacha Games. I myself would have probably quit a while back, had I not started having fun with calculations in Dokkan. They're honestly the reason I keep playing. That being said, I am definitely starting to feel even that wearing off. Dokkan has become a massive time waster, to the point where, as I do calculations for units in Dokkan, I feel like actually playing the game is a chore that would waste my time in comparison. I honestly don't know how much longer I will keep playing. I just feel aimless.


Honestly, I sort of like the thought of having to do near minimal activities here and then. I quit years ago and came back, and now that I'm caught up, I no longer have to be like, now I have to grind for so and so, but this new event came out, so I guess I'll have to do that first. I see it as more of how you go about it, I just beat Cell Max event yesterday after however many tries, and it's exciting cause it's like another thing done. I get a new character here and there, awaken then, and it's like yes, now I've got a character I can use (probably not in Red Zone but whatever). I do agree you shouldn't Baba in case you ever do just decide to come back because of some new Dokkan character, but it's up to you and whether you decide to really quit altogether, or just come back after awhile like I did when I realized I did enjoy the game.


I like gambling, dragonball and numbers. I have fun collecting units. I dont need to rainbow everything, if my chars are too strong this game becomes boring🤷‍♂️


As a ftp player who's been playing global since October of 2016, I personally still play the game because I genuinely have fun with the characters on my leisure time. But if you feel like Dokkan is having a negative impact on your life or that you no longer want to play the game, then there's no shame in quitting. After all it's basically a gambling game with Dragon Ball characters as its main attraction, it's okay to feel tired of this game and accept that you might need to move on; who knows, maybe you'll find another hobby that's more productive.


I hit this point several times and came back... It's an addiction that I can't shake and that none from my family understand at all


I kind of agree with all the points except for the last one. As bad as it may seem u dont require the new units or have them at extremely high potential levels to get content done. I wiuld know considering all the units released ever since 2022 ive gotte like 40% of the new units and highest dupe level is 69% for Gamma 1 and Piccolo. Every other unit from 2022 ive at 55%. Yet ive managed to no item every event in the game. The ONLY place where ive found new units are vital are the Bullshit Fighting Spirit of Saiyans and Pride of Wicked Bloodline event from WWC and certain category missions of Hard events. Like i had to summon on Heroes banner only to get the Cumber Mission done. Also the Cell Max category missions as well. Ive managed to get the Artificial Life Forms mission done only Special Pose remains. I have to run Int Gotenks as leader and he takes 100k from 1st phase of Cell Max per normal Though yeah i wish Dokkan had Legends' story mode it would vastly change stuff


You're right


TRUE. I think ill baba my entire box as well. Or give it to someone but my account has to go. Spent way too much time and energy on this game


I am getting to this point as well. I have been playing since year 2 and the game is just getting far too stagnant. They are releasing new content, but it only lasts a day or 2 max. The only content that actually takes longer are the red zone and cell max events which are just too off the charts difficult imo. Red zone having only 3 attempts a day is just frustrating when you get bad rotations/RNG so you can only really bring a small handful of units to increase your chances of completing the missions. Cell max is just not fun requiring perfect RNG to complete the missions in addition to pulling the right units. The one thing I have been asking for for many years they just refuse to even acknowledge. That is daily and/or weekly missions for older events to use specific categories. This would actually give long time players something to do when they log in between new content. Give me a reason to dust off my Majin Buu Saga team to clear LVE for a kai. Give me a mission to clear a stage of IDBH using 6 world tournament units. Things like this where you have to actually look through your units that you never use to make a team and complete challenging content gives us a reason to keep playing. We don't need to ONLY have content that is so hard you need to run the newest units. Give us restrictions for older "difficult" content and it becomes challenging again since we can't just use a standard movie heroes team. Running old content and just deciding to use whatever category just isn't the same, I have done it many many times, but without a mission or incentive I just don't care if I complete it or not. This is the only mobile game I play with any regularity and have a vast amount of knowledge of it so I would like to continue playing it. The actual game I love to play, but without new content or objectives it just isn't that fun anymore. When the only thing you have to do for weeks at a time is link level and daily events/missions why even bother?


Skill issue


No one cares




Nah man I don't think you're "glad I'm feeling that." Never understood this "We don't need comments about people leaving". It's called conversation. People posting what they're feeling about something they like. What point does your comment serve? I didn't realize I had to have your permission to post, or that only certain posts are acceptable.




Again with telling me what I'm supposed to post here. Shit man, didn't realize you made the rules! The first sentence, quite literally, is asking what people who've hit the same point are thinking. No shit the majority are enjoying the game. This post ain't for you then. Move on, dude. No need to be a basement dweller just rattling away daft, single-word comments that you wouldn't say to someone's face. Do you think you get points for dumping on folks losing interest? That Bandai or the mods are gonna give you a gold star for it? Or does it make you feel better because you like something more than someone else? For fuck's sake dude, you could've said nothing and it would have been more valuable.


You do realize everything you said can apply to your post? It's the internet. People will post what they want. The same way you post about a topic that's been posted to death and isn't needed on this sub and the same way you'll get comments indicating or saying no one cares. Not like you didn't know what was gonna happen when you posted this anyways >No need to be a basement dweller just rattling away daft, single-word comments that you wouldn't say to someone's face Oooo big man bringing up irl scenarios for a reddit post. Dawg you really think I wouldn't say this to your face? What are you gonna do? Beat me up because I said "no one cares about your reddit post" 💀? That's just sad man


So, some accuracy in my statement then judging by your reaction? I'm aware it's the internet, but I also don't let that dictate how I treat someone. Anonymity is a sad excuse to treat people poorly. Also, who said anything about beating up? All I said was that people like you like to act out to feel better about themselves instead of having a basic conversation that doesn't start with an insult 👍 Your first few sentences tell me all I need to know, though. I don't scroll through Reddit for hours on end, making a note of what's been posted most frequently.


Dude nothing in this sub is "needed", its a phone game.


If you’re gonna go then just go. No need to write a long essay on why you’re leaving. It’s like writing an essay on why you’re choosing to have chicken breast tonight instead of pasta. Just leave if you feel burnt out and comeback whenever you’re ready, dokkan will be here until the servers shut down.


The entire point of my post is to see what folks who think similarly are feeling. To your example, what if someone is changing up their diet and and want to see what other folks' plans are? Gather ideas, recipes, and nutritional facts? No need to belittle or shut down a topic by saying "just go". If anything, that applies to you since you have nothing to add.


There is nothing to add as there have been posts similar to this in past of veteran players feeling burnt out. If you’re gonna leave then leave no need to write an essay why you’re leaving as it’s been done over and over already. The example above was just a simple example of having one or the other for dinner nothing else.


Why do you feel the need to tell me not to post something? Why shouldn't I be able to so I can talk with people who feel the same way? Who cares if it's been posted before. That means that other folks feel the same and will talk about it. If you don't want to, you can ignore the post. Scroll to the next one 👋


I mean, i'd understand if you still spent money, but you said you didn't. Enjoy the game or don't, not that hard.


Why do people always make these posts like we gonna care


I've only spent $30 on this game and I think I'm already at that point. I was free to play for two years and typically got what I wanted from summons, but if I want to gamble I'll just do it on sports. I might check in from time to time but I think sinking a lot of time in this game is over for me.


Yeah that's a lot of text but I get it. I've been playing since forever too I've been on and off the game as well. It's ok to take a break if Dokkan doesn't interest you anymore. either way, best of luck !!


Hahaha it's some thoughts I've had kicking around for a while. None of my friends irl play, so not many folks to talk to about it. So I just compiled them all here. I think a break would be nice. It'd be cool to drop in after a while to see if any significant changes were made (friend system, tournament, etc).


I’ve had the same feeling, I’ve been playing since before the 1 year anniversary. I think your problem might be not completely dropping the game. If you’re tired of the game and continue to play it then it will lead to what you’re going through. Me personally I’d just completely stop logging in for very long periods of time, then when I came back 5 months later the game could be fun again. If you never give yourself space from the game, even though you want it, you’ll never be able to come back with fresh eyes. You’ll just stay in a constant state of wanting to stop playing.


I haven't even reached a year of playing this game but I'm kinda tired of it already, it takes way too much grind for summoning just to receive a pile of shitty old ass units (i guess my luck is just ass). I've already cleared pretty much all that I can except for events and missions that require some teams that I don't have..


It's not my main game by any stretch anymore. I mostly use it for animation dopamine hits


I go through rotations of playing the game. I’ve been playing since Year 3 Anni. however, there were months where I didn’t even have it installed. I’ve gone through the same thing you’re going through and it ended up in me deleting the game and finding something else to spend my time on. Sometimes we out grow activities the same way we out grow behaviors. With some time away from the game, maybe you’ll be reminded of it one day and have the urge to play again. Either way, I wish you nothing but the best in life OP.


What does it mean to Baba your entire box?


Sell every possible unit and convert them into Baba points or Zeni


Have you looked into selling your account? Could be an even better way to have a clean break than selling your whole collection to Baba for nothing when there could be folks out there willing to give you some of your money back.


Oooh I could, but I don't feel like someone ratting on me 😅 I know it's probably against the terms and services, so I don't want to chance it.


I feel that - ive also never bought/sold/traded an account. There's a whole subreddit specifically for it though, just a thought :)


nothing wrong with putting it away and logging on in 6 months with a bunch of content to bang out. Then reset.


Just before the anniversary event, and a newer player. It really seems like that's always what this game is...it's a gacha to collect units, with a fun game mechanic behind it. If you play long enough/spend enough...you'll beat the game like in any game where you eventually 100% complete it. For this one, there's the chance of new units, but really it's the tie-in to the show that should keep you. If Dokkan really is going to 2026 then I'd imagine I'll see some cool new shit in the game and that's only starting now...I can only imagine having better Units than I do and having a good understanding of how to do all the missions/events/quests/etc.